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Mother Arrested After Son Takes Gun To School

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 19 Januari 2013 | 00.48

Police in New York City have arrested the mother of a seven-year-old boy who took a gun and ammunition to school in his rucksack.

Deborah Farley was arrested on Friday on several charges including criminal possession of a weapon and endangering the welfare of a child.

Police say the 53-year-old's son had taken the handgun to his Queens elementary school on Thursday.

They said it was not clear whether the boy initially knew it was in his bag.

Police said when the mother learned about the gun she rushed to school and told officials her son had a dental appointment.

The boy said he had given the weapon to a friend, at which point she alerted the principal.

The school, which has been practising for security drills since the Sandy Hook massacre, was immediately locked down.

The seven-year-old's rucksack was searched and the semi-automatic pistol, a magazine containing ten rounds and a plastic bag with bullets in it was found.

A flare gun was found in the second boy's bag, police said.

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Ex-Corrie Actress Sophiya Haque Dies From Cancer

Former Coronation Street and Bollywood actress Sophiya Haque has died, only weeks after being diagnosed with cancer.

The 41-year-old played Rovers Return barmaid Poppy Morales in the soap from December 2008 to June 2009.

Up until Christmas she had been appearing in the West End production of Privates on Parade.

Haque's partner, David White, confirmed she had passed away peacefully in her sleep on Wednesday evening.

The managing director of the agency which represented Haque called the actress "one of the most inspirational people I ever met".

Sophiya Haque Haque's performance in the West End was "glorious" said Michael Grandage

Stuart Piper, of Cole Kitchenn, said: "She was the kind of person you always want to spend time with.

"Full of light, warmth, compassion, care and with an infectiously wicked sense of humour, and I loved every minute of working with her."

He added: "On stage, it was like you were watching her in close-up even if you were sat at the back of the stalls, such was her star presence and charisma."

Michael Grandage, who had been working with Haque in Privates on Parade, also paid tribute to the Portsmouth-born actress.

The award-winning theatre director said he was "devastated" by her death and described her performance in the production as "glorious".

"The company would like to dedicate the remaining performances to her memory," added Grandage.

Haque also worked alongside some of the biggest Bollywood names following a move to India in 1997, and previously worked as a presenter on MTV Asia.

Her return to the UK in 2002 saw her appear in Andrew Lloyd Webber's Bombay Dreams and a musical version of The Far Pavilions.

She also had a part in 2008 film Wanted, starring Angeline Jolie, James McAvoy and Morgan Freeman.

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Baby Elephant Trapped In India Well Is Saved

An elephant calf that had fallen into a well after straying from its herd in eastern India has been rescued.

The baby elephant had been trapped in the well near the village of Bundu, in the country's eastern state of Jharkhand, since Wednesday.

Its age is estimated at eight or nine months.

Residents were alerted by the calf's cries for help as it struggled to find a way out, and called forest officials.

The rescuers used diggers to create a passage and help the baby elephant escape.

On Thursday, they succeeded after five hours of digging, to the cheers of locals gathered around the well to watch the operation.

The baby elephant slipped into the passage but soon got stuck under the bulldozer's wheels. Rescuers tilted the vehicle on one side to finally set the calf free.

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Subway Attack: Suspect Held By US Police

Police investigating a horrific attack on a woman on the Philadelphia subway have arrested a man.

Surveillance video shows the 23-year-old woman being viciously punched and then dragged across the platform.

She is then pushed onto the railway track at the station in the city's Chinatown neighbourhood.

The attack happened around 3.30pm on Tuesday, after the suspect initially approached the victim and asked for a light.

The woman miraculously suffered only cuts and bruises and managed to climb off the tracks onto the opposite platform.

Police say they arrested the man around 2.30pm on Thursday, identifying him by his distinctive, multicoloured jacket with an image of the Taj Mahal on the back. 

"It was so distinct that we tried to keep the description of that jacket in law-enforcement circles, because it was our best lead on clearing this," transport police Chief Thomas Nestel said during a news conference.

Officers said a mobile phone belonging to the woman was also recovered.

However the police decision to keep quiet about the attack was criticised by some for leaving a potentially dangerous suspect at large with no public warning.

Unlike two recent fatal subway attacks in New York, the woman was not thrown in front of an approaching train, Chief Nestel said.

However, he advised subway passengers to "always be aware of their surroundings" and avoid standing close to the edge of the platform.

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Google CEO: Facebook Doing 'Really Bad Job'

Google's chief executive Larry Page has said rival Facebook is doing "a really bad job on their products", as his company announced the development of massive new UK headquarters in London.

Mr Page gave a wide-ranging interview to Wired magazine, which was conducted before Facebook launched its new Graph Search tool.

Asked whether competition from Facebook had motivated Google's social products, he said: "It's not the way I think about it. We had real issues with how our users shared information, how they expressed their identity, and so on."

"And yeah, they're a company that's strong in that space. But they're also doing a really bad job on their products."

Mr Page said he was happy with the progress made by Google+.

"For us to succeed, is it necessary for some other company to fail? No. We're actually doing something different. I think it's outrageous to say that there's only space for one company in these areas."

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Mark Zuckerberg unveiled Facebook's new search tool this week

Meanwhile, Google has bought a huge plot of land in King's Cross for a new UK office complex that could be worth £1bn when completed.

The US tech giant plans to build a 1 million square-foot office and has purchased a 2.4 acre plot at the Kings Cross Central development, the property developers behind the project said.

Construction on the site is expected to start late this year and be completed in 2016, when Google would leave its current offices in Victoria and Holborn districts.

