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Islamic State Threatening Iraqi City Of Ramadi

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 16 April 2015 | 00.28

Islamic State has captured three villages near the Iraqi provincial capital of Ramadi and is feared to be closing in on the city.

The militant group took the villages of Sjariyah, Albu-Ghanim and Soufiya, in Anbar province, which had been under government control, residents said.

It represents a setback for government forces, which two weeks ago were able to regain control of Tikrit.

Residents of the villages told the AP news agency fighting was taking place on the eastern edges of Ramadi, about 2km away from a local government building.

In Soufiya, the militants bombed a police station and took over a power plant.

The residents said Iraqi troops battling the militants were being backed up by airstrikes.

At around midday on Wednesday, militants opened another front with government troops at three other villages, to the northeast of Ramadi.

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al Abadi is currently in Washington, where he has met President Barack Obama and appealed for greater support from the US-led coalition carrying out airstrikes against the militants.

At least 43 people have been killed in a spate of militant attacks in the last few days.

Iraqi state TV said troops have started a large-scale operation to recapture areas beyond Tikrit.

Islamic State swept through key areas in the north and west of Iraq last year seizing about a third of the country including Mosul.

The group has also previously captured large areas in neighbouring Syria and threatened the Kurdistani city of Irbil.

After its forces were ejected from Tikrit, Iraqi forensic teams exhumed the remains of up to 1,700 soldiers killed as militants overran the city.

00.28 | 0 komentar | Read More

Police Divers Join Search For Missing Student

Police investigating the disappearance of student Karen Buckley in Glasgow are searching a park where her handbag was found.

Police divers, a helicopter crew and search dogs have been deployed to Dawsholm Park, which is bordered on one side by the River Kelvin.

The 24-year-old vanished in the early hours of Sunday after spending Saturday night with friends at Glasgow's Sanctuary nightclub on Dumbarton Road.

She told them at around 1am she was going to the toilet, but failed to return and left her jacket behind.

CCTV spotted her leaving the club with 21-year-old Alexander Pacteau, who then drove her to his flat.

Mr Pacteau is not a suspect, but communal areas outside his flat in Dorchester Avenue have been taped off while officers look for clues.

He told officers she left at 4am. It is believed she was planning to walk back to her flat four miles away in Hill Street.

The student, who studies occupational therapy and is originally from Cork, has not been seen since.

Her parents, who have flown from Ireland to help with the search, said it was typical for her not to use taxis.

Police have increased patrols in the west end, Kelvindale and Anniesland areas of the city, and say they are "gravely concerned" for Ms Buckley's well-being.

Mr Pacteau told officers he was intimate with her at his flat in the early hours of Sunday.

Detective Superintendent Jim Kerr said: "From what we can see, she does not appear to be under duress, there's no signs of a struggle or reluctance on her part to leave the club."

He said Ms Buckley was widely travelled and was "aware of how to take care of herself".


  1. Gallery: Police Search Park After Handbag Of Missing Student Found

    Police officers continue their search of the ground near the flat in Dorchester Avenue where a missing student Karen Buckley spent several hours on Sunday before leaving around 4am

Police forensic officers search the rear gardens of a block of flats in Dorchester Avenue

00.28 | 0 komentar | Read More

Lib Dems: We'll Protect No 10 From 'Extremes'

Nick Clegg has warned against a coalition that would see Nigel Farage or Alex Salmond walk through the doors of Number 10 as he launched his party's manifesto.

The Liberal Democrat leader said that come 8 May either David Cameron or Ed Miliband would be prime minister but they would not win a majority government and would not hold the "balance of power".

He said it could be Mr Farage, it could be the SNP's Mr Salmond or it could be himself and the Liberal Democrats who hold the balance of power after the election.

But he described the Liberal Democrats' manifesto as "an insurance policy against a government lurching off to the extremes".

Mr Clegg said only his party could "add a heart to the Conservatives, and a brain to Labour" and only the Lib Dems could help guarantee the right path between the excessive cuts of the Tories and the excessive borrowing of Mr Miliband's party.

The Lib Dem leader said his party would bring "prosperity for all".

:: Full Coverage Of General Election 2015

:: Liberal Democrats Manifesto At A Glance

He warned voters that a Miliband/Salmond coalition would lead to "reckless borrowing" and urged them to keep Mr Salmond out of Westminster by voting in the Lib Dem candidate in Gordon.

And he said: "Imagine for a moment… what will become of our wonderful country in the next five years if Farage gets in."

:: Five Things We've Learned About The Lib Dem Manifesto

The Liberal Democrats are expected to win between 20 and 40 seats at the General Election and could again play the role of kingmaker as neither Labour nor the Tories are expected to win a majority.

Unveiling his party manifesto at a trendy art space in Battersea, Mr Clegg set out five deal-breakers for any future coalition cautioning against a lurch to the Left or the Right.

He attempted to persuade voters he could be trusted after the U-turn on tuition fees, which cost the party so much support in the early days of the coalition.

The five pledges on the front of the 160-page manifesto are:

:: Ringfence the education budget from age 2-19

:: Additional £8bn a year funding for NHS by 2020

:: Eliminate deficit by 2017-18

:: Raise the income tax personal allowance to £12,500

:: Green laws including decarbonisation target for electricity

Three of them  on the NHS, the deficit and income tax - match promises made in the Conservative manifesto.

Mr Clegg is hoping to persuade voters that his party can be the "proven rock of stability, continuity and conscience".

The Lib Dem leader is keen that people should remember the things the Lib Dems delivered in power - and not the things they could not.

:: Profile Of Nick Clegg

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This includes lifting thousands out of income tax by increasing the personal allowance, a policy the Conservatives have claimed credit for and put at the centre of their 2015 manifesto.

