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Rucksack Suicide Bomb Plotters Jailed

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 27 April 2013 | 00.48

A jihadist terror cell which plotted mass murder worse than the July 7 attacks with the blessing of al Qaida has been jailed.

Ringleader Irfan Naseer, 31, was handed a life sentence at Woolwich Crown Court and will serve a minimum of 18 years before he is considered for release.

The rest of the Birmingham gang, which aimed to explode up to eight rucksack bombs in suicide bombings, were sentenced to serve a total of up to 72 years behind bars for their part in the plan.

Police believe it was the most significant terror plot to be uncovered since the 2006 conspiracy to blow up transatlantic airliners using bombs disguised as soft drinks.

Sentencing, Mr Justice Henriques described Nasser as a "skilful bomb-maker" and the group's "leader, driving force and man in charge".

Irfan Naseer, Irfan Khalid and Ashik Ali street collecting The gang raised money for terror training with bogus street collections

Addressing the defendant, who appeared to mutter under his breath, the judge said: "Clearly nothing was going to stop you, short of intervention of the authorities.

"I have no doubt you would have continued with your plan but for that intervention."

The judge warned the chemistry graduate that although he would be considered for licence in 18 years, a parole board would not release him until he renounced "extremist views".

At the head of the gang with Naseer were his "inseparable" lieutenant Irfan Khalid, 28, and Ashik Ali, also 28, who provided them with a safe house.

Khalid boasted that the attack was going to be "another 9/11", while Naseer was heard agreeing that the July 7 attacks had not done enough damage because there were no nails in the bombs.

Sentencing Khalid to an extended sentence of 23 years and a minimum of 12 behind bars, Mr Justice Henriques said he took into account that Khalid had been found to be in the bottom 2%-5% in terms of cognitive ability.

Partially-sighted Ali, wearing a white robe, was given an extended sentence of 20 years and must serve a minimum of 10 before he can be considered for release on licence.

The judge said he did not accept the defendant's portrayal of himself as the group's "tea boy or runner for others".

In a conversation heard by police, Ali told his estranged wife Salma Kabal, who was cleared earlier this month of withholding information about the plot: "Oh, you think this is a flipping Four Lions. We're one man short."

In February, Naseer was found guilty of five counts of preparation of terrorist acts, Khalid of four, and Ali of three, all between Christmas Day 2010 and September 19 2011.

For Naseer, from Sparkhill, Khalid, from Sparkbrook, and Ali, from Balsall Heath, this included planning a bombing campaign, collecting money for terrorism and recruiting others for terrorism.

Mr Justice Henriques said Naseer bore "sole responsibility" for sending Shahid Khan, 21, Khobaib Hussain, 21, Ishaaq Hussain, 21, and Naweed Ali, 25, to Pakistan for terror training in August 2011.

Three of the youngsters, all from Sparkhill, were forced to return just three days later after relatives got wind of the sinister reasons for their journey.

Sentencing all four to 40 months in prison, of which they will serve a minimum of 20 months, the judge said: "It is a chilling thought that unbeknown to your parents you left this country intending to undergo a period of terror training."

The four had pleaded guilty to engaging in conduct in preparation for terrorist acts by travelling to Pakistan for training in terrorism.

Attempting to fund their plot by posing as Muslim Aid charity street collectors, the group duped legitimate supporters into giving them money.

They raised £12,000 for themselves in this way, but were forced to apply for tens of thousands of pounds in loans after losing more than £9,000 of the money playing foreign currency markets.

"Chief financier" Rahin Ahmed, 26, from Moseley, was sentenced to 17 years and will serve six years before he can be released on licence after he admitted collecting, investing and managing money for terrorism.

Ashik Ali's older brother Bahader Ali, 29, Mohammed Rizwan, 34, and Mujahid Hussain, 21, were also recruited by the cell.

Bahader Ali and Rizwan were said to have been unsure whether to join the "ammal" (action) against "infidels" in the UK or fight abroad, while Mujahid Hussain helped with fundraising.

Today they received sentences of between six and four years in jail for their role in the plot.

From Sparkhill, Rizwan had pleaded guilty to engaging in conduct in preparation for terrorist acts, while Bahader Ali, from Sparkbrook, and Mujahid Hussain, from Yardley, both admitted entering a funding arrangement for the purposes of terrorism.

Bahader Ali also pleaded guilty to collecting information about terrorism and encouraging the preparatory acts of others and Mujahid Hussain admitted having information about acts of terrorism.

The gang were thwarted by the largest investigation ever carried out by the 450-strong counter-terrorism unit, involving 24-hour surveillance and the bugging of the men's safe house.

Mr Justice Henriques said he wanted to ensure that the officers who worked on the case receive a judicial commendation for their "extraordinary" work.

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Head Teacher Stabbed In Face With Screwdriver

A headteacher is in hospital after she was stabbed in the face and neck with a screwdriver.

The 39-year-old was attacked as she got out of her car outside her home in Rochdale, Greater Manchester, just after 5pm on Thursday.

Police were called to the scene in Shaw Road, Thornham, following reports that she had been stabbed three times.

The assailant was reportedly wrestled to the ground by a passing motorist.

The scene of a stabbing in Manchester where a headteacher was stabbed in the head with a screwdriver An air ambulance flew the victim to hospital. Pic: I Love Royton

The head teacher was airlifted to hospital and is in a serious condition, although her injuries are not thought to be life-threatening.

A 47-year-old local man was arrested at the scene and is being questioned on suspicion of attempted murder.

Detective Inspector Andy Aston, of Greater Manchester Police, said: "This incident will understandably have caused a lot of concern and anxiety in the local area and I'm sure everyone in the community will be thinking of the woman and wishing her a full recovery after her ordeal.

"I also understand there may be lots of rumour and speculation about what has happened but I would stress that, as we are still at the outset of our investigation, it is important we establish all the facts first.

"However, what I can say is there is no threat to anyone else in the community and it is also important to stress that reports about this being a 'neighbour dispute' or 'neighbour feud' are wrong, so I would ask that people do not speculate.

