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Murder Confession: Teen Copies Halloween Film

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 26 Januari 2013 | 00.48

A Texas teenager has confessed to police that he shot his mother and sister after repeatedly watching a horror film about a boy who kills without remorse.

Newly released evidence in the case includes a four-page document handwritten by Jake Evans.

In it he calmly explained how he planned to kill several members of his family last October - inspired by the 2007 remake of the horror classic Halloween.

The film is about a young boy who knifes to death his sister and others, and escapes a mental hospital years later to continue killing as an adult.

Halloween Poster Jake Evans repeatedly watched the 2007 remake of Halloween

"While watching it, I was amazed at how at ease the boy was during the murders and how little remorse he had," the 17-year-old wrote, just hours after the event.

"Afterward, I was thinking to myself it would be the same for me when I kill someone."

He said in the confession that he initially planned on using a knife to murder his mother Jami and 15-year-old sister Mallory at their home in Aledo.

"I went back upstairs and kept pacing back and forth imagining killing Mallory," he wrote.

"Thoughts of causing her pain kept entering my mind and were really bothering me. But then I'd think about the times she hurt my feelings."

Evans described how earlier that day, he and his sister had argued after he accused her of making a racist comment.

He said he sat on the sofa having a pillow fight with his sister with a knife in his pocket.

But then he changed his mind.

"After a while, I thought to myself that if I were to kill my mom and Mallory, I wouldn't want them to feel anything, so I decided to kill them both with the .22 revolver I stole from my grandpa," he wrote.

"I then spent probably over an hour walking nervously around the house thinking how life will never be the same and how I would never see them again."

Evans described knocking on his sister's bedroom door at about 11.15pm and shooting her in the back and head.

The confession of Jake Evans. The teenager's police statement was released on the orders of the judge

He then went downstairs and shot his mother.

"As I emptied the shells on my bed, I heard noises and realised that Mallory was still alive," he wrote.

"While I loaded the gun back up, I was shouting that I was sorry and then ran as fast as I could to kill her. I made sure my mom was dead and shot her again in the head."

Evans called 911 and told the dispatcher what he had done.

"I know now though that I'm done with killing," he said at the end of his statement. "What happened last night will haunt me forever."

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Millie Martin Murder: Man Jailed For 25 Years

A man has been ordered to serve at least 25 years for murdering the 15-month-old daughter of his former partner.

Barry McCarney, 33, of County Tyrone, was found guilty last month of Millie Martin's murder in Enniskillen in 2009.

Setting the minimum tariff McCarney must serve before being considered for release, Mr Justice Ben Stephens told the labourer at Belfast Crown Court he was a "deeply manipulative man" who had carried out a "sadistic sexual assault" on the child.

Millie died in Belfast's Royal Victoria Hospital after being badly beaten at a house in Enniskillen, County Fermanagh, the day before.

Millie Martin Millie was subjected to a 'sadistic sexual assault' by McCarney

Her mother Rachel Martin, 25, had gone briefly to a local shop in December 2009, but when she returned home her daughter and partner were not in the house.

She later said: "I was literally minutes away and when I got back ... I got a phone call telling me to get to the Erne hospital quick - Millie wasn't well - I was in hysterics."

McCarney was filmed on hospital CCTV carrying Millie into the emergency ward before she was transferred to the Royal Victoria hospital, where she was put on a life-support machine until members of her family arrived to say goodbye.

At the time, Millie's grandmother Margaret said the child "could never be replaced - it's just a nightmare, a nightmare every day".

During McCarney's trial, the jury heard how Millie received a fatal blow to the back of her head as well as a number of other injuries, including serious internal injuries which could also have proved fatal.

It was claimed that injuries to her abdomen had been caused by regular punching in the weeks before her death.

McCarney was also found guilty of grievous bodily harm with intent and the sexual assault of Millie. He must serve at least six years and two years for those crimes respectively, and those terms will run concurrently with his murder tariff.

McCarney showed little emotion as he was sentenced.

Ms Martin looked on from the public gallery. She was previously acquitted of charges of allowing her daughter's death and cruelty through wilful neglect.

She criticised the sentence, saying outside the court: "I don't think it was long enough, 25 years isn't long enough."

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Dummy Taped To Baby's Face: Worker Suspended

A scandal-hit NHS trust has suspended a member of staff after a four-month-old baby had a dummy taped to his face at a hospital.

Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust, already at the centre of a public inquiry into serious failings of care, apologised and said the boy had not been harmed and police had begun an investigation.

A spokesman for the Staffordshire force confirmed that officers were investigating a complaint about the treatment of a youngster by a worker at the hospital earlier this month.

Colin Ovington, director of nursing and midwifery at the trust, said: "A member of staff has been suspended pending the outcome of the police investigation and the trust's investigation under our disciplinary policy.

"We cannot emphasise strongly enough that this incident is exceptional and apologise again to the family.

"We want other hospitals to learn from this incident so that we can be sure that it does not happen to any other baby."

A report from the public inquiry into failings at the trust will be published on February 6.

Inquiry chairman Robert Francis QC will recommend wide-ranging reforms of the NHS, it is understood.

The £11m review of what went wrong at Stafford Hospital between January 2005 and March 2009 will suggest hospitals that cover up mistakes by doctors and poor treatment of patients should face fines and possible closure, it has been reported.

A separate, highly-critical, report by the Healthcare Commission in 2009 revealed a catalogue of failings at the trust and said "appalling standards" had put patients at risk.

Between 400 and 1,200 more people died than would have been expected in a three-year period from 2005 to 2008, the commission said. 

In February 2010, an independent inquiry into events at the trust found it had "routinely neglected patients".

Mr Ovington said: "We have a zero tolerance approach to poor patient care and we take immediate, appropriate action as soon as we know about any potential serious incidents which happen in our hospitals.

"We are proud that our staff now feel confident to report any incidents which happen.  We will continue to encourage staff to do this, and will continue to report incidents, even before they have been fully investigated, despite any negative attention this may create."