Despite largely being viewed as the scapegoats for unpopular decisions, Mr Clegg, whose manifesto launch was marred by a technical glitch that saw him fall off air during the question session, said that every day in coalition had been worth it because they had helped to make Britain better.

And, like Mr Cameron, he implored voters to be allowed to finish the job.

The Liberal Democrat launch comes on the same day as UKIP's - the other party looking to appeal to the Conservatives in the event of coalition building.

00.28 | 0 komentar | Read More

Japan Scrambles Warplanes At Cold War Levels

Jet fighter scrambles by Japan have soared back to Cold War levels in the face of increased air incursions by neighbouring Russia and China.

Japanese warplanes were sent up 943 times in the year to March - a 16% increase on the previous year - according to the country's Self Defence Force (SDF).

This is the second highest number of intercept flights ever recorded over a 12-month period since records began in 1958 and only one less than a record 944 in 1984.

An SDF spokesman said: "It represents a sharp increase."

Although not a direct measure of Russian and Chinese military activity, the figures indicate an increase in operations by the two countries.

It reflects an increasingly assertive China which is hiking defence spending by more than 10% a year and a resurgent Russia in the wake of Moscow's annexation of Crimea last year.

Japan has also increased defence spending, although to a lesser extent, buying a range of new military hardware, including longer-range patrol aircraft, cargo jets, helicopter carriers and stealth fighters.

The military is also set to be boosted with plans by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to relax constitutional restrictions on the country's defence forces that will allow them to operate more freely overseas and increase cooperation with US forces.

Russian bombers and patrol planes often enter Japan's airspace close to Japan's northern Hokkaido island and close to four smaller islands which are claimed by both countries.

There was also an upturn in Russian reconnaissance flights close to Japan following a missile launch by North Korea last year and joint military exercises held by the US and South Korea around the same time.

Chinese fighter incursions are concentrated in the East China Sea, close to disputed uninhabited islands near Taiwan.

The SDF spokesman said an increased number of Chinese planes have flown through Japanese airspace into the Western Pacific over the last year.

Japan is not the only country contending with increased military activity by Moscow.

RAF Typhoon jets were scrambled this week after Russian military aircraft were identified flying close to UK airspace.

And warships from Russia's Northern Fleet entered the English Channel ahead of planned anti-aircraft and anti-submarine drills.

They are the latest in a series of similar incidents in recent months amid strained relations over Ukraine.

00.28 | 0 komentar | Read More

Pro-Putin Biker Gang Spark Anger Over Ride

Pro-Putin Biker Gang Spark Anger Over Ride

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A Russian biker gang loyal to President Vladimir Putin is planning to ride through Europe to mark the end of the Second World War, triggering anger in Poland.

Plans by the ultra-nationalistic Night Wolves motorcycle club to retrace the westward route taken by Soviet troops to Berlin have been branded a "provocation" by Warsaw.

The rally comes amid heightened tensions between Russia and the West over the crisis in Ukraine, which have fuelled fears of Moscow's wider territorial ambitions.

The two-week, 3,728 mile ride will pass through Belarus, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria and finish in the German capital on 9 May.

The biker gang's website states "To Berlin" - a reference to the Red Army's famous battle cry.


  1. Gallery: Vladimir Putin: Moscow's Action Man

    In deeping with his image as a manage of action, Russia's PM Vladimir Putin makes an archaelogical 'find' on a dive in the Black Sea

Russian PM Vladimir Putin scales a climbing wall during his visit to a pro-Kremlin summer camp


Mr Putin proved himself a natural climber...


...but he had less success bending a pan


Mr Putin (c) refereed an arm wrestling during his visit...

Pro-Putin Biker Gang Spark Anger Over Ride

We use cookies to give you the best experience. If you do nothing we'll assume that it's ok.

A Russian biker gang loyal to President Vladimir Putin is planning to ride through Europe to mark the end of the Second World War, triggering anger in Poland.

Plans by the ultra-nationalistic Night Wolves motorcycle club to retrace the westward route taken by Soviet troops to Berlin have been branded a "provocation" by Warsaw.

The rally comes amid heightened tensions between Russia and the West over the crisis in Ukraine, which have fuelled fears of Moscow's wider territorial ambitions.

The two-week, 3,728 mile ride will pass through Belarus, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria and finish in the German capital on 9 May.

The biker gang's website states "To Berlin" - a reference to the Red Army's famous battle cry.


  1. Gallery: Vladimir Putin: Moscow's Action Man

    In deeping with his image as a manage of action, Russia's PM Vladimir Putin makes an archaelogical 'find' on a dive in the Black Sea

Russian PM Vladimir Putin scales a climbing wall during his visit to a pro-Kremlin summer camp


Mr Putin proved himself a natural climber...


...but he had less success bending a pan


Mr Putin (c) refereed an arm wrestling during his visit...


00.28 | 0 komentar | Read More

Safe Sex Warning Over Ebola Virus In Semen

Traces of Ebola have been found in the semen of a man who had been given the all-clear six months earlier, according to the World Health Organisation.

The man, from Liberia, was declared free of the virus last September.

Ebola was previously detected in semen about three months after a patient was declared virus-free.

The Geneva-based UN health agency is urging survivors of the often deadly virus to practise safe sex "until further notice".

WHO spokesman Mr Jasarevic said the organisation would not be able to give more detailed advice until there was more research on the after-effects of the disease.

"We need to understand better if this particular case is an anomaly or if there really are groups of people who might (carry) parts of the Ebola virus longer," he said.

The WHO's Bruce Aylward says studies are being conducted and talks are under way about whether there should be systematic screening after three months of a patient's recovery to see how they are.