The new building will range in height from 7 to 11 storeys.

The price of the purchase was not disclosed.

The Reuters news agency quoted sources as saying Google was investing £650m to buy and develop the site and that, once finished, the office building would be worth up to £1bn.

"This is a big investment by Google, we're committing further to the UK," Google's Vice President for Northern and Central Europe, Matt Brittin, said in a statement.

"It's good news for Google, for London and for the UK."

In the past two years Google has bought premises in Paris and Dublin.

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Lance Armstrong Admits Doping On Oprah Show

Lance Armstrong has admitted he took performance-enhancing drugs and used blood transfusions as he won his seven Tour de France titles.

In an interview with Oprah Winfrey, the 41-year-old said it was "not possible" to win the gruelling race so many times without doping.

Armstrong confessed that he doped during all seven Tour victories from 1999 to 2005, using blood-boosting agent EPO; blood doping; testosterone, cortisone or human growth hormone.

He said: "My cocktail was EPO, transfusions and testosterone. I made my decisions. They're my mistake. And I'm sitting here today to acknowledge that and to say I'm sorry for that."

The Texan, who won the world road race title in 1993, added that his drug use began in the "mid-90s".

"I suppose earlier in my career there was cortisone and then the EPO generation began," he said.

However, he said that at the time he did not believe what he was doing was cheating.

Oprah Interviews Lance Armstrong Armstrong was interviewed in his hometown of Austin, Texas

"I looked up the definition of cheat. The definition of cheat is to gain an advantage over a rival or foe," Armstrong said. "I didn't do that. I viewed it as a level playing field."

Armstrong, who has already had his Tour wins taken away and been banned from the sport for life, acknowledged his admission was probably "too late" for most people.

"I view this situation as one big lie, that I repeated a lot of times. It wasn't as if I just said no."

He had repeatedly previously denied all accusations made against him, despite the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) found him to be a central figure in "the most sophisticated, professionalised and successful doping programme that sport has ever seen".

Although Armstrong acknowledged the doping, he rejected some of USADA's claims about his US Postal team, saying: "It was definitely professional and it was definitely smart, if you can call it that. But it was very conservative, very risk averse.

"But to say that that programme was bigger than the East German programme in the mid-80s, it's not true."

George Hincapie with former team mate Lance Armstrong in 2010 Armstrong denied doping on his return to cycling in the late 2000s

He denied forcing others on the team to take banned substances, but said he led by example.

Armstrong was adamant he did not dope or perform blood transfusions in 2009 or 2010, when he made his comeback to the sport, saying: "The last time I crossed that line was 2005."

He said that allegations that he did take banned substances during this comeback period were the only thing in the USADA's detailed report that "really upset" him.

It was out-of-competition testing and the so-called biological passport, which collates biological markers of doping and doping tests, that forced him to stop.

USADA chief executive Travis Tygart called the admission a "small step in the right direction".

"But if he is sincere in his desire to correct his past mistakes, he will testify under oath about the full extent of his doping activities."

The interview, which you can see again on Discovery at 8pm, was recorded in Armstrong's home town of Austin, Texas, three days before it was broadcast.

Cycling's governing body, the UCI, welcomed Armstrong's confession.

President Pat McQuaid said: "It was disturbing to watch him describe a litany of offences including, among others, doping throughout his career, leading a team that doped, bullying, consistently lying to everyone and producing a backdated medical prescription to justify a test result.

File picture of overall winner Discovery Channel team rider Armstrong of the US and his team mates after the 21st and final stage of stage of the 92nd Tour de France cycling race between Corbeil-Essonnes and Paris Armstrong confessed he took drugs during all his seven Tour de France wins

"However, Lance Armstrong also rightly said that cycling is a completely different sport today than it was 10 years ago. In particular the UCI's introduction of the biological passport in 2008 - the first sports federation to do so - has made a real difference in the fight against doping."

The International Olympic Committee (IOC), which on Thursday stripped Armstrong of his bronze medal from the 2000 Sydney Games, said: "There is a positive side if these revelations can begin to draw a line under previous practices.

"We now urge Armstrong to present all the evidence he has to the appropriate anti-doping authorities so that we can bring an end to this dark episode and move forward, stronger and cleaner."

Sky's US Correspondent Amanda Walker joined cyclists at Nello's Cycles in Armstrong's hometown of Austin, Texas, to watch the interview.

She said: "Bike enthusiasts here have followed Austin's most famous son throughout his career. Most say they knew Armstrong was doping. Finally, they got to hear it from the man himself:

"With part one of the interview broadcast, this was the verdict from some of his closest followers. Bike shop manager David Figueroa said: "I think he had a good performance. I think he spent a lot of time preparing for it and I think he's proud of himself."

"Customer and cyclist Gregg Dansom said: "As a human being, I think he's a jerk. Would I ride with him? Yeah, I don't care - I know plenty of jerks - the difference is he made up lies about people and destroyed peoples lives."

"America has another instalment to go before deciding whether to accept accept Armstrong's plea for atonement."

The Sunday Times, which was sued by Armstrong in 2004 after the paper printed allegations of his doping, said it will now be pursuing its case against him "vigorously".

A spokesman for the newspaper said: "We watched Lance Armstrong's interview with interest and noted his numerous admissions regarding taking performance-enhancing drugs.

"The Sunday Times believes that our case for recovering the £1m he obtained from us by fraud is now even stronger. We will be pursuing that case vigorously."

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Helicopter Crash Victim 'Suffered Burns'

Official causes of death have been released for the two men killed in a helicopter crash in central London.

