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Israel Threatens 'Heavy Price' As Child Killed

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 23 Agustus 2014 | 00.48

A mortar bomb fired from the Gaza Strip has killed a four-year-old child in Israel, according to emergency officials.

The attack occurred early on Friday evening in the southern Israeli village of in Sdot Negev, near the frontier.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed that "Hamas will pay a heavy price" for the death of the boy.

Gaza. Israel said at least 26 rockets were fired from Gaza on Friday

He suffered fatal wounds after the barrage of mortars landed in the collective farm, known as a kibbutz

A mobile intensive care ambulance was sent to the scene and fire crews hosed down vehicles in a car park that were set on fire.

Mr Netanyahu said Israel's military would raise the tempo of operations against Hamas in the Gaza Strip "until the goals of Operation Protective Edge are achieved".

Three people were hurt after a rocket fired from Gaza hit a synagogue in Ashdod Three people were hurt in an Ashdod synagogue after a rocket attack

It was the first Israeli death since a new round of fighting erupted on Tuesday between Israel and Gaza's Hamas rulers following the collapse of cease-fire talks in Cairo earlier this week.

The boy would be the fourth civilian in Israel to be killed in an attack from the coastal territory since the outbreak of conflict on July 8.

Earlier in the day three people were injured by shrapnel, after rocket fired from Gaza hit a synagogue in the city of Ashdod.

Smoke rises following what witnesses said was an Israeli air strike in Gaza on Friday Nearly two dozen airstrikes were launched in response to the Gaza rockets

The attack came just hours before the start of the Jewish Sabbath.

Ashdod is around 20 miles from Gaza and the rocket was one of more than two dozen fired into Israel.

Hamas also killed 18 people suspected of being informers for Israel on Friday.

The group said 11 were killed by firing squad at the Gaza City police headquarters following sentencing by courts.

Palestinians watch as Hamas militants execute Palestinians suspected of collaborating with Israel in Gaza City Scores of people watched suspected Israeli informers being killed in Gaza

Hamas media then reported that seven more alleged informants had been targeted by masked gunmen near a mosque.

Two of those killed were women, according to the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, which called for an immediate halt to what it said were "extra-judicial executions".

Israel's intelligence services rely, in part, on informers to pinpoint the whereabouts of Hamas leaders.

Palestinian boy holds a toy gun during a protest against the Israeli offensive in Gaza, in the West Bank city of Hebron Palestinians protested in Hebron in the West Bank on Friday

The deaths come a day after Israel killed three top Hamas commanders - Mohammed Abu Shammala, Raed al Attar and Mohammed Barhoum - in an airstrike on a house in the southern Gaza Strip.

Meanwhile, Israeli airstrikes in Gaza have reportedly killed four Palestinians - including two at the Nusseirat refugee camp.

The Israeli Defence Force said it had launched about 20 airstrikes on targets inside Gaza on Friday in response to at least 26 rockets fired at Israel.

A Palestinian protester uses slingshot to hurl stones at Israeli troops following a demonstration against the Israeli offensive in Gaza, in the West Bank town of Bethlehem Youths used slingshots against Israeli security forces in Bethlehem

Protests by Palestinians also broke out across the West Bank on Friday, with youths clashing with Israeli security forces in Bethlehem and Hebron.

So far more than 2,000 Palestinians have been killed in the conflict, as Israel sought to destroy a network of tunnels used by Hamas and other militants.

A total of 64 Israeli soldiers have also been killed in the conflict.

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Chinese Top Gun 'Barrel Rolled' Over US Plane

A Chinese fighter jet conducted a barrel roll "very, very close" over a US Navy plane in international waters near Japan this week, the Pentagon has said.

Rear Admiral John Kirby said the Chinese plane exposed its belly to show that it was armed to the P-8 anti-submarine warfare aircraft.

He said the Chinese aircraft came within 30ft (9 metres) of the American plane, while the wing tips of the two aircraft were only 20ft apart.

A US Navy P-8 Poseidon aircraft takes off from Perth International Airport The American P-8 is said to have been conducting routine surveillance

Adm Kirby described Monday's incident as "pretty aggressive, very unprofessional and unsafe".

The US plane is said by defence officials to have been conducting routine surveillance of the Chinese coast over the East China Sea at the time of its encounter with the Su-27 interceptor jet.

Chinese military officials have said US surveillance flights and monitoring of their facilities represents a violation of sovereignty.

It was the second such close encounter this year for a US surveillance plane.

People look through binoculars at Kadena US Air Force Base in Okinawa, Japan People look through binoculars at the US Air Force Base in Okinawa, Japan

In April, a Russian Su-27 flew within 100ft of a US Air Force RC-135 aircraft over waters north of Japan.

Monday's incident took place as Chinese air force and navy jets conducted combat simulation drills in the East China Sea.

The US plane that was intercepted by the Su-27 flew from at an air base in Okinawa, Japan, that is US Air Force's Pacific power hub.

