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Spurs Fan Stabbed In Rome Speaks Of Fear

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 24 November 2012 | 00.48

The Tottenham Hotspur fan brutally attacked by masked hooligans in Italy says his assailants "came out of nowhere" and pulled him along the ground after beating and stabbing him.

Ashley Mills spoke of his fear after he was nearly killed in the attack on a popular tourist pub in downtown Rome.

"They came out of nowhere," said the 25-year-old builder from Brentwood, Essex, who was in the Italian capital to watch Spurs take on Lazio in the Europa League on Thursday night.

"I didn't see the guy that stabbed me, there were too many of them."

Mr Mills was drinking with a group of Spurs fans late on Wednesday night at The Drunken Ship pub in Rome's famed Campo de Fiori piazza when a mob of about 50 assailants, armed with sticks, iron bars and paving stones, launched a frenzied assault on the drinkers.

Lazio "Ultras" - fanatical supporters - were initially suspected of the raid, but two fans of cross-town rivals Roma have now been arrested and charged with attempted murder.

Suspicions are mounting among Italian investigators that the aggressors were far-right sympathisers drawn from both fan groups.

A knife is seen on a street after a fight in downtown Rome Mills bled profusely from his thigh stab wound

Mr Mills said the Spurs fans had been taken by complete surprise.

"There was a good atmosphere in the bar," he said. "Everyone from back home having a few drinks, we were having fun. And then the atmosphere changed really quickly.

"I was standing outside the bar drinking, and the next thing I know there are loads of them. It happened very quickly, I don't remember much. I remember being pulled out, along the ground, after I had been stabbed.

"I am not scared now, I was scared at the time."

Mr Mills received head wounds when he was beaten and a knife wound to the top of his right thigh, causing prolonged bleeding from his femoral artery.

The next thing he remembers is waking up at Rome's San Camillo hospital, where his groin wound, considered life-threatening by doctors, was operated on, while his head wound was treated with stitches.

A statement issued by the hospital said Mr Mills remained in a serious condition and would be kept under observation "for a few days".

He has been cheered up by three friends who have travelled to Rome to see him.

"The pain in the groin can be intense - I think I may have been stabbed there more than once," he said, adding that the pain had kept him awake on Thursday night.

Mr Mills, who grew up in Tottenham, north London, had travelled to the game with his brother Bradley Mills, a 30-year-old interior designer who was in the bar and was also injured.

His trip to Rome was his first to see Spurs play abroad. "I am a lifetime fan and I have never seen trouble before - I would not have come if I knew this was going to happen," he said.

But, he added, he was determined to travel abroad again to see his team.

"It's a one-off, and now I want to get out of here as soon as possible and put this behind me."

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Steel Giant Tata Cuts 900 Jobs Across UK

Indian-owned Tata Steel has confirmed that it will close 12 plants in Britain.

The move will result in 900 job losses, the company confirmed, including 580 in South Wales, 155 in Yorkshire, 120 in the West Midlands and 30 on Teesside.

Sites to close include Tafarnaubach and Cross Keys in South Wales, and it will also reduce shifts at Rotherham and Hartlepool in response to lower demand for products.

The chief executive of the company's European operations, Karl Kohler, said the move was part of a strategy to become an "all-weather steel producer", able to withstand the difficult economic conditions.

Demand for steel in Europe had fallen by 25% since 2007 and was forecast to slump by another 10% this year, Tata said.

Mr Kohler added: "The job losses are regrettable and I know this will be a difficult and unsettling time for the employees and their families affected.

"We will be working with our trade unions and government at a national and local level to ensure we provide them with as much assistance and support as possible."

The company employs 19,000 in the UK and said it remained committed to investing in the business to help create long-term stability.

It confirmed plans to re-start one of two blast furnaces at Port Talbot in the first quarter of next year as part of a £250m investment programme.

Michael Leahy, general secretary of the Community trade union, said it was "sad news" for those affected by the job losses.

"We will be seeking an urgent meeting with the company to ensure our principle of no compulsory redundancies is upheld, although we are pleased to see the company has already committed to offering a package of training and support for those affected by these changes," he said.

"Sadly, these potential job losses are symptomatic of the continuing failure of the Government's economic policy and yet another reason why we are calling on the British Government to take urgent action to stimulate economic growth ana help revive the manufacturing sector."

A Welsh Government spokesman added: "This is very disappointing news, and a massive blow to those who will be losing their jobs.

"Tata's decision reflects the serious and ongoing challenges faced by manufacturing industries during these very difficult economic times.

"In addition to these challenges, it is clear that high energy costs and uncertainty over UK Government energy policy are having a significant impact on business investment decisions.

"As a Government, we have warned for some time of the need for these costs to be reduced."

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China's New Passport Sparks Diplomatic Dispute

By Mark Stone, China Correspondent

An angry diplomatic dispute has erupted between China and some South East Asian neighbours over China's newly designed passport.

The Chinese have redesigned the passport to include a map of the country.

But as well as outlining mainland China, the design includes Taiwan and a dotted line stretching far out into the South China sea -  into territory claimed by the Philippines, Vietnam, Brunei and Malaysia.

Territorial disputes over islands and shipping routes in the South China Sea have intensified in recent months. China has a longstanding claim on the whole of the South China Sea.

However, its recent efforts to enforce that claim with military might have enraged the Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan, Brunei and Malaysia. They all claim part of the sea and occupy islands in the disputed waters.

"This is total ignorance of reality and only provokes disputes," said Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council, the Cabinet-level body responsible for ties with Beijing.

Taiwan split from China after a civil war in 1949. China has claimed it as its own ever since. Improved relations over the past few years are now at renewed risk.

Speaking in Manila, the Philippine Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario told reporters that he sent a note to the Chinese embassy in the Philippines in which he "strongly protests" against the image.

