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Allegations Of Harris' Shocking Web Searches

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 05 Juli 2014 | 00.48

Details of Rolf Harris' alleged web searches for sexual images of young girls have been revealed - but prosecutors say the convicted paedophile will not go on trial over the claims.

The 84-year-old had 33 sexual photographs of children in a much larger collection of thousands of adult pornographic images, it was claimed.

But Harris' legal team told judge Mr Justice Sweeney the models in the photos were over 18, according to their identity documents provided by website bosses in the Ukraine.

They also maintained the entertainer accidentally accessed the images when he clicked on links from mainstream porn sites.

Harris was found guilty on Monday of 12 counts of indecent assault between 1968 and 1986 and was jailed on Friday for five years and nine months.

One of his four victims was seven or eight year old, and the rest were teenagers aged between 14 and 19.

Prosecutor Sasha Wass QC said: "In the light of the 12 unanimous convictions on the counts that Mr Harris faced, the Crown Prosecution Service has decided it is no longer in the public interest to proceed with a trial on these four charges."

Prosecutors claimed he had looked at a website called "teeny tiny girlfriends" and accessed a picture of a girl who was "extremely young in appearance".

Harris also allegedly clicked on other words including "youngest teen porn", "my little nieces" and "young teen girls".

Expert opinion gathered by both sides disagreed over whether the images were of underage girls, with the prosecution claiming one was of a child under 13.

This was denied by the defence, which maintained that all the models were adults and that the word "teen" could refer to someone of 18 or 19 years of age.

As the counts were debated during legal argument, Ms Wass said: " If it was an accident, it appears to be an accident he had a number of times."

Both sides agreed he had clicked on "young teen galleries" and "Russian virgins" while looking at porn.

Prosecutors alleged he deleted the images because he knew they were illegal, but again the defence denied this.

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Jayden Killing: Accused Buried Her Twice

A 22-year-old who has admitted killing his pregnant ex-girlfriend has told a court he did not confess at first because he was "too ashamed".

Ben Blakeley told Oxford Crown Court he had buried 17-year-old Jayden Parkinson's body first in a field and then moved her remains to his uncle's grave.

The accused said he thought his teenage ex-girlfriend was "joking" when she fell to the ground as he strangled her in countryside near Didcot, Oxfordshire in December last year.

The former dustman, who admits the manslaughter of Jayden but denies murdering her, said he then moved the teenager's body under a tree and covered it with a branch before he left for home.

He told the court he went back to the scene later with a youth - who cannot be identified for legal reasons - and dug a hole under the tree where the two of them buried Jayden's remains.

All Saints Cemetery All Saints Cemetery where the teenager's remains were buried

Blakeley said he had told his companion they were burying weapons, not a body.

After hiding the girl's body, Blakeley said he had returned alone days later to dig up her remains and take them to a local churchyard where he and his friend had dug into the grave of his uncle, Alan Kennedy.

Asked why he did that, Blakeley replied: "I couldn't leave her there. I know it sounds sick and twisted. I don't know why I f****** thought of it, somehow I thought it would f******...

"None of it seemed real, none of it seemed real. The whole f****** thing didn't seem real.

"I know it seems sick and twisted but I thought it would makes thing better. I don't know what I was thinking. I was f***** up."

Blakeley added: "I didn't want her in a f****** field, I couldn't handle it."

Richard Benson QC, defending Blakeley, asked him: "What sort of place did you want her to be finally laid to rest?"

Ben Blakeley Blakeley leaving court last December

Blakeley replied: "A proper place."

Mr Benson asked: "Why your uncle's grave?"

He replied: "I don't know."

Blakeley at one stage broke down in tears and covered his face with his hands.

"I can't explain it. You can't imagine what it's like."

Blakeley was questioned by police in the days after Jayden's death but did not confess to what he had done.

When asked why he had not, he replied: "I was too ashamed of what I had done."

Jayden was last seen alive with Blakeley on the afternoon of December 3 last year.