"We will of course keep the community informed of any developments with this case."

Anyone with information should call police on 101 or the independent Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.

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Video Shows Fireball Bursting Out Of Pavement

A huge fireball has burst from a pavement on a busy street narrowly missing a passer-by standing just yards from the blast.

The dramatic explosion was said to have shaken nearby buildings and left a gaping crater at the side of the road.

Video footage of the blast shows one astonished bystander running from the scene as flames shoot from the ground.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) said it was investigating the explosion which happened on Pimlico Road in central London on Thursday morning.

Cables at that spot carry up to 11,000 volts.

Nearly 2,000 people in the area saw their power interrupted following the explosion.

"We are aware of this and we are making inquiries into what happened," an HSE spokesman said.

A spokesman for UK Power Networks, which maintains the electricity distribution network in the region, said: "At 10.25am yesterday a fault on our underground electricity network in Pimlico Road interrupted power supplies to 1,867 customers.

"UK Power Networks engineers rerouted supplies to 861 customers within 10 minutes and all supplies were reconnected by 1.55pm.

"Safety is our top priority and the cause of this incident is being investigated.

"We apologise to customers for the inconvenience caused by the power cut and our staff restored all supplies as quickly as safely possible."

A National Grid spokesman said the explosion was not gas-related.

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Syria Chemical Weapons 'May Have Been Used'

David Cameron has said there is growing evidence of the use of chemical weapons by Bashar al Assad's regime, condemning reported attacks as a "war crime".

However, he said that the latest developments did not mean that Britain would send troops in to Syria but urged for more pressure to be put on the Assad regime.

His comments came as footage emerged of victims of an apparent sarin attack in the city of Aleppo.

The video, which was taken in a hospital and shows men and women frothing at the mouth and twitching from the effects of the nerve agent, was posted online just over a week ago.

The images were recorded at the medical facility in Afrin, about an hour's drive from the city of Aleppo, where the alleged sarin attacks by the Bashar al Assad regime were carried out.

Dr Kawa Hassan, an orthopaedic surgeon who treated the first casualties, told Anthony Lloyd, a journalist for The Times who travelled to the medical facility: "We received an initial five casualties, then a second group.

Syria's President Bashar al-Assad attends prayers during celebrations of Prophet Mohammed's Birthday, at the al-Afram mosque in Damascus The US says the Assad regime is likely to be behind any chemical weapon use

"Many were foaming at the mouth and their pupils were dilated. Then some of my medical staff started to become affected, too. We gave them all atropine. For most, it had an immediate positive effect."

Mr Cameron told BBC Breakfast: "It is very disturbing what we are seeing. It's limited evidence but there's growing evidence that we have seen too of the use of chemical weapons, probably by the regime.

"It is extremely serious, this is a war crime, and we should take it very seriously."

He said that it was now essential to gather further evidence and for Britain to work with the international community to put pressure on the Assad regime.

He added: "But this is extremely serious, and I think what President Obama said was absolutely right - that this should form for the international community a red line for us to do more.

Vials of suspected Sarin Vials of sarin found in Iraq in 2004

However on Friday the White House was not ready to definitively rule chemical weapons had been used, saying it "is not an airtight case" against the Assad regime.

Syrian officials denied the government has used chemical weapons against rebel forces.

Sharif Shehadeh called the US claims "lies" and likened them to false accusations that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction.

US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel announced during a trip to Abu Dhabi yesterday that evidence of chemical weapons use had been found.

His comments were backed by the US Secretary of State, John Kerry, who said the Syrian regime had carried out two small-scale chemical weapons attacks.

Mr Kerry made the claim as he left a Congressional hearing, but did not give further details.

Syria Victims of the alleged attacks in Aleppo were treated at an Afrin hospital

The White House said forces loyal to Assad probably used sarin gas against rebel fighters on a "small scale", but emphasised more assessments were needed.

Barack Obama has repeatedly said that any use of chemical weapons would be cross a "red line", triggering possible military action.

He is expected to discuss the matter when he meets King Abdullah II of Jordan later today.

The latest disclosures by those in his administration have led to calls for tough action including enforcing a no fly zone and creating safe zones inside the country.

Speaking yesterday, a White House official said if it was determined that line had been crossed, the US would consult with its allies on the next step - and "all options are on the table".

The official said the Assad regime is believed to have chemical weapons, and any use of them in the country would probably have been carried out by government forces.

The aftermath of an airstrike in Aleppo that killed 15 people. The aftermath of an airstrike in Aleppo earlier this month

Miguel E Rodriguez, assistant to the president and director of the Office of Legislative Affairs, revealed the claims in a letter to senators John McCain and Carl Levin.

"Our intelligence community does assess with varying degrees of confidence that the Syrian regime has used chemical weapons on a small scale in Syria, specifically the chemical agent sarin," he said.

A senior defence official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told the Associated Press the letter was not an "automatic trigger" for policy decisions on the use of military force.

Senator McCain told Sky News: "The problem is that the president has consistently said that's a red line, so the question is, will the president act in a way that I have advocated for a long time?

"(This involves) providing a safe zone for the Syrian resistance, provide proper weapons and have operational capability to secure these chemical weapon caches."

UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon announced earlier this month that he had a team of 15 inspectors on stand-by in Cyprus ready to go and investigate allegations of chemical weapons us.

Today his spokesman Martin Nesirky said: "The Secretary-General has consistently urged the Syrian authorities to provide full and unfettered access to the team. He renews this urgent call today.

"The fact-finding team is on stand-by and ready to deploy in 24-48 hours."

Sarin is a colourless and odourless liquid, and is an extremely potent nerve agent.

It is classified as a weapon of mass destruction by the UN, and the production and stockpiling of sarin was outlawed by the Chemical Weapons Convention of 1993.

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'Bulger Killers Photos': Two Men Spared Jail

Two men have been sentenced for publishing photographs on the internet said to show James Bulger's killers as adults.