  1. Gallery: The Desperate Fight To Contain The Ebola Outbreak

    A man rests outside the clinic.

A woman is comforted after medical officials remove her husband, who is suspected of having the disease.

00.28 | 0 komentar | Read More

Protester Attacks Draghi At News Conference

Protester Attacks Draghi At News Conference

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The president of the European Central Bank has been interrupted at a news conference by a protester shouting "end ECB dictatorship".

Mario Draghi was outlining the bank's latest monetary policy thinking when a lone woman jumped onto the desk above Mr Draghi and showered him with items including what looked like confetti and sheets of paper.

The bank suspended the video feed of the news conference as security officials grabbed her but she flashed a V for victory sign and smiled as two men in grey suits took her away holding her arms and legs.

Mr Draghi, who had held up his hands as protection, looked shocked but was apparently unhurt and continued his presentation shortly afterwards.

The Reuters news agency reported that activist group Femen was claiming responsibility for the incident on Twitter - although some sources suggested the protester was believed to have left the feminist movement.


  1. Gallery: Protester Disrupts ECB Conference

    A protester jumps on the table in front of the European Central Bank President Mario Draghi during a news conference in Frankfurt, Continue through for more images

Protester Attacks Draghi At News Conference

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The president of the European Central Bank has been interrupted at a news conference by a protester shouting "end ECB dictatorship".

Mario Draghi was outlining the bank's latest monetary policy thinking when a lone woman jumped onto the desk above Mr Draghi and showered him with items including what looked like confetti and sheets of paper.

The bank suspended the video feed of the news conference as security officials grabbed her but she flashed a V for victory sign and smiled as two men in grey suits took her away holding her arms and legs.

Mr Draghi, who had held up his hands as protection, looked shocked but was apparently unhurt and continued his presentation shortly afterwards.

The Reuters news agency reported that activist group Femen was claiming responsibility for the incident on Twitter - although some sources suggested the protester was believed to have left the feminist movement.


  1. Gallery: Protester Disrupts ECB Conference

    A protester jumps on the table in front of the European Central Bank President Mario Draghi during a news conference in Frankfurt, Continue through for more images





00.28 | 0 komentar | Read More

Three Guilty Of Gambler's 'Honeytrap' Death

Three people have been found guilty of the 'honeytrap' death of a professional poker player.

Kyrron Jackson, 28, and Nicholas Chandler, 29, were convicted by a jury of murdering Mehmet Hassan after Jackson's girlfriend Leonie-Marie Granger set the trap.

Care assistant Granger, 25, was found guilty of manslaughter for deliberately targeting the 56-year-old.

Granger had already pleaded guilty of robbery and was found guilty of false imprisonment. The jury found her not guilty of murder.

Chandler had to be restrained by court guards after he began lashing out as the verdicts were handed down.

The court heard how Granger went on dates with Mr Hassan and afterwards reported back that her target was "flashy".

A taxi driver overheard her saying: "This guy is a professional gambler. He has never worked a day in his life."

On the night of the murder, Mr Hassan took Granger to top Mayfair restaurant Nobu before going on to the Palm Beach Casino nearby, where he gave her £1,000 in cash to gamble with.

She was seen kissing the victim "passionately" and a poker supervisor felt compelled to tell the pair to "get a room".

Later he took her back to his Islington flat where she let in her boyfriend Jackson and his friend Chandler as she left to get into a taxi.

The two men used parcel tape to tie up Mr Hassan in his bedroom then kicked him to death and ransacked his home.

The killers were later filmed on Granger's mobile phone throwing wads of £50 notes in the air.

Mr Hassan was a regular at the Playboy Casino on Old Park Lane and the Palm Beach Casino in Berkeley Street, Mayfair, and sometimes won as much as £15,000 at a time.


  1. Gallery: Honeytrap Plot To Kill Professional Poker Player

    Honeytrap plot victim professional gambler Mehmet Hassan

00.28 | 0 komentar | Read More

Ex-NFL Star Aaron Hernandez Guilty Of Murder

By Sky News US Team

Ex-NFL star Aaron Hernandez has been found guilty of first-degree murder.

The former New England Patriots tight end was accused of the execution-style killing of 27-year-old Odin Lloyd in 2013.

The verdict carries a mandatory sentence of life in prison without the possibility of parole for the once highly-regarded football player.

Hernandez's mother, Terri, and his fiancee, Shayanna Jenkins, gasped and sobbed as the verdict was read aloud in court.

Hernandez later turned to them and mouthed: "Be strong. Be strong."

Mr Lloyd was found shot six times in an industrial park not far from Hernandez's Massachusetts home in June 2013.

The semi-professional football player had been dating the sister of Hernandez's fiancee.

Prosecutors said Hernandez, then 23, planned and carried out the murder for reasons that were never made clear to the jury.

Police zeroed in on the football star after investigators found a key to a car that had been rented by Hernandez in Mr Lloyd's pocket.

The defence acknowledged during closing arguments that Hernandez was present when Mr Lloyd was killed, but pinned the shooting on two of the ex-Patriots star's friends.

Those men, Ernest Wallace and Carlos Ortiz, face separate trials in the case.

Mr Lloyd's mother, Ursula Ward, spoke in court after the verdict was read, saying she had forgiven anyone who had a hand in her son's death.

She said her "heart stopped beating for a moment" on the day of her son's funeral.

"I felt like I wanted to go into the hole with my son," Ms Ward said.

Jurors deliberated for more than six days before reaching its decision. The panel also found Hernandez guilty on firearm and ammunitions charges.

The convictions automatically trigger an appeal to Massachusetts' highest court.

Hernandez faces a second murder trial later this year in Boston, where he is charged in the fatal drive-by shooting of two men outside a nightclub.