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Funeral Held For Murdered Palestinian Teenager

The funeral has taken place of an Arab teenager who many Palestinians believe was killed by Israeli extremists in a revenge attack.

Thousands of mourners took to the streets in the east Jerusalem neighbourhood of Shuafat as the funeral procession made its way to a local cemetery.

The death of 16-year-old Mohammed Abu Khadair has caused outrage after his burned body was found in Jerusalem Forest early on Wednesday morning.

Funeral Held For Slain Palestinian Teenager Mohammed Abu Khadair's mother is helped through the crowds

His body was wrapped in a Palestinian flag and headscarf and taken to a mosque, before mourners carried the open casket to a cemetery.

Crowds chanted "intifada, intifada" - calling for a new uprising - as the body passed by.

Palestinian throws a stone during clashes with Israeli police after prayers on the first Friday of Ramadan in East Jerusalem Protesters attacked security forces ahead of the funeral

Palestinian protesters clashed with police again on Friday, with rocks thrown at security forces who fought back with tear gas and stun grenades.

Sky News Middle East Correspondent Sherine Tadros, in Shuafat, said there were reports of "dozens" of injured Palestinians, according to the Red Crescent.

Body of kidnapped Palestinian youth found in Jerusalem Abu Khadair's burnt body was found on Wednesday

"They're treating them for tear gas inhalation but also wounds from rubber bullets," said Tadros.

"The Israeli forces have essentially surrounded the entire neighbourhood - it's very difficult to get in and out.

"It was very difficult for the funeral procession to weave through the streets - that's when the clashes started."

Palestinians pray on the first Friday of Ramadan as Israeli policemen stand guard in East Jerusalem Security was tight at prayers ahead of the funeral

CCTV footage has emerged which purports to show the moment when the teenager was bundled into a car and kidnapped.

Although the CCTV footage cannot be verified, the family says it has been taken by Israeli police and is being examined as part of the investigation into the murder.

Many Palestinians believe the teenager's death was a revenge attack for the abduction and killing of Israeli teenagers Gilad Shaar, 16, Eyal Yifrach, 19, and Naftali Frenkel, 16.

Funeral Held For Slain Palestinian Teenager Police fired tear gas and stun grenades

The three went missing while hitchhiking home from the Jewish seminaries where they studied near Hebron.

Many Israelis, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, believe militants from Palestinian group Hamas were responsible.

Israeli police have stressed they are yet to establish a clear motive for Abu Khadair's murder and say they cannot yet rule out a criminal, rather than nationalistic revenge motive.

(L-R) Gilad Shaar, Naftali Frenkel, Eyal Yifrach Many believe the killing was revenge for the deaths of three young Israelis

Prime Minister Netanyahu has promised to track down those responsible.

Speaking on Thursday, he said: "We don't know yet the motives or the identities of the perpetrators, but we will.

"We will bring to justice the criminals responsible for this despicable crime whoever they may be.

"Murder, riots, incitement, vigilantism, they have no place in our democracy."

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Andy Coulson Jailed For 'Unforgivable' Hacking

Former News Of The World editor Andy Coulson has been jailed for 18 months after being found guilty of conspiring to hack phones following an eight-month trial.

The former Number 10 spin doctor showed no obvious emotion as he was sentenced and sent down to the cells.

Judge Mr Justice Saunders told Coulson and four other defendants: "I do not accept ignorance of the law provides any mitigation.

"The laws of protection are given to the rich, famous and powerful as to all."

He said he had taken into account the impact on the lives of those whose phones were hacked, and the profit made from the crimes.

He singled out the former editor for the heaviest punishment, describing the hacking of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler as "unforgiveable".

He said: "Mr Coulson, on the jury's verdict, has to take the major share of the blame for the phone hacking at the News of the World.

"On the jury's verdict he knew about it and encouraged it when he should have stopped it."

He noted that there were many thousands of hacks over the years, involving hundreds of victims.

