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Britons Told To Leave Kurdish Capital Irbil

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 09 Agustus 2014 | 00.48

Britons have been warned to leave Irbil, the capital of Kurdish Iraq, as Islamist fighters move towards the city.

The move comes as UK Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said Britain was offering help to the Americans in their efforts to provide humanitarian support to people trapped by the advance.

British Airways has suspended its flights over the war-torn region, after the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued a notice "restricting US operators" from flying over Iraqi airspace.

About 50,000 members of the Yazidi community, including many women and children, have been forced to flee into the Sinjar mountains in northwest Iraq following threats from fighters from Islamic State (IS) - previously known as ISIS or ISIL.

IS militants have moved across northern Iraq and are also said to be threatening Kurdish territory.

Christian refugees who have fled to Irbil Christian refugees who have fled Irbil, which is now threatened by IS

The Foreign Office advised against all travel to areas hit by recent fighting and said Britons already in Kurdistan, including those in Irbil, should remove themselves from areas nearby.

A statement outlining the updated travel advice said: "The FCO advise against all travel to Anbar, Ninewah, Salah-ad-Din and Diyala provinces and all of the area south of Kirkuk City limits in Tam'mim province.

"The FCO also advise against all travel to those areas of the Kurdistan Region (Irbil, Suleymania and Dohuk provinces)."

Mr Fallon said the UK was ready to offer help to the US operation.

He told Sky News: "We welcome what the Americans are doing, in particular to bring humanitarian relief and to prevent any further suffering.

Anti-ISIS protest outside Whitehall People gather at an anti-IS protest outside Downing Street in London

"But our focus is on assisting that humanitarian mission using our military in support of the Americans, in terms of refuelling and surveillance, to under pin their mission and to add to it with food drops of our own."

His comments came as it emerged that the US had carried out airstrikes to hit IS forces on the ground.

Earlier, David Cameron had insisted the world must help the Yazidi community in their "hour of desperate need".

The Prime Minister said he "utterly" condemned "the barbaric attacks", adding he was "especially concerned" for people trapped on Mount Sinjar.

He added that he fully backed President Obama's decision to press ahead with airstrikes, which he said had been requested by the Iraqi government.

Iraqi Ambassador to the UK Faik Nerwayi told Sky News that he had heard the the airstrikes had already brought a wave of optimism to some of the those who had been forced to flee.

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Nigel Farage 'Set To Stand As MP In Kent'

UKIP leader Nigel Farage is expected to stand as an MP for the South Thanet constituency in the General Election, Sky sources say.

Mr Farage is reportedly on a shortlist of candidates for the Kent seaside seat.

Recent polling has said there were two constituencies where his party could win.

One is Thurrock in Essex, where there is already a UKIP candidate, and the other is South Thanet, that includes the towns of Ramsgate and Broadstairs.

Mr Farage had already said he was planning to stand at next year's General Election, which prompted speculation about which constituency he could choose.

Sky's Political Correspondent Sophy Ridge said: "The reason that he has chosen the South Thanet seat is pretty simple.

"It's because he thinks this is his best chance of being elected to parliament."

Ramsgate The South Thanet constituency includes the town of Ramsgate

Rozanne Duncan, the secretary of the local branch, told the Financial Times: "It is the worst-kept secret in town. We now have two names on the list and one of them is Mr Farage.

"Whether he will get selected or not is another matter... although I'd be surprised if he doesn't."

Mr Farage has previously dropped heavy hints that he will seek election in South Thanet - where Tory incumbent Laura Sandys is standing down.

The UKIP leader, who is also an MEP, was born in Kent and lives there.

A party spokeswoman said: "The branch are starting to receive nominations from people interested in standing, but there's no shortlist of candidates yet.

"Even when there is a shortlist of candidates finalised for hustings, that list will be kept confidential. We are still a long way off announcing a candidate for Thanet South."

Mr Farage unsuccessfully challenged Commons Speaker John Bercow in his Buckingham seat in 2010.

However, since then UKIP has made some significant electoral advances - including coming top in European polls in May.

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Huge Supermoon To Accompany Meteor Shower

A huge "supermoon" will accompany this year's Perseid meteor shower, in one of the most dramatic astronomical events of the year.

More than 100 meteors an hour speed by during the annual display, which takes place on the second week of August.

The shower is due to reach its peak on Tuesday, but this year the display has a shining rival - the Moon.

On Sunday the Moon will become full as it reaches the point in its orbit that is closest to the Earth, known as perigee.

It will appear up to 14% bigger and 30% brighter than other full moons during the year.

BULGARIA-ASTRONOMY-METEOR-SHOWER-PERSEIDS The Perseids are an annual spectacle

It could mean that the meteor shower does not stand out as much as it would on a typical year.

Dr Bill Cooke from Nasa's Meteoroid Environment Office said: "Lunar glare wipes out the black-velvety backdrop required to see faint meteors, and sharply reduces counts."

But he said that the Perseids were "rich in fireballs as bright as Jupiter or Venus" that would remain visible despite the Moon's glare.

Tony Markham, director of the Society for Popular Astronomy's meteor section, said skywatchers should stay optimistic.

"The Perseids are rich in bright meteors and so many Perseids will still be seen despite the moonlit sky background," he said.

The moon rises over the temple of Poseidon Supermoons appear brighter and larger than normal

"If possible, keep the Moon hidden behind trees or a nearby building."

The best time to see the meteors is between Saturday and Wednesday, with activity peaking on Tuesday.

At perigee, the Moon is around 31,000 miles closer than when it is furthest away from the Earth.

