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Boko Haram 'Capital' Retaken By The Military

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 28 Maret 2015 | 00.48

The northeast Nigerian town that Boko Haram declared their headquarters has been retaken by government forces, the country's military said.

Gwoza in Borno state was initially seized by the Islamist group in July 2014, causing some 3,000 residents to flee the fighting.

Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau declared in August last year that Gwoza was "part of the Islamic caliphate," suggesting the group were imitating the Islamic State group.

But the government claims to have taken control of the town again following what Nigeria's national security spokesman Mike Omeri said was the "final onslaught" against Boko Haram.

Nigeria's defence department in Abuja said in a statement on Twitter: "Troops this morning captured Gwoza destroying the headquarters of the terrorist's self-styled Caliphate.

"Several terrorists died while many are captured. Mopping up of entire Gwoza and her suburbs is ongoing," it added.

Two weeks ago Boko Haram members had gathered en masse in the town in preparation for an expected showdown with international forces.

The group had urged civilians to leave the area to avoid being killed in crossfire during the anticipated battle, and the hostilities put a stop to national elections due to be held in February.

If confirmed, the retaking of Gwoza will be a major coup for the campaign of President Goodluck Jonathan for re-election in ballots that will now be held on Saturday.

In a televised broadcast, the President hailed troops for having "successfully stemmed the seizure of Nigerian territories".

"I heartily commend the very courageous men and women of our Armed Forces for the immense sacrifices which they continue to make in defending the nation and protecting its citizens," he said.

Safety has come at a heavy price for tens of thousands of Nigerians who have fled the insurgency and are sheltering in neighbouring Cameroon.

After Gwoza was recaptured, one man who said he was forced to join the militants, claimed the Boko Haram leader personally ordered women to be killed in the town.  

"On Sunday March 15, Shekau assembled his men including us, the new recruits, and addressed us. He said they should go back to Gwoza and kill all of their women they left behind," Usman Ali said. 

"He said if they didn't kill them they would not join them in paradise. They took us along to Gwoza where we witnessed the carnage."

A four-nation coalition of Nigeria, Niger, Chad and Cameroon has claimed a number of successes since the turn of the year to end the fighting which has claimed more than 13,000 lives since 2009.

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Daughter: Siblings In Freezer Killed By Mum

By Sky News US Team

A Detroit mother killed two of her children and ordered her daughter to entomb one victim in a freezer on top of the other body, says a court filing.

Mitchelle Blair, 35, appeared in court on Thursday, two days after nine-year-old son Stephen Berry and daughter Stoni Blair, 13, were discovered dead.

"The charges in this matter are so heinous," said magistrate Renee McDuffe, as she set bail at $1m.

Documents filed in Wayne County Juvenile Court allege the children suffered years of horrific abuse.

For the past two years, the two other children, an eight-year-old boy and a 17-year-old girl, lived at the low-rent apartment on the city's east side next to their siblings' bodies.

The 17-year-old has told investigators she and her surviving brother were regularly beaten with an extension cord and plank and burned with irons.

The documents say: "Blair tortured Stephen for approximately two weeks prior to his death by tying a belt around his neck, throwing hot water on him while in the shower and putting a plastic bag over his head."

After Stephen's death in August 2012, Blair allegedly wrapped his body in a bed sheet and put him in the freezer.

Nine months later, Blair became "enraged" when Stoni said she did not like her surviving siblings, according to the court documents.

She allegedly strangled the girl with a T-shirt and suffocated her with a black rubbish bag.

Blair then made the teenager place her sister's body in the deep freezer, say investigators.

The picture painted in the court filing belies the doting maternal image Blair projected on Facebook.

She posted a picture with the message: "There is no greater blessing than being called Mom."

The teenager said neither she nor her siblings had attended school for years.

Authorities investigated allegations of abuse in 2002 and 2005, but Blair was allowed to keep custody of the children and referred to counselling.

The state says the two fathers of Blair's surviving children are unfit to care for them.

Blair is charged with child abuse, but she may face murder charges once the bodies are thawed out enough for post-mortem examinations to be performed on Friday, prosecutors said.

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Suicide Plane Crash 'Difficult To Predict'

No amount of personality tests could necessarily have prevented co-pilot Andreas Lubitz from crashing a passenger plane in the French Alps, an expert has told Sky News.