Coulson, from Charing in Kent, was sentenced alongside three former colleagues and private detective Glenn Mulcaire, who all admitted their part in the phone hacking plot last year.

NOTW news editor Greg Miskiw, 64, from Leeds; chief reporter Neville Thurlbeck, 52, of Esher, Surrey; and James Weatherup, 58, of Brentwood in Essex have all admitted one general count of conspiring together and with others to illegally access voicemails between October 2000 and August 2006.

Mulcaire, 43, from Sutton in south London, was first convicted of phone hacking with NOTW royal reporter Clive Goodman in 2006 and served a prison sentence.

Miskiw and Thurlbeck were each handed six-month prison terms. The terms will be reduced by 53 days for time spent electronically tagged.

Weatherup was given a four-month suspended sentence, while Mulcaire was given a six-month suspended sentence.

The judge told Mulcaire he was "truly the lucky one", saying the full extent of his hacking was known at the time of his previous sentencing.

According to Mulcaire's notes, Miskiw tasked him 1,500 times, Thurlbeck 261 times and Weatherup 157 times, the court heard.

Mr Justice Saunders told them: "All the defendants that I have to sentence, save for Mr Mulcaire are distinguished journalists who had no need to behave as they did to be successful.

"They all achieved a great deal without resorting to the unlawful invasion of other people's privacy. Those achievements will now count for nothing."

After sentencing, David Cameron said: "It's right that justice should be done and no-one is above the law."

Eight of the 11 jurors who heard the case returned to court to hear the verdicts.

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Firefighters To Strike For Eight Days Running

Firefighters in England and Wales are to strike over eight consecutive days as a result of their long-running pensions row.

The industrial action, which starts on July 14, will take place for between two and four hours a day throughout the strike period.

The Fire Brigades Union said it had decided to escalate action as current proposals on pensions and later retirement age were "unacceptable, unworkable and unrealistic".

The FBU has been negotiating with the Government for three years over plans to change the fire service's pension scheme.

The union says firefighters will end up paying more, working longer and receiving less.

The Government says the deal gives firefighters one of the most generous pension schemes in the public sector.

Justifying the strike, FBU General Secretary Matt Wrack said: "The Government must realise that firefighters cannot accept proposals that would have such devastating consequences for their futures, their families' futures  - and the future of the fire and rescue service itself.

"We have tried every route available to us to make the Government see sense over their attacks.

"Three years of negotiations have come to nothing because the Government is simply unwilling to compromise or even listen to reason despite a huge amount of evidence showing their planned scheme is unworkable.

"Shorter strike periods have illustrated the strength of feeling among firefighters whilst limiting disruption to the fire service, the public and our members' working lives.

"But the Government is merely ploughing ahead, forcing firefighters to react."

FBU members in Wales and England are also intending to join a huge strike by more than a million public sector workers next Thursday.

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Officers Sacked After Man Dragged Behind Van

Eight policemen in South Africa have been sacked over the death of a Mozambican immigrant who was dragged behind a police vehicle.

Taxi driver Mido Macia, 27, died in police custody on February 26 last year after being arrested for parking his car on the wrong side of the road.

A video taken by bystanders showed Macia being manhandled, handcuffed to the back of a police van and dragged hundreds of metres in Daveyton, east of Johannesburg.

He was found dead in his cell just over two hours later.

Footage of the incident spread globally online, and the conduct of South Africa's police service (Saps) was called into question.

National police commissioner General Riah Phiyega confirmed that eight police officers who were involved in Macia's death had been dismissed.

She said: "The death of Mido Macia at the hands of these police officers has negatively affected the reputation of the Saps.

"The sanction of dismissal is therefore welcomed and we believe it will send the correct message to other officers."

She added that nine officers had originally been suspended without pay over the death, but one was found not to have been involved.

The eight men are on bail on charges of murder and are due in court on February 16 next year.

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Mother And Son Run Over After Sinkhole Fall

A mother and son are recovering after their car was swallowed by a sinkhole and they were then run over by a truck.