The P-8s were deployed last December, a month after China declared an air defence zone over the East China Sea that sparked a maritime dispute with Japan and South Korean. 

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Boy Arrested After Reading Festival 'Rape'

A 14-year-old boy is one of two people arrested on suspicion of rape at Reading Festival.

A 19-year-old told police she was attacked in a caravan on the festival traders' site on Thursday night.

She had earlier met a man and a boy near an ice cream van opposite one of the campsites.

The 14-year-old, from Surrey, has been detained along with a 31-year-old London man, Thames Valley Police said.

The arrests emerged as an estimated 90,000 music fans began arriving to see performances this weekend by acts such as Arctic Monkeys, Blink-182, Jake Bugg and Paramore.

Chief Inspector Dave Parker said: "There is currently a scene watch in place and I would like to reassure those attending the festival that crime levels remain low and crimes of this nature are very rare.

"Officers are patrolling the site to support on-site security and if anyone has any concerns, please feel free to approach our officers to discuss these."

There have been 21 crimes at the Richfield Avenue site so far, police said. Five of these were alleged drugs offences and 13 were suspected thefts.

Mr Parker added: "I know many people will be celebrating their A-level and GCSE results and officers are working to make sure this is a safe environment in which to have fun."

Police have urged anyone heading to Reading to monitor their festival Twitter page for safety information and messages.

Anyone with any information about the alleged rape is asked to call police on 101.

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Fast And Furious Pirate Jailed For 33 Months

A computer programmer who filmed Fast & Furious 6 from the back of a cinema then uploaded it to the internet has been jailed for almost three years.

The pirate copy of the film was downloaded 779,000 times, costing one of Hollywood's biggest film-makers almost £2.5m.

Philip Danks, 25, from Walsall, West Midlands, was the first person in the world to record and distribute the movie illegally after filming it on its release day on May 17 last year.

A court heard a special "webwatch" team - set up by LA-based Universal Pictures because the film was so valuable - spotted his copy spreading across the internet.

He was caught when fraud investigators noticed that his online tag 'Thecod3r' attached on the video was identical to his profile on dating website Plenty of Fish.

He was arrested at his home on May 23.

Two days later, he bragged on Facebook: "Seven billion people and I was the first. F*** you Universal Pictures."

Philip Danks Danks boasted on Facebook: "Seven billion people and I was the first"

On Thursday, he pleaded guilty to three charges of distributing pirate copies of films and was jailed for 33 months.

The court heard that he made just £1,000 from selling copies of the film for £1.50 - while the cost to Universal was estimated at £2.3m.

Sentencing Recorder Keith Raynor said: "This was bold, arrogant and cocksure offending.

"You approach to the film industry was made clear in the posting you made on Facebook two days after your arrest.

"I accept the personal profit was modest but the real seriousness of this case is the loss caused to the film industry as a whole."

Prosecuting on behalf of the Federation Against Copyright Theft, Ari Alibhai said: "The film was Universal Picture's most significant release of that year with both the biggest production costs and expected revenue.

Fast And Furious The pirated film was recorded at a cinema in Walsall, West Midlands

"The estimated loss to the industry caused by the defendant's actions is conservatively estimated at £2.3m but he did not receive money from the online distribution."

The court heard that although he made money from selling versions of his copy via Facebook or by personal delivery his real motive was "street cred."

Mr Alibhai added: "The first person with a pirated version attracts much kudos. He wanted recognition from the community."

Mr Christopher Loach, defending, said: "He has no real qualifications and is not a man of means.

"He has no substantial assets of any sort and his financial gain has been extremely limited but he was obviously aware that it was a popular film that would be of interest."

Following his arrest, Danks was freed on police bail pending further inquires but continued to offer a dozen films he had copied.

Danks kept people posted on the case through Facebook - but while awaiting sentence he conceded: "Not loking (sic) good"

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Ice Bucket Challenge: Four Hurt In Failed Stunt

Firefighters helping college students complete the ice bucket challenge were hurt when their truck's ladder got too close to a power line.

Even though the power line was never touched, it carried such a high voltage that it was able to energise the ladder, shocking four Kentucky firefighters.

Ice Bucket Challenge Goes Awry The incident took place on Thursday. Pic: Twitter/@MOOSEArterburn

One of them was in a critical condition, one in a fair condition and two were treated and released.

The incident took place at Campbellsville University, where the firefighters and their truck were helping the college marching band by dumping cold water on them.

They sprayed the students with cold water on one of the athletic fields, and by the time the accident happened the students had gone and none of them was injured.

Power was knocked out for about an hour to 4,500 customers, including the school, according to a spokeswoman for Kentucky Utilities.

The ice bucket challenge, which aims to raise money for research into ALS - a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerves in the brain and spinal cord - has been sweeping social media.

The ALS Association said it has raised more than $41m.

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Final Email Gave Hope To James Foley's Parents

The parents of James Foley said they regarded an email sent by his captors earlier this month as a hopeful sign despite a threat they would kill him.