Such "incredibly rare" events could not always be predicted, said aviation psychologist Professor Robert Bor.

He suggested in the Lubitz case, the 27-year-old's problems had gone "below the radar" and he was able to conceal his mental illness.

And this appears to be borne out following the revelation by German prosecutors that Lubitz had a sick note for the day of the crash, in which 150 died.

This was found torn-up along with medical documents during searches of Lubitz's flat in Dusseldorf and the home he shared with his parents in the town of Montabaur.

:: Click here for live updates of the Alps plane crash investigation

While it was not routine for pilots to undertake regular psychometric testing, Prof Bor said: "When we are looking at incredibly rare events such as this no amount of that kind of scrutiny will necessarily pick up every single person who is at risk or susceptible."

He also cautioned that tighter rules and tougher tests likely to be introduced in the wake of the disaster, will not necessarily improve safety.

"It will probably improve our sense of safety," he said.

"With very rare events we can't always predict them with 100% accuracy."

Prof Bor told Sky News: "It's incredibly rare and in fact the number of cases in the last 25 years involving commercial jets is probably no more than half a dozen."

The fact he took time off with depression while in pilot training back in 2009 did not necessarily indicate his future behaviour, he added.

"Many people in the general population, pilots as well, occasionally are going to have periods of low moods and anxiety and this may be temporary it may not be something that is lasting," Prof Bor said.

"On the other hand all of us can change.

"Within a matter of days, weeks, there could be a bad trigger event in our life."

A relationship break-up or a dispute at work may "have just tipped him over and turned somebody who might have a depressive illness into somebody who was very despairing and very angry".

"Because that's usually what can lead to or trigger a suicidal act in an individual," he said.

Prof Bor said: "Pilots as an occupational group are very closely scrutinised really from the time they enter flight school to really the last flight that they are on.

"At any moment they are being closely observed, their actions, their behaviour, their communication patterns and so on are being monitored in some kind of way.

"On top of that they undergo rigorous medical tests at least once a year, sometimes twice a year depending on the kind of aircraft they are flying.

"And of course each time they are flying they are being watched by their co-pilots, by the dispatcher when they leave the stand.

"And they are also subject to random drug and alcohol testing as well.

"So the chances of these sort of things happening are very rare.

"And one can only think in this particular case his problem went literally below the radar. He was able to conceal it in some kind of way.

"Unless it was, as we might come to discover, apparent to the airline that he was having some kind of difficulties but for whatever reason they were not implementing the standard cut-offs which are when pilots have significant psychological stress they definitely shouldn't be flying."

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Andreas Lubitz: Profile Of Killer Co-Pilot

The co-pilot who deliberately crashed a plane in the French Alps with the loss of 150 lives had a history of depression, it has been reported.

The focus on Andreas Lubitz's mental health comes after a French prosecutor concluded the 27-year-old had deliberately flown the Germanwings Airbus 320 into the mountainside killing all those on board.

German prosecutors have said there are indications the co-pilot concealed an illness from his employer, hiding a sick note for the day of the crash.

However, they did not specify the nature of the illness.

Matthias Gebauer, chief correspondent for the online edition of German newspaper Der Spiegel, tweeted: "Schoolmates of co-pilot who crashed tell German reporters he took six-months break from flight training in 2009 due to burnout-syndrome."

The head of Lufthansa, the budget airline's parent company, has already admitted Lubitz had taken the lengthy break from training.

While chief executive Carsten Spohr did not give a reason for this interruption, German media reported he was suffering from "burnout or depression".

:: Click here for live updates of the Alps plane crash investigation

Mr Spohr said: "I cannot tell you anything about the reasons of this interruption, but anybody who interrupts the training has to do a lot of tests so the competence and fitness would be checked again."

According to Lufthansa, Germanwings pilots undergo medical tests once a year.

However, they are only required to undergo psychological tests once, before they are accepted as pilots.

Lubitz also underwent a regular security check on 27 January and nothing untoward was found, the local government in Dusseldorf said.

Previous security checks in 2008 and 2010 also revealed no problems.