Social media users Neil Harkins, 35, and Dean Liddle, 28, were given nine-month jail terms, suspended for 15 months.

In February this year, two days after the 20th anniversary of the toddler's murder, they put photos on Facebook and Twitter respectively, which purported to depict Jon Venables and Robert Thompson as adults.

Venables and Thompson were aged 10 when they killed two-year-old James in Bootle, Merseyside in 1993.

Liddle and Harkins admitted breaching a January 2001 injunction, that was binding on the whole world and imposed before Venables and Thompson were released and given new identities in June that year.

The injunction prohibits the solicitation or publication of any information purporting to identify their physical appearance, whereabouts, movements or new identities.

James Bulger James Bulger was killed by Venables and Thompson

Sir John Thomas, President of the Queen's Bench Division, and Mr Justice Tugendhat said Liddle, of Sunderland, Tyne and Wear, and Harkins, of Bridlington, East Yorkshire, knew what they were doing was wrong and it was no excuse that others were doing it.

Sir John said that the court would consider a custodial sentence, not only to punish but also to deter others, but would take the exceptional course of suspending it in this case.

He warned there was very little prospect of an offender avoiding a very substantial and immediate custodial sentence if there was any similar publication in future.

Sir John said Harkins, a house husband, and graphic designer Liddle had both removed the offending pictures very quickly and apologised.

He added that a fine would be wholly inappropriate to the gravity of what was a serious contempt and an unprecedented case.

He also said the penalty had to make clear the determination of the court to protect the potentially numerous people at risk and the importance of upholding the rule of law.

The judges had heard Harkins had 141 friends on Facebook and his post had been shared 20,000 times. The father-of-three accepted he had been extremely foolish and had shown genuine remorse.

Dominic Grieve Attorney General Dominic Grieve

Liddle, who had 915 followers on Twitter, undertook various charitable activities, the court was told, and an immediate custodial sentence would have major consequences for his profoundly deaf son.

Harkins said "no comment" as he left the Royal Courts of Justice. Liddle said: "I am just going to go home and see my son."

The action against the two defendants was brought by Attorney General Dominic Grieve.

He said the public interest required the injunction's enforcement to mitigate the "very real risk of serious physical harm or death" to anyone who might be identified, whether correctly or incorrectly, as being either of the killers.

After the ruling, Mr Grieve said: "An internet posting takes seconds but can have major consequences.

"These people were fully aware that there is an injunction in place which prevents publication of any images or information claiming to identify anyone as Jon Venables or Robert Thompson, yet they carried on.

"It has been in place for many years and applies to both media organisations and individuals.

"It is irrelevant whether the postings in this case were of who they claimed to be.

"The order is meant not only to protect Venables and Thompson but also those members of the public who have been incorrectly identified as being either of them."

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William And Kate Prove They're A Magic Couple

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry have been getting some lessons in wizardry.

The royals officially opened the Warner Bros studios in Hertfordshire where the Harry Potter movies were made, and William and Kate got in some important wand practice.

The large sprawling site close to Watford is home to the popular Making Of Harry Potter tour that has proved a huge attraction.

Props, costumes and models from the movies that chronicle the teenage wizard's adventures were on display for the royal guests.

Futuristic vehicles from the Christopher Nolan  Batman trilogy, made by Warner Bros and starring Christian Bale in the lead role, were the first items on display including the Tumbler - the caped crusader's Batmobile and his bike the Batpod.

William could not resist jumping on the Batpod and he leaned forward and gripped the handlebars of the vehicle as Harry and Kate looked on.

The Duke joked "Where's the start button?", adding "It's awesome, absolutely incredible" while his younger brother put his fingers beside his head for Batman's ears and said: "You need the ears."

The fun with the boys' toys continued with the nearby Batmobile as William smiled and clambered inside.

Harry stuck his fingers in his ears as the vehicle, which has a 5.7-litre engine with 350bhp, was revved hard.

The royal visitors were then introduced to Harry Potter author JK Rowling ahead of viewing set-pieces from the movie series and a speech by William to mark the opening of the film facility in Leavesden.

The £100m studios were the production home of all eight Harry Potter films, the James Bond movie Goldeneye starring Pierce Brosnan, the first of the Star Wars prequel films and director Tim Burton's gothic horror Sleepy Hollow.

Kate, who is around six months pregnant, wore a black jacket and a £38 polka dot dress from Topshop that showed off her famous baby bump, and she, William and Harry were introduced to local dignitaries and senior executives from the film studio.

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Ambulance Crash: Two Killed And Two Injured

Two people have been killed and two seriously injured after an ambulance hit a tree in Hampshire.

The incident happened on the A337 Brockenhurst to Lyndhurst road at its junction with New Park at 9.35am.

The driver of the ambulance - a female paramedic - and an elderly male patient travelling in the rear of the vehicle died at the scene.

A male crew member and a male relative of the patient, who were both in the back of the ambulance, suffered serious injuries.

The crew member was airlifted to Southampton General Hospital and the patient's relative was taken by ambulance.

An ambulance crash in Brockenhirst, Hampshire A recovery vehicle at the scene

"Next of kin for those involved are in the process of being informed," a police spokesman said.

"The road is expected to remain closed for the rest of the day while collision investigators examine the scene and arrange for the vehicle to be recovered."

Hampshire Police said a man in his 20s - believed to be the driver of a car - was arrested at the scene of the crash on suspicion of causing death by driving without due care and attention.

The double-crewed ambulance belonged to South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SCAS) and was en route to Southampton General Hospital with the elderly male patient.

"South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust is conducting appropriate welfare checks with the families of all involved," a spokesman for the service said.

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Pussy Riot: Russia Denies Parole To Nadezhda

A Russian court has denied parole to a member of the punk band Pussy Riot.

Nadezhda Tolokonnikova had requested parole from the two-year sentence which she received for the band's protest against President Vladimir Putin in a cathedral last year.

But the district court in Russia's Mordovia region turned down her application.