"[The area outlined by in the map is] clearly part of the Philippines' territory and maritime domain", he told reporters.

South China Sea disputed territory Disputed territory in the South China Sea

Vietnam reacted in much the same way. It too has sent a diplomatic note to the Chinese embassy in Hanoi. In the note they insist that Beijing removes the "erroneous content".

Printing a map in a passport which other countries consider to be incorrect is, diplomatically, particularly provocative because those countries are forced to stamp the map, thus endorsing the content.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry has said the new passport, which now includes an electronic chip, was introduced to conform to international standards.

"The outline map of China on the passport is not directed against any particular country," Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said.

President Obama backed a call for a "code of conduct" on a visit to the region earlier this week.

The United States has insisted it will not take sides in any of the territorial disputes, though it is closely allied with all the countries with whom China is clashing.

To each of the nations in the dispute, the tiny island outcrops dotted across the area are important for what may be under them and for the domestic reaction that losing them (or capturing them) might provoke.

Satellite imagery of some of the islands in the disputed waters, seen by Sky News, show all the countries have invested significant time and effort in building up their defensive measures.

The Philippines and China have both built deep harbours and runways capable of hosting fighter jets on two tiny outcrops which form part of the Spratly Islands.

The waterway is a vital shipping lane. Given that China and South East Asian countries are massive exporters to the West, any escalation in the disputes could have much broader consequences.

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Pigeon's Message Has Code-Breakers Stumped

A secret Second World War message found attached to the leg of a dead pigeon has left code-breakers flummoxed.

The code, hand-written on a sheet of paper headed Pigeon Service, was found in a small red canister attached to the bird's leg bone.

Experts from UK intelligence agency GCHQ were alerted to the message by David Martin, who found the pigeon's skeleton up the chimney at his home in Bletchingley, Surrey, whilst he was renovating.

But GCHQ have said the message, which has 27 five-letter code groups, is impossible to crack without its code book.

Investigators were also left stumped by missing details, such as the date of the message and the identities of the sender, Sjt W Stot, and the recipient X02.

A GCHQ spokesman said: "Although it is disappointing that we cannot yet read the message brought back by a brave carrier pigeon, it is a tribute to the skills of the wartime code-makers that, despite working under severe pressure, they devised a code that was indecipherable both then and now."

During the war specialist code books would contain the keys to groups of four or five letters, which had a meaning relevant to a specific operation.

Some 250,000 pigeons were seconded during the Second World War.

They were used by all arms of the services as well as the Special Operations Executive and carried a wide variety of messages, flying the gauntlet of enemy hawk patrols and soldiers taking pot shots at them to bring vital information back to Britain from mainland Europe.

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Egypt Protests: Brotherhood Offices Set Alight

Violent clashes have broken out in cities across Egypt in a day of protest after President Mohamed Morsi granted himself sweeping new powers.

In Alexandria, Egypt's second largest city, protesters stormed the headquarters of Mr Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood party throwing chairs and books into the street and setting them on fire.

Police fired tear gas on crowds gathered in Tahrir Square, in Cairo, the scene of the violent clashes during the overthrow of the former president, Hosni Mubarak.

The Daily News Egypt reported injuries in cities across the country as violent clashes broke out between protesters and Mr Morsi's supporters, who according to reports on Twitter, were being bussed in to counter the dissenters.

EGYPT-POLITICS-MORSI Protesters storm the Muslim Brotherhood's headquarters in Alexandria.

Hundreds gathered outside the Muslim Brotherhood's offices in Port Said, pelting it with stones and attempting to storm the building.

There were reports the Muslim Brotherhood's offices in Suez and Ismailiya had also been set on fire.

Mr Morsi addressed his supporters at a rally outside the presidential palace telling them he would press forward and that he was on the path to "freedom and democracy".

He said: "No one can stop our march forward ... I am performing my duty to please God and the nation and I take decisions after I consult with everyone." 

He said that the new powers were designed to stop "weevils" from the former Mubarack regime blocking progress. 

EGYPT-POLITICS-MORSI Supporters and opponents of the president clash in Alexandria.

Under the new powers assumed by Mr Morsi, none of his laws or decrees can be cancelled, powers have been removed from the judiciary and he can take any measures necessary to safeguard national security.

The move has come as a blow to the pro-democracy movement that formed before Mubarak was ousted and they raise questions about the gains made in last year's uprising.

Opposition forces have denounced the declaration as a "coup". 

They accused Mr Morsi, an Islamist, of "monopolising all three branches of government" and of overseeing "the total execution of the independence of the judiciary".

The United Nations Human Rights Commissioner, Navi Pillay, said that Mr Morsi's move raised serious issues.

Mohamed ElBaradei Mohamed ElBaradei (centre) says the powers are a blow to the revolution

His spokesman, Robert Colville, told a news briefing at the UN in Geneva: "We are very concerned about the possible huge ramifications of this declaration on human rights and the rule of law in Egypt."

The EU has also issued a warning. "It is of utmost importance that democratic process be completed in accordance with the commitments undertaken by the Egyptian leadership," a spokesman for EU foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton, said in a statement.

Nobel laureate and former UN atomic energy agency chief Mohamed ElBaradei had earlier lashed out at the declaration, which would effectively put the president above judicial oversight.

"Morsi today usurped all state powers and appointed himself Egypt's new pharaoh. A major blow to the revolution that could have dire consequences," Mr ElBaradei wrote on his Twitter account.

The head of the influential Judge's Club, Ahmed al-Zind, told a press conference that the judges would hold an emergency meeting on Saturday to decide on their next step, promising "actions, not words".

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'Black Friday' Discount Day Reaches UK

Some of the UK's biggest retailers are cashing in on a US tradition which sees millions of frenzied shoppers make the most of discounted prices.

Amazon, Asda and Apple are among the companies that have launched so-called Black Friday sales in Britain - despite many consumers being unaware of the custom.