Supermoons occur every 13 months and 18 days, but are not always noticed because of clouds or poor weather.

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Glasgow Flying Palestinian Flag Prompts Row

Glasgow's council has provoked controversy by flying the flag of the Palestinian people from the City Hall.

The council said it had decided to fly the flag - a green, white and black tricolour with a red triangle at one end - as a mark of support for those affected by the violence in Gaza.

The banner was erected on one of the flag poles outside Glasgow City Hall on Friday morning.

It came about after the mayor of Bethlehem, which in twinned with Glasgow, wrote to the city's Lord Provost, asking Glasgow to show solidarity.

Although Bethlehem is in the West Bank, the city council said it felt it was necessary to fly the flag to support all the people in the Palestinian Territories.

It has prompted outrage from Jewish groups, who say it will not achieve anything.

Deputy leader of Glasgow City Council Archie Graham Deputy Leader of Glasgow City Council Archie Graham

Jewish Representative Council president Paul Morron told Sky News: "Flying the Palestinian flag achieves nothing.

"It's the worst form of politics. It's not going to change views and minds. Glasgow council should also be flying the Israeli flag."

A letter sent to the Mayor of Bethlehem from Glasgow's Lord Provost, Councillor Sadie Docherty, said: "I offer heartfelt sympathy to the people of Gaza who are suffering during this most recent outbreak of violence.

"Glasgow is home to many friends of Palestine and this is a deeply distressing time for them.

"They represent a variety of ethnicities, political persuasions, faiths and none. However, they are united by a common desire to support the Palestinian people.

Glasgow City Hall The flag is being flown outside Glasgow City Hall

"In solidarity with Bethlehem and Palestine, Glasgow City Council will raise the Palestinian flag on Friday August 8."

Councillor Archie Graham, deputy leader of Glasgow City Council, said the council had had a lot of emails from residents asking for them to show their support for the people of Gaza

He told Sky News: "If any of our twin cities find themselves in difficulties, then we jump to help, of course we do.

"We met with people from the Jewish Representative Council ... The last thing we want to do is offend anyone and we absolutely condemn any anti-Semitism anywhere and we feel for the victims of the conflict no matter which side they are on.

"We are working with the Jewish Representative Council to try and allay any fears they might have but we feel absolutely that we have to show solidarity with the victims of this conflict, many of whom are innocent children."

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Man Dies After E-Cigarette Explodes Into Flames

A 62-year-old man has died after his e-cigarette exploded and ignited a home oxygen machine he is believed to have been using.

The unnamed victim's body was found in the living room of a property in Wallasey, Merseyside.

An investigation by Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service found an e-cigarette that had been charging caught fire and ignited an oxygen concentrator, which may have been in use by the man.

There was a small amount of smoke damage to the property, but the fire was out by the time firefighters arrived.

An inquest will be held to determine the cause of death.

It is the ninth fire involving e-cigarettes on Merseyside alone this year, fire chiefs said.

Area manager Myles Platt, from MFRS, said: "The investigation into the cause of this fire is continuing but at this stage it is thought that the charging device being used at the time may not have been the one supplied with the e-cigarette.

"We urge people to always use electrical equipment in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and guidance, always ensure that no electrical items are left charging overnight or left unattended for a long period when being charged and do not mix parts from different e-cigarettes.

"Only use the original charger or electrical cables supplied and ensure you purchase electrical items from a reputable source."

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Ukraine: 15 Die In Battle To Free Soldiers

Fifteen Ukrainian soldiers and border guards have been killed during an operation to free army units who were trapped by pro-Russian rebels on the border.

Government forces opened up an escape corridor and the units were able to force their way out after being effectively encircled by separatists south of Luhansk and east of Donetsk.

"Seven service staff and eight border guards were killed and 79 injured," Ukrainian military spokesman Andriy Lysenko said.

Pro-Kiev troops say they are making gains in the east of the country as they battle heavily-armed separatists in a conflict which began in April and has claimed more than 1,100 lives.

An armed pro-Russian separatist stands in front of damaged buildings following what locals say was shelling by Ukrainian forces in Donetsk A building apparently damaged by Ukrainian forces

At least three civilians were reportedly killed and 10 others were wounded in overnight shelling of the main rebel stronghold of Donetsk.

The pro-Russian city council said four apartment buildings in the southern were damaged by artillery barrages.

Ukrainian officials have denied government forces were shelling populated areas and blamed civilian casualties on the insurgents.

Armed pro-Russian separatists walk near the site where the downed Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 crashed, near the village of Hrabove Pro-Russian separatists near the site of MH17

It comes as a top rebel leader and the newly appointed prime minister of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic said his forces have seized 18 Grad systems and a large number of tanks from a Ukrainian unit.

Alexander Zakharchenko's claim could not be independently confirmed.

Meanwhile, Russian investigators said they had detained five Ukrainian soldiers on suspicion of war crimes in eastern Ukraine, after they crossed into Russia earlier this week.

The troops went across the border in a huge contingent of more than 400 servicemen on Monday.

Moscow claimed they had surrendered and were switching sides but Kiev said they were forced to cross after running out of ammunition. Most of the men have since gone back to Ukraine.

- Twenty-three of the MH17 victims have now been identified

Fighting in the east of the country has intensified since Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was shot down on July 17, killing all 298 passengers and crew.

The West has blamed the rebels, who allegedly hit the aircraft with a BUK missile after mistaking it for a Ukrainian military plane.

But Russia and the separatists say Kiev government forces were responsible.

Dutch forensics experts have identified 21 more flight MH17 victims, while their colleagues at the crash site began arriving home from east Ukraine where fighting has stopped the investigation.