Judge Lidiya Yakovleva said: "Applying parole to Tolokonnikova is premature. The court finds the arguments of the defence unsound."

Pussy Riot staged their "punk prayer" protest at Moscow's Christ the Saviour Cathedral on February 21, 2012, appealing to the Virgin Mary to "throw Putin out".

Three band members were convicted of hooliganism motivated by religious hatred and sent to prison, although one, Yekaterina Samutsevich, was later freed on appeal.

In February, Tolokonnikova's husband, Pyotr Verzilov, told Sky News his wife had been taken to the prison's hospital.

He said she was suffering from headaches and was undergoing tests to determine whether existing medical conditions were being exacerbated by the work she was required to do in prison.

Prison officials said that Tolokonnikova does not deserve parole because she has not repented for her actions and has received reprimands while serving her two-year term in a prison colony in Mordovia.

According to the AFP newswire, the judge made her decision after taking about an hour and a half to deliberate and failing to give the defence a chance for a final argument.

The decision was met with some cries of "Shame!" from the audience, which included Tolokonnikova's husband and father, as well as many journalists and supporters who came from Moscow.

Tolokonnikova, wearing green prison garb, silently stood in her courtroom metal cage as the decision was read.

Pussy Riot are known in Russia for making provocative "guerrilla" performances in unusual public locations, during which they play music with a feminist and political message, often against Mr Putin.

One of the arguments against Tolokonnikova's parole was her lack of participation in prison activities, such as the Miss Charm Prison Camp 14 beauty contest.

The 2012 trial of the three Pussy Riot members grabbed worldwide attention, with stars such as Madonna, Sting and Yoko Ono voicing their support.

Since being sent to jail, Tolokonnikova has lodged a complaint in court against a reprimand issued against her for failing to greet a guard while she was in the sick bay.

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M62 Crash: Hen Party Minibus Collision

A minibus carrying a group of women to a hen night has been involved in a motorway crash with a lorry leaving 20 injured and one dead.

Firefighters, paramedics and at least six air ambulances attended the scene of the collision on the M62 in Pontefract, West Yorkshire.

A number of casualties remained trapped in the wreckage of the minibus but have now been freed.

The collision happened on the M62 westbound, near junction 32. Yorkshire Ambulance said there were 20 injured, seven of which were serious.

The minibus The minibus lies on its side

Police said the accident had left the motorway closed in both directions and advised motorists to avoid the area.

One man - believed to be the driver of the lorry - has been arrested. The women in the minibus are believed to be from the local area.

Assistant Chief Fire Officer Dave Walton said that firefighters had remarked that the crash was "the worst they had seen in a number of years".

Minibus crash Map shows the scene of the crash

"The crews that arrived described to me a very difficult scene, some of them saying it was the worst they'd seen in a number of years and some very experienced fire officers have been attending this scene.

"However, they very quickly got to work and brought in a range of equipment including cutting and lifting equipment to effect as quick a rescue as we could of those casualties who were still in the vehicle."

Speaking at the scene Chief Inspector Mark Bownass, head of West Yorkshire Police's roads policing unit, said: "We believe the minibus at this time was heading to a hen party in Liverpool."

The scene Some of the injured remained trapped in the minibus

He said the casualties had been taken to numerous local hospitals.

Assistant Chief Constable Craig Guildford of West Yorkshire Police, added: "Anyone who is concerned about a family member or who has witnessed the collision itself is asked to contact West Yorkshire Police on 101 for information."

A spokeswoman for Yorkshire Ambulance said the alarm was raised at just after 11.30am this morning.

"Due to the scale of the incident we have enacted our major incident plan and dispatched a number of resources to the scene including ambulances, our hazardous area response team, doctors and air ambulance," the spokesman said.

The scene of a road traffic accident on the M62. Photo credit Leon Butler The motorway was closed in both directions; picture by driver Leon Butler

The injured were taken to hospitals including Pinderfields Hospital in Wakefield and Leeds General Infirmary.

One man who was stuck in traffic on the motorway tweeted: "Nine ambulances 4 fire engines and god knows how many police cars have gone past."

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Max Clifford Charged With 11 Sex Assaults

Publicist Max Clifford has been charged with 11 indecent assaults allegedly, including one against a girl of 14, the CPS has said.

Clifford stands accused of indecent assaults on seven separate women, aged between 14 and 19.

The first was assaulted in 1966, on a girl of 14.

Three females aged between 15 and 18 suffered five offences between 1974 and 1978.

Clifford is accused of assaulting another three females aged between 16 and 19, between 1981 and 1985..

Alison Saunders, Chief Crown Prosecutor for CPS London, has made a statement relating to the decision.

She said: "We have carefully considered the evidence gathered as part of Operation Yewtree in relation to Max Clifford, who was initially arrested on 6 December 2012 over allegations of sexual offences.

"Having completed our review, we have concluded that there is sufficient evidence and it is in the public interest for Mr Clifford to be charged with 11 offences of indecent assault relating to seven complainants."

"Mr Clifford will appear at Westminster Magistrates' Court on 28 May 2013.

"We have also decided that there is insufficient evidence to authorise charges in relation to three separate allegations. These decisions were taken in accordance with the Code for Crown Prosecutors and our guidance for prosecutors on sexual offences.

"May I remind all concerned that Mr Clifford has a right to a fair trial. It is very important that nothing is said, or reported, which could prejudice that trial. For these reasons it would be inappropriate for me to comment further."

His initial arrest was carried out as part of Operation Yewtree, which was set up to investigate allegations of sex abuse carried out by Jimmy Savile.

There is no suggestion that his alleged offences are connected with Savile's.

He was originally arrested on December 6, 2012.

Indecent assault is an offence contrary to Section 14 of the Sexual Offences Act 1956. It is punishable by up to 10 years' imprisonment upon conviction in the Crown Court.

Clifford tonight said the allegations were "completely false" and vowed to "clear my name in a court of law".

More follows...