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Eden Hazard Ball Boy Kick: FA Charges Player

The Football Association has charged Chelsea's Eden Hazard with violent conduct following his clash with a Swansea ballboy.

The FA said that the normal three-match ban that is a mandatory sanction for violent conduct "was clearly insufficient."

The charge came as ballboy Charlie Morgan briefly broke his silence around the drama.

The 17-year-old tweeted that the last 24 hours had been "crazy", adding he had spoken to the footballer and would not be pressing charges.

Ball boy Charlie Morgan lies injured after the clash

An FA statement read: "The FA has charged Chelsea's Eden Hazard following his side's League Cup semi-final at Swansea on January 23, 2013.

"It is alleged that Hazard's behaviour in relation to a Swansea ball boy, for which the player was dismissed in the 78th minute, constituted violent conduct whereby the standard punishment that would otherwise apply was clearly insufficient.

"The player has until 6pm on Tuesday, January 29, 2013 to respond to the charge.

"The FA will remind all clubs of their responsibilities in ensuring ball boys and other personnel around the pitch act in an appropriate manner at all times and will liaise with competitions accordingly."

Chelsea's Eden Hazard (right) shown red card for kick incident Eden Hazard is dismissed by the referee

Hazard claims he was trying to wrestle the ball away from Morgan in Wednesday's Capital One Cup match at the Liberty Stadium.

The ballboy had apparently refused to hand over the ball after it had gone out for a goal kick towards the end of the semi-final second leg game.

Hazard was sent off by referee Chris Foy and Chelsea will not appeal his red card for violent conduct.

The red card carries a minimum three match suspension.

The match ended 0-0, the Welsh side going through to the final 2-0 on aggregate, and the kick affair became a worldwide talking point, including on Twitter.

South Wales Police are following up complaints from members of the public in Sussex, Kent and south Wales.

Swansea will not face any action over the teenager's role in the controversy, as any complaint of time-wasting is considered an issue to be handled by the officials during the game.

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Barry George Loses Jill Dando Compensation Case

Barry George, who was wrongly jailed for murdering Jill Dando, has lost his High Court bid for compensation.

Two judges rejected his claim that the Justice Secretary unfairly and unlawfully decided he was "not innocent enough to be compensated".

Lord Justice Beatson and Mr Justice Irwin ruled that the Secretary of State was "entirely justified in the conclusion he reached."

Mr George's solicitor, Nick Baird, said: "We are very disappointed with the judgement and we shall be applying for permission to leapfrog the Court of Appeal to have the matter heard before the Supreme Court."

Mr George, 52, spent eight years in jail for the murder of Jill Dando in 1999.

Jill Dando Jill Dando was shot at her home in Fulham in April 1999

He came to court to seek a reconsideration of his case which could have opened the way for him to claim an award of up to £500,000 for lost earnings and wrongful imprisonment.

But the judges ruled that he had "failed the legal test" to receive an award.

Miss Dando was shot dead outside her home in Fulham in April 1999.

After his conviction in July 2001, Mr George, of Fulham, west London, was acquitted of killing the 37-year-old BBC presenter at a retrial in August 2008.

The high-profile compensation action was one of five test cases assembled to decide who is now entitled to payments in "miscarriage of justice" cases following a landmark decision by the Supreme Court in May 2011.

Ian Lawless, who spent eight years behind bars for murder before being freed by the Court of Appeal in 2009, won his legal challenge.

Mr Lawless was jailed for life in 2002 after confessing to the murder of retired sea captain Alf Wilkins on the Yarborough estate in Grimsby, Lincolnshire.

His conviction was later ruled unsafe after fresh medical evidence revealed he had a "pathological need for attention".

The judges ruled that in his case the decision to refuse compensation was legally flawed and must be reconsidered in the light of their judgement.

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Judge Dredd Fans Upset By Suggestion He's Gay

Judge Dredd is set to cause a sensation among fans as the writers suggest he might be gay.

The latest edition of the comic 2000 AD, which is due out next week, is titled Closet, and deals with the issue of a teenager coming out.

The first page has been released on the internet and shows a figure who looks like Dredd kissing the youth in a gay club full of characters dressed as the judge.

Reaction to the teaser, which was released online last month, has been mixed, with some fans so hostile to the idea they have threatened to burn the comic.

But writer Rob Williams said Dredd's sexuality - whatever it is - was buried beneath his love for the law.

He said: "Sure, Dredd could be gay. You can't look at the original costume design of leather and chains and not see a fetishistic edge there.

"But Dredd's feeling are so deeply hidden, he is extremely unlikely to ever let them show."

Judge Dredd comic Dredd appears to kiss the youth - but is it really the Judge himself?

The writer said comics were a "great" place to deal with issues such as homophobia.

He said: "As long as you stay true to the character throughout - which I think Closet does - you can deal with all sorts of issues in a story.

"And if they push people's buttons, fine. I'd rather a story be provocative than just 'and they have a fight'.

"Plus, putting Dredd in a gay club filled with men dressed as him is a pretty funny image. It's worth it for that alone."

A spokesman for the comic said reaction had been quite "extreme".

"Dredd has always been satirical, while touching on serious issues. This is another example of this," he added.

But there is a twist in the tale, with all not being as it seems, the spokesman said.

Dredd is a Street Judge in the American metropolis Mega-City One, with the power to enforce law and impose an instant sentence, including execution.

The strip, illustrated by CLiNT magazine's Mike Dowling, will be available on Wednesday.

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Newcastle Striker Ranger Held Over Rape Claim

Newcastle United striker Nile Ranger has been released on bail after being arrested on suspicion of rape.

The 21-year-old Premier League footballer was held by Northumbria Police following an allegation made by a woman that she was attacked at a hotel in Jesmond, Newcastle between Wednesday and Thursday.

London-born Ranger, who lives in Forest Hall, North Tyneside, was questioned earlier today.