Pilot Pete Barnes, 50, died from multiple injuries, while pedestrian Matthew Wood, 39, suffered severe burns and a leg injury, Scotland Yard said.

Air accident investigators are working to establish the cause of the crash

Post-mortem examinations were carried out at Greenwich Mortuary after the men died in the incident on Wednesday.

Police say they are working with the Air Accidents Investigation Branch and Civil Aviation Authority and an inquest is expected to open in due course.

Mr Wood's sister earlier told Sky News he was a "big guy with a big heart".

He was walking to work as a pest control manager when he was killed after the aircraft hit a crane on The Tower in St George Wharf in Vauxhall.

Amanda Wood added he was a "gentle giant" who had been looking forward to planning his 40th birthday in April.

Chris Barnes, 55, paid tribute to his pilot brother Peter, describing him as a "good guy".

He said it would have been his "instinct" to do whatever he could to minimise casualties.

Cordons and road closures remain in place around the scene of the crash as work continues to remove the wreckage of the crane.

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Snow Costs UK Economy '£500m A Day'

Today's heavy snow could cost the UK economy almost £500m, according to new research by insurance group RSA.

The bad weather continues to engulf the UK, with up to 30cm - or a foot - of snow expected in south Wales.

RSA based its findings on the economic impact of the severe weather conditions in December 2010.

At the time, the Office for National Statistics estimated the snow caused the UK economy to contract by 0.5% in the fourth quarter.

Jon Sellors, RSA's head of research, told Sky News the ongoing weather conditions had impacted businesses, schools and the transport system.

"We estimate that up to a third of the UK's workforce have been unable to get into work, which would cost the economy up to £473m.

"And if the bad weather continues, the economic cost is only going to get higher."

Vehicles struggle in the snow Vehicles struggle in the snow on the normally busy A367 near Bath

Ross Walker, UK economist at RBS, said there was an "obvious risk" snow would hit growth in the UK.

"This weather comes at a bad time - when the economy is growing at a 1% annual rate, it doesn't take much in any individual quarter to push it backwards," he told Sky News.

But he stressed it is important not to overstate impact of bad weather: "If you get a negative GDP figure because of weather then that is a one-off - it does not represent an underlying economic problem."

It comes amid fears that Britain's economy shrank in the final quarter of the year - with official figures due next Friday.

The industries most likely to be affected by bad weather are construction and retail, Mr Walker added.

At the end of 2010 - when heavy snow fell in some areas of the UK for weeks - construction was down by 3.3%.

"Construction is obviously vulnerable to bad weather, and retail could also get hit," he said.

"Although if it snows so heavily that you don't go and buy a pair of shoes you want, you will probably go and get them when the weather improves."

BRITAIN-WEATHER-SNOW Commuters walk through the snow on Jubilee bridge in central London

But Douglas McWilliams, chief executive of the Centre for Economic and Business Research, said the snow could hit some businesses hard. 

"The economy isn't in great shape, and the retail sector isn't in great shape," he told Sky News.

"So even if in aggregate retailers don't lose out over a two or three month period, cash is king.

"If you lose a day's takings it may be the straw that breaks the camel's back."

The bad weather comes at a testing time for Britain's high streets, following a tough Christmas period.

Official retail figures were worse than expected, showing a 0.3% fall in total sales in December compared with the month before.

Since the start of 2013 three big names – Jessops, HMV and Blockbuster – have already been forced to call in the administrators.

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Snow: Travel Fears For Rush Hour Commuters

Britons face the prospect of a treacherous journey home from work as heavy snow continues to blanket the country, causing severe disruption in parts.

Trains have been cancelled, flights suspended and motorists caught up in slushy traffic jams, while hundreds of schools told parents to keep children at home.

Blizzards and strong winds are set to make conditions dangerous on many roads for the rest of the day - and bitterly cold temperatures look set to stay for the weekend.

All flights have been suspended out of Birmingham, East Midlands and Southampton airports and there are severe disruptions at Heathrow.

Winter weather A runway at Heathrow Airport was closed earlier

Flights in and out of Gatwick escaped major disruption but the airport advised passengers flying out this weekend to contact their airlines to check flight status.

South Wales had to bear the brunt of the wintry weather first thing, with a rare "red warning" in place from the Met Office there and up to 30cm - a foot - of snow expected.

The deepest snowfall so far has been measured at 26cm in Sennybridge, Wales, although snow has been thawing in other areas and some train services have been returning to normal.

At first the Home Counties were spared the early-morning flurries, with millions leaving home for work before snow showers spread eastwards.

No bread at Sainsbury's in Ripley as panic-buying is reported ahead of snow Panic-buying has been reported at supermarkets in Derbyshire and Wales

But with the ice-cold conditions expected to continue for the rest of the day, there are fears the country's transport network could be at buckling point for the rush hour.

The West Country, eastern England, the North East and Scotland have also been hit hard.

Drivers endured hazardous conditions along the M5 in Somerset, Gloucestershire and Bristol and the M48 Severn Bridge is closed.

More than 1,000 schools in Wales were among those shut for the day, with many sixth-form and college students having their A-level exams postponed and others having to trudge through the snow for exams that were going ahead.

Winter weather Jan 18th Some have been making the most of the weather

Most of the UK is seeing temperatures hover around zero, plunging below freezing in many areas tonight. Amber alerts are in place for the Midlands, London and the South, the east of England, the South West, the North West, parts of eastern Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

In Wales, a power cut left 10,000 people without electricity. There were reports of panic-buying in South Wales, the West Country and the Home Counties as shops ran low on stock.