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Boston: Suspects' Parents Face Questioning

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 25 April 2013 | 00.27

US diplomats have travelled to Russia's Dagestan region to interview the parents of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects.

A delegation from the American embassy in Moscow has made the journey to the North Caucasus area to interview the pair, Anzor and Zubeidat Tsarnaev.

An embassy official said the trip was in line with the co-operation between the FBI and Russian authorities over the investigation into the deadly bombings allegedly carried out by brothers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Dzhokhar has been charged

The parents are currently living in Dagestan, a largely Muslim region on the Caspian Sea where the family briefly lived before leaving for the US over a decade ago.

It comes amid mounting questions in the US about whether authorities there missed crucial signals that should have raised suspicions about the brothers before the bombings.

Particular interest has surrounded a six-month trip Tamerlan made in 2012 to Dagestan and Chechnya.

Russian security sources in Dagestan told the AFP news agency he was seen four times with a figure suspected of links with the Islamist underground during his visit but there was never any reason to detain him.

Meanwhile, it has been reported Tamerlan had received welfare benefits that ended last year.

A lawyer for the suspect's wife Katherine Russell Tsarnaev claimed she was working up to 80 hours a week as a home health aide while Tamerlan stayed at home.

Boston shootout This image appears to show the brothers crouched by a Mercedes

Some relatives claimed Tamerlan, 26, fell under the influence of a mystery Muslim convert and was steered towards a strict strain of Islam in the years before the attacks.

After befriending the red-bearded man known to the Tsarnaev family only as Misha, Tamerlan gave up boxing and stopped studying music, the family said.

He became vocal about his opposition to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and read websites claiming that the CIA was behind the 9/11 terror attacks and Jews controlled the world.

"Somehow, he just took his brain," said Tamerlan's uncle, Ruslan Tsarni, who recalled conversations with Tamerlan's father about Misha's influence.

It was not immediately clear whether the FBI has spoken to Misha or was attempting to, but efforts by the media to identify and interview the mystery man have been unsuccessful.

Anzor Tsarnaev Tamerlan's father Anzor was said to be worried about the mystery radical

The brothers' mother, Zubeidat, denied Misha had radicalised Tamerlan, telling the ABC network in the US he was "just a friend".

Throughout his religious makeover, Tamerlan maintained a strong influence over his siblings, including 19-year-old Dzhokhar, who investigators say carried out the deadly attack by his older brother's side, killing three people.

The family's claims came as new photos were released that apparently show the police stand-off that killed Tamerlan on Friday.

The images seem to have been taken from inside a house overlooking the scene of the gunfight, and show the brothers crouching near a Mercedes SUV they had carjacked.   

One of the brothers appears to be holding a gun with both hands in front of his body.

Dzhokhar survived the shoot-out and was caught by police later in the day.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev boxing Tamerlan (L) boxes at the 2009 Golden Gloves

He was charged on Monday with using a weapon of mass destruction to kill. He could face the death penalty if convicted.

Based on preliminary written interviews with Dzhokar in his hospital bed, US officials believe the brothers were motivated by their religious views.

Two US officials say the brothers had no tie to terrorist groups, but Tamerlan's relationship with Misha could be a clue in understanding the motives behind his religious transformation and, ultimately, the attack itself.

Elmirza Khozhugov, 26, the ex-husband of Tamerlan's sister, Ailina, said Tamerlan was idolised by his siblings.

"You could always hear his younger brother and sisters say, 'Tamerlan said this,' and 'Tamerlan said that.' Dzhokhar loved him. He would do whatever Tamerlan would say," he said.

The Tsarnaev brothers, who were ethnic Chechens, were raised in a home that followed Sunni Islam, the religion's largest sect.

Uncle Of Boston Bombers Addresses The Media Outside His Montgomery Village Home Mr Tsarni made a public appeal to his nephew when he was on the run

They were not regulars at the mosque and rarely discussed religion, Mr Khozhugov said.

Then, in 2008 or 2009, Tamerlan met Misha, who the family described as slightly older, heavyset and bald.

"Misha was important," Mr Khozhugov said. "Tamerlan was searching for something. He was searching for something out there."

Mr Khozhugov did not know where they had met but believed they attended a Boston-area mosque together.

Misha was an Armenian native and a convert to Islam and quickly began influencing his new friend, family members said.

Once, Mr Khozhugov said, Misha came to the family home outside Boston and sat in the kitchen, chatting with Tamerlan for hours.

"Misha was telling him what is Islam, what is good in Islam, what is bad in Islam," said Mr Khozhugov, who said he was present for the conversation.

Childhood photos of Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev. Tamerlan is seen here with little brother Dzhokhar and their sisters

The conversation continued until Tamerlan's father, Anzor, came home from work around midnight.

"His father comes in and says, 'Why is Misha here so late and still in our house?' He asked it politely. Tamerlan was so much into the conversation he didn't listen."

Mr Khozhugov said Tamerlan's mother told him not to worry.

As time went on, Anzor became so concerned about his son that he called his brother, worried about Misha's influence.

"I heard about nobody else but this convert. The seed for changing his views was planted right there in Cambridge," Mr Tsarni said.

Last week, Mr Tsarni made a public appeal for Dzhokhar to turn himself in when he was still at large following his brother's death.

Since the attacks, Anzor has insisted his sons are innocent and the attacks were orchestrated to frame them. Other members of the extended family have made similar claims.

But two US officials have confirmed that Tamerlan, who was married with a young daughter, became an ardent reader of jihadist websites and extremist propaganda.

Lawyers for Katherine Tsarnaeva, Tamerlan's widow, say she is doing everything she can to assist authorities.

In a statement her legal team said Tsarnaeva, a Muslim convert, and her family were in shock when they learned of allegations against her husband and brother-in-law.

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Milly Phone Hacking Claim: Police Slammed

Former senior officers at Surrey Police failed to investigate a claim that Milly Dowler's phone had been hacked during their 2002 inquiry into her abduction and murder, a watchdog has found.