Nile Ranger Nile Ranger was arrested after an alleged incident at a hotel

A police spokeswoman said: "On Thursday, January 24 a woman reported to police that she had been raped overnight at a hotel in Jesmond.

"A 21-year-old man has been arrested at an address in Forest Hall on suspicion of rape."

Ranger, a former England under-19 player, angered fans by criticising them for booing after Newcastle lost to Reading at the weekend.

He has had a troubled time at Newcastle, with loans to Sheffield Wednesday and Barnsley. A Newcastle United spokeswoman declined to comment.

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UK GDP Falls By 0.3% In Last Quarter

How GDP Is Compiled Really Matters

Updated: 10:21am UK, Tuesday 27 November 2012

By Ed Conway, Economics Editor

I've covered economics for a decade or so, but I confess that until very recently I didn't really know what GDP really is.

I mean, like most of you I knew it was the broadest and most widely-used measure of our economy's health - that it determines whether we're officially in recession or not (two or more quarters of shrinking GDP equals a recession).

I knew it was the sum of everything spent, earned or made in Britain.

What I didn't know was how it's actually put together.

I guess I vaguely assumed - and I don't think I'm entirely alone - that the Office for National Statistics had some kind of electronic hotline into British business, some privileged access to their numbers, which in turn became the Gross Domestic Product number.

Turns out I was monumentally wrong.

For it transpires that GDP - that big number we're all so focused on, the figure that tells us whether we're in a recession or booming, that can end a political career and swing an election - is actually a big, big survey.

I know this because earlier this month I spent some time in the ONS headquarters in Newport with the team who put together this most significant of all numbers.

For the first time, they allowed cameras into their offices to show how GDP really comes into being - and the genesis might well surprise you.

At this point it might be worth explaining why this matters so much: there is arguably no other number out there that can swing the financial markets quite so much, that can influence Britain's feelgood factor, that dominates the headlines and strikes fear into politicians.

And yet there are many people who question whether we can really rely on the numbers.

Some economists argue that the GDP figures in recent months have painted a far more negative picture of the UK economy than is actually the case.

Some argue that Britain never really experienced a double-dip recession - but that this reality will only ever be confirmed many years into the future when the ONS revises those initial estimates.

So how GDP is put together really matters. And it all starts with the pounds in your pockets.

The first estimate of GDP is created from data collected in surveys of tens of thousands of surveys from businesses around the country - whether they're manufacturers, construction firms, retailers or others.

Each month a large sample of them is asked by the ONS to tell them their turnover (how much money is going through the till), along with a few other industry-specific questions which form part of the retail sales, manufacturing output and other releases.

The turnover number is what matters from the perspective of GDP. They fill the relevant questionnaire in and post it to the ONS (they can also submit the data through an automated telephone system).

When those envelopes arrive there the questionnaires are scanned and the numbers go into the ONS' systems.

The problem is that by the time that first estimate needs to be produced, the ONS only has 44% of the relevant data (the rest arrives in dribs and drabs over the following months, hence later revisions). In particular, the ONS only has early responses for the final month of the quarter.

So there are some pretty big gaps to be filled, and the ONS has to make some estimates about what the other data will eventually say when it comes in.

It relies for this on computer models, backed up by assumptions and calculations from the ONS staff themselves. After they make these calls they meet and discuss them in so-called "balancing meetings" - the statisticians ask each other whether the data are reliable and their assumptions have foundation.

During this entire period, those GDP assumptions and the ultimate figure are kept locked up (quite literally - there are safes into which they are put) such that only a dozen or so statisticians actually know the number before it comes out.

So far as anyone knows, there has never been a leak of a number as sensitive as this from the ONS. But 24 hours before the figures are published, selected ministers and officials also get a look.

The figures are revised again a month after that initial release, and then again a month later. During that period, more information has come in from quarterly surveys which measure families' and businesses' incomes, and other spending data.

As I said, GDP can be measured in terms of what we spend, what we earn and what we make - they should all add up to the same number, since what one person buys another person sells. And the extra data furnishes that initial estimate and, occasionally, contradicts it.

The ONS maintains that its record of revisions is acceptable by international standards. It points out that its surveys have far more respondents than those put together by independent competitors.

But some, most notably Kevin Daly of Goldman Sachs, argue that it has a tendency to revise the more distant history so substantially that often periods we thought at the time were slumps were actually booms.

A case in point is the early 1990s - at the time, the ONS said the UK was suffering a double-dip recession.

But by the end of the millennium it had revised its assessment - far from slumping, the UK was actually bouncing back forcefully at that point. When Norman Lamont referred to "green shoots", it turns out he was absolutely right.

Today, the GDP figures have been telling an altogether different story to the unemployment figures, which seem to suggest there never was a double-dip. Based on precedent, we are unlikely to know the definitive story for years to come.

Which implies that the ONS, and the way it puts together this most important of all numbers, will remain in the spotlight for the foreseeable future.

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Weather: Rush Hour Travel Fears Amid Snow

Heavy snow across the country is expected to bring widespread disruption to workers making their way home for the weekend.

There are warnings of blizzard conditions and drifting snow in the early evening, spreading across the whole country.

Most areas will see up to 10cm (4ins) of snow falling, which will hit road and rail networks as thousands head home for the weekend.

The band of snow is likely to be especially heavy over the key M40, M5, M6 and M4 motorways.

The AA has warned that the cold snap is going out with a bang and encouraged motorists to check conditions before setting out.

The last flurries come ahead of the big thaw, which is due over the weekend and will bring with it the threat of flooding.

As temperatures rise, heavy rain is expected and will increase the flood risk, bringing more misery to those dealing with the aftermath of last month's heavy rains.

Nazaneen Ghaffar, Sky News Weather Presenter, said: "The rain, sleet and snow will become heavy and push southeastwards towards this evening, however southeast England and East Anglia should stay dry until tonight.

Snow blankets the country Snow will blanket most of the country through the night

"With strong winds (mainly in the north) there will be the risk of blizzard conditions and drifting.