Merthyr Tydfil has been among the worst hit areas and the A4232 leading into Cardiff was packed with commuters who left home despite the conditions. The closure of a section of the M4 at Bridgend caused morning rush hour headaches for many.

There have been severe hold-ups for rail passengers, with many companies cancelling services to help them cope with problems caused by the weather.

A red alert in South Wales - with up to 30cm expected.Yellow and amber alerts for other parts of the country. The Met Office has a red alert in South Wales - amber and yellow elsewhere

Eurostar axed four services between London and Brussels. Train firms are advising passengers to check with operators before travelling.

While commuters have been facing misery, the winter wonderland scenes have brought joy to thousands of youngsters who got the day off.

Herefordshire, Worcestershire, Warwickshire and Staffordshire were particularly badly hit, with almost 700 schools deciding to close across the four counties by the early afternoon.

In the Scottish Cairngorms a mountain rescue operation was launched for a missing walker who became separated from her party in bad weather. She was later found safe and well.

Few parts of the UK will escape the wintry weather as it continues into the weekend.

Sky News weather presenter Nazaneen Ghaffar said between 20-30cm of snow could fall in South Wales, with blizzards and snow drifts in higher areas.

A bactrian camel braves the snow at Twycross Zoo, Leicestershire. A bactrian camel braves the snow at Twycross Zoo, Leicestershire

She said: "There will be heavy snow across Wales for most of the day.

"Southwest England can also expect snow, and it will continue spreading east into the Midlands, northwest England, central and southern England by this afternoon."

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Snow will later reach Scotland, northeast England, Yorkshire, Lincolnshire and East Anglia, she said.

There is up to 10cm of snow likely in northern and eastern England as well as Ireland and southern and eastern Scotland on Saturday. Snow elsewhere will be lighter but it will be bitterly cold.

Sunday could also bring persistent but light snow to southeast England and some flurries for Scotland.

Darron Burness, from the AA, said commuting in the wintry conditions was "likely to test man and machine".

Those who decide to travel have been urged to travel prepared with a fully charged mobile phone, warm waterproof clothes, boots and a blanket, some food and drink, and have a torch, ice scraper, de-icer and a shovel.

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Freed British Hostages Praise Algerian Army

Belmokhtar: Profile Of Mr Marlboro

Updated: 5:27pm UK, Friday 18 January 2013

By Sam Kiley, Middle East Correspondent

He's known as Mr Marlboro because of his cigarette smuggling. The French intelligence service calls him "The Uncatchable".

The truth is Mokhtar Belmokhtar and his fellow North African Jihadists are rapidly emerging as Europe's most potent strategic threat.

Born in central Algeria in 1972 he grew obsessed with Jihadi ideology in his teens. At 19 he volunteered to fight alongside the mujahedeen in Afghanistan.

He missed most of the fighting there as the Soviets withdrew as he arrived but he did encounter senior members of what was to become al Qaeda - receiving training in a Jalalabad base.

In the early 1990s he returned to Algeria to join Islamic militant groups. He served them as a quartermaster - rapidly rose to dominate operations in the south of the country during the Algerian civil war.

Described by the then head of France's Territorial Surveillance Directorate (Direction de la surveillance du territoire – DST) as Algeria's link to al Qaeda, Belmokhtar has maintained strong links to the movement's core in Pakistan.

But he has been a vital element in the expansion of al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). A franchise of the Jihadi movement AQIM was seen as the poorly performing franchise during the last decade. 

But Belmokhtar forged links with Tuareg rebels in the south Sahara from Mali to Niger and into Mauritania.

He rapidly expanded a criminal empire to fund his political and military operations from smuggling cigarettes, diamonds, drugs and people into Europe.

He further stuffed his war chest with funds from hostage taking operations. In 2003 he was implicated in the kidnapping of 32 Europeans in the Sahara.

In 2008 he took control of negotiations for the release of two Austrian hostages. And in 2009 took control of two Canadians kidnapped in Mali and released by him for allegedly £3m and freedom for several of his associates from Malian jails.

Robert Fowler was a UN special envoy in Mali when he was kidnapped and then handed on to Belmokhtar.

He described the man who has now projected himself on to the world stage from the relative obscurity of the Saharan wastes.

"He is very cold. Very business-like. I was afraid for my life all the time. I was afraid for my life when I woke up in the morning and when I went to sleep at night. He is a very serious player," Mr Fowler told ABC News in the US.

Belmokhtar's movement got a huge boost from the collapse of the Libyan regime of Muammar Gaddafi.

The Tuareg fighters he had employed from Niger, Mali and Chad, fled his service carrying with them vast stockpiles of heavy weapons and bringing many years of combat experience.

This influx of new weapons and fighters allowed for al Qaeda-related groups to capture much of northern Mali and establish closer links between groups from Mauritania to Somalia and into the Arabian Peninsula.

Some intelligence agencies believe that Belmokhtar has fallen out with the AQIM leader in the north of Africa, Abdulmalek Droukel.

But al Qaeda is a franchise. Its strength lies in fragmentation. A devolved series of groups are harder to infiltrate or destroy than one large organisation.

Al Qaeda expert Aaron Zelin describes this as "controlled fragmentation".

French intelligence services have been trying, and failing, to kill or capture Belmokhtar for more than a decade. They believe that he has the capacity to mobilise French citizens with their roots in North Africa for terror operations inside Europe.

Now that France has launched its war against Islamists in Mali, many of whom are connected to Belmokhtar, his organisation, which calls itself "The Masked Ones", has vowed to continue attacks against western targets in Africa and beyond.