Officers at all levels of the inquiry knew the allegation had been made against the News Of The World (NOTW) but did nothing despite suggestions a crime may have been committed, the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) said.

But the watchdog added it had not been able to discover why nothing was done, adding senior officers appeared to be suffering from a "form of collective amnesia".

IPCC deputy chair Deborah Glass said: "We will never know what would have happened had Surrey Police carried out an investigation into the hacking of Milly Dowler's phone in 2002.

"Phone hacking was a crime and this should have been acted upon, if not in 2002, then later, once the NOTW's widespread use of phone hacking became a matter of public knowledge and concern.

"Our investigation has heard from officers and former officers from Surrey Police who have expressed surprise and dismay that it wasn't investigated.

"We have not been able to uncover any evidence, in documentation or witness statements, of why and by whom that decision was made - former senior officers, in particular, appear to have been afflicted by a form of collective amnesia in relation to the events of 2002.

"This is perhaps not surprising, given the events of 2011 and the public outcry that the hacking of Milly Dowler's phone produced."

Levi Bellfield Levi Bellfield was convicted of the girl's murder in June 2011

In July 2011, it emerged Milly's phone may have been hacked by the Sunday tabloid - claims which led to the newspaper's owner Rupert Murdoch shutting down the paper.

Milly, 13, was abducted in March 2002 and her body was found in September that year.

The IPCC findings follow an investigation into the conduct of two senior officers, Deputy Chief Constable Craig Denholm and temporary Detective Superintendent Maria Woodall.

Surrey Police said it had taken "management action and issued words of advice" to both officers, although the IPCC concluded neither had a case to answer for misconduct.

Former nightclub bouncer Levi Bellfield was convicted of Milly's murder in June 2011, some nine years after the teenager vanished as she walked home from school after leaving Walton-on-Thames station.

Following Bellfield's trial, the then Surrey Police chief constable, Mark Rowley, set up Operation Baronet to look into reports that Surrey Police was aware in April 2002 that the NOTW had allegedly intercepted Milly's voicemail.

Surrey Police Authority and Surrey Police referred complaints against Mr Denholm and Ms Woodall to the IPCC in June 2012 in light of evidence arising from Operation Baronet.

The force's chief constable Lynne Owens said: "Surrey Police acknowledged in 2011 that the hacking of Milly Dowler's voicemails should have been investigated and both the former chief constable and I have met with and apologised to the Dowler family for the distress this has caused."

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Motorist Admits Killing Couple On Tandem

By Isabel Webster, West Of England Correspondent

A driver has admitted killing a couple after mowing them down in his car as they rode their tandem.

Nicholas Lovell entered guilty pleas to causing the deaths of Ross Simons, 34, and his wife Clare, 30, in a crash in Hanham, near Bristol, on January 27 this year.

Lovell fled the scene of the crash, leaving his partner Louise Cox to give a false account of who was driving the vehicle to the officers.

Louise Cox Louise Cox owns the car driven by Lovell

He handed himself into police hours after the collision and was arrested.

The 38-year-old pleaded guilty at Bristol Crown Court to two counts of causing death by dangerous driving and one of driving while disqualified.

He spoke only to confirm his name and enter the guilty pleas during the 10-minute hearing.

Ross and Clare Simons died less than 24 hours after celebrating the news that they could undergo fertility treatment to start a family.

Friends described them as "two peas in a pod" and "the perfect couple".

Cox, who owns the Citroen Picasso driven by Lovell, has pleaded guilty to perverting the course of justice.

The 35-year-old from Bristol admitted providing police with a false name and description when she was asked to identify who had been driving her car.

The judge remanded Lovell in custody while Cox was released on police bail.

They will be sentenced on May 22.

Floral tributes and pictures left at the scene in Hanham, near Bristol, in tribute to Ross and Clare Simons, who were killed yesterday when their tandem bike was struck by a car. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Picture date: Monday January 28, 2013. Police arrested a 38-year-old man on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving and a 35-year-old woman, on suspicion of dangerous driving. See PA story POLICE HitRun. Photo credit should read: Rod Minchin/PA Wire Tributes left at the scene in Hanham

Detective Chief Inspector Rachel Williams, of Avon and Somerset Police, said: "The pleas entered today by both Nicholas Lovell and Louise Cox reflect that both have taken some responsibility for the deaths of Ross and Clare.

"While these pleas will never bring Ross and Clare back, I hope they go some way to providing comfort for their families."

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Sharon Osbourne Talks About Ozzy Drug Problem

Sharon Osbourne has said she did not realise the extent of her husband's addiction problems - as she denied suggestions the couple are getting divorced.

Black Sabbath frontman Ozzy Osbourne recently apologised on Facebook for his "insane behaviour" and revealed he had been struggling with a drink and drug problem for 18 months.

He said he was now sober after being in a "very dark place" and his marriage was not in trouble.

Speaking on The Talk, the US show which his wife co-hosts, Sharon blamed the media for "distorting" the truth.

"Everybody knows he's been struggling with this his entire life and I never knew that he was using prescription drugs," said Osbourne.

"I knew he was drinking occasionally, but I didn't realise to (such an) extent."

The celebrity couple have reportedly been living apart, but Osbourne told the studio audience they were working hard to resolve their problems.

"We're not getting divorced," said the 60-year-old. "However, am I happy? No. Am I upset? Yes I am. I'm devastated right now."

She added: "We've dealt with worse and we will deal with it and this too shall pass. Otherwise my husband will be taken to the hospital to get my foot removed from his a***."

The couple married in 1982 and found themselves enjoying a fresh wave of fame 20 years later when their family became the subject of hit MTV documentary The Osbournes.

Ozzy is due to tour with Black Sabbath later this year, playing seven gigs in the UK and Irish Republic.

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Madonna's Brother Needs Stitches After Arrest

Madonna's brother needed nine stitches to his forehead after resisting arrest in a public toilet, according to police in Michigan.