In the US, thousands of stores discount their prices the day after Thanksgiving, and many open for longer hours.

Last year a record number of people visited stores over the Black Friday weekend, spending a total of $52bn (£32.6bn) - an average of around $400 (£250) each, according to the National Retail Federation.

And this year, some eager shoppers have been caught on camera phones battling to get to the best bargains first, after queuing for hours. 

Many retailers opened their stores at midnight, and this year the trend to open at 8pm on Thursday started to spread.

Major Retailers Begin Black Friday Sales Thanksgiving Night Some US stores were frantic

While the shift was denounced by some store employees and traditionalists as pulling people away from families on Thanksgiving, many shoppers welcomed the chance to shop before midnight.

"I think it's better earlier. People are crazier later at midnight," hotel worker Renee Ruhl, 52, said as she shopped at a Target store in Orlando, Florida.

Online retailer Amazon was one of the first companies to bring the trend to the UK.

It launched a week-long Black Friday sale on Monday, which it claims "offers millions of pounds of savings on hundreds of Christmas gifts".

Tech giant Apple and Asda, owned by Walmart, are also hoping to make the most of the Christmas shopping rush by offering one-day discounts of their own.

Hotel Chocolat emailed customers to say that as it offered US customers 20% off it would do the same for UK buyers.

"There are more retailers launching sales this year than ever before - and many British consumers are becoming aware of the tradition for the first time," Retail Week's Gemma Goldfingle told Sky News.

"In the US it is an absolute phenomenon, with people queuing up all night to snap up the best deals."

Amazon Black Friday Ad Amazon launched its sale on Monday

In Orlando at least one family camped outside a Best Buy shop for a full week, sleeping in two tents.

"It has not reached that level here and whether it ever will is another matter," Ms Goldfingle said.

She said that Americans have Thanksgiving to kick-start the event – whereas in the UK it is just a normal day. Boxing Day, when UK sales traditionally begin, is a normal work day for Americans.

"A lot of British retailers would prefer not to have it," Ms Goldfingle said.

"They want to be selling items at full price ahead of Christmas, especially given the tough economic conditions."

While a limited number of UK chains have labelled their sales as Black Friday, many others have needed to show weekend price drops to lure customers.

Furniture chain dfs has taken to advertising in newspapers about its discounts while Topshop offered online weekend deals.

Black Friday, which is thought to refer to the first day of the year that retailers go "into the black", comes just ahead of Cyber Monday - which the marketing industry claims is the busiest day in the online shopping calendar.

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Elephant Abuse: Circus Owner Convicted

A circus owner found guilty of three counts of causing unnecessary suffering to an elephant in his care has been spared a prison term.

Bobby Roberts was also convicted of failing to prevent an employee from repeatedly beating the animal called Anne.

The 69-year-old defendant, who ran Super Circus in Polebrook, Cambridgeshire, also failed to ensure the Asian elephant's needs were met by not giving her medication for her arthritis.

Roberts was given a three-year conditional discharge, while his wife Moira, 75, was cleared by a jury following a five-day trial.

The couple, from Oundle, had denied the charges at Northampton Crown Court.

The court was shown footage filmed secretly by animal welfare group Animal Defenders International (ADI) of the animal being kicked and struck with a pitchfork several times by the groom at the circus's winter quarters in Polebrook, last year.

The footage, filmed between January 21 and February 15 2011, also showed Anne constantly chained to the ground.

The 58-year-old elephant could be seen chained by one foot and one hind leg in a barn.

Anne the elephant at Longleat Anne the elephant is now being looked after at Longleat Safari Park

The legs of the animal - who the prosecution allege was not receiving medication for its arthritis - could also be seen to buckle several times in the footage.

Bobby Roberts told the court he was unaware that Anne had been constantly chained.

And he said the groom, who is believed to have returned home to Romania, had not followed his instructions.

He admitted the elephant would be chained up at times.

But he added his instructions were that the animal be let loose behind an electric fence in a cordoned off area of the barn when possible or, if the weather was good, to be taken to a field outside.

In April 2011, the defendants agreed to hand Anne over to Longleat Safari Park in Wiltshire, where she is to live out her days.

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Floods: Man Dies As More Rain Expected

An elderly man has died after becoming trapped in his 4x4 in floods after large parts of the UK were hit by strong winds and heavy rain.

There has been a respite in the downpours, but the wet conditions are expected to return this weekend with gale force winds in parts.

Around 70 flood warnings and about 150 less serious flood alerts are in place for rivers.

The areas most affected by the heavy downpours were Wales and southwest England.

But the majority of the UK was hit by the storms as they were pushed eastwards throughout Thursday, causing flash flooding. Much of the rain overnight fell on already saturated ground.

Hundreds of drivers were stranded, thousands of homes were without power and more than 100 people were evacuated as winds reached more than 86mph.

A man was killed after his 4x4 was washed down a stream by flood water and wedged against a foot bridge in the village of Chew Stoke near Bristol The 4x4 became wedged underneath a bridge

The unnamed man who died after becoming trapped in his car in floodwater is believed to have been visiting a relative when his 4x4 was swept away crossing a ford.

The Mitsubishi Shogun was completely submerged, wedged under a small wooden bridge at Rectory Fields, in Chew Stoke, Somerset, at 8.50pm on Wednesday.

Fire crews, police and search and rescue teams attended the scene and found the victim who was pronounced dead on the way to hospital.

The vehicle was winched from the stream by a forklift truck and lifted onto a truck before being taken away.

Map showing Chew Stoke, Somerset The man died in his car in Chew Stoke, Somerset

Chew Stoke resident David Smith, 76, said it was the second time in 24 hours in which a 4x4 had got into trouble crossing the ford.