John and Diane Foley have released the text of the email they received on August 12 - a week before the video that showed their son being beheaded by an Islamic State militant.

"We hadn't heard from Jim's captors since December," John Foley said of the email, appearing with his wife on NBC's Today.

"I actually was excited to see an email despite the conclusion that they would execute Jim.

"I underestimated that point. I did not realise how brutal they were."

The Foleys said they had set up a special email address and sent multiple messages to try to engage the captors.

James Foley James Foley resting in a room at the airport of Sirte, Libya in 2011

"We were just anxiously waiting," Diane Foley said.

In the last email, the Islamic State said: "You do not spare our weak, elderly, women or children so we will not spare yours!

"You and your citizens will pay the price of your bombings! The first of which being the blood of the American citizen, James Foley!

"He will be executed as a direct result of your transgressions towards us!"

In the message, IS claimed it had given the US "any chances to negotiate the release of your people via cash transactions as other governments have accepted".

However, Mr Foley's family said this was not true.

They said they had to wait about a year from when Mr Foley went missing in November 2012 for the first email from his kidnappers.

U.S. journalist James Foley's parents speak to members of the media John and Diane Foley, the parents of James Foley

In that message they demanded money.

After the militants proved to the family and investigators they were holding the 40-year-old, they made a ransom demand of £80m ($132.5m).

The next time the family heard from the captors was on August 12.

GlobalPost, one of the news organisations Mr Foley worked for, said it chose to publish the message in full "in the interest of transparency and to fully tell Jim's story".

"We believe the text offers insight into the motivations and tactics of the Islamic State."

In the email, the kidnappers explain their wish for US-educated, Pakistani-born scientist Dr Aafia Siddiqui to be released.

U.S. journalist James Foley arrives, after being released by the Libyan government, at Rixos hotel in Tripoli James Foley in Libya in 2011

Siddiqui was found with documents on chemical weapons, dirty bombs and viruses when she was arrest in Afghanistan in 2008. She is serving 86 years in a US jail.

Speaking on NBC, the Foleys said they felt comforted by Pope Francis, who called them on Thursday to express his condolences.

Mrs Foley said the Pontiff, who lost some relatives in an accident recently, was "so kind" to call "in the midst of his tremendous grief".

As efforts continue to track down Mr Foley's killer, US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said the threat posed by IS is "beyond anything we have seen".

The group said it beheaded Mr Foley in retaliation for US airstrikes in Iraq aimed at reversing the sweeping gains made by IS this summer.

Counter-terrorism police in the UK have already begun efforts to identify the black-clad man seen in the video killing Mr Foley.

Although his face is covered, he speaks with an English, possibly London, accent.

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'Russian Build-Up Near Ukraine Alarming'

Nato says it has witnessed an "alarming build-up of Russian military forces near the border with Ukraine, as Kiev described a Russian aid convoy entering the country as a "direct invasion".

Nato Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said the increase in ground and air forces just miles from where the Ukrainian military is battling pro-Moscow separatists could lead to the further isolation of Russia. 

"We have also seen transfers of large quantities of advanced weapons, including tanks, armoured personnel carriers and artillery to separatist groups in eastern Ukraine," he said in a statement.

Cars of the Red Cross and trucks of a Russian convoy carrying humanitarian aid for Ukraine are seen at a Russia-Ukraine border crossing point "Donetsk" during a control check in Rostov Region Ukraine insisted the aid convoy entered under the auspices of the Red Cross

More than 100 trucks from a Russian aid convoy crossed into the country without permission on Friday and have begun arriving in the eastern city of Luhansk. 

It had been agreed the lorries would only be allowed into eastern Ukraine if they were escorted by the International Red Cross.

But the charity has pulled out after not receiving enough security guarantees as fighting continues to rage.

Kiev's foreign ministry said it had informally allowed the convoy to pass to avoid "provocations" and state security chief Valentyn Nalivaychenko said his country will not use force against it.

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko President Poroshenko is due to meet Russia's leader next week

But he also said: "We consider this a direct invasion by Russia of Ukraine. Under the cynical guise of the Red Cross these are military vehicles."

A spokesman for the European Union foreign affairs chief Baroness Ashton criticised Russia for a "clear violation" and urged Moscow to reverse its decision.

The Pentagon said it was "very concerned" and called for the convoy to be pulled out immediately.

The vehicles are carrying water, generators and sleeping bags reportedly intended to help civilians in Luhansk, where pro-Russian separatist fighters are besieged by Ukrainian government forces.

Petro Poroshenko signs a trade pact with the EU. Sources said Germany's Angela Merkel would push for a ceasefire

The trucks, part of a 280-lorry convoy, had been held at a border crossing for a week amid suspicions by Kiev that the mission was being used as a cover for an invasion by Moscow.

Ukraine has been reluctant to let the convoy through over fears it is carrying supplies for the rebels, despite Moscow's insistence the goods were simply humanitarian aid.