Local media said officers were called to Grand Traverse County civic centre after Anthony Ciccone, 56, refused to leave.

Police said they tried to detain Ciccone on an outstanding arrest warrant for trespass, but he confronted an officer - who ended up bringing him to the ground.

"He pulled away, turned around and confronted the female officer in an aggressive manner," police captain Brian Heffner told the Traverse City Record-Eagle.

"She turned him around and brought him to the ground, which is when he struck his face on the bathroom floor."

His blood-alcohol level was 0.40. The alcohol limit for driving in Michigan is 0.08.

Ciccone, who is reported to be homeless, was jailed and is expected to be charged with resisting and obstructing a police officer.

Madonna's publicist declined to comment on the matter.

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Qatada Fight Could Last 'Many Months' - May

May Survives A Commons Grilling

Updated: 3:42pm UK, Wednesday 24 April 2013

By Jon Craig, Chief Political Correspondent

Theresa May is not known for her rib-tickling sense of humour, and the battle to deport hate preacher Abu Qatada has been no laughing matter for the Home Secretary.

In recent months, those MPs talking up her Tory leadership prospects have spoken of her ice maiden qualities and compared her to Germany's "iron Chancellor" Angela Merkel.

But during what was always going to be an awkward appearance in the Commons explaining the latest setback in her attempts to deport Qatada, she mercilessly lampooned one of her Tory critics.

Slapping down a rather pompous intervention from Eurosceptic backbencher Mark Reckless, she told him: "Urging the Government to break the law is, if I may say so, a reckless step!"

The tall, balding Reckless - who bears a passing resemblance to the late Carry On film actor Bernard Bresslaw - was not at all amused and later complained to Speaker John Bercow about "personal abuse".

In the 45-minute grilling by MPs, the typically unflappable Mrs May was forced time and again to tell Conservative MPs she was not going to break the law to put Qatada on a plane to Jordan.

Behind the tall figure of Reckless sat the feisty, fizzing figure of Nadine Dorries, still suspended over her "I'm a Celebrity" jungle jaunt.

"Just do it", she kept shouting at the Home Secretary from what the Speaker calls "a sedentary position".

When she was called to speak, Nadine demanded to know "what is the worst possible thing that could happen to us if we did just put Abu Qatada on a plane.

"If it is a fine or displeasing of the court of the ECHR, would it not be better for us to withdraw temporarily so we could do that, put him on a plane, and then re-join again?," she asked.

Mrs May replied rather wearily that Nadine had raised this many times and said: "The answer I give is the same as I have given in the past - I believe the UK Government should abide by the rule of law."

She was forced to repeat that many times, adding later that the Government could end up having to bring Qatada back to the UK and compensate him for acting illegally.

But considering that many of her critics believe she and her Home Office officials have bungled the legal process, the Home Secretary survived her Commons interrogation relatively unscathed and lives to fight another day … and another Tory leadership election.

How she must regret, however, telling MPs a year ago: "I believe that the assurances and the information that we have gathered will mean that we can soon put Qatada on a plane and get him out of our country for good."


But clearly anticipating criticism of her handling of the case, Mrs May came to the Commons armed with a weighty announcement about a new treaty with Jordan, which seemed rather to disarm her critics.

She was fairly restrained, too, in response to Tory calls to rip up Labour's human rights laws and withdraw from the European Convention on Human Rights.

"We should have all options, including leaving the convention altogether on the table," she said. "The Prime Minister is looking at all options and that is the only sensible thing to do."

In other words, this will be in the Tory manifesto at the next election, but is a non-runner while the Conservatives are in coalition with those pesky Liberal Democrats.

The Prime Minister is said to have declared the current impasse over Qatada makes his "blood boil".

I doubt if the ice-cool Theresa's blood has ever boiled. The Government must operate within the law or change the law, she kept repeating, calmly.

She was cool, too, to the suggestion by Labour veteran David Winnick, a member of the Home Affairs Select Committee, to put Qatada on trial in the UK.

Prosecutions were not a matter for the Home Secretary, she said icily.

But while she would not admit it to MPs, Theresa May is running out of options now.

As Labour's Yvette Cooper put it, she's almost "back to square one".

And the chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee, Keith Vaz, said the legal battle had become "a farce".

Both of these are true.

After her rather premature "on a plane" boast a year ago, Theresa May is making no such claims now, warning MPs the process could still be a long, slow one because Qatada will appeal against every move.

She might also, considering her own Tory leadership ambitions, think twice before offending her more "reckless" backbenchers until the radical cleric really is on his way home.

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Bangladesh: Dozens Dead After Building Fall

At least 70 people have died after an eight-storey building collapsed on the outskirts of Bangladesh's capital, Dhaka.

Another 700 are reported to have been injured in the building's collapse, which involved several clothing factories.

"The toll will rise as conditions of some injured were critical," said Hiralal Roy, a senior emergency ward doctor at the nearby Enam hospital.

Tens of thousands of people gathered at the site, some of them weeping survivors, some searching for family members, with 1,000 people still reported to be trapped inside the building.

Clothing factories are usually staffed 24 hours a day.

Firefighters and soldiers using drilling machines and cranes worked together with local volunteers in the search for other survivors from the building, which fell into itself, leaving it about two storeys tall.

Crowds gather at the collapsed Rana Plaza building as people rescue garment workers trapped in the rubble, in Savar Hundreds of factory workers were trapped inside the building

Some workers complained that the building had developed cracks on Tuesday evening, triggering an evacuation, but they had been forced back to the production lines by their managers.

"The managers forced us to rejoin and just one hour after we entered the factory the building collapsed with a huge noise," said a 24-year-old worker who gave her first name as Mousumi.

"I am injured. But I've not found my husband who was working on the fourth floor," she said, estimating that 5,000 people worked inside the building, which also housed apartments, a bank and shops.

People mourn for their relatives, who are trapped inside the rubble of the collapsed Rana Plaza building, in Savar Thousands gathered on the streets where the building collapsed

The collapse stirred memories of a fatal fire in a clothing factory in November that killed 112 people and raised an outcry about safety in the nation's garment industry.