"Significant accumulations of snow are expected, up to 10cm (4ins) in most areas and possibly double that across the hills and mountains of Scotland and Cumbria.

"The sleet and snow will spread into East Anglia and southeast England tonight then it should clear by the early hours of the morning.

"Showers will follow behind that rain across many northern and western areas, some of these will turn wintry on higher ground."

Temperatures are expected to rise to an average of 4C before reaching more than 10C in the south on Sunday.

The Met Office has 12 amber warnings in place from the Midlands up to central England, urging the public to be prepared for likely disruption caused by the heavy snow.

There are also a number of yellow warnings in Wales, southwest England and London and the South East.

Man attempts to clear snow outside his home A man attempts to clear the snow outside his home

Almost one in five people have not been able to work a full day because of the bad weather, according to a survey by Green Flag Breakdown.

Despite delays, the survey of more than 2,000 workers found that many had chosen to travel on public transport instead of driving.

Darron Burness, of the AA, said: "It's difficult for forecasters to know the extent of the snowfall, so check the local weather and traffic reports before heading out and be prepared for possible disruption.

"Take extra care, particularly on higher ground, and allow extra time for your journey."

Snow Women battle through the snow in County Durham

The number of deaths during the cold snap, which is now into its second week, is now in double figures.

The latest victim was a 42-year-old man who died after his car careered into a river as he was driving his daughter on the school run along a bridle path near the Monsal Trail, north of the A6 in Derbyshire.

Other casualties of the cold spell include postman John Bircham, 57, who collapsed soon after he was towed out of a snowdrift in Dulverton, Somerset, on Saturday, and Bernadette Lee, 25, who was found collapsed in the snow in Deal, Kent, on Sunday following a night out.

The Environment Agency has warned of the risk of flooding.

A man fits snow chains to his car in preparation for driving in hazardous conditions People are prepared as the cold spelll stretches in to its second week

The agency's flood risk manager, Phil Rothwell, said: "A combination of rain and snow melt over the weekend will increase the risk of flooding, especially in south west England, Wales, the West Midlands and northern England."

The severe weather has caused widespread disruption over the past week, including hundreds of flights cancelled and schools closed.

At one stage 30 people had to spend the night in a shelter after becoming stranded when the A39 between Bridgwater and Williton in Somerset became impassable in the early hours of Wednesday.

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Mali: RAF Plane Heads To Conflict

An RAF surveillance aircraft has been deployed in support of the French military action in Mali, the Ministry of Defence said.

Prime Minister David Cameron pledged extra help for the mission this week amid concern over the threat posed by Islamist militants in north Africa.

The Sentinel - which usually carries a crew of five - has now been added to two C17 transport aircraft which have already been sent to the region.

Defence secretary Philip Hammond said: "We have now decided to deploy Sentinel, a surveillance capability that has proved its worth in Libya and on an ongoing basis for counter-insurgency operations in Afghanistan.

RAF C17 aircraft departs for Mali mission One of the C17 planes before departure

"We have also agreed to continue to make available a C17 heavy lift transport aircraft which has already provided important logistical support over recent days."

Mr Cameron has insisted that Britain does not intend to deploy ground troops.

He spoke earlier this week of a global "generational struggle" against al Qaida-inspired Islamist terrorism in North Africa.

He said the UK should "thicken" links with the region following this month's hostage crisis in Algeria.

Britain will provide troops to an EU mission to train the Malian military to take on Islamist militants who have taken over the north of the country, he added.

The mission, due to deploy in February or March, is expected to include around 250 trainers and 250 force protection troops.

Mr Cameron said the British contribution would number "in the tens, not the hundreds", with aides saying it would be at the lower end of that range.

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Russia Crash: Baby Thrown Into Path Of Lorry

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 24 Januari 2013 | 00.27

A one-year-old girl has had an amazing escape after being involved in a road smash that saw her flung in front of oncoming traffic.

The Mitsubishi car that the child was travelling in with her parents spun out of control while trying to overtake on an icy road in Russia.

The vehicle skidded backwards and crashed into traffic on the opposite side of the road, sending the little girl flying out of the window into the middle of the carriageway.

Car crash The baby, circled in red, was lying in the path of oncoming traffic

A lorry driver coming the other way spotted the child - crawling in the middle of the road - and swerved, missing her by just a few inches.

Her parents then ran from their wrecked car and picked up their baby daughter from the road - just as another lorry was coming the other way.

The child suffered cuts and bruises to her head and was taken to a nearby hospital.

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Irish Nanny Charged Over Baby Death In US

An Irish nanny living illegally in America has been charged with violently assaulting a baby who later died.

Aisling McCarthy Brady, 34, from Quincy, Massachusetts, is alleged to have been the sole carer for the girl on January 14 - her first birthday - when she suffered injuries "consistent with abusive head trauma".

The baby, Rehma Sabir, died two days later in hospital after suffering brain damage.

She was also found to have multiple healing bone fractures.

Brady is currently being held on $500,000 (£316,000) bail after pleading not guilty to assault and battery on a child causing substantial bodily injury.

However, further charges are anticipated following the conclusion of the final report by the Chief Medical Examiner, the district attorney's office said on its website.

Nanny Aisling McCarthy Brady From Middlesex District Attorney's Office Brady could face further charges

Middlesex District Attorney Gerry Leone said: "This is an extremely troubling case where we allege the defendant violently assaulted a one-year-old child, causing a devastating head injury and broken bones.

"Children are our most vulnerable victims and where, as here, the offender has been entrusted with the care of a child who depends on them, the allegations are all the more egregious."

A statement on the District Attorney's website said: "It is alleged that on January 14, the child was in the care of the defendant, her nanny.

"Through their investigation, including interviews with witnesses, police determined that the defendant had sole custody of and contact with the child during the time that she sustained injuries consistent with abusive head trauma."