:: See the latest weather forecast

Mr Smith said: "About 24 hours ago, a Land Rover came past here and I flagged him down and told him he ought not to try and cross the ford, but he did and he was swept away in the middle of the ford.

"Fortunately, his vehicle was caught by one of the bollards on the road and he was able to climb out of the window on to the roof."

Torquay landslide (Twitter pic from Ellacombe Police) Homes in Torquay were evacuated after a landslide: (Pic: Ellacombe Police)

In Torquay, Devon, several homes were evacuated after a landslide. Part of a cliff face was hit by a landslip after netting was washed away.

Amid the wet and windy weather, thousands of commuters also suffered disruptions, with many train services in the South West and connections to London Paddington either cancelled or delayed.

Sky's weather producer Joanna Robinson said: "There's some respite in the weather today, but it's been a windy and wet week, with local flooding.

"A deep area of low pressure is set to move in over the weekend, bringing yet more heavy rain to areas already badly hit. England and Wales could see 15 to 25mm quite widely, with up to 50mm possible in some spots."

South and west Wales and the West Country will be worst affected, she said.

"The wind will strengthen over the weekend too, with gales or perhaps even severe gales possible Saturday night and Sunday morning," she said.

"There's still some uncertainty about where the strongest winds will be, but it looks like southern counties of England will bear the brunt, with exposed parts seeing gusts up to 70mph."

Cars make their way through floods in the village of Norton near Worcester Driving conditions have been treacherous

The Met Office said some areas saw up to 60mm of rain on Thursday.

Thousands of households in the South West and hundreds in Wales have been left without power after high winds brought down power lines.

The AA said the last few days have been some of its busiest for flood-related call-outs, with many roads impassable.

The RSPCA said it had received more than 140 calls about animals affected by flood water. In Barrow Upon Soar, Leicestershire, four horses which were unable to feed were rescued from a submerged field.

:: Send us your flooding photos and videos.

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Cameron Says EU Deal 'Just Not Good Enough'

EU budget talks collapsed because the deal on the table was "just not good enough", Prime Minister David Cameron said.

Speaking in Brussels after the summit ended without agreement, he hit out at EU institutions for failing to curb the high pay and perks of its bureaucrats.

He told them it was time to "adjust to the real world" and said the Commission "didn't offer a single euro in savings, not one euro, and I just don't think that is good enough."

He said: "Brussels continues to exist as if it is in a parallel universe."

The European Council president, Herman Van Rompuy, called off the summit after leaders remained deeply divided after two days of negotiations, rather than try to continue into the weekend.

Mr Cameron said a deal to set out the spending priorities of the EU over the next seven years could be done in the future but that it could not be a "deal at any cost."

The Prime Minister has argued for a budget freeze when the EU is demanding an above inflation increase in 2014-2020 spending. He has also been fighting to keep the rebate that was secured by Margaret Thatcher when she was in power.

He insisted Britain was not alone in opposing the budget proposals and said a number of other countries, which also receive more than they donate, had found the deal unacceptable.

Sky's Robert Nisbet, in Brussels, said this is not the end of the road for the talks and they will continue into the new year.

"What is likely to happen is a third budget proposal will be sent out to all 27 countries, they'll go away and discuss it, try to find some common ground and then come back here at the start of next year to try to negotiate it.

"But by then they are starting to run out of time because all of this has got to be implemented at the start of 2014."

Mr Cameron demanded billions in pay and pension cuts from the EU's civil service and presented EU heads with a paper setting out how Brussels could slash at least 6bn euro (£4.8bn) off its staff costs.

His measures included upping retirement ages, lowering pensions and trimming lavish salaries.

The French President, Francois Hollande, said: "Progress was made. There were no threats, no ultimatums.

"(German Chancellor) Angela Merkel and I both agreed that it would be better to take some time out, because we want there to be an agreement."

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Baby Bitten By Dog Died From Head Injury

A week-old baby who was killed after being bitten by a dog died from a "significant" head injury, it has been confirmed.

Harry Harper died in hospital on Tuesday morning after paramedics were called to a house in Woodside Road in Ketley, near Telford.

He had been with his mother at his grandparents' house when he was attacked by the family-owned Jack Russell and was pronounced dead after being taken to the Princess Royal Hospital.

The dog has since been put down.

A post-mortem examination concluded the cause of death was a significant head injury, West Mercia Police said. At the time, Harry's family said they were "absolutely devastated" by his death.

Superintendent Nav Malik, police commander in Telford, said: "The investigation into this sad incident is ongoing and it is likely to continue for some time."

However, the incident continues to be treated as a tragic accident.

A statement from Harry's relatives following his death said: "As a family we are absolutely devastated by Harry's death and have no words to describe the loss we have suffered."

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Sarah Payne: Roy Whiting's Attacker Sentenced

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 22 November 2012 | 00.27

A double murderer stabbed notorious child killer Roy Whiting in the eye twice because he was a "dirty little nonce", a court has heard.

Gary Vinter, 42, picked a high-profile target in July 2011 because he wanted to change the conditions in which he was held at Wakefield jail, West Yorkshire.

Whiting, a convicted sex offender sentenced to life in prison in 2001 for the murder of eight-year-old Sarah Payne, received emergency care following the attack in his cell and has made a full recovery.

Vinter appeared via a videolink from Long Lartin Prison, Worcestershire, before Mr Justice Openshaw sitting at Newcastle Crown Court.

After hearing Andrew Kershaw, prosecuting, give an explanation for the gruesome attack, Vinter said: "He was a dirty little nonce. That's why I did it."

Vinter, from Middlesbrough, sneaked into Whiting's cell and used a sharpened plastic toilet brush handle to stab Whiting in both eyes.

"On the second stabbing, the tip of the weapon broke leaving a piece of plastic in this victim's eye socket," Mr Kershaw said.

Vinter then kicked and punched Whiting as he lay on the floor, before he left the cell.