Until now, only two bodies had been identified. The 21 new victims were 16 Dutch, including a dual British national, two Malaysians, a German, a Canadian and a Briton.

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Israel Denies Targeting Hospitals In Gaza Strip

Israel has denied deliberately targeting hospitals or civilians in Gaza as a three-day truce ended in more bloodshed.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government said it is targeting "terror sites across the Gaza Strip" in response to Hamas rocket attacks.

A 10-year-old Palestinian boy was killed and five other boys injured in an airstrike near a mosque in Gaza City, according to doctors in the area.

At least 30 rockets have been fired from the Gaza Strip into Israel since the truce ended at 6am UK time, Israeli army officials say.

Gaza map

A rocket that hit the Sdot Negev regional council injured a civilian and a soldier, the Israeli military tweeted.

Earlier, Amnesty International claimed it has evidence that Israel's military forces have specifically targeted hospitals, health workers and ambulance personnel during the conflict.

However, Israeli government spokesman Mark Regev told Sky News: "We don't target hospitals, we don't target civilians."

He added: "What we've had to do on a number of occasions is to hit terrorist targets in the immediate vicinity of hospitals and things like that, where they've abused them.

"And what you've seen is there's a whole series of reports coming out of Gaza from journalists across the planet - not Israeli journalists, Canadians, Finns, Indian journalists and others - who have all reported that Hamas has got this systematic pattern of behaviour where they deliberately abuse humanitarian structures to shoot their rockets at Israel.

PALESTINIAN-ISRAEL-GAZA-CONFLICT Palestinians leave their homes in Gaza City following Israeli attacks

"So actually if they're turning these humanitarian sites into warzones, they should be accountable."

He said Hamas "threw away the chance" to extend the ceasefire and Israel waited six hours before striking back.

Thousands of Palestinians are fleeing their homes in north and east Gaza as Mr Netanyahu ordered "forceful retaliation".

Sky's Katie Stallard, in Gaza City, heard two loud explosions and Israeli F16 fighters overhead.

Israeli tanks also fired into northern Gaza and Israeli gunboats targeted the central area of the strip, according to reports.

In Jerusalem, Israel has opened rocket shelters near the Gaza border so residents can take cover.

Israeli delegates have left talks in Cairo with Hamas and the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) on stopping the bloodshed.

The month-long violence, punctuated by brief periods of truce, has killed nearly 1,900 Palestinians, while Israel has lost 64 soldiers and three civilians.

UN figures indicate that 73% of the Palestinian victims, 1,354 people, were civilians.

Of that number, at least 429 were children.

As the conflict continued, a Gaza teenager and Israeli teacher - both living under threat of bombardment in the region's ongoing conflict - have taken part in a passionate Google Hangout discussion on Sky News.

Farah Baker and Adele Raemer tackled controversial issues including allegations that Hamas uses civilians as human shields and Israel's shelling of UN schools used as shelters by Palestinian children.

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British GSK Investigator Gets Jail In China

A British man who had carried out a probe for drugs firm GlaxoSmithKline in China has been jailed for breaking privacy laws.

Peter Humphrey, 58, was on trial for breaches which involved illegally obtaining Chinese citizens' personal information and selling it to companies including London-based GSK.

Humphrey was jailed for two years and six months, while his naturalised American wife Yu Yingzeng, 60, received a two-year prison sentence.

According to a statement read out by a court official at a press conference, Humphrey will be deported, but it gave no further details on that aspect of the judgment, including on whether Yu would also be deported.

Peter Humphrey. Humphrey in court during his trial

They are allowed to appeal against their sentences, the court said.

A message posted on a state social media account said Humphrey had accepted the charges against him on the first day of his hearing in Shanghai.

Speaking outside the court, the couple's son Harvey said: "My parents' trial lasted 12 hours - they were allowed to speak and to present a defence.

"I'm very sad about the court's verdict but I hope that the authorities will take into account their poor health conditions."

The pair ran risk consultancy ChinaWhys and were arrested shortly after completing an internal investigation for GSK - which is now the focus of a separate corruption investigation.

In January last year an email was sent to GSK's UK-based chief executive containing a sex tape of GSK China's general manager Mark Reilly and his Chinese girlfriend.

The email accused Mr Reilly of being behind corruption in the company's China operation.

ChinaWhys was tasked with finding out who had sent the email and how the video had been filmed.

GSK suspected a former senior staff member with political connections, but who has denied being the whistleblower.

The trial was closely watched for any comments on GSK, but there was no mention of the British drugmaker.

Earlier, Harvey Humphrey accused the multinational of "misleading" his parents and claimed the company had "gone into full survival mode", which he said included denying any connection with his parents.

He told Sky News: "This whole thing stems from GSK's misleading of my parents and I think in that process they trod on several powerful toes, if I may put it that way."

A Foreign Office spokeswoman said: "We note the verdict in this case.

"We have continually called for a transparent process leading to a swift and fair conclusion to this case, in accordance with Chinese law.

"It would be wrong to comment further while the case remains open to appeal."

A spokesman for GSK said the pharmaceutical company would not comment on the case.

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Pistorius' Family Hopeful Over Outcome

The Pistorius family hugged, smiled and kissed each other at the end of the defence summing up.

The athlete's uncle, Arnold, turned to reporters and, describing the two lawyers' performances, said: "It's a Mercedes versus a Fiat."

I asked: "Has Barry Roux done enough?"

Mr Pistorius answered: "Oh yes. More than enough."


In just over a month, we'll find out if he's right.