Once regarded as one of the best young players at his position, Hernandez's downfall from football stardom was swift following his arrest.

He had signed a five-year, $40m (£27m) contract with the Patriots a year before he was charged with Mr Lloyd's killing.

Hernandez will now serve his sentence at a state prison located less than five miles from where the Patriots play their home games.

00.28 | 0 komentar | Read More

Nigel Farage: 'We Want Our Country Back'

Nigel Farage has said his is the only party in the General Election with a "credible plan for immigration".

Launching UKIP's Believe In Britain manifesto at a hotel in Thurrock, Essex, the party leader said the only way Britain could regain control of the issue was by leaving the EU.

He said: "We want our country back and then and only then can we actually control our borders."

The party is also promising to limit work visas for skilled immigrant to 50,000 and introduce an Australian-style immigration system, which would see fewer unskilled people entering the country. 

He said this would ease pressure on schools and doctors' surgeries.

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The UKIP leader also offered a £18bn tax giveaway, saying it was all paid for. Like the Tories, he promised people on the minimum wage should not pay income tax.

He said threshold for paying the 40p rate of income tax should be £55,000 and there should be a new 30p rate between £43,500 and £55,000.

He attempted to put the Tories under pressure with a pledge to "substantially" increase defence spending, committing to spending more than 2% of GDP by 2020.

The measures are likely to be seen as a statement of intent to the Tories over what UKIP will demand if it is to help David Cameron to another five years in power.

:: Five Things We've Learned From UKIP's Manifesto

Mr Farage also said UKIP would push for guaranteed civilian jobs for soldiers after 12 years of service and there would be no income tax for those abroad on active service. They would also build a military hospital.

He denied "putting out feelers" for discussions on a coalition with the Tories and when asked if removing Mr Cameron would be key to any deal he said: "If I was a Conservative I'd want to get rid of David Cameron."

In an attempt to persuade voters UKIP is a serious proposition, the spending pledges in the party manifesto have been verified by the Centre for Economics and Business Research.

The key red line for any Conservative coalition for Mr Farage's party is a referendum on Britain's EU membership.

UKIP insists there should be one "as soon as possible", while Mr Cameron has promised a vote only by the end of 2017.

Mr Farage dismissed his party's 2010 manifesto as "486 pages of drivel" and admitted he had not read it before it was published.

However, he said he had "read, absorbed and understood" the 2015 version.

:: UKIP Manifesto At A Glance

Mr Farage spoke briefly at the manifesto launch before handing over to Deputy Party Chairman Suzanne Evans, who wrote the manifesto and gave details about its policies.

UKIP has been criticised for being a spent force, after its surge in the local and European elections last year when Mr Farage said the party could hold the "balance of power" at the General Election.

:: Nigel Farage Profile

However, UKIP could still influence who gets into Number 10 as they have ruled out a coalition with Labour.

The party launched its manifesto an hour after the Lib Dems, also potential kingmakers.

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00.27 | 0 komentar | Read More

Moroccan Athletes Killed In Bus Crash

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 11 April 2015 | 00.48

At least 31 people have died and nine others hurt in a head-on collision in Morocco between a truck and a coach containing teenage athletes and officials.

Two of the wounded are in a serious condition as a result of the accident which happened near the southern city of Tan-Tan.

Many of those who died were killed in the fire that engulfed the bus after it collided with a tanker carrying hydrocarbons.

The tanker was reportedly flattened.

The coach was reportedly transporting the young people from a national sports competition in Bouznika, a beach resort in the north between the capital Rabat and Casablanca.

Report said 10km runner Hassan Issengar, a well-known Moroccan sportsman, was among the dead.

Road accident fatalities have increased in recent years as more Moroccans own cars.

Although the main cities are linked by motorways, much of the country is still limited to two-lane, poorly maintained roads.

About 4,000 people die on the roads of Morocco each year, the equivalent of about 11 people a day in a country of 34 million people.

The worst road accident happened in September 2012 when 42 people died after their bus plunged into a ravine.

00.48 | 0 komentar | Read More

Scone Way Round! PM In Jam Over Cream Tea

It's been a food-themed week for the Prime Minister - from eating a hot dog with a knife and fork in Poole, to his haggis and square sausage breakfast in Edinburgh, and now Sconegate in Devon.

The age-old question baffling David Cameron today is what comes first - the jam or the cream?

Choosing the 'correct' answer is something that divides the South West into the jam-first Cornish and the cream-first Devonians.

But the PM got it wrong: favouring the Cornwall method in Devon.

Eek, that is a food faux pas that will tickle the local press.

And the South West media will be getting used to seeing Mr Cameron in their patch.

:: For full coverage of the General Election click here

The Tory election mantra is there are only 23 more seats needed for a majority so the key to this campaign is focus - targeting the most marginal seats.

And just as voters in different parts of the country layer their jam and cream up differently, they also have varying political tastes.

In Plymouth in Devon, there is the traditional Labour v Tory fight.

But earlier in the week when we visited North Cornwall, the Conservatives had their coalition rivals in mind.

In fact, the repeated visits to the South West are, in part, to do with a belief that here Lib Dems could be the softest targets, whose downfall could help push the Tories towards a majority.

The Prime Minister told me that he tends to go jam first when it comes to a tasty scone.

But politically speaking, he will use any technique that might work when it comes to winning seats in the South West.

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00.48 | 0 komentar | Read More

Shaker Maker: Form Your Own Virtual Government

Fancy creating your own unique power-sharing coalition? Have an urge to slash support for your political rivals by half?

Well, you're in luck, we're giving you the chance to build your own government in our Shaker Maker interactive feature.