Russian President Vladimir Putin told Germany's Angela Merkel that any further delays to the aid would be unacceptable.

RUSSIA-UKRAINE-CRISIS The 280-truck convoy departed from near Moscow more than seven days ago

The Kremlin said Russia decided to go ahead with the mission after "clear procrastination" by the Kiev government. 

The transit comes as the Ukrainian president said he would tell Mr Putin to rein in pro-Moscow separatists, when the two leaders meet next week.

Petro Poroshenko said he would tell President Putin that Ukraine had "a strong country, a strong army" behind him.

He said: "We are capable of defending our sovereignty, our independence and our territorial integrity - we are fighting for the independence of Ukraine. Together we will win for sure."

Mr Poroshenko spoke as government forces, despite taking heavy losses themselves, thrust deeper into rebel-held eastern territory, putting pressure on separatists.

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Swiss Mosque Shooting Leaves One Dead

One person has been found dead after a shooting in a mosque full of worshippers at Friday prayers, police have said.

Police arrested an individual with a handgun when they were called to a suburb of St Gallen in Switzerland after reports of gunfire.

A man was found dead in the mosque's prayer room, a police spokesman said.

Around 300 people were reportedly in the mosque for Friday prayers at the time of the shooting.

It was not immediately clear what the motive may have been.

Witnesses believe the killing may have been linked to a family dispute dating back a number of years, Swiss newspaper 20 Minutes reported.

The El-Hidaje mosque is used by St Gallen's Albanian Muslim community.

Fehim Dragusha, a former Imam at the mosque, told Switzerland's Radio FM1: "Albanians and Muslims should not bring problems from their home country into Switzerland."

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IS Threat: 'West May Have To Talk To Syria'

The former head of the British Army says the West should consider negotiating with Syria's president to tackle Islamic State (IS) forces in Syria and Iraq.

Lord Dannatt said the time may have come to talk to Bashar al Assad about collaborating in the fight against IS which now controls large areas of the two countries.

He told Sky News: "You have to at least consider the otherwise unpalatable thought that maybe we've got to have some kind of dialogue, whether it's under the counter or over the counter, with President Assad of Syria.

"The old dictum that my enemy's enemy is my friend just might have some credence in this less than satisfactory and pretty extraordinary set of times that we are in."

Map showing IS territory Red shows areas controlled by IS, yellow shows areas of fighting

However, UK Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond ruled out working with Mr Assad - who is accused of carrying out war crimes, including chemical attacks, during his country's three-year civil war.

He said Britain would help Kurdish and Iraqi forces with weapons and training once there was a credible government in place in Baghdad.

In Iraq, at least 68 people were killed when Shia fighters opened fire on minority Sunni Muslims in a village mosque in Baquba, Diyala province.

Kurdish peshmerga troops participate in an intensive security deployment against Islamic State militants on the front line in Khazer A Kurdish peshmerga fighter

Residents said 150 worshippers were in Imam Wais mosque on the Muslim day of prayer when militiamen burst in with machine guns.

The bloodbath is a major setback for Prime Minister-designate Haider al Abadi, from the majority Shia community, who is seeking support from Sunnis and ethnic Kurds to take on IS.

Map showing Kurdish fighting

Sunni politicians said they would suspend talks with Mr Abadi's new government in protest at the attack.

Elsewhere, Kurdish forces have launched a major assault to try to retake the northeast Iraqi towns of Jalula and Sadiyah.

Sky's Alex Crawford, reporting from the outskirts of Jalula, said the operation was being carried out by the Kurdish military's elite counter-terrorism unit, backed up by peshmerga forces.

James Foley after being released by the Libyan government in Tripoli James Foley in Libya in 2011

She said the towns, near the Iranian border and semi-autonomous Kurdish region, had been under IS control for more than two months.

Kurdish forces have already taken back a major checkpoint, which Sunni militants had controlled.

Crawford said: "What is significant about this assault is that they (the Kurds) are doing this pretty much entirely on their own.

ISIS Video threat to Americans Militants vowed to attack US targets in another video clip

"They've had very little air support. There is no evidence of any outside weaponry, military hardware to back them up."

On Thursday, US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel said IS jihadists pose the most dangerous threat America has faced for years.

The group, which beheaded American journalist James Foley in response to US airstrikes in Iraq, is "beyond just a terrorist group", he said.

"They marry ideology, a sophistication of strategic and tactical military prowess. They are tremendously well-funded," he added.

US airstrikes in Syria have not been ruled out.

A militant with an English accent blames US airstrikes in Iraq for James Foley's death and says they are holding another American. The fighter who killed James Foley

When asked about that possibility, Mr Hagel said Washington is "exploring all options".

General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, also did not discount attacks on IS fighters in Syria.

"This is an organisation that has an apocalyptic, end-of-days strategic vision and which will eventually have to be defeated," he said.

Michael Scheuer, a former CIA senior officer, said defeating IS will require an "enormous" number of Western troops on the ground which would mean an "enormous bloodbath".