Judge Thokozile Masipa has retired to consider more than four hundreds pages of summing up arguments from both sides.

She'll deliver her verdict on September 11. As one reporter put it: "Oscar Pistorius' very own 9/11."

Friday was the defence fightback and his lawyer's last chance to prove his innocence.

Defence lawyer Roux makes a point during closing arguments in the murder trial of South African Olympic and Paralympic sprinter Pistorius in the North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria The Pistorius family consider Barry Roux the Mercedes of defence lawyers

The day before was spent hearing from the prosecution how the paralympian had constructed a "snowball of lies" to avoid taking the blame for killing Reeva Steenkamp. On Friday, his defence team weighed in with 243 pages of reasons why the State had got it wrong.

Reeva Steenkamp The model was killed on Valentine's Day 2013

The athlete's lawyer, Barry Roux, turned to the crux of the defence case before the mid-morning tea break - pleading with the Judge not to forget that Oscar Pistorius had lived with disability all his life, disability which would mean he reacted like no able-bodied person and which ultimately meant he could not be held responsible for the death of his girlfriend.

His reactions that night were involuntary, Barry Roux argued, they were primal instincts due to a lifelong "slow burn" which meant he didn't even know what he was doing when he fired the shots.

Even as a little boy, the lawyer argued, Oscar Pistorius lived with fear and vulnerability due to not having legs. The effect was a "slow burn" on him and his behaviour. Mr Roux likened the "bladerunner's" reaction on that morning to that of an abused woman who finally snaps after years of abuse to shoot her abuser.

On being asked by the Judge to explain the analogy, Mr Roux said he wasn't suggesting the athlete was abused but that his reactions were similar, that he wouldn't even know what he'd done because he was startled and his response was an "involuntary reflexive response". That, the defence said, meant he could not be held criminally responsible for his actions.

Mr Roux is seeking to have the Paralympian acquitted on the charge of pre-meditated murder of his girlfriend, saying at no time did he intend to shoot Reeva Steenkamp.

At one stage, the advocate told the judge that the athlete should have been charged with culpable homicide in the first place - and not the much more serious charge of murder.

The State's case is that Oscar Pistorius deliberately set out to kill Reeva Steenkamp - and that he searched around for a gun in his bedroom, took it out of its holster, prepared it for shooting and then advanced down the bedroom corridor towards the bathroom and the perceived danger, intending to shoot and therefore kill. All this, the State insists, suggests there was pre-meditation, planning and intent.

Reeva Steenkamp's father, Barry Steenkamp, arrives for the closing arguments of Paralympic track star Oscar Pistorius' murder trial at the high court in Pretoria Barry Steenkamp, Reeva's father, has recently attended court

Mr Roux spent much of the day rebutting evidence by key State witnesses by using a timeline which, he said, was backed up by telephone data and other witnesses - and which he said perfectly fitted into Oscar Pistorius' version of what happened.

He accused the State of being very selective in which witnesses it had chosen to call, saying they preferred to call neighbours who lived much further away (177m and 80m) rather than the athlete's immediate neighbours who backed up his version.

He was crushingly critical of the State's decision not to call the initial investigating officer Hilton Botha - who was heavily criticised at the bail application hearing for his incompetence and for contaminating the crime scene.

At the conclusion, Mr Roux told the judge that, if she found Oscar Pistorius had acted as a reasonable disabled person would, with no legs, with history of hyper-anxiety, having been startled, with gun in hand and feeling vulnerable, then she had to acquit him.

The trial, which was scheduled to take just three weeks and began in March, will finally end six months later.

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US Strikes ISIS Artillery In Northern Iraq

The US has carried out airstrikes against artillery used by Islamist militants in northern Iraq, the Pentagon says.

Two F/A-18 aircraft dropped 500-pound laser-guided bombs on a mobile artillery piece near Irbil, the capital of the semi-autonomous Kurdish region.

Rear Admiral John Kirby said in a statement that the Islamist militants had been using the artillery to shell Kurdish forces defending the city, where US personnel are located.

According to military officials, the strike was launched from the US aircraft carrier the USS George HW Bush, which in June was moved to the Gulf in preparation for any possible military action in Iraq.

IS gains in northern Iraq The group has been advancing in Iraq

On Thursday President Barack Obama said he had authorised the strikes on Iraq to stop the advance on Irbil by the Islamic State - the group previously known as ISIS or ISIL.

He vowed to protect American citizens and religious minorities and to prevent a "genocide" by the IS, Sunni fighters who are intent on eradicating non-believers.

In the hours after the airstrikes, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) banned all US civilian flights over Iraq. British Airways also decided to stop flying over the war-torn region.

Other international airlines including Turkish Airlines, Lufthansa and Austrian Airlines have halted their flights to Irbil until Monday.

Aftermath of airstrikes in Iraq The aftermath of US airstrikes near Irbil, seen from the Khazer Checkpoint

Some 40,000 residents from the ancient Yazidi community have been forced to leave the northern Iraqi town of Sinjar after the militants overwhelmed Kurdish forces.

Many Yazidis are trapped on Mount Sinjar without food or water and are at risk of starvation as the militants surround the base.

Kurdish media has reported that Peshmerga forces have rescued 11,000 of those trapped in the mountains.

On Thursday, the US dropped thousands of gallons of drinking water and 8,000 packaged meals to Yazidis.

Yezidis fleeing violence in Iraq Yazidis seen fleeing the violence in Iraq

The airdrops were performed by one C-17 and two C-130 cargo aircraft escorted by two F/A-18 fighters from an undisclosed air base in the region, the Pentagon said.