It's called Shaker Maker because it allows you to make your own government by shaking your mobile device - or clicking a button if you're on desktop.

You can see what shape a government would take based either on the current poll of polls or on figures you enter yourself.

Our Political Editor Faisal Islam then pops up on video to explain whether what you've created is viable or not.

Click here for Shaker Maker and check out the various possibilities -  or just hit the Election 2015 tab on the Sky News website or mobile app.

00.48 | 0 komentar | Read More

Jewel Heist: How Easy Was Vault Break-In?

Drilling experts have demonstrated on Sky News how burglars would have broken through a two-metre-thick wall in a lucrative raid at the heart of London's diamond centre.

They said those behind the heist would have had to use specialist power tools costing thousands of pounds to get through reinforced concrete walls in the basement of the building in Hatton Garden.

But that is a tiny fraction of what the burglars are expected to make from breaking into as many as 70 boxes inside Hatton Garden Safe Deposit Ltd.

Video of an expert using a similar drill on a large block of concrete shows just how big the scale of the operation was - after a minute, it had hardly scratched the surface.

Joel Vinsant, secretary of the Drilling and Sawing Association, told Sky News: "It would take anything from 45 minutes to an hour-and-a-half - it's two metres thick so they'd need specialist equipment."

The thieves would also have needed a constant water supply to keep the drill cool as it powered through the thick wall, he said.

"They'd have a lot to set up in terms of getting it under way," he said.

The thieves are thought to have accessed the building on upper floors. Police believe they disabled a lift and climbed down the shaft into the basement, but there was no sign of forced entry anywhere in the building, which the safe deposit company is only part of.

Officers found a scene of chaos when the theft was discovered on Tuesday, with dust, debris and power tools strewn across the floor.

On Thursday, they said only a few people would have the skills to carry out the "sophisticated" operation over the Easter weekend.

Former Flying Squad member John O'Connor has suggested the criminals would have needed help from someone with inside knowledge.

Victims are still being identified, but they are likely to have been left millions of pounds out of pocket.

Sky's Crime Correspondent Martin Brunt said one jeweller had told him that five of his customers were victims - one had lost emeralds, diamonds and other valuables to the tune of £1m.

He said: "Other customers have told us that they use this safe deposit centre to avoid big insurance premiums, so some of the stuff here won't have been insured.

"A little while ago somebody came and stuck two letters on the sign here in front of the word 'Safe' so it read 'Unsafe' - it was there for a few minutes and reflected a pretty sombre and angry mood here."

00.48 | 0 komentar | Read More

Man Critical After Being Hit By Tube Train

A man has been critically injured after he was reportedly hit on the head by a Tube train as he bent down to pick up his bag.

The victim was struck by an oncoming Northern line service at Stockwell station around 9am as commuters watched in horror and were "visibly very distressed".

The south London station was closed as medics treated the man whose head was reportedly covered in blood.

The man, believed to be in his 20s, was later taken to hospital where he is in a critical condition.

Witness Chris Duncan tweeted: "Was on this train. Awful. Man hit in the head by oncoming Tube train in horrific accident."

Isabelle Zonderland told London's Evening Standard:  "I was on the Tube when it happened. He got hit only metres from our carriage.

"When we were let off the Tube I saw him lying there. Someone who I believe was on the platform was checking for a pulse. His face was covered in blood."

Actor Raj Lucas told the same publication: "I was about midway on the platform and the Tube was pulling in and suddenly I heard screams from the start of the platform.

"The people closer to the incident (who saw it) were visibly very distressed."

London Underground has begun an investigation into the incident. It claimed the station had been busy but the platform was not overcrowded.

Nick Brown, the company's chief operating officer, said: "Just before 9am a passenger on a Northern line platform was struck by a train entering Stockwell station.

"Our emergency response team and the London Ambulance Service attended the scene.

"We are investigating the incident to understand exactly what happened but we have already established that while the station was busy, the platform was not overcrowded."

Last month, Londoner Nick Mann, 35, died of severe head injuries when he attempted to save his 32-year-old brother Robert from being struck by a train at Old Street Tube station.

Robert Mann remains in hospital.

On 12 March, a rush-hour passenger was dragged along Clapham South Tube station in south London after getting her coat caught in a train door.

The woman ended up falling into the gap between two carriages of the Northern line train and was taken to hospital with serious arm and head injuries.

The incident is being investigated by the Rail Accident Investigation Branch.

00.48 | 0 komentar | Read More

Boy, 13, Locked Up For 11 Years For Murder

A 13-year-old boy who admitted stabbing a man to death has been locked up for at least 11 years.

The child, who cannot be named for legal reasons, pleaded guilty to murdering Christopher John Barry, 53, in Edmonton, north London, last December.

The youngster's mother wept in court as he was sentenced at the Old Bailey.

The court heard the child had left a 13th birthday party with a group of friends to see another boy who was heading home on to a bus.

But on the their way back to the party, they went to the wrong block of flats and came across one of its residents, Mr Barry, who was outside the building with his girlfriend.

Mr Barry - a builder who was originally from Cobh, Co Cork - refused to let the three boys into the flats, the court heard.

After some "pushing and shoving" between Mr Barry and the boys, the defendant managed to get in the building.

He followed Mr Barry into the lift, pulled out a kitchen knife from his rucksack and said: "What you saying now? What you saying now?"

The boy then stabbed Mr Barry twice, the court was told.

A short time later, he collapsed in a pool of blood and went into cardiac arrest, she said.

Mr Barry died shortly afterwards.

Sabrina Finn, the girlfriend of Mr Barry - who was known as Jack - said in a victim impact statement: "I'm back at work now and although I walk, talk and look the same as I did before, inside I'm tired and my heart is broken.

"Jack and I had four happy years together and this young man has taken that away from me."