Juanita Pineda, 41, and Benjamin Hernandez, 15, were delivering papers in rural Illinois in the early hours of Tuesday when the accident happened.

As they drove along a dark road their Ford Taurus plummeted into a 10-ft-wide (3-metre) pit in the road in Kane County, west of Chicago.

040714 $$ Mother And Son Run Over After Sinkhole Fall Benjamin fractured his spine, nose and jaw and lost several teeth

Benjamin fractured his spine, nose and jaw and lost several teeth in the fall.

He can be heard crying in pain during his mother's 911 call.

As Ms Pineda spoke to emergency services, a pick-up truck unwittingly drove over them.

040714 $$ Mother And Son Run Over After Sinkhole Fall Juanita Pineda says she believes an angel watched over them

"Oh my God, no! Another car!" Ms Pineda, who was badly bruised in the crash, screams in the call.

The stunned pick-up driver stopped his car to help the pair.

Emergency crews managed to cut the mother and son from the wreckage.

Authorities said June's rainfall, double the average for the region, had caused the road to crumble.

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LA Cop Filmed Repeatedly Punching Woman

The California Highway Patrol says it has opened an investigation after one of its officers was filmed repeatedly punching a woman in the face on a Los Angeles road.

An onlooker in a passing car captured Tuesday evening's confrontation and uploaded the shocking clip, entitled "Police Brutality?", to YouTube.

The footage shows the officer on foot crossing a busy dual carriageway to accost a woman walking across the central reservation.

He pins her to the ground on the grassy strip and delivers a flurry of blows as she lies flat on her back.

The California Highway Patrol (CHP) said in a statement to KABC-TV that the officer had ordered the pedestrian to stop, but she disobeyed him.

According to the CHP, the officer then tried to place her under arrest because he feared she might be hurt crossing the lanes of traffic.

"A physical altercation ensued as the pedestrian continued to resist arrest, at which point a plain clothes, off-duty officer assisted in applying the handcuffs," the CHP statement said.

The agency said that as a matter of procedure there would be an investigation to establish whether the use of force had been appropriate.

But David Diaz, who shot the video, says he believed it was inappropriate.

He told KABC-TV: "There was no weapons, it's obviously excess force at this point. He could have easily calmed her down. You can use strength without punching."

The woman was reportedly taken to a hospital for physical and mental evaluation.

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Queen Names UK's Newest And Biggest Warship

UK's New Aircraft Carrier: Facts And Figures

Updated: 8:58am UK, Friday 04 July 2014

As the Queen officially names the newest and most powerful warship ever built for the Royal Navy, Sky News looks at the numbers behind HMS Queen Elizabeth:

:: The design of the Queen Elizabeth Class began in 1999 and 28 million hours have been spent developing and building the ships.

:: The vessels are assembled in Britain's biggest dock by the country's largest crane.

:: Employees are given handheld indoor navigation devices to help them find their way around the ships, such is their scale and complexity.

:: The six-metre-high take-off ramp is officially called the "ski jump".

:: The fog horn is 162 decibels and can be heard from more than two miles away.

:: The vessels have their own bakery, which can produce 1,000 loaves of bread per day, as well as treats including scones, doughnuts and eclairs.

:: A typical deployment would sail with 66,000 sausages, 28,800 rashers of bacon, 64,800 eggs and 12,000 tins of beans.

:: Each of the Queen Elizabeth Class aircraft carriers is made up of 17 million parts.

:: Some 250,000 litres of 'battleship grey' paint is used to apply seven coats over an area the size of Hyde Park.

:: There are more than 250,000km of electrical cable, 8,000km of fibre optic cable and 360km of pipes inside each of the ships.

:: The Queen Elizabeth Class have their own dentist, pharmacy, surgery and operating theatre.

:: The crew can wind down in the onboard fitness suite and cinema. The vessels are also kitted out with a police office and cells.

:: The ships' long-range radar can track up to 1,000 contacts in a 250-mile radius.