Belmokhtar's attack in Algeria now means his name will be heard more widely as his movement now poses a strategic threat to Europe's energy supplies.

"There are two main threats. The first one is the energy threat within Algeria and Libya which could potentially hurt the European economy. The other one is the potential for attacks on the European homeland.

"In the 1990s and early 2000s there were vast networks of Algerians within Europe that were helping to plan attacks.  And we saw in the mid-1990s there was an attack on the French subway system and a failed plot against the Eiffel tower. 

"So it's definitely possible - and it would not be surprising -  if they try to make it more painful for France, as well as other Europeans involved in the intervention in Mali," Mr Zelin said.

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Boeing Dreamliners Grounded By Japan Airlines

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 17 Januari 2013 | 00.27

Boeing 787 Dreamliner Timeline

Updated: 4:05am UK, Wednesday 16 January 2013

The turbulent history of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner:

Jan 16, 2013: Japan Air Lines Co Ltd (JAL) follows suit and suspends Dreamliner flights from Japan over safety concerns

Jan 16, 2013: ANA grounds all 17 of its 787s after four of its aircraft suffer problems

Jan 16, 2013: ANA 787 Dreamliner makes emergency landing in Takamatsu, Japan, after smoke appears in cabin

Jan 11, 2013: The Federal Aviation Authority announces a review of the 787 design and systems

Jan 11, 2013: All Nippon Airways (ANA) discovers engine oil leak after a domestic flight lands at Miyazaki

Jan 11, 2013: A separate ANA flight to Matsuyama reported a crack appearing in the pilot's window

Jan 9, 2013: ANA cancels a Boeing 787 Dreamliner flight due to a brake problem

Jan 8, 2013: Japan Air Lines (JAL) grounds a jet at Boston Logan International Airport after a 787 leaks 150 litres of fuel

Jan 7, 2013: A fire erupts in a battery pack in another JAL Dreamliner at Boston

Dec 13, 2012: Qatar Airways grounds one of its Dreamliners because of a faulty generator

Dec 5, 2012: The Federal Aviation Administration orders inspections of all 787 Dreamliners in service in the US

Dec 4, 2012: A United Airlines 787 is forced to make an emergency landing in New Orleans after a generator fails

July 23, 2012: ANA grounds five Dreamliners due to an engine component issue

February 22, 2012: Boeing says around 55 Dreamliners may be affected by a flaw in the fuselage

October 26, 2011: The Dreamliner makes its maiden flight with paying passengers on board an ANA jet

September 26, 2011: Boeing delivers its first 787 Dreamliner to Japan's ANA, three years late

June 23, 2010: Boeing postpones the first flight of the Dreamliner because of a structural flaw

December 15, 2009: The passenger jet 787 Dreamliner takes off on its maiden test flight

April 9, 2008: Boeing says there will be a revised plan for the first 787 flight and initial deliveries

December 11, 2008: Boeing announces further delays due to strike action by machinists Sept-Nov

October 19, 2007: Boeing says there will be a six-month delay to deliveries due to assembly issues

July 8, 2007: The first assembled 787 goes on display to media, employees and customers

July 18, 2006: Boeing says it is making "solid progress" on the 787 Dreamliner programme

January 28, 2005: Boeing gives its new commercial airplane an official model designation number - 787

January 29, 2003: Boeing announces the launch of a new aircraft called the 7E7

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Divorce Battle: Husband Jailed Over Cash Row

A property dealer has been given a six-month jail term after a High Court judge ruled he was in contempt of court.

Scot Young is embroiled in a divorce cash fight with his estranged wife Michelle over missing finances.

Lawyers representing Michelle Young, 48, had argued that her husband, 51, had given the High Court the "run around" after being told to provide details of his finances and should be sent to prison. 

Edward Fitzgerald QC, for Mrs Young, had told the court that Young had been worth £400m in 2006 but had given  "absolutely no explanation" about where that money had gone.

And he said Young pleaded poverty but seemed to be living a lifestyle "consistent with considerable wealth".

Mr Fitzgerald added: "He is going from party to party with champagne glass in his hand and his current girlfriend, some supermodel or other, on his arm."

Young, who represented himself at a High Court hearing in London on Tuesday, said Mrs Young was trying to commit him to prison out of "malice".

He said he had "done everything in my power" and asked judge Mr Justice Moor to give him more time to answer questions about his finances.

Mr Young told the court that he recently been "detained" in hospital under mental health legislation and had been unable to secure the services of a barrister.

He said he had been harassed by "eight private detectives" instructed by Mrs Young and "made unwell". He suggested that he was under greater surveillance than a terrorist.

Young asked for another 28 days to comply with orders.

But the judge said Young was in contempt. "He has not complied," said Mr Justice Moor. "There has been a flagrant and deliberate contempt over a very long period of time."

And he said neither a fine nor a suspended sentence would be a sufficient penalty.

Wednesday's hearing was the latest stage in a lengthy cash battle between the pair.

The Youngs, who both live in London and have two daughters, separated in 2006.

A judge two years ago ordered Young to pay Mrs Young £27,500-a-month maintenance.

Young - who has been described at earlier court hearings as a "property tycoon" - says he is bankrupt and cannot pay. Mrs Young says he has "secreted enormous assets".

The pair's claims are due to be fully argued at a trial scheduled to begin later this year.

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Helicopter Crash: Pilot Worked On Major Films

The pilot of a helicopter which crashed in central London was one of the country's most experienced and had flown in films such as Die Another Day and Saving Private Ryan.