After the attack, the boy - who had been a gang member since he was 10 - told one friend he was going to prison and texted another: "OK, if anyone asks, I wasn't there today".

In his sentencing remarks, Judge Stephen Kramer told the boy: "You are only 13 years old but shortly after 7.30pm on the evening of 14 December, 2014, you were carrying a knife in your bag.

"You wanted to get into a block of flats but you went to the wrong block with tragic consequences for everyone involved."

He took into account the boy's remorse, which his mother wrote about in a letter that was not read out in court.

The judge said the letter also detailed a "troubled background as well as positive aspects".

The boy's lawyer, Michael Turner QC, described the case as "unique" and said in all his years as a barrister it was the only time such a young defendant had pleaded guilty to murder.

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Woman Accused Of 10 Marriages Without Divorce

By Sky News US Team

A woman accused of marrying 10 times without divorce in a sham-marriage scam has appeared in a New York City court.

Liana Barrientos, 39, of the Bronx, pleaded not guilty on Friday to two felony charges of filing a false instrument, involving marriage licences.

According to the indictment, in March 2010 Barrientos married Salle Keita, of Mali, stating on a licence that it was her first and only marriage.

But authorities suspect she wed nine other times, between 1999 and 2002, to help foreign nationals gain US residency.

Police say Barrientos is currently married to four people and was once wed to eight.

Until recently she was living with her boyfriend, who is not thought to be one of the 10 men she is accused of marrying.

Prosecutors say the other bogus grooms were from Egypt, Turkey, Pakistan, Bangladesh, the Czech Republic and the former Soviet republic of Georgia.

Groom number eight, Rashid Rajput, was deported in 2006 to Pakistan after an investigation by the Joint Terrorism Task Force.

On each marriage licence, Barrientos allegedly used variations of her name and her real Social Security number.

US immigration officials brought the case to the attention of the Bronx County District Attorney's Office.

She faces up to four years in prison if convicted.

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14-Year-Old Sentenced For New Year Killing

A 14-year-old boy who killed a man on a street moments after wishing him a "Happy New Year" has been detained for three years.

Kyle Major, from Blackpool, followed his victim and knocked him to the ground by punching him in the back of the head from behind in an unprovoked attack.

Father-of-two Paul Walker, 52 and also from Blackpool, was believed to be unconscious before he hit the ground.

A passer-by found Mr Walker lying face down in the street in the early hours of New Year's Day this year. 

His hands were still in his pockets when paramedics arrived.

He died shortly after in hospital.

Before Mr Walker was attacked, he had asked Major's friends for directions in Sutton Place, Blackpool.

He had become lost after leaving his sister's New Year's Eve party "in good spirits", the court heard.

He came across the group of youths - including Major - who told him where he was.

A girl in the group said Mr Walker seemed "lost, disorientated and affected by alcohol" but was "nice and friendly".

Major was heard to wish Mr Walker "Happy New Year".

But moments later the defendant and a male friend followed Mr Walker.

After felling him, Major ran off and later texted another friend: "I'm scared. Don't want to go to jail. Two/four years. Don't say anything."

He later claimed his friend filmed the attack on his phone, but no such footage has been found.

Major initially denied any involvement in the attack when arrested, but later pleaded guilty to manslaughter.

Sentencing him at Preston Crown Court, Judge Anthony Russell QC said: "Your upbringing was unfortunate. You have been allowed to run wild.

He added: "Unprovoked violence of this kind is completely unacceptable and will be punished."

Major stared blankly ahead throughout the proceedings. He showed no emotion as he was led from the dock.

On the night of the attack, the boy had drunk six bottles of lager and a quarter of a bottle of whiskey, the court heard.

His parenting was described as "out of control" and he had seven previous convictions for non-violent offences such as burglary and theft.

The boy's lawyer, Julie Taylor, said at the time of the attack her client "was somebody at that stage in his life who perhaps did not have the parental guidance he needed at that time".

She said Major was now "extremely remorseful" and apologised to Mr Walker's family for what he had done.

Ms Taylor said Major's current foster family said he showed "a caring and kind side" when under their guidance.

One of Mr Walker's sons stormed out of the court as that comment was made.

Family members described Mr Walker as "a lovely man with a big heart", and his sister Harriet said she had not only lost a brother but "her best friend".

Judge Russell lifted reporting restrictions on naming the juvenile following an application from the media that the public interest in identifying the child outweighed his welfare.

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Jewel Heist: Victims' Anger As Alarm Ignored

The Metropolitan Police has come under fire after it emerged officers initially failed to go to the scene of the Hatton Garden jewel heist despite a burglar alarm going off.

A security firm had contacted the force about an intruder alert at the safe deposit company shortly after midnight on Good Friday.

But the call was graded in a way that meant officers did not consider it worthy of a response.

And it was not until Tuesday morning, following the four-day bank holiday Easter weekend, that the raid - one of Britain's biggest - was discovered.

The Met is now investigating why the force did not respond to the alarm activated as the heist in London's jewellery district was thought to be getting under way.

Police insisted it was too early to say if the handling of the call about the alert would have had an impact on the outcome.

But the revelations have led to anger from potential victims who spoke of their shock that the police "just weren't there".

Michael Miller, from Knightsbridge, who may have lost £50,000 in uninsured jewellery, said: "I am just so shocked and disappointed to hear the police didn't answer that alarm.

"I mean before, we thought maybe the police didn't even know about that but now we know that they knew something was wrong.

"This completely changes things, the knowledge that something could have been done.

"The police pride themselves on being somewhere in a couple of minutes, but on this occasion they just weren't there."

A store owner near the scene, who did not wish to be named, said: "It's just shocking that someone didn't answer that call that come in when the alarm went off.