Hospital Where Rehma Sabir Died The hospital where Rehma was treated and later died

Rehma's injuries could have happened at any time, Brady's lawyer told the Associated Press.

Immigration authorities said Brady arrived from Ireland in 2002 with a permit to stay for 90 days.

A spokeswoman for Ireland's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade said: "We are aware of the case and have been in contact with the family.

"We are ready to provide any consular assistance if it is needed."

Rehma's father reportedly comes from London and her mother from Karachi, Pakistan.

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Police Officers 'Abuse Positions For Sex'

Police officers are buying steroids from criminals and abusing their positions to have sex with vulnerable women, a police leader has warned.

Mike Cunningham said that most forces were investigating cases where officers had become embroiled with criminals after gym use escalated to taking body-building drugs.

There were also probes into claims of officers using their positions to persuade vulnerable women to sleep with them, he said.

Mr Cunningham, the Chief Constable of Staffordshire, said the two were the greatest corruption risks among the country's police officers.

He said: "We do our own assessment of corruption threats, one of them is steroid abuse and gym use by officers.

"What that starts off is very often officers going to the gyms, beginning to dabble in steroids, then the relationships they form when they're using steroids become corrupt and corrosive.

PC Stephen Mitchell Stephen Mitchell who was given two life sentences

"There is good evidence of officers getting way out of their depth with serious criminals who they are beholden to."

Mr Cunningham, who was speaking after the release of an Association of Chief Police Officers' report into corruption, also said that dozens of officers across England and Wales were abusing their positions to have sex with vulnerable women.

He said: "We found that when we asked force professional standards departments that again most forces were investigating allegations against individual officers abusing their position for sexual favour."

One example is Stephen Mitchell, who worked for Northumbria Police and was given two life sentences in 2011 for two rapes and three indecent assaults.

The court heard how the 42-year-old abused women he met on duty, including a disabled teenager, heroin addicts and shoplifters.

Chief constables are to discuss plans for tackling corruption.

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Weather: Big Freeze Leads To Nine Deaths

The icy weather has led to the deaths of nine people in the last week.

Winter weather - Jan 22nd Motorists walk back to their cars after a fire in Dartmoor blocked the road

Among those who died was 54-year-old James Hurst, who fell over after he had been dropped off by a taxi following an evening at a local pub on Saturday.

Neighbours saw his body lying near a doorstep at about 8am the next day. Police confirmed Mr Hurst had suffered a head injury, which they were treating as an accident.

Tributes were also paid to postman John Bircham, who collapsed as he approached the end of his deliveries in and around the Somerset town of Dulverton on Saturday.

Winter weather - Jan 22nd Ablaze: a car fire on the B3212 at Dartmoor, Devon

It is understood that the 57-year-old father-of-two had been towed out of a snowdrift by a farmer before collapsing soon afterwards.

A woman found dead in a garden early on Sunday is believed to have collapsed in the snow after a night out.

Bernadette Lee, 25, was discovered in the front garden of the house next to her sister's by a man walking his dog in Church Meadows in Deal, Kent, at 7.30am.

Winter weather - Jan 22nd Driver Matthew Shipton was on his way home from work when the blaze started

Kent Police is investigating the cause of death, but there have been reports that she had no visible injuries and was found without a coat.

A man was also killed in another weather-related incident when the car he was driving left the road and crashed into a tree on the A12 in Essex on Sunday night.

Elsewhere, 16-year-old Liam Stafford remains critically ill in hospital after being injured while sledging in Flatts Lane Country Park in Normanby, Middlesbrough, on Sunday afternoon.

Ice Rescue Fire crews use a raft to reach a boy who fell through the ice (Pic: WMFS)

Meanwhile, more snow has fallen across some parts of the UK causing disruption to schools and travel networks and stranding motorists in their cars.

Up to 9cm fell overnight across parts of south and southwest England, the West Midlands and parts of Wales, but it has been generally light.

In Somerset, 30 people were forced to abandon their cars and spend the night in a shelter after heavy snow and fallen trees blocked the A39 between Bridgwater and Wilton.

Winter weather - Jan 23rd Children make their way through the ice to school in Princetown, Dartmoor

Police rescued the stranded drivers in the early hours of the morning and took them to a local village hall where they spent the night.

A spokesperson for Avon & Somerset Police said: "At 1am we became aware that about 30 people were stuck on a road that was impassable, primarily because of snow but also because of fallen trees.

"Officers from different districts in 4x4s were first on the scene to help and we asked the local fire station to open up and serve hot drinks and spoke with the council and identified a key-holder for a nearby village hall.

Winter weather - Jan23rd Snow today is expected to be generally light

"It was a group effort by the emergency services and a bit of community spirit."

Another driver had a lucky escape after his car caught fire on the B3212 at Dartmoor in Devon.

Matthew Shipton, 21, was driving home from work when his engine suddenly burst into flames. Firefighters were called and put out the blaze.

Emergency services were also called to Sutton Park in Sutton Coldfield where a boy, believed to be 15, had apparently tried to walk on the frozen surface of a large pool of water.

Snow Continues To Disrupt The UK's Road and Rail Networks Blizzard: People struggle across a car park in Shepton Mallet

After falling through he managed to escape the icy water and reach an island about 30 metres (100ft) from the shore, but was suffering from the effects of the cold.

Fire crews from Sutton Coldfield, Erdington and Perry Barr were sent to the park, along with the police and ambulance service.

They were able to rescue the boy using an inflatable raft, and he was taken to hospital.

A spokesman for West Midlands Fire Service said: "This incident is a very timely reminder about the need for us all to stay safe and sensible in these very cold weather conditions.

Winter weather - Jan 22nd Icy: Snow and ice covers Bradgate Park in Newtown, Leicestershire

"As sturdy as it might look, there is no way of knowing the thickness of ice on pools, lakes and other waterways. Please stay off it, and make sure that any children you know are aware of the dangers.

"People who put themselves at risk by venturing on to ice also endanger the lives of anyone who might have to rescue them.