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Mackay: 'No Excuse' For Offensive Texts

Former Cardiff manager Malky Mackay has apologised for sending a string of racist, sexist and homophobic text messages.

Mackay said there was "no excuse" for the texts, sent while he was boss of the Welsh club.

He said: "Out of 10,000 text messages in and out of someone's phone, I sent three, and that being the case, looking at them, they are completely unacceptable, inappropriate, and for that and any offence I've caused, I sincerely apologise.

"That's something that I did, and for that, there is no excuse."

Mackay and Cardiff's ex-head of recruitment Iain Moody had been accused of sharing the offensive texts, which were included as part of a dossier of allegations sent to the Football Association by the club.

Earlier, the League Managers Association (LMA) was forced to backtrack after it was widely criticised for dismissing the messages as "friendly banter".

The initial LMA statement said Mackay had been under pressure when the messages were sent and that he was "letting off steam to a friend during some friendly text message banter".

In a new statement on Friday, the association said: it said: "The LMA apologises for some of its wording, in its release yesterday, which was inappropriate and has been perceived to trivialise matters of a racist, sexist or homophobic nature.

"That was certainly not our intention. It is beyond argument that any comments that are discriminatory, even used in private, are totally unacceptable.

"The LMA remains absolutely aware of our responsibility to the game and to promote and uphold the highest standards of behaviour."

Despite the apology, Cardiff have demanded LMA boss Richard Bevan stand down, describing his position as "untenable".

Young footballers told Sky News of their shock at Mackay's behaviour.

Temisan Pop said: "I aspire to be a footballer... It hurts that someone in that position is saying these things. It kind of means, what hope do I have?"

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PM Holds Crisis Talks After Journalist Killed

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 21 Agustus 2014 | 00.28

David Cameron has condemned the "barbaric and brutal" murder of James Foley after holding crisis talks with intelligence officials.

The Prime Minister spoke after he was briefed in Downing Street by senior officials and the Foreign Secretary on investigations into video footage of the beheading of the US journalist by Islamic State (IS) extremists.

He said: "Let me condemn the barbaric and brutal act that has taken place and let's be clear what this act is - it is an act of murder, and murder without any justification.

"We have not identified the individual responsible, but from what we have seen it looks increasingly likely that it is a British citizen.

"This is deeply shocking. But we know that far too many British citizens have travelled to Iraq and travelled to Syria to take part in extremism and violence.

"And what we must do is redouble all all our efforts to stop people from going."

James Foley US journalist James Foley was killed by a man with a British accent

Mr Cameron cut short a family break in Cornwall following the release footage appearing to show a masked man - speaking with a British accent - killing Mr Foley, who was seized by armed men in Syria in November 2012.

Earlier, Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said the video appeared to be genuine and was "an appalling example of the brutality of this organisation".

Mr Hammond told Sky News: "This is an evil organisation with an evil ideology."

The PM was briefed by senior intelligence officials and the Foreign Secretary as investigations are carried out following the release of the horrific video footage by Islamic State (IS) extremists.

Scotland Yard, which leads counter-terror policing in the UK, has confirmed it is investigating the video and reminded social media users that spreading extremist material is a crime.

Mr Cameron had only been in Cornwall for a day, where he was pictured with his wife Samantha sipping coffee at Surfside cafe on Polzeath beach in Wadebridge.

Prime Minister David Cameron on holiday Mr Cameron had said he was ready to return from his holiday if needed

He insisted he remained in control while on holiday and was "always within a few feet of a BlackBerry".

Earlier this month, the PM had to cut short a holiday to Portugal to respond to the Iraq crisis, and said he would do the same again "instantly" if necessary.

Mr Cameron has said Britain should use all its assets, including its "military prowess", to help tackle the threat posed by Islamic State (IS) extremists in Iraq, but insisted the UK would not get drawn into another war.

Shadow Foreign Secretary Douglas Alexander MP said: "The horrific footage of the killing of James Foley has shocked and outraged the world.

"Suggestions that the attack may have been carried out by a UK national are particularly concerning and the Government must now work with international partners to establish the facts and uncover any possible information about the perpetrator."

Meanwhile, the French President Francois Hollande said the crisis in Iraq represented the "most serious" international situation since 2001.

Meanwhile, UKIP leader Nigel Farage has called on the Government to stop Britons who have gone to fight for IS from returning.

He said: "It would be totally unforgivable and unacceptable for UK nationals who have made the decision to go and fight for Islamic State militants in the Middle East to be permitted to return to the UK and quietly slide back into our communities to take advantage of all that modern Britain has to offer."

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Cliff Richard Pulls Out Of Portugal Ceremony

By Martin Brunt, Crime Correspondent In Portugal

Sir Cliff Richard has pulled out of a ceremony where he was to be awarded the Keys of the City of Albufeira near his holiday home in Portugal.