Pete Barnes was killed when the Agusta 109 he was flying hit a crane on a high rise building in Vauxhall and plummeted to the ground.

Mr Barnes had amassed around 12,000 hours of flying time, including 3,500 hours in Agusta helicopters.

During his 18-year career as a pilot the 50-year-old had flown air ambulances and worked as a pilot on adverts and films such as James Bond's Die Another Day, Saving Private Ryan and Tomb Raider II.

He had been working as a freelance pilot for Rotormotion, a company which counts among its clients the Prince of Wales, Prime Minister David Cameron, former PM Tony Blair and the Dalai Lama.

In a statement the firm, which describes itself as a "boutique helicopter charter business", paid tribute to Mr Barnes, referring to the crash as a "tragic accident".

Pete Barnes Mr Barnes had also worked on air ambulances

"Captain Peter Barnes, aged 50 from the Reading area, has been flying with RotorMotion since it was established over 15 years ago," the company said.

"He was a very highly skilled pilot, one of the most experienced in the UK, with over 12,000 flying hours.

"We are devastated by the loss of a highly valued colleague and very dear friend. Our thoughts and condolences are with Peter's wife and children."

In 2004 Mr Barnes helped rescue a motorist from a flooded ford in County Durham while working for the Great North Air Ambulance.

Jolyon Palmer, a racing car driver who competes in the Formula One feeder GP2 series, said the pilot saved his life in 2007.

Helicopter crash in London The Agusta 109 which Mr Barnes was flying at the time of the crash

He tweeted: "Helicopter pilot Pete Barnes helped save my life in 2007 after I had a serious quad bike accident. Extremely sad news today."

Mr Barnes also flew the Newcastle Traffic and Travel helicopter as the Voice of Metro FM and worked as a helicopter instructor.

Broadcaster Alan Robson of the Tyneside-based radio station said the pilot was a pioneer of "eye in the sky" traffic reports in this country.

Mr Robson, an award-winning radio host, also worked with Mr Barnes on TV shows, and said that while he would pull off daring manoeuvres, he was safety-conscious.

"He was a stylish, lovely guy. He could have auditioned for James Bond," Mr Robson recalled.

"He was handsome, the girls melted. He walked it and he talked it.

"He was a genuinely lovely guy. I am absolutely gutted."

Mr Barnes originally worked as a ski instructor and guide in Europe after completing a business studies degree, before going into advertising.

But he later moved to the US to train as a helicopter pilot, earning a US Commercial and Instructors Licence flying helicopters around Florida and the East Coast before moving back to the UK.

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Blockbuster Collapses: 4,200 Jobs At Risk

By Mark Kleinman, City Editor

The crisis on Britain's high streets is continuing after Blockbuster UK, the DVD rental chain, called in administrators in a move which puts more than 4,000 jobs at risk.

Blockbuster UK has appointed the accountancy firm Deloitte to handle an insolvency process less than 48 hours after it was hired to oversee the administration of HMV, the entertainment retailer.

The move was confirmed following a report by Sky News.

The spate of administrations threatens to make this one of the grimmest periods in the history of the high street as retailers face up to the prospect that they can no longer compete with digital competitors.

Blockbuster has been especially hurt by the growth of online film rental companies such as Lovefilm. A plan for Blockbuster to offer its own version of a film-streaming service appeared to stall in recent months.

Blockbuster UK, which is headquartered in Uxbridge, employs almost 4,200 staff and operates from 528 stores.

Blockbuster Offers To Buy Competitor Hollywood Video Blockbuster stores rent out DVDs and games, and offer an exchange service

Its parent company, Blockbuster LLC in the US, is owned by The Dish Network, a US telecoms and media group which is headed by Charlie Ergen, a billionaire businessman.

Lee Manning, a partner at Deloitte, said: "In recent years Blockbuster has faced increased competition from internet-based providers along with the shift to digital streaming of movies and games.

"We are working closely with suppliers and employees to ensure the business has the best possible platform to secure a sale, preserve jobs and generate as much value as possible for all creditors.

"The core of the business is still profitable and we will continue to trade as normal in both retail and rental whilst we seek a buyer for all or parts of the business as a going concern.

"During this time gift cards and credit acquired through Blockbuster's trade-in scheme will be honoured towards the purchase of goods."

A spokesman for the administrator said the company's pension scheme was fully funded and gift-cards would be honoured at Blockbuster stores.

The recent flurry of retail collapses threatens to remove some of the famous names on British high streets.

If buyers cannot be found for HMV and Blockbuster, they will join the likes of Jessops, JJB Sports, Clintons Cards and Comet, which have all been forced to call in administrators.

The fact that the collapses of Blockbuster, HMV and Jessops have happened within just a few days of each other - with the potential combined loss of more than 10,000 jobs - also threatens to escalate the crisis into a broader political issue.

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British Soldier Dies From Afghanistan Injuries

A British soldier has died from injuries he received while serving in Afghanistan, the Ministry of Defence has announced.

Sky sources understand the soldier, who has not yet been named, was taking part in a joint patrol in the Lashkar Gah district of Helmand Province when he was seriously wounded in an insurgent attack on Monday.

He was flown back to the UK for treatment at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, but medics were unable to save him.

Spokesman for Task Force Helmand, Major Chris Boryer, said: "It is my solemn duty to report the death of a soldier from 1st Battalion The Duke of Lancaster's Regiment who has died as a result of wounds sustained whilst on duty in the Lashkar Gah district of Helmand Province.

