14-Year-Old Sentenced For New Year Killing

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 11 April 2015 | 00.48

A 14-year-old boy who killed a man on a street moments after wishing him a "Happy New Year" has been detained for three years.

Kyle Major, from Blackpool, followed his victim and knocked him to the ground by punching him in the back of the head from behind in an unprovoked attack.

Father-of-two Paul Walker, 52 and also from Blackpool, was believed to be unconscious before he hit the ground.

A passer-by found Mr Walker lying face down in the street in the early hours of New Year's Day this year. 

His hands were still in his pockets when paramedics arrived.

He died shortly after in hospital.

Before Mr Walker was attacked, he had asked Major's friends for directions in Sutton Place, Blackpool.

He had become lost after leaving his sister's New Year's Eve party "in good spirits", the court heard.

He came across the group of youths - including Major - who told him where he was.

A girl in the group said Mr Walker seemed "lost, disorientated and affected by alcohol" but was "nice and friendly".

Major was heard to wish Mr Walker "Happy New Year".

But moments later the defendant and a male friend followed Mr Walker.

After felling him, Major ran off and later texted another friend: "I'm scared. Don't want to go to jail. Two/four years. Don't say anything."

He later claimed his friend filmed the attack on his phone, but no such footage has been found.

Major initially denied any involvement in the attack when arrested, but later pleaded guilty to manslaughter.

Sentencing him at Preston Crown Court, Judge Anthony Russell QC said: "Your upbringing was unfortunate. You have been allowed to run wild.

He added: "Unprovoked violence of this kind is completely unacceptable and will be punished."

Major stared blankly ahead throughout the proceedings. He showed no emotion as he was led from the dock.

On the night of the attack, the boy had drunk six bottles of lager and a quarter of a bottle of whiskey, the court heard.

His parenting was described as "out of control" and he had seven previous convictions for non-violent offences such as burglary and theft.

The boy's lawyer, Julie Taylor, said at the time of the attack her client "was somebody at that stage in his life who perhaps did not have the parental guidance he needed at that time".

She said Major was now "extremely remorseful" and apologised to Mr Walker's family for what he had done.

Ms Taylor said Major's current foster family said he showed "a caring and kind side" when under their guidance.

One of Mr Walker's sons stormed out of the court as that comment was made.

Family members described Mr Walker as "a lovely man with a big heart", and his sister Harriet said she had not only lost a brother but "her best friend".

Judge Russell lifted reporting restrictions on naming the juvenile following an application from the media that the public interest in identifying the child outweighed his welfare.

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