Mr Kershaw had said there was no evidence of any animosity between the two.

"They had not spoken," he said. "They had only been on the same wing at Wakefield Prison for a few days."

But Vinter, who is serving a life sentence after murdering a workmate in 1996 and his estranged wife in 2008, picked out Whiting for his notoriety, the court heard.

Child protection campaigner Sara Payne Sara Payne has fought for child protection since her daughter's murder

"It was a cold-blooded premeditated attack intending to maim at least. It was calculated to manipulate the prison authorities into changing the conditions under which he was detained."

He told officers he had tried to kill Whiting, that as a "natural life" prisoner he had no hope and he had warned the authorities he would target a "high-profiler".

Whiting told the authorities how Vinter burst into his cell. In a statement read out in court, he said: "I was immediately punched and hit to the right eye and nose area and it made me stagger into the cell wall.

"I then felt a second punch or blow to the left side. Following the second blow, I was aware of a severe pain in my eye and my vision was now blurred in my left eye.

"I slid down the walls to the floor and I raised my arms to defend myself but felt further kicks and punches."

Whiting was treated at Pinderfields Hospital where he received stitches in his eye lids and the shard of plastic was removed.

The court heard after three months of blurred vision in his left eye, he has made a full recovery apart from some numbness to the area.

Vinter admitted wounding with intent at a previous hearing and was given an indefinite sentence, with a notional minimum term of five years.

Mr Justice Openshaw said Vinter chose his victim because he was a "notorious child murderer" and an aggravating factor of the offence was Whiting's vulnerability.

He said: "There is no regret or remorse, on the contrary, the defendant derived and continues to derive considerable satisfaction from having committed this offence."

After sentencing, Vinter said: "Thank you very much judge, it has been a pleasure."

Vinter is appealing against his full life term before European Human Rights judges at the end of this month.

In 1996, Vinter was jailed for life for murdering Carl Edon, 22, a railway signalman. He was released in 2006 after serving a 10-year minimum term.

He was recalled to prison for his part in a pub brawl and then went on to murder his wife Anne White, 40, in a chilling offence four years ago.

He had followed her around Middlesbrough pubs, then had her kidnapped to his mother's house where he stabbed her to death having failed in his attempt to strangle her.

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'Devastating' Loss Of Baby Boy Bitten By Dog

The family of a baby boy who died after being bitten by a dog in Shropshire says it has been left "absolutely devastated" by the infant's death.

Harry Harper died in hospital on Tuesday morning after paramedics were called out to a house in Woodside Road in Ketley, near Telford.

The boy had reportedly been with his mother at his grandparents' house when it was attacked by the family-owned dog.

In a statement, the family said: "We are absolutely devastated by Harry's death and have no words to describe the loss we have suffered.

"At the present time, we have no wish to speak publicly about yesterday's events and would ask that we are left in peace to grieve and begin to deal with our loss."

Woodside Road, Ketley The house on Woodside Road where the attack happened

Initial indications suggested Harry, who was just eight days old, died after being bitten by the Jack Russell.

Police emphasised that Harry was not mauled by the animal, which has now been put down.

West Mercia Police are continuing to investigate the precise circumstances of the newborn's death as they await the result of a post-mortem examination.

Detective Chief Inspector Neil Jamieson said: "Our investigation is ongoing but it appears that the baby died as a result of a dog bite.

"The dog in question was a family pet - a Jack Russell - and this animal has been put down.

"A post-mortem will be taking place to establish the exact cause of this baby's death but at this stage it does appear to be a tragic accident.

Woodside Road, Ketley Woodside Road, Ketley

"With an investigation ongoing, there is no further comment I can make on this matter apart from to say that all our thoughts are with the family of the baby at this extremely sad time."

The emergency services were called to the house just before 8am and Harry was taken to Princess Royal Hospital in Telford.

Efforts to save the baby were made by the ambulance crew at the scene and on the way to the hospital.

Residents in the local area were reluctant to speak to the media about the tragedy, which is reported to have happened at the home of his mother's parents.

One neighbour, who declined to give her name, said: "It's very, very sad.

"Losing a baby must be heart-breaking however it happens and they need to be left to grieve."

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Stones Reunite With Wyman And Taylor For Gigs

The Rolling Stones have announced the return of former members Bill Wyman and Mick Taylor for their upcoming '50 and Counting' shows.

The band played their first gig in 1962 at The Marquee Club in Oxford St, London, and it will be the first time in more than 20 years that they have all played together.

Bill Wyman, now 76, played bass with the band from 1962 until retiring in 1993. Rumours circulated earlier this year that he was once again rehearsing with his former bandmates.

Mick Taylor was a member from 1969 to 1974 and replaced founder member Brian Jones, who died tragically just a month after being asked to leave the band.

Taylor was the guitarist on what is widely considered to be The Rolling Stones' best album, Exile on Main St.

Full details just released about the four-date shows reveal there will be no support acts.

The gigs begin on November 25 and promise to celebrate half a century of the group with a full two-hour set of their hits, as well as a few surprises.

A further date in London is scheduled for November 29 before the band move to Newark, New Jersey, in December for the remaining two dates.

There has been controversy over ticket prices, beginning at more than £100 and reaching £1000 for premium access.

A spokesman for promoter Virgin Live said the gigs were a "one-off celebration of their 50th anniversary and not part of an extended global tour where substantial production costs can be spread over a lengthy period of shows".

News of the celebratory shows accompanies the release of the band's new video, Doom And Gloom, which sees the band team up with Noomi Rapace, star of Prometheus and The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo films.

The single is one of two new tracks from the band's 80-track compilation album Grrr, released on November 12.

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Tel Aviv Bus Bombing 'Act Of Lone Operator'

Israeli intelligence officials have said a bus bomber who injured at least 21 people in Tel Aviv was a lone operator with no links to any major groups, according to Sky sources.