The millionaire pop star, who is facing an historical sex assault allegation, was to receive the region's top civic honour on Wednesday.

A dozen others were given medals of merit during a day of celebrations to mark the granting of an ancient charter.

Sir Cliff told officials he would not be there and stayed in his villa in the hills above the Algarve resort where he has had a summer home for more than 50 years.

Mayor Carlos Silva e Sousa told Sky News: "Cliff was to receive the gold Key of the City because he is a distinguished member of Albufeira.

Cliff Richard Launches Live Tour DVD The claim relates to an event held by preacher Billy Graham in 1985

"He is not here today because it is his choice, but we have kept the invitation and hope to give him his award some time."

The city's full council voted in secret and unanimously to make the award two weeks ago.

The mayor said Sir Cliff had planned to attend the ceremony but sent a message recently to say he had to decline the invitation.

Mr Silva e Sousa added that he was aware of the police investigation into an allegation that Sir Cliff had sexually assaulted a young boy at an evangelical rally in Sheffield in 1985.

He said: "I don't know why he is not here. It doesn't change my opinion of him. We are very proud of him. He is a big man."

Cliff Richard's home Police searched Sir Cliff's home in Berkshire last week

Officials said they had agreed with Sir Cliff's decision because his presence would have overshadowed the ceremony.

The medals of merit were awarded to three individuals - one posthumously - and nine organisations who were said to have promoted Albufeira around the world.

Sir Cliff bought his first villa here in 1961 in a resort that has become popular with British holidaymakers.

Twenty years ago he bought a bigger home and planted a vineyard on a plot near a bigger estate where he makes his own wine in partnership with a friend.

He spends several weeks at his Portugal home each summer, usually arriving after visiting the Wimbledon tennis championships and staying until September.

Cliff Richard And The Shadows Perform At O2 Arena Sir Cliff performs at the O2 Arena in 2009

He has rarely been glimpsed on the 30-acre estate since police raided his UK home in Berkshire last week.

Sir Cliff has also pulled out of a performance at Canterbury Cathedral in September and apologised for the disappointment and inconvenience.

He has described the sex allegation as "completely false" and said he would co-operate with the police investigation.

Detectives said they want to speak to him and are expected to interview him in the next few weeks.

Sir Cliff's close friend Cilla Black said earlier this week she is "absolutely positive" the allegation is untrue.

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Russia Shuts Moscow McDonald's Restaurants

Russia's food safety watchdog has suspended operations at four McDonald's restaurants in Moscow over alleged sanitary law breaches.

The watchdog claimed the fast-food chain was responsible for "numerous violations of sanitary legislation requirements", adding it had sealed off the restaurants' premises.

McDonald's said in a statement that it is reviewing the Rospotrebnadzor watchdog's claims.

The company added that its "top priority is to provide safe and quality products" for its customers.

Last month Rospotrebnadzor expressed doubts about the "quality and safety of food products in the entire McDonald's chain", which has 430 restaurants in Russia.

The watchdog also said it had taken legal action against McDonald's for alleged quality violations and improper labelling.

The closures come amid ongoing tensions between Russia and the West over the crisis in Ukraine.

Earlier this month Russia banned the importation of fruit, vegetables, meat, fish and dairy products from the European Union, the United States and other Western countries.

The bans were imposed by Russia after the European Commission and the US froze assets of Russians who are close to President Vladimir Putin.

Many Western nations blame Russia for the continued fighting in Ukraine, which resulted in Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 being shot down in July.

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Bush Gets Soaked But Who Does He Nominate?

George W Bush has completed the ice bucket challenge after being drenched by his wife.

The former US president had been nominated by his daughter Jenna, who works for NBC.

He appears to decline at first, saying: "I do not think it's presidential for me to be splashed with ice water, so I'm simply going to write you a cheque."

But then the former First Lady empties the bucket of ice water over his head, saying she'll sign the check instead.

"I don't want to ruin my hairstyle," she quips.

Mr Bush then challenges his presidential predecessor, Bill Clinton.

"Yesterday was Bill's birthday, so my gift to Bill is a bucket of cold water," Mr Bush said.

Mr Clinton turned 68 on August 19.

The challenge, which has involved celebrities worldwide, is to raise awareness for ALS, also known as Lou Gherig's disease, or motor neurone disease.

Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg completed the challenge.

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British Toddler Dies After Falling Into Pool

A British toddler has drowned after he fell into a neighbour's swimming pool in Spain.

Two-year-old Theo Lamb was at an apartment next door to his family's property in Mijas Costa, on the Costa del Sol, when the accident occurred.

The boy's father reportedly discovered Theo in the swimming pool, and tried to revive him.

Emergency services were called to the property but the child died at the scene.

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) has confirmed the death.

"We are aware of the death of a British national on August 18 in Costa del Sol," a spokesman said.

"We stand ready to provide consular assistance to the family at this sad time."

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Iceland: Thousands Of Quakes Amid Volcano Fears

Thousands of earthquakes have been recorded in Iceland in recent days, amid concerns one of the country's volcanoes could erupt and cause travel chaos across Europe.