That fire at the Tazreen factory drew international attention to the conditions workers toil under in the $20bn-a-year (£13bn) textile industry in Bangladesh.

The country has about 4,000 garment factories and exports clothes to leading Western retailers - the industry wields vast power in the South Asian nation.

Tazreen did not have emergency exits and its owner said only three floors of the eight-storey building were legally built.

Surviving employees said gates had been locked and managers had told them to go back to work after the fire alarm went off.

The factory made clothes for Wal-Mart, Disney and other Western brands.

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Luis Suarez Bite: Striker Banned For 10 Games

Liverpool striker Luis Suarez has received a 10-game ban for biting Chelsea defender Branislav Ivanovic during a game.

The player's club immediately released a statement saying it was "shocked and disappointed at the severity" of the Football Association's punishment, decided by an independent regulatory commission.

An FA statement said: "A three-person independent regulatory commission today upheld the FA's claim that a suspension of three matches was clearly insufficient and the player will serve a further seven first-team matches in addition to the standard three.

"The suspension begins with immediate effect."

Suarez has until midday on Friday to appeal the additional suspension.

Liverpool's managing director Ian Ayre said: "Both the club and player are shocked and disappointed at the severity of today's Independent Regulatory Commission decision.

"We await the written reasons tomorrow before making any further comment."

Luis Suarez and Patrice Evra Suarez was banned in 2011 for racist insults he directed at Patrice Evra

Suarez had issued statements apologising to Ivanovic in the wake of his side's 2-2 draw with Chelsea at Anfield. The incident was missed by referee Kevin Friend but could be seen clearly on television replays.

The 26-year-old Uruguayan was banned for seven matches in 2010 for biting PSV Eindhoven player Otman Bakkal while playing for Ajax in the Dutch league.

He was also suspended for eight games in December 2011 for racially abusing Manchester United defender Patrice Evra during a match.

Suarez has been repeatedly accused of diving to win penalties and free kicks, and was criticised after scoring a goal despite a blatant handball in an FA Cup tie this season against minor league Mansfield Town.

His reputation was first damaged when he was sent off for a deliberate handball to prevent Ghana from scoring a late goal in a World Cup quarter-final match in 2010.

He was then seen celebrating on the sideline when Ghana missed the spot kick and Uruguay advanced in a shootout.

Liverpool's Luis Suarez Suarez was criticised for using his hand before scoring against Mansfield

There is no standard minimum or maximum punishment for biting in football's disciplinary code, unlike rugby union which has a 12-week recommended suspension for first offences and up to a four-year ban for the most serious incidents.

Liverpool moved quickly to deal with the latest crisis surrounding their star striker and imposed a club fine which is being donated to the Hillsborough families' support group.

Despite the biting incident Suarez remains among the favourites for the Professional Footballers' Association Player of the Year award, to be announced on Sunday.

Many commentators have suggested the player, who is Liverpool's top scorer with 23 league goals this season, will leave English football in the summer following his latest controversy.

Liverpool are facing their fourth season outside the Champions League and Suarez recently said: "I am very happy at Liverpool but you never know in football.

"A player's ambition is always there, the ambition of wanting to play in elite teams is always there.

"If another team comes around with more prospects of competing in international club competition games, which is willing to have me, they are welcome."

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Boston: Slain Uni Police Officer Remembered

A memorial service is being held for Sean Collier - a university police officer killed by the Boston Marathon bombing suspects.

Up to 10,000 Massachusetts Institute of Technology students, faculty and staff as well as law enforcement officials from across the US gathered at Wednesday's service at Briggs Field to pay solemn tribute to the campus officer.

Vice President Joe Biden, as well as members of Mr Collier's family, also attended the event which is not open to the public.

Mr Biden, who grew up in the same neighbourhood as the Collier family, said the tragedy had brought him to "tears" after relatives painted "a vivid picture" of their fallen loved one.

Memorial service for MIT police officer Collier Vice President Jo Biden speaking at the memorial service

He told the congregation: "Of all the things I've read, no knowing Sean, what struck home the most to me was that a student was quoted as saying, 'he loved us and we loved him'. What a remarkable son, what a remarkable brother," he said.

To the wider policing community he said: "We owe you so much more than just honouring you on days of grief and celebration ... I salute, I admire what you do on behalf of all of us every day.

"Thank you for standing in line between our families and danger every solitary day."

The 27-year-old had only been in the job for a year when he was fatally shot in the dramatic manhunt for the suspects, three days after the twin blasts during the Boston Marathon.

Memorial service for MIT police officer Sean Collier Heartfelt tributes are being paid at the memorial service for Mr Collier

He was well-respected by his colleagues and was popular with students, and often went on hikes with the MIT student outing club.

MIT police chief John DiFava said: "What made Sean was good? There are many reasons. But I believe the most important is the fact that he was the same person in uniform that he was when he wasn't wearing the uniform.

"His care and compassion was genuine ... and because of his depth of character he was able to achieve a level of trust with people of all backgrounds that was truly remarkable.

"This was indeed a trait that would serve him well during his time at MIT.

Memorial service for MIT police officer Collier MIT police chief John DiFava speaking at the private event

"I am sure his love of life and that mischievous grin added to his ability to connect with students."

He added: "Sean, we love you and we'll never forget you."

It follows a private funeral mass for Mr Collier which was held on Tuesday.

Sky's US correspondent Amanda Walker said: "He has been described as one of those guys who really looked at police work as a calling and someone who was 'born to be a police officer'."

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Kate Middleton Topless Pictures: 'Two Charged'

Two people have been charged over topless pictures of the Duchess of Cambridge, it is being reported.

Sources told the AFP news agency that the head of the publisher of France's Closer magazine and a photographer face charges over the publication of the images last September.

The photos of Prince William's wife Catherine caused a furore when they were published in the glossy magazine, and sparked a criminal probe into how they were obtained.

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