"We're also urging dog owners to keep them on leads, so that they and their pets don't get into difficulties."

Temperatures are expected to become milder at the weekend, although melting snow coupled with rainfall could lead to flooding.

Winter weather - Jan 22nd Snow is cleared by a farmer on a road near Auchterarder, Scotland

Sky weather producer Joanna Robinson said: "The next few days will be quieter in terms of snowfall, but ice and freezing fog will remain hazards.

"The next spell of heavy, possibly disruptive, snow will be on Friday in the north and east, but it will be fairly short lived as it will turn milder over the weekend. Flooding will then be an issue.

"In terms of snowfall today, there will be patchy outbreaks across the West Midlands, Wales and south-west England, but it will be much lighter than last night.

"Parts of Wales and southwest England could see another 2-5cm, locally 10cm over the hills.

"Generally the snowfall should ease today, but there may be some very local issues of disruption across the South West.

"Tonight and Thursday night look very cold, with temperatures dropping below minus 10 Celsius in some rural spots."

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Chip Factory Blamed For Homes Slipping Into Sea

A housing estate inhabited largely by elderly residents is slipping off a cliff and into the North Sea because of a "river of fat" from the local chip factory, they claim.

Six homes have already perished off Knipe Point near Scarborough because of a landslide that residents say is "man-made".

According to a report commissioned by the residents' association, which represents the 56-home estate, leaking from pipes carrying effluent from the McCain Foods chip factory is partly to blame for the landslips.

The crumbling cliff has blighted the lives of those living there since 2008 and six of the homes on the edge have had to be bulldozed because they are too dangerous for people to live in.

Kane Cunningham is the latest to be ordered by the council to rip his home down because it is a risk.

Mr Cunningham, an artist, bought his home in 2009 for £3,000 as part of an art project and to use as a studio.

He was told it would fall off the cliff within three months but it has lasted three years and three weeks, although he has lost another seven feet of his garden in the last three days.

Knipe point The latest landslip at Knipe Point

Mr Cunningham said he never thought the problem would turn out to be "man-made" and was surprised when they received the report of the environmental scientists and engineering geologists, Ashton Bennett.

He said the council had previously told them that it was ancient Ice Age water that had surfaced, which was causing the problem.

However, the latest report, the result of a year-long study, apportioned some blame for the subsidence on water from the McCain factory in Osgodby, less than half a mile from the estate.

It said: "The test results of the water issues and the effluent from McCain's factory within YW (Yorkshire Water) pipes indicates that leakage of effluent within YW pipes is the most likely source of the water issues."

An analysis of the effluence from the McCain factory found it contained oil and grease, along with other chemicals the report found evident in the water that had leaked into the cliff.

Knipe point Mr Cunningham's home just feet from the edge fo the cliff

Mr Cunningham said: "This is not a natural disaster. This is a man-made disaster and we can prove somebody is responsible.

"Six houses have been demolished in the last three years. If the problem is not stopped then the rest of the estate will go as well.

"For me it's because of a river of fat and for me that's what's happened. These houses have just slipped off."

He said most of the 56 homes on the estate were occupied by elderly people.

He added that McCain's prided themselves in being environmentally friendly and that he hoped the company and Yorkshire Water would help to stop the problem.

"At the end of the day, I have lost my house. I've always known that was going to happen but if I can use my situation to help others then I will be happy," Mr Cunningham said.

Knipe point Mr Cunningham has lost seven feet of land in three days

Part of the pipeline is operated by McCain and part by Yorkshire Water, which has recently carried out work residents say have helped the problem.

A statement from McCain's said: "Like everyone else in Scarborough, we are well aware of the longstanding geological issues at Knipe Point. 

"We employ around a thousand people in the area and throughout the four decades we have been here we have always played an active and responsible role in the community. 

"As part of this commitment we have participated constructively on a voluntary basis in past authoritative studies which have concluded that inherent and unstable geological conditions at Knipe Point are the most probable reason for the issue. 

"We have only received a copy of the new document from the Knipe Point property owners in the last few days and, as we always take community representations seriously, we have asked geological experts to assess the document's contents before commenting further."

A statement from Yorkshire Water said it was considering the findings of the report and would respond to residents as quickly as possible.

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Helicopter Crash: Pilot's Last Words Revealed

The final words of Pete Barnes, the pilot killed after his helicopter crashed in central London, have been revealed.

Mr Barnes, 50, died from multiple injuries when the helicopter he was flying clipped a high-rise crane at St George Wharf in Vauxhall, south London.

A report by the Air Accidents Investigation Branch said he spoke to air traffic control just before the crash and requested permission to land at a heliport in Battersea.

He asked: "Is Battersea open, do you know?"

After being told it was, he replied: "If I could head to Battersea that would be very useful."

The air traffic controller responded: "Battersea diversion approved, you're cleared to Battersea."

Helicopter crash The helicopter burst into flames after crash landing

Mr Barnes' final words, spoken seven seconds before he crashed, were: "Thanks a lot."

The report also revealed that Mr Barnes' client, whom he had been due to pick up from Elstree in Hertfordshire, advised him not to make the journey from Redhill Aerodrome in Surrey.

The report said: "At 0718hrs, the client called the pilot to discuss the weather. The pilot said he thought the weather might clear earlier than forecast. The client said he would drive to Elstree and call the pilot to keep him advised.

"At 0731hrs, having noticed how poor the weather was during his journey, the client called the pilot to suggest that he did not take off until he (the client) had reached Elstree and observed the weather. The pilot replied that he was already starting the engines.

Helicopter Crashes in Vauxhall, South London St George's Wharf tower before and after the crash

"The client stated that he repeated his suggestion that the pilot should not take off."

He sent the client another message at 7.29am which stated: "I'm coming anyway will land in a field if I have to."

Mr Barnes' aircraft hit the crane and plummeted to the ground close to Vauxhall station.