"The thoughts and prayers of everyone serving in Task Force Helmand are with his family and friends at this extremely difficult time."

The MoD said the serviceman's next of kin have been informed.

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Heavy Snow Expected To Hit UK On Friday

Large swathes of England and Wales will see up to six inches of snow by the weekend as forecasters warned of plunging temperatures.

Travel disruption is expected when the severe winter weather hits on Friday.

Sky News weather presenter, Isobel Lang, said: "An active frontal system pushes in from the southwest bringing in rain and snow with strong south to southeast winds.

"Although some southern and western coastal counties are likely to see rain rather than snow, many parts of England and Wales could see around four to six inches of snow."

A woman is caught in a heavy snow shower in Pickering, North Yorkshire A woman is caught in a heavy snow shower in Pickering, North Yorkshire

Patchy fog and ice is expected over the next day or so, when any snow is likely to be confined to either East Anglia and Kent or across the western fringes of Britain.

But many places will see temperatures barely rise above freezing. Parts of Scotland, northern England, Wales, the Midlands and East Anglia will be looking at maximum temperatures of -1C or zero.

It comes after a bitterly cold night for much of the UK, with average temperatures between -3C and -7C, and -3C in London.

A farm house surrounded by snow close to Burntcliff Top in Cheshire A farm house surrounded by snow close to Burntcliff Top in Cheshire

The lowest temperature so far this winter was recorded in the early hours of Wednesday in Marham, Norfolk, where -13.1C beat the -12.9C recorded in Braemar on December 16.

The freezing weather has already caused havoc on transport networks, with a six-vehicle pile-up leaving three people injured on Tuesday and the AA reportingabout 1,000 breakdowns an hour.

In Norfolk, 262 schools have closed due to the weather and freezing fog has made conditions hazardous in the Midlands, East Anglia and central and southern England.

A helicopter crashed in central London when it hit a crane on a high building in foggy conditions, killing two people.

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BP Gas Site: Brits Caught Up In Hostage Drama

"Several" British nationals are caught up in a terrorist attack at a gas field in Algeria where workers have been taken hostage.

An Islamist militant group has claimed to have kidnapped up to 41 foreign nationals - including seven Americans and an Irishman in a dawn raid on the gas facility part-operated by BP, Sonatrach (the Algerian national oil company), and Statoil in Algeria.

Three people have reportedly been killed in the attack on the plant situated in the east of the country near the Libyan border.

Prime Minister David Cameron chaired a 45-minute meeting of the Government's crisis committee Cobra on the attack, attended by ministers from the Foreign Office and Ministry of Defence, as well as officials from other agencies.

His official spokesman said afterwards:  "The ongoing incident has involved various nationalities, including several British nationals.

"We are working with BP to support the families of staff and provide consular assistance."

Mr Cameron is also expected to speak to Algerian Prime Minister Abdelmalek Sellal about the attack, later.

BP In Amenas operation (courtesy BP.com) The In Amenas field (courtesy BP.com)

A Foreign Office spokeswoman said: "We can confirm that British nationals are caught up in a terrorist incident ongoing near the town of In Amenas at an oil installation near the Algerian border with Libya.

"The British embassy in Algiers is liaising with local authorities."

Downing Street said that it was "too early to speculate" on the motive for the attack.

BP is yet to confirm a link to reports that Islamist militants, said to be connected to al Qaeda, had seized a number of people in an attack that had a possible revenge motive for French military action in Mali.

The company said in a statement that the site was "attacked and occupied by a group of unidentified armed people," and that some personnel are believed to be "held by the occupiers".

The company said it was seeking information as to whether any staff or contractors had been injured - and the identities and intentions of the people occupying the site.

It added it was contacting relatives of workers on the site.

A French citizen was killed, according to the AP news agency, which quoted an Algerian security official.

The official claimed that the Algerian army had since surrounded the militants and their hostages and negotiations had started.

In Almenas road sign. The plant is situated in In Almenas, in eastern Algeria

Ireland's Department of Foreign Affairs (DPA) confirmed a 36-year-old married man from Northern Ireland, travelling on an Irish passport, was among those taken.

It is understood that Japanese, Norwegian and French nationals were also part of the group.

Ireland's Deputy Prime Minister Eamon Gilmore called for the Irishman's immediate release.

He said: "The Government stands ready to use all the resources available to us to ensure that our citizen is released as soon as possible.

"I would ask that the family be allowed privacy at this difficult time."

The country's Department of Foreign Affairs added it was providing consular assistance to the family and was in close contact with its international partners and a wide range of other contacts in order to establish the facts of the situation.

A spokesman said: "At this stage, the identity and motives of the kidnappers is unknown."

Militant group Katibat Moulathamine - "The Masked Ones - has reportedly claimed that one of its affiliates is responsible for the attack, and that five foreign nationals are being held in a factory on site, and 36 others in their living quarters.

The spokesman is said to have claimed the attack was carried out in retaliation for Algeria allowing France to use its airspace to carry out raids on northern Mali.

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Helicopter Crash In Vauxhall: Pilot Named

The helicopter pilot killed when his helicopter crashed in central London has been named as Pete Barnes.

He died after the aircraft hit a crane on St George Wharf Tower, in Vauxhall, amid heavy fog.

It cartwheeled out of the sky, smashed into two cars as it hit the ground and exploded into flames.

Mr Barnes - the only one aboard the helicopter - and a person on the ground were killed, the Metropolitan Police said.

Pete Barnes Pete Barnes has been described as an experienced pilot

The 50-year-old pilot from the Reading area had worked for the RotorMotion helicopter charter business for 15 years and had flown aircraft during the production of films such as Die Another Day and Saving Private Ryan.