Chuck Hagel, the US defence secretary, said the American military has sufficient intelligence resources and assets in place to launch strikes by both manned and unmanned aircraft. 

He said that, if the IS moves against Irbil, Baghdad or the refugees trapped on a mountain, "it's pretty clear who they are, and they would be pretty identifiable where our airstrikes could be effective".

In his late-night address on Thursday, Mr Obama said: "America is coming to help".

aboard the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77). George H.W. Bush is supporting maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of responsibility. An F/A-18C Hornet aboard the USS George HW Bush on August 8

Mr Obama's announcement reflected the deepest American engagement in Iraq since US troops withdrew in late 2011 after nearly a decade of war.

But the President, who opposed the 2003 invasion, has vowed there would be no return of ground troops to Iraq.

"As commander in chief, I will not allow the United States to be dragged into fighting another war in Iraq," he said.

As militants advance across the north of Iraq and the situation deteriorates, Britons have been warned to leave Irbil. 

Christian refugees who have fled to Irbil Christian refugees have fled to Irbil

Defence Secretary Michael Fallon also said Britain was offering help to the Americans in their efforts to provide humanitarian support.

Pope Francis is sending a cardinal to Iraq to help thousands of Christians fleeing the militants, the Vatican said.

IS has declared a caliphate - an Islamic state - across parts of Iraq and Syria and wants to bring in a strict version of Islamic law. The militants have swept through more than a dozen towns in recent days.

IS believes the Yazidis, who are followers of a religion derived from Zoroastrianism, are "devil worshippers". The group has issued the Yazidis an ultimatum to convert to Islam, pay a religious fine, flee their homes or face death.

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Crocodile And Shark Fight To Death In Australia

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 07 Agustus 2014 | 00.28

Tourists looked on in shock as a three-legged, 18ft saltwater crocodile fought a bull shark in a titanic face-off.

One of Australia's most famous crocodiles, Brutus, was spotted wrestling with the creature between its jaws on the banks of the Adelaide River in Kakadu National Park in the Northern Territory.

The shark appeared to be no match for the 80-year-old reptile who, despite missing a front leg and most of his teeth, had the the sea creature firmly in his grasp.

Andrew Paice was on an hour-long wildlife cruise with his family and said his seven-year-old daughter was left "awestruck".

"So were the rest of the people (on board) including the guide - he had never seen it before either and he had been there for about 30 years. He was so excited," he said.

"It was on the way back to the jetty, we went past Brutus again, he was up on the bank.

"As we were going past, we noticed that there was a fin. We thought it was a barramundi (fish) or something.

"And the guide took the boat in for a closer look and lo and behold ... it was a shark."

Local newspaper reports on Tuesday suggested Brutus emerged the victor.

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Commuters Push Train Off Trapped Passenger

"People power" has saved a commuter after he became trapped between a train and a station platform.

Dozens of passengers helped tilt the carriage on Wednesday to free the man, who slipped as he was boarding just moments before the train was due to leave Sterling Station for Perth, Western Australia.

Security cameras captured the fall which resulted in the passenger's left leg becoming wedged in a two-inch gap between the carriage and platform.

Station staff's attempts to pull him free failed, and passengers were initially told to move to the opposite side of the carriage in the hope their weight would shift it away from his leg, without success.

Passengers push to tilt a train to help free a trapped man The man slipped as he was boarding the Perth-bound train

Eventually, they were asked to get off the vehicle and help push the train to free up enough space for him to be lifted back up to safety.

Claire Krol, a spokeswoman for train operator Transperth, said: "It is the first time we've seen something like this happen.

"We were really fortunate that the staff were there straight away ... and all of the passengers not only listened to the instructions from staff, but pitched in and helped.

"This is a real case of passengers of working together ... and people power are the perfect words to describe it."

The man was treated by paramedics but was able to catch a later train.

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The Blond Bombshell's Bombshell

By Faisal Islam, Political Editor

It was the blond bombshell's bombshell.

Boris Johnson will be back in parliament in 2015. That much we know.

"Now is the time to stop the speculation and the shilly-shallying, we might as well knock that on the head and be clear," he told me in an interview.

Officially the Prime Minister and other Cabinet ministers are tweeting and texting their delight that a "star player" is back on the national Conservative team.

European Parliamentary electionsBoris Johnson Boris Johnson could help tackle the UKIP threat

A day after Baroness Warsi's unexpected resignation, the PM was dealt another morning surprise on his holidays.

Mr Johnson is one of the very few frontbencher politicians of any party who can cut through to young voters. In return, the Mayor predicts - publicly - that David Cameron is going to win a majority.

The bigger picture is far more complicated and entwined with Tory polling prospects.

If the Conservatives do well and Mr Cameron is returned to Downing Street, Mr Johnson will remain as London Mayor and an MP for a year, confirming to me he would not initially serve in the Cabinet.

The hope is that Mr Johnson will increase the trickle of UKIP voters back to the Conservatives for next May.

Boris Johnson and David Cameron Star player? David Cameron has welcomed Mr Johnson's decision

If Conservative prospects do not improve, however, Mr Johnson's presence on the national stage could create some problems and lead to factionalism among the candidates seeking to replace Mr Cameron after an election loss.

In that case, in theory, he, as Mayor, has debarred himself from standing in a post-election leadership contest. But he has shown some flexibility in such promises before.

The Mayor however does have some problems explaining why he is breaking a "solemn vow", made in 2012, not to combine the mayoralty with any other public office.

His answer: that he only made that promise for the period that the London economy was in difficulty.

He told me today: "[It was] impossible to do the two things whilst London was going through recession.