Lubitz had grown up dreaming of becoming a pilot, gaining his glider's licence after training with LSC Westerwald flying club in his hometown of Montabaur.

Club member Peter Ruecker recalled Mr Lubitz as "rather quiet but friendly" when he first joined the club as a teenager.

He added: "He was happy he had the job with Germanwings and he was doing well."

Lubitz had been employed as a flight attendant before training to be a pilot at the Lufthansa flight school in Bremen.

He also underwent training in Phoenix, Arizona.

Lubitz joined Germanwings in 2013 and had clocked up 630 flying hours before the disaster.

Lufthansa said he passed all the relevant examinations necessary to become a pilot and was deemed "100% airworthy".

Mr Lubitz had also been included by the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) on its database to show he had met or exceeded its pilot certification standards, which aim to "reduce pilot errors that lead to fatal crashes".

In Montabaur where Lubitz lived with his parents, neighbours reacted with disbelief when they heard of his involvement.

One man, who did not want to be named, said that he had known the pilot since childhood.

He told Sky News: "I cannot imagine that he has done it with intention.

"This does not fit in this picture I have of him. It is a very upright family, very helpful and I cannot understand what has happened.

"I knew the children when they were small boys."

Marseille prosecutor Brice Robin said Lubitz, who also had a flat in Dusseldorf, had never been flagged as a terrorist.

And when pressed over Mr Lubitz's religion, he said: "I don't think this is where this lies. I don't think we will get any answers there."

Although rare, there have been previous instances of suspected pilot suicide.

The most infamous likely - but still disputed - cases of pilot suicide was the 1997 Silk Air crash in Indonesia, in which 104 people died.

A US-led investigation concluded it had been caused deliberately, probably by the captain who had serious personal problems.

A Mozambique Airlines plane crash that killed 33 people in Namibia in 2013 is also believed to have been a case of pilot suicide.

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Co-Pilot 'Hid Sick Note On Day Of Alps Crash'

Co-Pilot 'Hid Sick Note On Day Of Alps Crash'

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Prosecutors investigating the Germanwings plane crash have said there were indications the co-pilot hid his illness from his employers.

Andreas Lubitz has been accused of deliberately flying the aircraft into a mountainside in the French Alps shortly after preventing the captain from re-entering the cockpit.

All 150 people on board the aircraft died in Tuesday's crash. Police said 400-600 pieces of human remains have been retrieved from the site but no bodies were intact.

Prosecutors said Lubitz had a sick note for the day the Airbus A320 crashed during Flight 9525 from Barcelona to Dusseldorf but never told the airline.

The sick note, which would have prevented him from flying, was among several found torn-up during searches of his flat in Dusseldorf and the home he shared with his parents in the town of Montabaur.


  1. Gallery: The Victims Of The Germanwings Crash

    American Emily Selke, a recent graduate, was on the plane with her mother Yvonne. Raymond Selke has described his wife and daughter as 'amazing people'. Pic: Facebook

Iranian sports journalist Hussein Javadi was on his way to Austria to cover a football match. A friend said he was 'a kind, loving, caring man'. Pic: Maysam Bizær/Hossein Javadi


Argentinian Sebastian Greco was on board with his girlfriend. Pic: Facebook


Argentinian Gabriela Maumus, 28, was the daughter of a firefighter. Pic: Facebook


Spanish victim Carles Milla Masanas, 37. The businessman was on his way to a food industry fayre. Pic: Facebook

Co-Pilot 'Hid Sick Note On Day Of Alps Crash'

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Prosecutors investigating the Germanwings plane crash have said there were indications the co-pilot hid his illness from his employers.

Andreas Lubitz has been accused of deliberately flying the aircraft into a mountainside in the French Alps shortly after preventing the captain from re-entering the cockpit.

All 150 people on board the aircraft died in Tuesday's crash. Police said 400-600 pieces of human remains have been retrieved from the site but no bodies were intact.

Prosecutors said Lubitz had a sick note for the day the Airbus A320 crashed during Flight 9525 from Barcelona to Dusseldorf but never told the airline.

The sick note, which would have prevented him from flying, was among several found torn-up during searches of his flat in Dusseldorf and the home he shared with his parents in the town of Montabaur.