The explosion took place across from the military headquarters - on the eighth day of an Israeli offensive against Palestinian militants in Gaza - jeopardising frantic diplomatic negotiations to secure a truce.

Ofir Gendelman, a spokesman for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, immediately condemned the explosion as a "terrorist attack".

Israeli deputy prime minister Silvan Shalom, who heard the explosion from his Tel Aviv office, called it "an escalation".

"What does it say about the future of the (truce) talks? I leave it to (the senior officials). but this doesn't add anything," Yitzhak Aharonovich, Israel's minister of internal security, told Israeli Army Radio.

Israeli police survey the scene Emergency services tend to the injured as crowds gather after the blast

Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri praised the bombing, but stopped short of claiming responsibility.

"Hamas blesses the attack in Tel Aviv and sees it as a natural response to the Israeli massacres ... in Gaza," he said.

"Palestinian factions will resort to all means in order to protect our Palestinian civilians in the absence of a world effort to stop the Israeli aggression," he added.

Police said it was not a suicide attack and suggested an explosive may have been planted on the No. 142 bus as forensic teams took away  bomb fragments for analysis.

Israeli Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld told Sky News: "We have heightened security all around the Tel Aviv area in order to also see if there are any suspects that fled the area."

Unconfirmed reports from Israel said police were holding a man caught running away from the scene moments before the bombing, and were looking for a woman who was on the bus earlier.

A woman is helped from the scene by emergency services after an explosion on a bus in Tel Aviv, Israel. Israeli medics wheel a wounded woman away from the scene

The driver, who escaped largely unscathed, told reporters he had not seen anyone suspicious get on board. "I felt the explosion ... smoke was everywhere, you couldn't see a thing," he said.

Passenger Yehuda Samarano, 59, who suffered shrapnel wounds to his chest and leg, said from his hospital bed: "I flew from my seat. Everything became white and my ears are still ringing now."

The blast happened at around noon in one of the coastal city's busiest areas, near the Tel Aviv Museum, business hub, diamond district and an entrance to the Kirya, Israel's national defence headquarters.

Television footage showed pictures of a smoke-filled bus, charred inside with its windows blown out.

Leor Sinai, a resident who visited the scene after the explosion, said there was "chaos, mayhem".

He told Sky News: "Thankfully, there's a hospital around the corner so the people were brought right to the hospital. They were, from what I hear, hit with nails, that the bomb was filled with nails and little sort of marbles that kind of flew in all different directions."

Medics said three of the wounded were in a moderate-to-serious condition. Some reports suggested up to 17 or 21 people had been injured in the blast.

Israeli police survey the scene Israeli police officers comb the bus and its surroundings for evidence

Israel has been locked in a deadly week-long confrontation with Palestinian militants in Gaza after an Egypt-brokered truce fell through.

Diplomats, including US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, are in the region for talks to try to broker a ceasefire amid the latest conflict during which more than 140 Palestinians and five Israelis have been killed.

British Foreign Secretary William Hague said the bus explosion was of "deep concern".

"Terrorists must not be allowed to set the agenda," he said.

"This shocking violence further underlines the urgent need for an immediate de-escalation of violence and a full ceasefire."

The White House also condemned the attack as an "outrageous" assault on "innocent Israeli civilians".

The UK and United States' sentiments were echoed by France and Russia who renewed calls for a halt to the violence.

Hamas militants have fired at least four rockets at Tel Aviv in the past week, but none have resulted in direct hits or any casualties.

The last time the city was hit by a significant bomb blast was in April 2006, when a Palestinian suicide bomber killed 11 people at a sandwich stand near the city's old central bus station.

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Chelsea Manager Roberto Di Matteo Sacked

Chelsea: Eight Managers In Nine Years

Updated: 11:16am UK, Wednesday 21 November 2012

Roberto Di Matteo has become the latest Chelsea manager to be removed from his post by Roman Abramovich.

How did his predecessors fare after parting company with the club's Russian oligarch owner?

CLAUDIO RANIERI (September 2000 to May 2004)

Life under Abramovich: The first manager to spend Abramovich's billions was under pressure from day one amid rumours Sven-Goran Eriksson was being lined up to replace him.

The 'Tinkerman' tag did not help the Italian and, despite finishing second in the Premier League and reaching the Champions League semi-finals, he was sacked.

Life after Abramovich: Returned to former club Valencia, immediately winning the European Super Cup.

But was sacked six months later and has won nothing since, despite landing prestigious jobs at Parma, Juventus, Roma, and Inter Milan. Currently managing Monaco in France's second tier.

JOSE MOURINHO (June 2004 to September 2007)

Life under Abramovich: Declared himself a 'Special One' and lived up to the title, becoming the most successful Chelsea manager ever.

Immediately ended their 50-year wait for a league title with back-to-back Premier League crowns and also won the FA Cup and two Carling Cups. Champions League glory remained elusive and a reported power struggle with Abramovich eventually saw him leave.

Life after Abramovich: Heavily linked with the England job before eventually resurfacing at Inter Milan.

One of the most successful bosses in their history, he became only the third manager to win the European Cup with two different clubs.

Now at Real Madrid where he became the first man to win league titles in England, Italy and Spain, although Champions League success currently evades him in the Spanish capital.

AVRAM GRANT (September 2007 to May 2008)

Life under Abramovich: Less than two months after arriving as director of football, Israeli Grant found himself parachuted into the manager's hotseat.

Speculation was rife he did not have the backing of the dressing room but still managed to get the club to their only Champions League final. Also reached the Carling Cup final and finished second in the Premier League before being sacked.

Life after Abramovich: History repeated itself as Grant joined Portsmouth as director of football in October 2009, once again becoming manager less than two months later.

Boosted reputation by leading side to the FA Cup final despite administration saga that saw them relegated. Resigned and joined West Ham but was sacked after they were also relegated.