He narrowly missed a new apartment block called The Tower, in St George's Wharf, to which the crane was attached as he crashed in Wandsworth Road.

An inquest into his death at Southwark Coroner's Court was earlier told he had been flying from Redhill to Elstree when he requested permission to divert.

Pedestrian Matthew Wood, 39, was also killed as he was walking to work.

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David Cameron Promises 'In-Out' EU Referendum

Mixed Reaction To Cameron Speech

Updated: 2:06pm UK, Wednesday 23 January 2013

David Cameron's key speech on Europe has sparked a predictably mixed reaction from within Britain and beyond. Here are the key quotes.

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg

"It's entirely for the Prime Minister, as leader of the Conservative Party, to set out what he wants to put in the Conservative Party manifesto and what he wants to do if there was a Conservative majority government.

"My priority remains, and will always remain: yes, reform in Europe; yes, a referendum where the circumstances are right, as we've set out in law; but above and beyond anything else, promoting growth and jobs and building a stronger economy in a fairer society."

Labour leader Ed Miliband

Mr Miliband said that his party "do not want an in/out referendum".

"He is going to put Britain through years of uncertainty and take a huge gamble with our economy. He has been driven to it not by the national interest, he has been dragged to it by his party...

"He is running scared of Ukip and has given in to his party and he can't deliver for Britain."

Mayor of London Boris Johnson

"David Cameron is bang on. What most sensible people want is to belong to the single market but to lop off the irritating excrescences of the European Union.

"We now have a chance to get a great new deal for Britain - that will put the UK at the heart of European trade but that will also allow us to think globally."

Tony Blair

"Europe does need Britain and Britain needs Europe, which is why the sensible thing to do is to argue the case for reform in Europe.

"But the issue for me is why put that other question, why say we are actually going to put on the agenda the prospect of leaving altogether?

"Why would we do that? Why would we do that now when we don't know either what we are proposing, what the rest of Europe's proposing or what the outcome of these negotiations is going to be?"

Labour peer Lord Mandelson

Claims Mr Cameron has conceded "game, set and match to the hardliners in his party".

"It is not a search together in unity with our partners in Europe. Effectively, it's an ultimatum to them with a deadline.

"In my view, what he is doing is treating the European Union like a cafeteria service at which you arrive with your own tray and try to leave with what you want.

"Whether you believe that Mr Cameron's European gamble is a sincere attempt to reform and improve the European Union or a cynical ploy to head off opposition to his leadership in his own party, there is no mistaking he is playing for very high stakes indeed and I do not believe he is going to get what he wants by attempting to put a pistol to the heads of his fellow member states."

UKIP leader Nigel Farage

"Winning this referendum, if and when it comes, is not going to be an easy thing but I feel that UKIP's real job starts today.

"For the first time, a British prime minister is at least discussing the fact that leaving is an option. I remember many long, very lonely years in UKIP when, without a friend in the world, we were advocating this point of view.

"What today means is that in terms of the overall debate, the genie is out of the bottle and from now on the European debate will be taking place on terms that UKIP wants."

Shadow business secretary Chuka Umunna

"After this speech, we know that global companies looking to situate European headquarters are probably going to shy away from the UK, which will cost growth and cost jobs."

Former Lib Dem leader Sir Menzies Campbell

"This is more about Ukip than it is about the UK. The Prime Minister's efforts to reconcile his own position with that of his eurosceptic backbenchers leads logically to the position that if he could not get what he wanted out of Europe, he would be willing for the UK to leave.

"This will hardly commend his approach to those in the EU whose co-operation he requires."

Tory MP Dominic Raab

The Tory hailed a "moderate, statesman-like approach ... rightly focused on a fundamental change in strategic direction rather than tactics". "The ball is now in the EU's court," he said.

CBI director general John Cridland

"The EU single market is fundamental to Britain's future economic success, but the closer union of the eurozone is not for us.

"The Prime Minister rightly recognises the benefits of retaining membership of what must be a reformed EU and the CBI will work closely with Government to get the best deal for Britain."

Tory donor Lord Ashcroft

"Tories must remember that we can only get what we want once we win an election. The more we talk about changing our relationship with Europe, the less likely it is to happen.

"The new policy will be in the manifesto. The only question is whether we will get a chance to implement it - and that depends on whether we get a majority at the next election.

"And that depends on how voters think we are doing on the economy, jobs, public services, welfare, crime, immigration: whether we are on their side and understand their priorities.

"It is time for Tory Eurosceptics to declare victory and talk about something else."

Fiona Hall, leader of the Liberal Democrat delegation in the European Parliament

"David Cameron spoke not as Prime Minister but as a Tory Party leader backed into a corner by his outspoken tea-party backbenchers.

"Cameron has failed to reassure our European partners over the UK's commitment to push for EU-wide reform rather than unilateral repatriation and cherry-picking.

"As a result, the UK will lose further influence in Europe as other member states anticipate a 'Brexit' and discount the UK's views altogether."

Simon Walker, director general of the Institute of Directors

"A future referendum to decide the workings of our relationship is the best way to affirm Britain's participation in a free-market Europe which is competitive and deregulated.

"It is far better to deal with these issues than to shy away from them. British business is resilient. It is flexible and it can cope with change - or uncertainty. The eurozone crisis is the source of far more uncertainty than a referendum."

UKIP MEP and ex-European Commission chief accountant Marta Andreasen

"Mr Cameron fundamentally fails to understand the federal EU freight train. Whilst flexibility sounds great and was probably dreamed up by the Prime Minister whilst sitting in his slippers in Chequers, there is a different reality in Brussels.

"I can assure the Prime Minister that there is no such thing as flexibility when it comes to the EU's objective: a deeper federal Europe where member states' sovereignty becomes an anachronism.

"His speech, therefore, was naive. The train is on a one-way track."

Daniel Hannan Eurosceptic MEP

"This is David Cameron's finest speech."

French foreign minister Laurent Fabius

"We are like a football club, and if you want to join the football club, you can't then say you want to play rugby."