Some 3,000 small earthquakes have occurred since Saturday at the country's largest volcano system, Bardarbunga, which is located under Iceland's largest glacier, Vatnajokull.

Iceland's Meteorological Office said no earthquakes above magnitude three had been recorded in the last 24 hours, and seismologists have said that magma is moving horizontally, rather than vertically.

 Meteorologist Einar Einarsson said earthquakes were happening practically every minute.

"The fact that it is constant in motion and depth is probably good news," he said.

"It doesn't seem to vary a lot - it is concentrated in one area under the glacier."

Bardarbunga Volcano in Iceland. The volcanic magma is moving horizontally, say scientists

The country's aviation alert level for the risk of a possible eruption is currently at orange, the second-most severe level.

The risk level was raised on Monday after magma movements were detected around six miles (10km) from the surface.

An area north of the volcano has been evacuated by Iceland's civil protection agency, which said it could not rule out an eruption.

All roads leading into the mostly uninhabited area were closed earlier this week.

Tourists and park rangers who live there during the summer are now being evacuated.

The agency said on its website: "This decision is a safety measure. It cannot be ruled out that the seismic activity in Bardarbunga could lead to a volcanic eruption."

Bardarbunga Volcano in Iceland. An eruption could melt vast areas of ice and cause floods

According to the authorities, the area north of the glacier risks being hit by floods as an eruption would melt vast amounts of ice from the glacier, which is located in a national park.

The Vatnajokull National Park is more than 186 miles (300 km) from the capital, Reykjavik, and covers 14% of Iceland.

Airlines were warned about the increased seismic activity on Monday.

In 2010 an ash cloud caused by the eruption of Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull volcano shut down much of Europe's airspace for six days.

More than 10 million people were affected.

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Drunk Man Sneaked On Empty Birmingham Plane

A man who managed to get through layers of airport security before boarding an empty plane via a baggage carousel said he was too drunk to remember how he did it.

Lee Jezard pleaded guilty at Birmingham Magistrates Court to evading security measures at Birmingham Airport and boarding a Lufthansa plane on July 17.

Jezard - who lost his job as a hotel manager when his employer learned about his antics - also admitted stealing £36.45 worth of foodstuffs from the airport's Caffe Nero.

Prosecutor David Devine said a study of all plane manifests revealed Jezard "was never booked onto any flight", despite reports he was at the airport after missing a flight to Ibiza.

He described the actions of Jezard, of  Redditch, Worcestershire, as a "drunken escapade".

In mitigation, solicitor Tariq Khan said his client "really had very little idea how he arrived at the airport" after going on a drinking binge with friends in Birmingham city centre.

It emerged in court that police had already spoken to a "wandering" and "clearly intoxicated" Jezard, after spotting him in other parts of the airport in the hours before the security breach.

It was the same police officer who later "frog-marched him off the aeroplane" after he was found on board.

In a further "bizarre" act, Mr Khan added, Jezard was seen on CCTV behind a coffee shop counter at the deserted airport "charging his mobile and checking it".

BIRMINGHAM AIRPORT Jezard does not remember getting to Birmingham Airport

He was discovered on the plane by cleaning staff, who he told: "I'm the co-pilot".

"When they asked him for ID, he had none, and then told them 'I work for the Navy'," Mr Devine said.

"He then said: 'I'm breaking into places to see if people can catch me - I go to prisons and other places'."

He was later arrested and interviewed by airport police.

He told officers: "I was trying to show how easy it was to get on that plane - and I did it."

Jezard struggled to recall everything that had happened, telling police he "wanted a walk around and thought it would be a good idea".

Security cameras showed Jezard crawling through the opening of a baggage carousel, getting on to the airport's tarmac apron, and then getting aboard the plane.

Mr Khan said his client "really had very little idea how it was he arrived at the airport, but the guess is it was by train".

Jezard was fined £95 for each of the three offences, ordered to pay full compensation to the coffee shop, together with £185 costs and a £20 victim surcharge.

Following the hearing, an airport spokesperson said: "The safety and security of our passengers is our number one priority.

"The individual penetrated the terminal boundary and was subsequently arrested by the police. A full investigation has taken place."

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Mass Murderer Breivik's Dad Writes Book On Son

Anders Behring Breivik's father admits he feels some guilt over the actions of his son, who killed 77 people in Norway three years ago.

The revelation came in an excerpt from a book Jens Breivik has written about his son.

In My Fault? A Father's Story, which has been put together with the help of a ghost writer, Mr Breivik writes: "I feel some guilt and I feel some responsibility.

"What would have happened if I had been a better father? Would Anders have done what he did?"

Breivik is serving a 21-year prison sentence, which can be extended, for the killing of 77 people in Oslo and the island of Utoeya in 2011.

The book is a form of "self-trial" according to its editor, Arve Juritzen, who said Mr Breivik re-established contact with his son this year. 