LUIZ FELIPE SCOLARI (July 2008 to February 2009)

Life under Abramovich: Billed as the man to inspire Chelsea to take final step in Champions League, World Cup winner Scolari enjoyed a flying start but things soon began to go wrong amid rumours of dressing-room unrest.

The timing of the Brazilian's sacking after just seven months still came as shock.

Life after Abramovich: Made surprise decision to move to Uzbekistan and join champions FC Bunyodkor, although the salary reportedly made him the one of the highest paid managers around.

Left after less than a year and returned to former club Palmeiras, but recently lost his job.

GUUS HIDDINK (February 2009 to May 2009)

Life under Abramovich: Still revered by players and fans for rescuing Chelsea's season while combining Russia job with a caretaker role at Stamford Bridge.

Won the FA Cup and desperately unlucky not to reach the Champions League final, Hiddink lost only one game in charge.

Life after Abramovich: Continued as Russia boss until June 2010, leaving after failing to lead them to the World Cup.

Became Turkey manager but left in November after losing another play-off, this time for the European Championships.

Persistently linked with a return to Chelsea after Carlo Ancelotti was sacked before joining mega-rich Russian club Anzhi Makhachkala in February.

CARLO ANCELOTTI (June 2009 to May 2011)

Life under Abramovich: Recruited largely because of two Champions League successes at AC Milan, instead delivered Chelsea's first ever domestic double in maiden season.

Nevertheless damaged by losing in the Champions League last 16, and a trophy-less season followed.

Life after Abramovich: Linked with several jobs in England and abroad, December saw him appointed manager of big-spending Ligue 1 leaders Paris St Germain.

ANDRE VILLAS-BOAS (June 2011 to March 2012)

Life under Abramovich: Arrived in London to a splash of publicity and dubbed as the 'new Mourinho' after a stellar spell in charge of Porto which took in domestic and European titles.

Cracks soon emerged, though, with senior players reportedly baffled by his methods and unhappy with his selection policy. The Portuguese was sacked after a defeat at West Brom.

Life after Abramovich: Returned to English football in the summer when he replaced Harry Redknapp at Tottenham. Domestic form has been mixed, with a memorable victory at Manchester United the highlight and punishing derby defeats to Arsenal and Chelsea the lows.

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Dettori Suspended From Racing Over Drug Test

Frankie Dettori has been temporarily suspended from racing in France due to this week's case over his positive drug test.

The 41-year-old jockey made his representation via conference call at the Medical Committee of the French racing authority, France Galop, in Paris on Tuesday.

However, the file has been passed on to the French stewards, who will pass judgement within a fortnight.

A statement from France Galop read: "Following yesterday's examination of the file and after having duly notified the jockey Lanfranco Dettori of its decision, the Medical Committee has temporarily suspended the said jockey from riding in races in France, based on medical grounds.

"According to article 143 of the Rules of Racing, the Medical Committee's report has been passed on to the France Galop stewards.

"The France Galop stewards will be studying the file within the next fortnight before deciding what action will be taken in accordance with the Rules of Racing."

Dettori had four rides at the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe trials meeting on September 16, after which the sample was returned.

He made headlines last month when his 18-year association with powerful owners Godolphin came to an end, with the three-time champion jockey planning to ride as a freelance in 2013.

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Gaza: Israel And Hamas 'Agree To A Ceasefire'

A ceasefire between Hamas and Israel has been agreed and is to be announced within hours, according to a Palestinian official.

On Tuesday night, Hamas official Ayman Taha said an Egyptian-brokered truce had been finalised and would take effect from 10pm.

But a spokesman for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the announcement was premature.

The United States has now stepped in, with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arriving in Cairo on Wednesday for talks with Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi.

During her flight, however, a bomb ripped through a bus in the Israeli city of Tel Aviv injuring at least 21 people - clouding the prospects of a durable ceasefire.

Mrs Clinton vowed to work on a truce between the two sides.

She said: "In the days ahead, the United States will work with our partners here in Israel and across the region toward an outcome that bolsters security for the people of Israel, improves conditions for the people of Gaza and moves toward a comprehensive peace for all people of the region."

She arrived from Israel where she earlier met with Mr Netanyahu in Jerusalem, while also travelling to the West Bank city of Ramallah for a meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who told her "Egypt was the key to everything".

A general view of destroyed government offices is seen after what witnesses said was an Israeli air strike in Gaza City November 21, 2012. The remains of government building in Gaza City

Hours later, UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon arrived in the Egyptian capital for talks with Mr Morsi and said there were "many details to work out" before an agreement could be reached. to end the conflict.

"I am particularly concerned about the spiral of violence at the time of intense efforts to reach a ceasefire," he said.

"We all know there are many details to work out, but what that happens civilians continue to die. That is why we need a ceasefire right now, immediately," he added.

Mr Netanyahu told Mrs Clinton that he was ready to agree to a "long-term solution" as long as the rocket attacks from Gaza stopped.

A senior Hamas official told reporters that a key sticking point in the negotiations was the timing of when Israel would begin easing its six-year blockade of Gaza.

Earlier, Pope Benedict XVI also spoke of his concern of the escalating violence.

"Hatred and violence are not the solution," he said, adding that he encouraged "the initiatives and efforts of those who are trying to reach a ceasefire and promote negotiations".

Meanwhile, Iran announced it was providing military and financial assistance to the Palestinians.

Gaza Conflict A rocket fired from Gaza hit an apartment building near Tel Aviv

"We are proud to defend the people of Palestine and Hamas ... and that our assistance to them has been both financial and military," said Iran's parliamentary speaker Ali Larijani.

Israel continued its bombardment of Gaza striking more than 100 targets, killing six Palestinians. These included a two-year-old boy and a four-year-old girl, according to reports.