:: The onboard 3D radar can track a tennis ball travelling at three times the speed of sound.

:: The aircraft carriers can convert sea water into more than 500 tons of drinking water each day, which is for both the crew and providing humanitarian relief.

:: Each of the ships has 17 decks and 15 lifts for aircraft, munitions and crew.

:: The flight deck is 70 metres wide and 280 metres long, which is enough space for three football pitches.

:: The ships have floor-to-ceiling (or deck-to-deck) windows designed to withstand a major impact, each of which requires windscreen wipers up to 2.4 metres long.

:: The vessels generate 80MW of power in their propellers, equivalent to 50 high speed trains.

:: Each ship has two propellers weighing 33 tons each - collectively heavier than an entire Royal Navy patrol boat.

:: The first HMS Queen Elizabeth was completed 100 years before the launch of the new one.

:: Designing, building and delivering the latest ships has involved more than 800 apprentices.

:: The aircraft carriers can operate on 679 personnel and accommodate up to 1,600 people.

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Rolf Harris Jailed For More Than Five Years

Rolf Harris is spending his first night in prison after being jailed for five years and nine months for sexually abusing young girls.

One of his four victims was just seven or eight years old when she was attacked by the disgraced entertainer.

The judge at Southwark Crown Court Mr Justice Sweeney said Harris had abused the trust placed in him because of his celebrity status - and had shown no remorse.

The 84-year-old's sentence has been referred to the attorney general after a member of the public said it was unduly lenient.

He will now decide whether to pass the sentence on to the Court of Appeal for review.

Rolf Harris Harris arrives at the court for his sentencing

Harris, convicted on Monday of 12 counts of indecent assault between 1968 and 1986, was flanked by guards in the dock as the punishment was handed down.

His other three victims, including the best friend of Harris' daughter Bindi, were teenagers aged between 14 and 19.

Mr Justice Sweeney told the shamed performer: "You have shown no remorse for your crimes at all.

"Your reputation lies in ruins, you have been stripped of your honours, but you have no one to blame but yourself.

"You took advantage of the trust placed in you because of your celebrity status to commit the offences."

During the seven-week trial, prosecutor Sasha Wass described Harris as a ''sinister pervert''.

Rolf Harris Harris with his daughter and wife during the trial

She claimed he had a ''dark side'' and was a ''Jekyll and Hyde character''.

The main complainant was Bindi's best friend, to whom seven of the 12 counts related.

The woman, now aged 49, said she had been "traumatised" by the years of abuse she suffered.

She said: "The attacks that happened have made me feel dirty, grubby and disgusting. The whole sordid saga has traumatised me."

Another victim, Australian Tonya Lee - who waived her right to anonymity - said her assault by Harris in a London pub during a visit to England was a "turning point" in her life that she has never recovered from.

She said: "I have never felt safe since, I live in a constant state of anxiety."

A third victim, indecently assaulted by him as she went to get his autograph at a Portsmouth community centre when she was seven or eight, said Harris' assault took away her childhood.

She said the attack left her angry and confused, adding: "I became an angry child, unable to express myself and unable to trust men."

A fourth victim, who was assaulted when she was a teenager as Harris took part in a celebrity game show in Cambridge in the 1970s, said he took advantage of her, making her feel ashamed.

Rolf Harris on boat on way to court Harris earlier left his riverside home on a boat

She said: "He treated me like a toy that he had played with for his own pleasure."

Harris had arrived at court accompanied by Bindi, and made his way inside the building without commenting to reporters.

In the dock, he had a small, multi-coloured suitcase on a chair behind him.

His wife, Alwen, was not in court as she was apparently unwell.

Harris' lawyer Sonia Woodley told the court that despite his convictions he had led an " upright life" for the last 20 years, and had done "much good".

Harris had earlier left his riverside home in Bray, Berkshire by boat as he made his way to London to hear his fate.

Since his conviction Harris has been stripped of his Bafta fellowship, lost an honorary degree from the University of East London and also faces losing his CBE.

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