"In fact he is pretty hard with himself," Mr Juritzen said.

Mr Breivik, a former diplomat who moved to France when he retired, has been described as an absent father.

He was separated from his son's mother shortly after he turned one and later lost a custody battle.

By the time Breivik was a teenager, his father had lost contact with him.

During the course of the investigation and trial it emerged social services had suspected Breivik was neglected as a child.

A book about Breivik's late mother, Wenche Behring Breivik, which she collaborated on at first but later rejected, portrayed Mr Breivik as a domestic tyrant.

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Who Is 'Briton' Who Beheaded James Foley?

James Foley Was 'Super Courageous Journalist'

Updated: 4:50pm UK, Wednesday 20 August 2014

James Foley, the US journalist beheaded by Islamist militants, was an experienced reporter who had worked in a number of war zones and was aware of the risks he faced.

Mr Foley, 40, was working in the northern province of Idlib in Syria when he was kidnapped near the village of Taftanaz in November 2012.

A video purportedly shows Mr Foley being killed by the Islamic State, the militant group formerly known as ISIS and ISIL.

Mr Foley said he saw journalism as a calling. He switched to the profession after years of being a teacher in Arizona, Massachusetts and Chicago.

"I love writing and reporting," he once said.

He was contributing video for Agence France-Presse and the media company GlobalPost when he was abducted.

Mr Foley had worked before in war zones and seen the dangers to journalists up close.

He covered the war in Afghanistan and the fighting in Libya, which he called the worst he had seen at that point.

Alex Sherman, a colleague from Bloomberg, called him "a super courageous journalist who did unbelievable work in Syria and Libya".

Antony Loyd of The Times said: "Jim was an exceptional journalist. He had a very warm and approachable manner and yet at the same time he was very dedicated to his work.

"He was one of those few individuals you met who left a lasting impression."

Tom Coghlan, also of The Times, said: "James was fabulous. A fabulous companion and a fabulously brave man. And he was wonderful to work alongside.

"I remember that he would always be where things were most dangerous ... I understand he died very bravely and that doesn't surprise me."

Film maker Matthew VanDyke, a friend, called him a "fun guy ... He was very nice, very calm."

While covering the Libyan uprising, Mr Foley was captured and held for six weeks.

He also saw a colleague, South African photographer Anton Hammerl, killed by forces loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi.

He tried to pull his friend's body out of harm's way but was turned back by heavy fire.

"I'll regret that day for the rest of my life. I'll regret what happened to Anton," Mr Foley told the AP news agency.

"I will constantly analyse that."

Mr Foley grew up in New Hampshire and studied history at Marquette University.

His mother Diane Foley remembered him as "an extraordinary son, brother, journalist and person".

Mr Foley's parents became fierce advocates for him and all those kidnapped in war zones during his abduction.

At Mr Foley's family home in Rochester, a light burned yellow in a centre upstairs window and a yellow ribbon adorned a tree at the foot of the driveway.

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James Foley's Parents: 'We Know He's In Heaven'

The father of James Foley has said that he knows his son who was beheaded by militants "is in heaven", in an emotional tribute.

Jon Foley was speaking with his wife Diane and James's brother hours after a video emerged of an Islamic State militant murdering their son.

As he did so, US President Barack Obama said that the US would continue to do what was necessary to protect its people.

Jon Foley said: "He thought this was his job, his passion. He wasn't crazy. He was motivated by what he thought was doing the right thing."

"He was always a listener and just couldn't detach from other people's lives.

With his voice breaking up, he added: "It's difficult to find solace at this point in time, but Jim is free. We know he's in God's hands and ... we know he's in heaven.

"We're so proud of him. We have to be happy for him. We need the courage and the prayers to continue without him, because he was an inspiration for us and for so many others.

"We miss his courage and his love and his determination. His laugh. His smile."

Speaking from the family home in Rochester, New Hampshire, his mother Diane added: "Jim was a fun loving, daring kid.

"Every time we got despondent in the last two years, we thought of Jim and his suffering. He was helping the other prisoners. There were some much younger in his cell. He would some times hold them, we're told, who were struggling. "

The death of Mr Foley - who had been working in Syria as a journalist before his kidnapping two years ago - was revealed in a propaganda video posted on social media sites by Islamic State sources.

The footage shows a masked man - speaking in English with an English accent - beheading the 40-year-old before saying that Mr Foley was being killed because Barack Obama had ordered airstrikes against IS positions in northern Iraq.

Just before he was murdered, Mr Foley had the chance to make a statement, during which he said: "I wish I had more time, I wish I could have the hope of freedom and seeing my family once again, but that ship has sailed." 

Speaking from where he was vacationing in Martha's Harbour, Massachusetts, Mr Obama said: "Today the American people will all say a prayer for those who loved Jim." 

British Prime Minister David Cameron said it appeared that the killer was a British citizen.

He said that Mr Foley's death was an "act of murder without justification."

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