Some 30 rockets were fired from Gaza into Israel. The Iron Dome system intercepted 14 of them..

Israel launched the offensive one week ago in an attempt to end months of rocket attacks out of the Hamas-run territory, which lies on Israel's southern flank.

After assassinating Hamas' military chief, it has carried out a campaign of airstrikes, targeting rocket launchers, storage sites and wanted militants.

The campaign has killed more than 140 Palestinians and wounded hundreds of others.

Five Israelis have been killed by rocket fire, including a soldier and a civilian contractor.

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Jailed SAS Sniper: Lawyers Lodge Appeal

An SAS sniper jailed for illegally possessing a pistol will challenge his conviction at a Court of Appeal hearing next week.

Sergeant Danny Nightingale, 37, from Crewe, Cheshire, will also appeal against his 18-month sentence at a hearing in London on November 29, his solicitor Simon McKay said.

His wife Sally, 38, said she was delighted at the news and hoped that he might be home for Christmas.

Sgt Nightingale, who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, was sentenced to 18 months in military detention after admitting possessing a prohibited firearm and live ammunition.

The father-of-two is currently being held in the Military Corrective Training Centre in Colchester, Essex.

His lawyers have begun their appeal against his conviction and sentence at the Court Martial Appeal Court.

Sergeant Danny Nightingale Sgt Nightingale was jailed for illegally possessing a firearm

The case has sparked a political row after Attorney General Dominic Grieve turned down a request from Defence Secretary Philip Hammond to review the prosecution, saying it would be inappropriate.

Although the Ministry of Defence (MoD) is unable to intervene directly in the legal case, it is understood that Mr Hammond's personal view is that it is in the public interest for any appeal to be heard as a matter of urgency.

David Cameron was said to be sympathetic to Sgt Nightingale and his family, but his official spokesman said: "This is a case where due process has to be followed."

Sgt Nightingale pleaded guilty at a court martial to illegally possessing a 9mm Glock pistol which had been packed up and returned to him by colleagues after he had to leave Iraq in a hurry for the funeral of two friends who had been killed in action.

He also admitted possessing ammunition.

The court heard that the gun was a gift from Iraqi soldiers he had been helping to train, but Sgt Nightingale, who had suffered medical problems affecting his memory, said he did not remember having it.

His father, Humphrey Nightingale, said his son pleaded guilty in the expectation he would be dealt with leniently.

On Tuesday evening, MPs discussed the case in the Commons, saying prosecutors should not oppose an appeal by Sgt Nightingale.

Julian Brazier, a former member of the Territorial SAS who secured the adjournment debate, said Sgt Nightingale had "risked his life for his country again and again".

Mr Brazier urged Solicitor General Oliver Heald "to review the service interest test in this case and allow the planned appeal to go through unopposed".

Tory MP Patrick Mercer, a former soldier who has sat on court martial panels, said he respected the military justice system.

But he said the treatment of Sgt Nightingale had not been in the Army's interests and could affect morale in the armed forces.

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Warnings As Flooding Brings Travel Disruption

Dozens of schools have closed, some roads are deemed impassable and stranded drivers have abandoned their cars after flooding in southwest England.

Following heavy rain, the Environment Agency has issued around 50 flood warnings for the region, where flooding is expected, as well as a similar number of less serious flood alerts, where flooding is possible.

There were also about a dozen flood warnings and 30 alerts in the Midlands.

At least 12 schools in Devon were closed and 17 were shut in Somerset, two of the worst-hit counties.

A statement from North Curry C of E Primary School, east of Taunton in Somerset, said: "The village and roads leading in are flooded and only a couple of staff members can get in.

"Also, parents cannot get the children through the floods. It is treacherous and the rain shows no sign of easing."

Devon and Cornwall Police said there had been a number of reports of standing water on roads, creating a risk of drivers aquaplaning and potentially losing control of their vehicles.

By 4pm today, the AA attended more than 8,000 breakdowns nationally - 37% busier than normal - including 499 floodwater-related call-outs.

Heavy downpours have already hit parts of central, southern and southwest England, and southeast Wales, this week, while strong winds have battered parts of the country.

A car drives through floodwater in Coates There are warnings of more heavy downpours on the way

It is feared that this could increase the risk of surface water flooding as wind-blown leaves and debris could block drains, the Environment Agency warned.

Earlier this week, more than 100 residents were evacuated from their homes and transport links were cut off after persistent heavy rain caused flooding in Scotland.

The highest rainfall overnight was on Dartmoor, Devon, with 33mm in 12 hours.

Sky News weather presenter Sarah Pennock said: "The heaviest bursts of rain will be across the West Country and western parts of the Midlands. Here we could see the risk of localised flooding with up to two inches of rainfall in a few hours."

Forecasters have said there was likely to be a temporary reprieve later in the day but warned that further downpours are likely as the week progresses.

There is a weather warning for Thursday for southwestern England and southeast Wales, with a band of rain coming through of 20-50mm and up to 60mm in the worst-hit areas, and winds with gusts of up to 50-60mph.

A weather warning for heavy rain and strong and gusty winds is in place for western Scotland on Thursday, with warnings of possible flooding.

Forecasters said a mixture of sunshine and showers are predicted for Friday, with heavy rain from the south from later on Saturday into Sunday.

Bob Wilderspin, Met Office chief forecaster, said: "The current unsettled spell of weather is set to continue with further spells of heavy rain expected across the country over the next few days.

"A particularly squally day is expected on Thursday as strong to gale force winds combine with heavy rain moving in from the west.

"With winds gusting up to 60 to 70mph in places and 20 to 50mm of rain falling in a short period of time, we urge everyone to keep up to date with forecasts and warnings and be prepared for what the weather will bring."

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Pensioner Murder: Two Teens Arrested

Two teenage boys have been arrested in connection with the murder of Paula Castle, the Metropolitan Police has said.

More follows...

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