"I'm not going to say job done but London was going through tough times and now things are much better."

Having saved London, he now thinks he has time to return to the national stage.

And then, underlining his popularity, he rode off on his bike with a crowd of onlookers taking selfies. 

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Thousands Demand Privacy Payout From Facebook

A lawyer who plans to sue Facebook over privacy on behalf of thousands of people says he has been overwhelmed with support.

Clients from more than 100 countries have signed up to join Max Schrems' legal challenge.

Among them are more than 1,000 people from the UK and Ireland.

Mr Schrems is claiming damages of €500 (£397) per supporter in the Austrian courts for alleged data protection violations by the social network, including over the US Prism spy programme.

The class action claims Facebook is in breach of European law on users' data and it violates rights by tracking internet use on external sites.

Mr Scrhems said the maximum number of users he will represent is 25,000, giving him and his team time to verify each account.

He said that at peak times since last Friday a new user was joining the claim every six seconds.

"We have hoped for large support, but the number of participants in such a short time exceeded my most optimistic expectations," he said.

Germany, regarded as one of Europe's more privacy conscious countries, has the highest number of people backing the case with 5,287.

When the numbers hit 25,000, the campaign will continue to register additional users in case the claim is expanded.

The action is being taken against the Irish subsidiary of the New York-listed web giant.

Facebook has several weeks to respond to the claims.

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Boris Johnson: 'I Will Stand As MP In 2015'

Six People Who Will Not Welcome Boris MP

Updated: 3:51pm UK, Wednesday 06 August 2014

By Jason Farrell, Political Correspondent

As Boris Johnson finally announces he will try for a return to Parliament, here are six people who will not welcome his decision:

:: George Osborne – The other man in the race to succeed David Cameron will be glancing up from his economic figures with a sigh and the certain knowledge that whatever he achieves in number 11, his jokes don't rival the Mayor's and he doesn't have the same popular touch that so often helps in a leadership race.

The Chancellor recently suggested he had urged Boris to make a Commons comeback, and Boris immediately accused him of making it up, suggesting the Osborne camp was engaging in a "dirty tricks plot". 

Mr Osborne has had four years pushing through austerity measures while watching Boris abseilling and opening Olympic ceremonies. He'll be bracing himself for the blond bombshell's arrival. 

:: Nigel Farage – Just choked on his pint of bitter. Last year Boris claimed he was invited to speak at UKIP's party conference by Nigel Farage's wife. He said: "My message to the charming Mrs Farage is don't vote UKIP, don't even think about it."

Some of Farage's followers will appreciate the Johnson humour and the conservative values behind it, even if it is aimed at their camp. The UKIP leader, knowing how well light banter worked to win his voters, will worry Boris might outwit him.  

:: Michael Gove - The Former Education Secretary is now Chief Whip and has to contemplate trying to control the man he once described as not being "a team player".

It's reported that the strong George Osborne supporter recently stunned guests at a private dinner saying: "The whole Boris routine will wear thin with the electorate very quickly if he became PM. And he can't make tough decisions."

Mr Gove thought education was tough to reform.

:: Nick Clegg – The Deputy Prime Minister will not welcome the prospect of a coalition Government with Boris in it should the cards fall that way come May 2015.

It is understandable. The mayor did call him the Prime Minister's "lapdog-cum-prophylactic protection device".

He also called him a "wobbling jelly of indecision and vacillation" - and an "idle bum".

Mr Clegg, meanwhile, refers to Boris as "Slacker Johnson".

They share little common ground.

:: David Cameron – The poor Prime Minister has been battered by the revolving door of politics as he tries to quietly point at fish on his family holiday.

Warsi out, Boris in. He will have wholeheartedly welcomed neither.

Cameron and Boris are widely considered the "best of enemies" and the mayor's return to Parliament is a double-edged sword.

No doubt the PM recognises the power of Brand Boris in an election campaign could help him win outright.

But how long before the Tories tire of him and the popular Mr Johnson becomes the more appealing option?

Friends close, enemies closer.

:: David Axelrod – Barack Obama's former adviser and strategist in the Labour election campaign machine might want a rethink.

"The Axe" was working on the basis the Tories would be "hard put to say they are in touch with the experience of everyday people" and had been pushed further right by UKIP.

Despite being anything but (Eton, Bullingdon), Boris manages to pull off "man of the people" in a way that more than matches Nigel Farage's "pint down the pub popularity".

Labour will be painfully aware of Boris's star appeal and the party's message will have to be loud if it is to be heard over the politics of personality.

Strange that another white, male Etonian in the Tory party has helped broaden its appeal.

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Schumacher Medical File Suspect Found Hanged

A man arrested over the suspected theft and leaking of a medical file related to Michael Schumacher has been found hanged in his cell, prosecutors have said.

The man worked for the Rega air ambulance service, which organised the Formula One world champion's transport from a French hospital to Switzerland in June.

He was arrested on Tuesday and questioned by police, before being detained in a Zurich jail, according to a statement from the Zurich prosecutor's office.

The man, who has not been named, had denied any wrongdoing.

Ferrari's Formula One driver Schumacher skis during his team's winter retreat in Madonna Di Campiglio Schumacher struck his head on a rock while skiiing in Meribel

Prison officers found the man dead when they came to bring him breakfast. He was due to appear at a scheduled hearing before a judge today.

Prosecutors say initial investigations indicate nobody else was involved in the man's death.

Last month prosecutors tracked the IP address of a computer used in the theft of the medical records to the Zurich-based company Rega.

The company denied any wrongdoing and, along with Schumacher's family, pressed charges against "unknown persons" for violating professional secrecy.