  1. Gallery: The Victims Of The Germanwings Crash

    American Emily Selke, a recent graduate, was on the plane with her mother Yvonne. Raymond Selke has described his wife and daughter as 'amazing people'. Pic: Facebook

Iranian sports journalist Hussein Javadi was on his way to Austria to cover a football match. A friend said he was 'a kind, loving, caring man'. Pic: Maysam Bizær/Hossein Javadi


Argentinian Sebastian Greco was on board with his girlfriend. Pic: Facebook


Argentinian Gabriela Maumus, 28, was the daughter of a firefighter. Pic: Facebook


Spanish victim Carles Milla Masanas, 37. The businessman was on his way to a food industry fayre. Pic: Facebook


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Briton With Ebola Cured After Taking New Drug

Briton With Ebola Cured After Taking New Drug

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A British military health worker has been declared free of Ebola after being the first patient in the world treated with an experimental drug.

Corporal Anna Cross, 25, was admitted to the Royal Free Hospital on 12 March after contracting the disease.

She said she decided to allow doctors to use MIL 77, which they acquired from China, after "careful consideration".

Speaking at a news conference in London, she recalled her response when asked whether she was prepared to try the experimental drug. 

"I said: 'I have Ebola, so I'd rather that than high-dose vitamin C. I'll have what drugs you think are good for me,'" she told reporters.  


  1. Gallery: The Desperate Fight To Contain The Ebola Outbreak

    A man rests outside the clinic.

A woman is comforted after medical officials remove her husband, who is suspected of having the disease.


Officials try to prevent themselves from spreading the disease.


A local who has just brought his brother to the centre. He had to rely on plastic bags tied around his hands to try to protect himself.


A man thought to be infected with ebola waits for treatment.

Briton With Ebola Cured After Taking New Drug

We use cookies to give you the best experience. If you do nothing we'll assume that it's ok.

A British military health worker has been declared free of Ebola after being the first patient in the world treated with an experimental drug.

Corporal Anna Cross, 25, was admitted to the Royal Free Hospital on 12 March after contracting the disease.

She said she decided to allow doctors to use MIL 77, which they acquired from China, after "careful consideration".

Speaking at a news conference in London, she recalled her response when asked whether she was prepared to try the experimental drug. 

"I said: 'I have Ebola, so I'd rather that than high-dose vitamin C. I'll have what drugs you think are good for me,'" she told reporters.  


  1. Gallery: The Desperate Fight To Contain The Ebola Outbreak

    A man rests outside the clinic.

A woman is comforted after medical officials remove her husband, who is suspected of having the disease.


Officials try to prevent themselves from spreading the disease.


A local who has just brought his brother to the centre. He had to rely on plastic bags tied around his hands to try to protect himself.


A man thought to be infected with ebola waits for treatment.


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Kidnapper Hunted After Young Girl Snatched

A man who allegedly abducted a six-year-old girl in Burnley is being hunted by police.

The six-year-old was taken by the man, who was possibly in a large dark-coloured car, from Nairne Street at around 4pm on Thursday.

She was later dropped off around four miles away in Whitefield Street, Hapton, where she was found and taken home before police were alerted.

Sky News understands she was missing for around 20 minutes.

The suspect police want to trace is described as being white, in his 40s, with a tanned complexion and bald.

Police have stepped up patrols in the area to reassure the local community.

Specialist officers are supporting the young victim and her family.

Detective Chief Inspector Joanne McHugh said: "This investigation is very much in its early stages and we are determined to find out exactly what has happened to this young child and to catch the man who has done this.

"We have a team of detectives who are on with various lines of inquiry and will be speaking to people in the area, as well as looking for possible CCTV footage and forensic evidence. We will also be speaking to the victim.

"I would like to reassure the public that whilst incidents of this kind are rare, we have stepped up police patrols in the area.

"We have specially trained officers offering support to this young girl and her family at this time.

"I urge anyone who may have seen this vehicle, anything suspicious in the time leading up to the incident or indeed anyone with information about this incident to contact the police urgently."

Sky's Nick Martin said police had begun the process of talking to the young girl.

He said: "It's really important that police quickly establish exactly what happened.

"Critical will be a clear description of the man, the vehicle he was driving, where they drove, his accent and clothing and of course what happened during the 20 minutes she was missing.