"He was a very highly skilled pilot, one of the most experienced in the UK, with over 12,000 flying hours," the company said in a statement.

It added it was "devastated by the loss of a highly valued colleague and very dear friend".

The helicopter was on a long lease to RotorMotion from Castle Air Charters, whose managing director Ross Bunyard said: "We are not in a position to make any further comment, beyond expressing our sympathies and condolences to all those affected by the accident."

Helicopter crash in London The Agusta 109 helicopter that crashed in central London

Twelve people were injured. Five are in hospital, including one with a broken leg, and seven were treated at the scene.

One man was rescued from a burning car.

Burning wreckage and aviation fuel covered the road, as cars caught fire and people screamed and ran seeking shelter from the flying debris, witnesses have said.

Two office buildings, five cars and two motorbikes were damaged.

New Helicopter Crash Map

Flames raged and a huge column of black smoke billowed from the crash site just off Wandsworth Road, near South Lambeth Road.

Firefighters say the crane is now in a "precarious" position, but ruled out any "imminent risk" of a collapse.

They have urged people to stay away from the area while specialists assess the damage sustained by the crane.

Rescue crews searched the River Thames following reports that somebody had been seen in the water after the crash.

Emergency services say the Agusta 109 helicopter was on a scheduled commercial flight from Surrey to Elstree, but was diverted to Battersea due to bad weather.

Helicopter Crashes in Vauxhall, South London Some cars caught fire and one man was rescued from a burning vehicle

Flights in and out of London City Airport, in Docklands, had been delayed earlier in the day due to poor visibility.

Shortly after the crash at around 8am, firefighters, police and ambulances rushed to the scene.

Michael Krumstets, who lives in the area, said he had seen the helicopter hit the crane and the aircraft fall "directly towards us".

"We ran from the side of the road and it hit the road just besides us … and then it exploded," he said.

Sarah-Beth Casey lives in an apartment near the scene.

She told Sky News: "You're always worried about things like 9/11 and things like that.

Helicopter crash in London St George Wharf Tower this morning

"When I heard the explosion, it was like a little earthquake. It was like a gas explosion. I looked up to see debris falling off the tower."

The tower is a 185-metre (200-yard) high cylindrical block overlooking the Thames and the Houses of Parliament.

Bruce Grain, a station manager for London Fire Brigade and among the first to arrive at the scene, said the driver of one of the cars that had been hit managed to get out, while the driver of the other vehicle could not be immediately located.

"Large parts of the helicopter are in the road," Mr Grain told Sky News.

"There is debris over surrounding buildings … three buildings."

Helicopter Crash

He said firefighters had extinguished the fire.

David Cameron said rules for helicopter flights over central London would need to be carefully looked at following the accident.

The Prime Minister was "very saddened to learn of the fatalities and injuries" in the crash, his spokesman said.

Mayor of London Boris Johnson said the lighting of cranes and tall buildings would be reviewed, but that it would be "premature" to second guess the investigation into the collision.

Aviation expert Chris Yates told Sky News that any tall structure must have a warning light on top to alert pilots.

The question is, he said, whether there was a warning light on the crane and whether the pilot would have been able to see it in the foggy conditions.

RotorMotion says on its website that its helicopters "are fully instrument qualified to fly in poor weather conditions".

The company, whose website features pictures of famous passengers including the Dalai Lama, offered its "full support and assistance" to authorities investigating the crash.

The crash, which happened close to a railway line during rush hour, disrupted transport across central London.

Roads were cordoned off and train services were briefly suspended but are now running in and out of Waterloo station, while Vauxhall tube station was closed but has now reopened.

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White House Delivers Gun Safety Proposals

President Barack Obama says enacting stricter gun laws "will be difficult" but is necessary following the Newtown massacre.

"The world has changed and it's demanding action," Vice President Joe Biden said, acknowledging the political challenges ahead. Mr Biden had been tasked with bringing recommendations to the president.

He president said he would announce 23 executive actions today, but said they are not a substitute for action in Congress. He said he is calling on federal lawmakers to pass several proposals "right away", including universal background checks for anyone trying to buy a gun. 

Right now, some 40% of US gun purchases are done without background checks.

Mr Obama also called on Congress to restore the expired ban on military-style assault weapons and to enact a 10-bullet limit on high-capacity ammunition magazines. 

And he said Congress has to "help rather than hinder" law enforcement efforts on gun safety, calling on lawmakers to confirm his nominee for the next Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms director, Todd Jones.

"If there is even one life that can be saved, then we've got an obligation to try. And I'm here to do my part", the president said.

He called on constituents in parts of the country that are traditional gun ownership strongholds - specifically "responsible gun owners" - to make their support for stronger controls known so "the usual suspects" do not solely dominate the debate. 

"With rights, comes responsibilities," Mr Obama said. "We live in a society. A government of, for and by the people. We are responsible for each other".

The fundamental rights to life and liberty have been denied to the victims of gun violence, he said.

He added: "Those rights are at stake. We're responsible."

Following his speech the president signed some of the executive actions that do not need Congressional approval. They are reported to include measures to stiffen enforcement of existing laws and launching a national responsible gun ownership campaign. 

Meanwhile on Wednesday, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee said on Wednesday he will begin hearings in two weeks on gun safety proposals.

Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont – a gun owner – said he wants to hold a series of hearings examining violence in popular media and how to keep guns safe, among other topics.

His plan could lead to a slower process in Congress than gun control advocates would like.

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