File photo of Schumacher looking on during the qualifying session for the Italian F1 Grand Prix race at the Monza racetrack in Monza The German driver won seven Formula One world titles during his career

The records were stolen and offered for sale to journalists for €50,000 (£39,600).

Schumacher, a seven-time F1 champion, suffered serious brain injuries in a skiing accident in the French Alps on December 29.

He was reportedly travelling at speeds of up to 60mph when the accident happened.

He spent more than five months in a hospital in Grenoble, before being brought by ambulance on June 16 to a high-tech clinic in the Swiss city of Lausanne.

Schumacher won a record 91 Grand Prix victories during his career. He left motor racing in 2013 after a disappointing three-year comeback.

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Costa Concordia Captain Gives Panic Lecture

By Nick Pisa, Sky News Reporter

Cruise ship captain Francesco Schettino has sparked outrage by giving a lecture to students on how to ''panic control'' - while standing trial for wrecking the luxury liner he was commanding.

Schettino, 52, who was dubbed "Captain Calamity" after it emerged he steered the Costa Concordia on to rocks in a sail-by salute, gave a two-hour talk to students as part of their criminal science masters course.

He is currently facing charges of abandoning ship, causing a disaster and multiple manslaughter - with prosecutors claiming his poor handling of the disaster added to the tragedy. Thirty-two people died in the disaster.

Schettino had been invited to speak by professor Vincenzo Mastronardi, who teaches at the La Sapienza University's Faculty of Medicine in Rome, Italy.

Schettino, captain of the Costa Concordia cruise ship, talks with his lawyers during a trial in Grosseto Schettino (R) talks to his lawyers during his trial

He took to the microphone at an off-campus event after a 3D reconstruction of the sinking of the Concordia off the island of Giglio in 2012 was shown to the students by engineer Ivan Paduano.

Schettino then told the audience at the Aviator Club in Rome that what had happened to him was ''only an accident'' - failing to mention how he had told investigators he had ''tripped and stumbled into a lifeboat'' the night of the disaster.

Prosecutors say he failed to notify authorities quickly enough of the seriousness of what had happened to the Concordia and that he had abandoned the ship when there were more than 300 passengers and crew still on board.

Witnesses have told his trial that, in the minutes after the liner struck rock a ''panic-stricken Schettino ran his fingers through his hair shouting 'Madonna what have I done'" - only adding to questions over the suitability of him giving the lecture.

Relatives sail on by the Costa Concordia cruise ship at Giglio island. Thirty-two people died in the tragedy

He spoke of his experiences as a cruise ship captain, adding that he had been asked to give the talk as he was ''an expert''.

Schettino said: "I had to illustrate how best to control panic management - or better still show how a human being behaves in situations of that nature.

"I have voyaged across all the oceans of the world. I know how to react when these situations arise and how to react when you have an ethnically diverse crew. Every choice I made had a fundamental human component.

''There are academic studies which compare what happened the disaster of the Costa Concordia to other similar tragedies. For example, the Twin Towers, how is it that during that attack people threw themselves from windows but didn't do the same on the Concordia? I was actually given an academic award for my presentation.''

However, the news of his participation has sparked outrage within Italy, with the media labelling it another ''shocking embarrassment'' for the country - reminding people how Schettino had also been ordered to ''Get back on board for f***'s sake'' by a furious coastguard official after he confessed he had left the Concordia.

La Sapineza chancellor Luigi Frati said: "We distance ourselves from this serious episode and condemn it profoundly. Professor Mastronardi has been referred to the university's ethics committee for a disciplinary investigation.''

Francesco Verusio, who is prosecuting Schettino, said: ''I am completely speechless at how some things are allowed to happen in this country. How on earth can someone invite Schettino to give a lecture at a university?

The Costa Concordia arrives at the port of Genoa to be scrapped. The wreck of Costa Concordia has been towed to Genoa

''How can a university professor, a man of culture who is supposed to transmit to young people the principles of university education, invite Schettino? What sort of image does that give our country?

''He gave a two-hour lecture and then he was awarded a diploma. A diploma for what? I hope the students made fun of him.''

Professor Mastronardi said: ''It's right that I have been referred to a disciplinary hearing - I would have done the same in a similar situation. It gives me the opportunity to clarify matters in the appropriate venue.

''All I will say is that I did not invite Schettino, he just turned up 10 minutes before the lecture started completely by surprise. He explained that if he had immediately lowered the anchors the ship would have sunk straight away.

''He told the audience that, by handling the psychology of the situation, he had to ensure not to cause alarm and create a panic.''

00.28 | 0 komentar | Read More

Woman Arrested After Elderly People 'Poisoned'

A woman has been arrested for "administering a noxious substance" after 16 people fell ill at a care home, police have said.

The 23-year-old was held after a number of people at Goldfield Court in West Bromwich were taken ill with what police described as food poisoning symptoms.

Four of the people were taken to hospital for treatment, with two being kept in overnight.

The woman was arrested on Monday and is now at a secure unit after she was released on bail while investigations continue, a force spokeswoman said.

West Midlands Police spokeswoman Keiley Gartland said: "Further tests and enquires are underway to determine the exact nature and cause of the illness.

"An individual has been arrested and is currently assisting the police with their enquires.

"Anyone with information in relation to the investigation should contact Sandwell Police by dialling 101, anyone with any concerns should contact the extra care unit."

Goldfield Court, which is run by Housing & Care 21, is described as  "extra care housing" for older people. There are 93 flats at the site.

In a statement issued on its website, Housing & Care 21 confirmed a care worker had been suspended.