"Officers will already be looking at CCTV from the area to see if cameras captured the abduction and from that they could identify the vehicle and registration plate.

"Police will also be trying to reassure the community and it's likely that extra officers will be put into the area to answer any questions that anxious parents may have."

Anyone with information can call Lancashire Police on 101 quoting incident reference 0916 of Thursday, 26 March, or contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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Miliband's NHS Pledge At Campaign Launch

Labour leader Ed Miliband has launched his party's General Election campaign with a promise to safeguard the future of the NHS.

The event in east London came after Mr Miliband and Prime Minister David Cameron answered questions in the Battle For Number 10, the first showdown of the campaign.

Launching the party's push for power in the "tightest general election in a generation", Mr Miliband said: "The Tories say this is as good as it gets.

"We say Britain can and must do better than this."

Referencing the special programme broadcast on Sky News and Channel 4, the Labour leader claimed the PM's performance showed he was "rattled", "running from his record" and "living in a different world".

The election on 7 May is a choice between "two different visions" for Britain, Mr Miliband said.

"A Tory government that looks out only for the few, or a Labour government that will stand up for working families in every part of our country," he claimed.

At the heart of the launch was a promise of a "double lock" to protect the health service.

Mr Miliband said Labour would act to ensure health services are not threatened by privatisation and pledged to provide £2.5bn in extra cash, paid for by taxes on expensive properties and tobacco companies and a crackdown on tax avoidance.

A new profit cap - usually 5% - would be imposed on outsourced healthcare contracts worth more than £500,000, private firms would be prevented from "cherry-picking" lucrative treatments and the NHS would be the "preferred provider" for all services.

Mr Miliband said: "Just think about how far backwards the NHS has gone in the last five years.

"People waiting longer and longer to see a GP. Ambulances queuing up outside hospitals, because A&E is full. Even a treatment tent erected in a hospital car park.

"For all the promises, for all the air-brushed posters, David Cameron has broken his solemn vow to the British people when it comes to our NHS."

He admitted the race for Downing Street would be neck-and-neck and could "come down to the wire".

Mr Miliband said: "I know our opponents will throw everything they have our way, because they're desperate to hang on to power.

"But we know we can win this fight on behalf of the British people."

Scottish Labour leader Jim Murphy has also launched the party's campaign in Glasgow.

Addressing activists, Mr Murphy called on them to help Labour "consign David Cameron and his austerity to the dustbin of history".

In response to Mr Miliband's remarks, Conservative MP and Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt said: "We can only have a strong NHS if we have a strong economy, but Ed Miliband doesn't have an economic plan.

"We all know Labour want to 'weaponise' the NHS but this is another policy from Ed Miliband that looks ill-thought through. It risks higher infection rates, higher waiting times and chaos for our NHS.

"This incompetence is exactly why Ed Miliband is simply not up to the job."

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Is MIL-77 The New Ebola-Fighting Wonder Drug?

Corporal Anna Cross is the first person to be treated with the experimental drug MIL-77, raising hopes that the medicine may be a possible cure for the dealy Ebola virus.

Previously the drug Z-Mapp was being hailed as the best hope for fighting the disease, which has killed more than 10,000 people and infected around 25,000 since the latest outbreak last year.

Z-Mapp was used to treat the first Briton infected with the disease, nurse Will Pooley, as well as two US healthcare workers - Dr Kent Brantly and Nancy Writebol.

Pauline Cafferkey, a Scottish nurse infected, was treated with plasma donated by Ebola survivors, after stocks of Z-Mapp ran out in January.

All four made a full recovery.

Cpl Cross, 25, was admitted to the Royal Free Hospital on 12 March and two weeks on has appeared at a news conference with doctors announcing she is now Ebola-free. 

Dr Mike Jacobs, of the Royal Free Hospital, where Cpl Cross was treated, said the drug used to treat her - MIL-77 - was a close relative of Z-Mapp, which scientists claimed had healed 18 monkeys given a dose of Ebola.

The drug is made in China and is also a combination of antibodies given intravenously.

Dr Jacobs said it was impossible to say on the basis of treating one patient whether MIL-77 would work as well with others.