Martin Schulz, president of the European Parliament

Mr Schulz accused Mr Cameron of "playing a dangerous game for tactical, domestic reasons".

"The Prime Minister increasingly resembles the sorcerer's apprentice, who cannot tame the forces that he has conjured - forces that want to leave the EU for ideological reasons, to the detriment of the British people.

"Attempting to revisit major parts of the Acquis Communautaire and picking and choosing the bits of which the UK approves, sets a dangerous precedent.

"Indeed, it could lead to piecemeal legislation, disintegration and potentially the breakup of the Union.

"In a globalised world, it is not in the UK's interest to seek to downgrade to some kind of 'second class' EU membership and so choose to weaken its own influence on European and global affairs.

"We need a UK as a fully fledged member, not harbouring in the port of Dover."

German Chancellor Angela Merkel

"Germany, and I personally, want Britain to be an important part and an active member of the European Union.

"We are prepared to talk about British wishes but we must always bear in mind that other countries have different wishes and we must find a fair compromise.

"We will talk intensively with Britain about its individual ideas but that is some time over the months ahead."

Guido Westerwelle, German foreign minister

"Germany wants the United Kingdom to remain an active and constructive part of the European Union."

However, he insisted EU membership was an all-or-nothing proposition, saying: "Cherry-picking is not an option."

Ex-Belgian prime minister and Liberal Democrat leader in the European Parliament, Guy Verhofstadt

"By holding out the prospect of renegotiating the terms of Britain's membership of the EU and subjecting it to a referendum, David Cameron is playing with fire.

"He can control neither the timing nor the outcome of the negotiations and in so doing is raising false expectations that can never be met.

"There can be no question of individual renegotiation or opt-out by a single member state from agreed policies.

"To do so would precipitate the unravelling of the internal market as other countries sought their own concessions in return.

"Mr Cameron will not succeed if he attempts to hold his European partners to ransom."

00.27 | 0 komentar | Read More

Hawaii Coastguard Mystery: Missing Man Returns

A member of the US Coast Guard who vanished three months ago has now returned home - confused and unable to tell his wife where he had been.

Petty Officer First Class Russell Matthews disappeared in October leaving behind just an abandoned car.

Despite a 10,000-square mile search of both land and sea along the coast of Hawaii, no trace of the 36-year-old could be found.

His car was discovered at Kaena Point, a remote area of Oahu.

The search for Petty Officer Matthews, who has been in the Coast Guard for 15 years, was eventually called off on December 13.

However, PO Matthews, who is a rescue swimmer, suddenly reappeared at his home on Sunday.

He was incoherent and had to be taken to hospital for treatment, according to the Honolulu Police Department and Coast Guard.

Coast Guard spokesman Lieutenant Gene Maestas said the service did not know where PO Matthews had been or what he had been doing since his wife reported him missing on October 9.

He said: "This is not the norm for the Coast Guard. In my 28-year career in the Coast Guard, I have never come across a case like this."

Coast Guard investigators were sent to see him to confirm his identity after he called his employer from a Honolulu medical centre.

Lt Maestas said PO Matthews would not be questioned until he was released by doctors - but the service would be investigating his disappearance.

He said: "We'll try to find out why he disappeared and all the details surrounding his case."

Sergeant Kim Buffett, of Honolulu Police, said detectives had no reason to pursue the case as it was not against the law to be missing.

She said the police case had been closed now PO Matthews had been found.

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Prince Harry Arrives In UK From Afghanistan

Prince Harry has arrived back at RAF Brize Norton in Oxfordshire after his tour of duty in Afghanistan.

The 28-year-old Apache co-pilot gunner has been on post-deployment "decompression" at a British military base, thought to be in Cyprus, since leaving war-torn Helmand Province on Monday evening.

He returned home on a regular personnel flight and is expected to travel on with his unit, 662 Squadron, 3 Regiment Army Air Corps, to their Suffolk headquarters.

Harry is likely to have drunk his first beer in 20 weeks on the Mediterranean island, as troops are given four cans of lager to help unwind after an arduous tour in Helmand.

The third-in-line to the throne has revealed to the media that he took Taliban fighters "out of the game" from the cockpit of Apache attack helicopters and admitted he "let himself down" by romping naked in Las Vegas just weeks before his deployment.

He also launched a scathing attack against the media and their treatment of him and his family, calling them an "unstoppable force".

The prince's duties included stints as part of the Very High Readiness (VHR) team at Camp Bastion, awaiting a call 24 hours a day.

He said his crew got their response time down to just "six-and-a-half or seven minutes".

Once airborne the task could be anything from medical evacuation of a wounded soldier, to firing on the enemy who might have coalition troops pinned down.

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Siblings Missing In Freezing Weather

Police are appealing for help to find two children who have gone missing from their home in Darlaston, West Midlands.

Sophie Fletcher, 12, and her brother Jack, 10, are believed to have left their home either overnight or early this morning.

Before leaving they packed a bag of clothes and took cash from the house, police said.

"The children have not been missing before and although they have packed clothes and taken money we are very concerned about them, particularly in this cold weather.

"It is believed they have left on their own accord," Inspector Stuart Vaughan of Walsall Police said.

Officers have been looking for the brother and sister, whose school was closed, throughout the morning.

Darlaston An extensive search is under way

Police say the two may try to travel by train to a previous holiday destination in Borth, Wales - widening the search operation.

"We are now appealing to the public to help us with this search - if you have seen either of the children today or have any information about where they may be, please contact us immediately," inspector Vaughan said.

Sophie is described as 5ft 2ins tall, has collar length brown hair cut in a bob style and blue eyes. She is believed to be wearing a leopard-print coat with a hood that has small ears on it and purple trousers.

Jack is described as 5ft tall, has blonde straight hair and a half-inch scar on his forehead.

He is believed to be wearing a black hooded Benzini jacket with bright yellow lettering, black ankle boots and a cap with "NY" on the front.

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