It said: "Housing and Care 21 can confirm that a care worker has been suspended from Goldfield independent living scheme in West Bromwich.

"We are providing information and assistance to the police and Sandwell Social Services and will support them with any further investigation.

"Our thoughts are with both residents and staff at the Goldfield community and we will ensure they are fully supported during this difficult time."

Police said they were working with Goldfield Court's management and with Sandwell social services department.

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Ebola Outbreak: 45 Deaths In Three Days

Ebola Cure 'A Long Way Off': Facts About Virus

Updated: 3:54pm UK, Wednesday 30 July 2014

A cure for the deadly ebola virus, which has killed hundreds of people in West Africa, is "a very long way off", an expert has told Sky News.

David Evans, a professor of virology at Warwick University, said ebola is the latest disease to be transmitted "very efficiently" because of international travel.

More than 670 people in Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea and Nigeria have fallen victim to the viral illness, which has a fatality rate of up to 90%.

Those with ebola will often be overcome by a sudden onset of fever, as well as weakness, muscle pain and headaches.

The body is then gripped by vomiting, diarrhoea, rashes, kidney and liver problems and bleeding.

The time between infection and symptoms appearing is anything from two days to three weeks.

Ebola is spread through the direct contact with the blood, organs or other bodily fluids of those infected.

The liquid that bathes the eye and semen can transmit the disease, Prof Evans said.

Horseshoe bats are believed to be the natural host of the viral disease, he said.

"These bats transmit the virus between themselves, but periodically it then ends up in probably primates or other types of bushmeat which are then hunted by villagers and the virus is then transmitted from the sick animals to humans," he said.

Transmission has also been documented through the handling of chimpanzees, gorillas and porcupines.

One of the reasons for the disease's rapid spread is a tradition at burial ceremonies for mourners to have direct contact with the body of the deceased.

"Therefore barrier methods that prevent that direct contact, including things like washing of hands and things like that provide a reasonable level of protection," he said.

Healthcare workers treating patients are particularly at risk.

Public Health England said in a risk assessment published earlier this month said that the current outbreak could increase the risk for Britons working in humanitarian and healthcare delivery.

But the threat to tourists, visitors and expatriates is still considered "very low if elementary precautions are followed".

Prof Evans said there had been "periodic outbreaks" of ebola since the first recorded instances in 1976, but this is the deadliest so far.

There were two simultaneous outbreaks in Nzara, Sudan and Yambuku, a village in the Democratic Republic of Congo located near the Ebola River.

Data from the World Health Organisation shows the previous deadliest outbreak was the one in the DRC, when 280 out of 315 people infected died.

In the same country in 1995 another outbreak claimed 254 lives, with 315 patients infected.

In 2000, there were 425 cases in Uganda and 224 people died.

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British Students Stabbed To Death In Borneo

Two British medical students have been stabbed to death after leaving a bar in the Borneo city where they were on a hospital placement.

The two men, named by Newcastle University as Neil Dalton and Aidan Brunger, both 22, died after they were attacked by a group of men in Kuching.

The friends were reportedly followed in a car and knifed as they returned to a backpacker lodge from the bar, where a row had earlier taken place.

Four men have been arrested following the murders in the Jalan Padungan district.

Two British Medical Students Stabbed To Death In Malaysia Investigators said they also recovered a knife folowing the stabbings

The fourth-year students were in the Malaysian part of the island in Sarawak province on attachment to a hospital in Kuching, the university's acting vice-chancellor Professor Tony Stevenson said.

Prof Stevenson said in a statement: "We were informed this morning of the very sad news that two of our fourth-year medical students working at a hospital in Kuching, Borneo, have been tragically killed.

"Neil Dalton and Aidan Brunger, both 22, were on a six-week work placement, along with five other medical students, to put the skills they had learnt during their time here at the university into practice.

Two British Medical Students Stabbed To Death In Malaysia Police lead away one of the suspects hours after the attack

"This has come as a huge shock to us all and our thoughts are with their families and friends at this very difficult time.

"Two of our members of staff are flying out to Kuching as soon as possible and we are working closely with the British high commissioner to support the other students and to co-ordinate their return to the UK."

The students - both keen sportsmen - were due to finish their placement on Friday.

Mr Dalton was from Ambergate, Derbyshire, had achieved four A* grades in his A-levels and had been featured in the local paper when he took part in a sponsored bike ride for the Alzheimer's Society, the Derby Telegraph reported. 

Malaysia. The friends were on a medical placement in Borneo's Sarawak state

Mr Brunger, from Gillingham, took part in the 2013 Great North Run in Newcastle, raising money for Prostate Cancer UK.

Sarawak Deputy Police Commissioner Datuk Dr Chai Khin Chung said the arrests were made two hours after the 4.15am attack, the Malaysian State News Agency Bernama reported.

A knife was also recovered and a Perodua Viva car allegedly used in the attack has been seized.

Dr Chai told a news conference that two of the suspects have criminal records for drug abuse and armed robbery.

Kuching The city of Kuching in Borneo where the two men died. Pic: CoolCityCat

He also said a police forensic team found the first victim lying face down on the road with two stab wounds in the chest and two in the back.

The second victim was lying on a path, about two metres from the first victim, with a single stab wound to his chest.

The Borneo Post reported that they were attacked by a group of men as they made their way back to a backpacker lodge from the Travillion bar in the early hours. It followed a row in the bar over noise.

The students' bodies are at Sarawak General Hospital for post-mortem examinations.

An FCO spokesman said: "We are providing consular assistance to their families at this difficult time."

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