"You think what on earth isn't a high priority call if it's isn't a safe deposit alarm going off in there.

"I know they're investigating but really what is the good of that when the damage is done. There are people who will have lost their livelihoods because of this."

Scotland Yard said: "The call was recorded and transferred to the police's CAD (computer aided despatch) system. A grade was applied to the call that meant that no police response was deemed to be required.

"We are now investigating why this grade was applied to the call. This investigation is being carried out locally."

Those behind the raid disabled a communal lift shaft and climbed down to the basement before using power tools to drill through a two-metre wall into the vault.

Once inside, they ransacked a total of 72 safety deposit boxes, although five were empty at the time.

A further 11 were due to be "drilled out" due to non-payment of fees, meaning detectives are attempting to contact a total of 56 box holders.

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Miliband Attacks SNP's '£7.6bn Black Hole'

Ed Miliband has visited Scotland for the first time in the election campaign - claiming SNP policy would cause a £7.6bn black hole that would need to be funded by cuts or tax rises.

Sharing a platform with Scottish Labour leader Jim Murphy and Ed Balls he attacked SNP plans for full fiscal autonomy for Scotland.

He said SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon's announcement on Wednesday that nationalist MPs at Westminster could vote for autonomy for Scotland as early as next year was "one of the most significant" events of the campaign.

Ms Sturgeon dismissed Mr Miliband's attack as "desperate" and said the only cuts facing Scottish voters are "the ones that the Tories are proposing and Labour are backing".

:: For full coverage of the General Election click here


  1. Gallery: Election 2015: Sky News' Poll Of Polls

    Almost half (46%) of voters would back the SNP at the General Election, according to Sky's latest poll of Scottish polls

In Sky's poll of polls on 10 April, Labour have a 2% lead over the Tories


The projection, compiled by Sky's election analyst Michael Thrasher, would give the SNP 49 seats in the House of Commons, compared with 290 for Labour, 265 for Conservatives, 20 for Lib Dems, two for UKIP, and 24 for others


Labour are under massive pressure north of the border thanks to soaring support for the SNP, which could cost them dozens of seats and even deprive them of a majority.

Almost half (46%) of voters would back the SNP at the General Election, according to Sky's latest poll of Scottish polls.

The projection, compiled by Sky's election analyst Michael Thrasher, would give the SNP 49 seats in the House of Commons, compared with 290 for Labour, 265 for Conservatives, 20 for Lib Dems, two for UKIP, and 24 for others.

:: Ed Miliband Profile: The Picture Imperfect Leader

Scottish nationalists hope to wrestle full control over taxation and spending for Scotland if they win kingmaker position in the May 7 election.

But Mr Miliband said this would mean a "£7.6bn black hole" in Scotland's finances that "would need to be filled with more taxes on working people or more borrowing".

"This strikes to the very heart of what I believe in. I will never sell Scotland short by signing up to the SNP's plans," he said.

He challenged the SNP to say where cuts would be made to service the funding gap.

"Which services will be cut? Which taxes will be raised? And what cuts will it mean for pensioners in Scotland when they are taken out of the UK pensions system?" he said.

"The SNP claim in this campaign to be proposing no reductions in spending, but in fact they are planning dramatic reductions in spending. They must now come clean."

Mr Miliband also attacked the Conservatives, saying their campaign is descending into "desperation and panic" after David Cameron unveiled plans to freeze commuter rail fares and offer workers three paid days off for volunteering.

He accused the Tories of deploying personal abuse and "unfunded and unbelievable promises" in their efforts to keep Mr Cameron in power.

Mr Murphy has previously been careful to put distance between himself and Labour's Westminster leadership, saying: "I'm my own man".

It was the first time the two men have shared a platform since the start of the campaign.

Mr Murphy began the speeches, saying his party are "determined to end this Tory austerity".

He said the SNP's plans for fiscal autonomy had not been thought through and were a "slogan in search of a policy".

:: Full Coverage Of General Election 2015

Earlier, Ms Sturgeon denied there are billions of pounds of cuts on the horizon under her autonomy plan.

"This is desperation on the part of the Labour Party," she said while campaigning on the streets of Stirling.

"Instead of putting forward a positive case of their own, they are resorting to the same fears and smears that they resorted to during the referendum.

"The truth is the only cuts on the horizon for Scotland are the ones that the Tories are proposing and Labour are backing."

Defence Secretary Michael Fallon, who was accused of dragging politics into the gutter by saying Mr Miliband had "stabbed his own brother in the back" to lead Labour, said the SNP "are already pulling Labour's strings".

"Nicola Sturgeon makes a statement, and the Labour leader rushes to Edinburgh to respond," he said.

"If it's like this now, imagine what it would be like with the SNP propping up Ed Miliband in Downing Street. Borrowing, taxes, our defence policy - all of it would have to be signed off by the SNP."

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Europe's Most Notorious Jewellery Heists

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 09 April 2015 | 00.27

As detectives hunt those who raided around 70 safety deposit boxes in London - potentially making off with millions of pounds of diamonds - we look at some of the most notorious European heists of recent years.

::  Carlton Hotel, Cannes - £88m, July 2013

A lone gunman enters the hotel in the luxury French resort in broad daylight and less than a minute later escapes on foot with a suitcase full of jewels that were on show in the lobby.

The stash included pink and yellow diamonds, emeralds and sapphires.

It is one of many robberies blamed on the "Pink Panther" gang, who Interpol say have snatched jewels worth more than £280m since 1999.

The gang is thought to be a loosely-affiliated group of several hundred criminals from the former Yugoslavia.

:: Cannes Film Festival - £2m, May 2013

Thieves make off with a £1.7m necklace during a celebrity party attended by the likes of Sharon Stone and Paris Hilton.

