Boy, 13, Locked Up For 11 Years For Murder

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 11 April 2015 | 00.48

A 13-year-old boy who admitted stabbing a man to death has been locked up for at least 11 years.

The child, who cannot be named for legal reasons, pleaded guilty to murdering Christopher John Barry, 53, in Edmonton, north London, last December.

The youngster's mother wept in court as he was sentenced at the Old Bailey.

The court heard the child had left a 13th birthday party with a group of friends to see another boy who was heading home on to a bus.

But on the their way back to the party, they went to the wrong block of flats and came across one of its residents, Mr Barry, who was outside the building with his girlfriend.

Mr Barry - a builder who was originally from Cobh, Co Cork - refused to let the three boys into the flats, the court heard.

After some "pushing and shoving" between Mr Barry and the boys, the defendant managed to get in the building.

He followed Mr Barry into the lift, pulled out a kitchen knife from his rucksack and said: "What you saying now? What you saying now?"

The boy then stabbed Mr Barry twice, the court was told.

A short time later, he collapsed in a pool of blood and went into cardiac arrest, she said.

Mr Barry died shortly afterwards.

Sabrina Finn, the girlfriend of Mr Barry - who was known as Jack - said in a victim impact statement: "I'm back at work now and although I walk, talk and look the same as I did before, inside I'm tired and my heart is broken.

"Jack and I had four happy years together and this young man has taken that away from me."

After the attack, the boy - who had been a gang member since he was 10 - told one friend he was going to prison and texted another: "OK, if anyone asks, I wasn't there today".

In his sentencing remarks, Judge Stephen Kramer told the boy: "You are only 13 years old but shortly after 7.30pm on the evening of 14 December, 2014, you were carrying a knife in your bag.

"You wanted to get into a block of flats but you went to the wrong block with tragic consequences for everyone involved."

He took into account the boy's remorse, which his mother wrote about in a letter that was not read out in court.

The judge said the letter also detailed a "troubled background as well as positive aspects".

The boy's lawyer, Michael Turner QC, described the case as "unique" and said in all his years as a barrister it was the only time such a young defendant had pleaded guilty to murder.

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Boy, 13, Locked Up For 11 Years For Murder

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