A week earlier, £660,000 of Chopard jewels had also been stolen when a safe was ripped from a hotel wall.

:: Brussels Airport - £30m, February 2013

Dressed as police and armed with machine guns, eight men cut through fences and hold up a plane packed with 120 boxes of uncut diamonds.

Some of the robbers stand in front of the aircraft with their laser sights pointing at the pilots.

Passengers waiting to take off have no idea the robbery is taking place - it lasts barely 10 minutes.

Thirty-three people were arrested in connection with the robbery in May 2013.

:: Diarsa, Madrid - £19.5m, December 2012

The gang - whose ringleader was known as The Troll - use laser equipment to break into a distribution centre where they crack open safes and scoop up more than 1,700 luxury watches.

No alarms are triggered and they later try to sell the loot on the Chinese black market.

Seventeen of the group were eventually arrested after some of them splashed out on luxury holidays and yacht hire.

:: Graff jewellers, London - £40m, August 2009

Wearing make-up and suits to pose as legitimate customers, the gang carries out Britain's biggest jewellery raid in just two minutes.

Once inside the Mayfair store they pull guns on unsuspecting staff.

The group's ringleader takes a shop assistant hostage and fires at a security guard as he makes his escape. 

Police eventually tracked down the gang of four and they were jailed for up to 23 years.

:: Harry Winston jewellers, Paris - £74m, December 2008

With some of the gang dressed as women and wearing wigs, the exclusive Champs-Elysees store is stripped of rings, necklaces and watches.

The window display and back room storage are both cleaned out as it is raided for the second time in a year.

Several employees are coshed over the head with handguns as robbers refer to them by name.

Millions of pounds of the loot was found in a drain in a Paris suburb in 2011, but most remains missing.

Eight men were finally jailed for the robbery this year.

:: Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam - £76m, February 2005

Thought to be the biggest diamond heist ever, two men in stolen KLM airline uniforms hijack a truck laden with uncut diamonds on the airport tarmac.

The drivers are forced out at gunpoint and made to lie on the ground before the pair speed off.

The vehicle was later found abandoned but the diamonds and suspects were long gone - the crime is still unsolved but police suspect an inside job.

:: Antwerp Diamond Centre, Belgium - £70m, February 2003

An Italian group known as the The School of Turin pulls off a diamond robbery said to be four years in the planning and described as the "heist of the century".

The haul was so large the gang could not carry all the stones and left the floor littered with jewels.

No alarms were tripped, despite security including infrared heat detectors, a seismic detector and a lock with more than 100 million combinations.

Guards did not realise until the following day.

A half-eaten sandwich discarded during the getaway provided DNA evidence that led to the group's ringleader - but the fate of the diamonds remains a mystery.

:: O2, London - £350m, November 2000 - The foiled plot

The gang barge through gates using a JCB digger and let off smoke bombs as they try to smash display cases with sledgehammers and a nail gun.  

Their target was a collection of 12 diamonds, including De Beers' flawless 203-carat Millennium Star stone.

It could have been the world's biggest robbery but police were tipped off about the audacious plan and had swapped the jewels with imitations.

Armed police disguised as cleaners helped round up the gang, who were planning to make their getaway on the River Thames on a speedboat.

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Cop Shot Fleeing Man Like He Was 'Running Deer'

By Sky News US Team

The father of a black South Carolina man who was killed while fleeing a white policeman has said the officer shot his son as if he was trying to "kill a deer running through the woods".

Patrolman Michael Slager, 33, has been charged with murder over last Saturday's death of 50-year-old Walter Lamer Scott in the city of North Charleston.

A bystander captured video which appears to show the policeman firing eight shots at Mr Scott, who was running away at the time.

The two men had apparently engaged in a brief scuffle following a traffic stop for a faulty brake light.

The dead man's father, Walter Scott Sr, told NBC's Today Show on Wednesday: "It looked like he was trying to kill a deer or something, running through the woods."

Mr Scott Sr said his son may have fled because he owed child support money.

He said his "heart was broken" upon seeing the video.

Mr Scott Sr also told NBC that without the footage "it would have never come to light. They would have swept it under the rug, like they did with so many others."

North Charleston Mayor Keith Summey said on Wednesday that Slager had been fired and all officers in the city would in future wear body cameras.

In the footage, the officer is seen with his weapon raised before firing at the fleeing man. Mr Scott falls face-first to the ground.

Authorities said the officer opened fire after using a stun gun on Mr Scott.

Slager said into his police radio after the shooting that Mr Scott had taken his stun gun.

The video shows the patrolman handcuffing the victim as he lies on the ground, before walking back to a spot near where he opened fire.

The footage then shows him appearing to pick something up, return to Mr Scott, then drop it next to him on the ground.

Mr Scott was hit by five bullets - three times in the back, once in the upper buttocks and once in the ear, said family lawyer Chris Stewart, quoting a coroner. 

The dead man's brother, Anthony Scott, said his late sibling was a father of four who served for two years in the US Coast Guard.

Slager, who was with North Charleston Police for five years, is being held without bail on a murder charge that could carry the death penalty.

The victim's family plans to sue Slager, the department and the city, alleging that his civil rights were violated, a family lawyer said.

The mayor said the city would continue to cover health insurance for Slager's wife, who is eight months pregnant, until she has the baby.

Nearly half of North Charleston's 100,000 population is black, according to Census data.

But some 18% of its police force is African American, the local Post and Courier newspaper reported last year.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation and the US Justice Department has also launched an investigation into the shooting, which comes after a series of police killings of unarmed black men.

The deaths of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and Eric Garner on Staten Island both led to nationwide protests.

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