"Having recovered doesn't tell us it works because, in one patient, we just can't draw that conclusion. It will have to be used more widely...before we can say with certainty that the drug is helpful.

He said: "What I can tell you is that the treatment went very well.

"It caused no side effects that we were able to illicit and we were very happy with its use."

Meanwhile, the fight against Ebola in west Africa appears to be succeeding, with 79 new cases confirmed in the week to 22 March - the lowest weekly total this year so far, according to the World Health Organisation.

Guinea accounted for 45 of these cases and Sierra Leone had 33. Liberia, having had no new cases reported for the previous three weeks, had one new confirmed case.

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'Sexual Stabbing' Architect Guilty Of Murder

An architect with a sexual desire to stab women has been found guilty of murdering a vulnerable childcare worker in Ireland.

Graham Dwyer, from south Dublin, faces a mandatory life sentence after a harrowing nine-week trial heard how he was filmed knifing sexual partners. 

The married 42-year-old admitted having an affair with mentally ill Elaine O'Hara, whose body was found in mountains near Dublin in September 2013.

Dwyer had lured the 36-year-old there 13 months earlier just hours after she was discharged from a psychiatric hospital.

Among the evidence - which on three occasions was deemed too gruesome for the public to remain in court - were items related to sado-masochism such as masks, ropes and restraints.

As well as being shown graphic videos of Dwyer stabbing various women during sex including Ms O'Hara, the jury was read documents retrieved from his computer that gave details of a woman being raped.

On the face of it Dwyer lived a normal life with his wife and children, working as a successful architect and enjoying flying model planes.

But he cultivated a sick affair with Ms O'Hara, who he met online.

The trial heard of almost 5,000 text messages between a "Master" and "Slave", including 64 on the day she vanished. 

In one text Dwyer, described by the prosecution as "a sadistic and brutal pervert with nothing on his mind other than murder", admitted "blood turns me on".

The final text sent to Ms O'Hara read: "Go down to shore and wait."

During several years of correspondence, Dwyer repeatedly referred to his fantasy of stabbing a woman to death, suggesting potential victims including Ms O'Hara's neighbours, estate agents, and hill walkers or joggers.

At one point the victim had warned "Sir" that such an act would be found out through DNA.

Dwyer had denied killing Ms O'Hara, claiming she had been suicidal.

A jury in Dublin returned a unanimous guilty verdict.

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Light Switch Rigged To Explode In Rented Home

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 26 Maret 2015 | 00.27

By Sky News US Team

An explosive device rigged to a light switch has been defused by a bomb squad at a home occupied by tenants until a week ago in a Boston suburb.

The homeowner, his lawyer and an electrician were preparing the home in Milton for sale after the renters moved out when they noticed the wiring.

Police explosives specialists sealed off the street on Tuesday as they disarmed the device in an operation that took several hours.

The bomb was a gallon plastic container full of accelerant, hidden behind a recently plastered section of wall in the closet of an upstairs bedroom and wired throughout the house.

Police Chief Richard Wells told reporters on Tuesday: "By what we believe was the intent of the design of this device, it was definitely intended to do some significant destruction."

The drains of the house, on Craig Street, were also found to have been blocked with cement.

Lindel Williams, who owns the property, told the Boston Globe: "I just can't believe someone would really do this."

Investigators told reporters a husband, wife and daughter who had been renting the home since last June moved out at the weekend.

Neighbours said the home had previously been vandalised with red paint in between renters.

No arrests have yet been made.

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Germanwings Air Crash: Three Britons Killed

Germanwings Air Crash: Three Britons Killed

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At least three Britons were among the 150 people killed when a passenger jet crashed in the French Alps, the Prime Minister has confirmed.

One of the British victims is 50-year-old Martyn Matthews, a senior quality manager from Wolverhampton.

The father-of-two grown-up children is thought to have been travelling to Germany for a business meeting.

His family have said they are "devastated at the news of this tragic incident".

Paul Andrew Bramley, 28, originally from Hull who was studying hospitality in Lucerne, was also a passenger on the fateful flight.

His mother Carol said: "Paul was a kind, caring and loving son. He was the best son, he was my world."

Seven-month-old baby Julian Pracz-Bandres from Manchester was also killed alongside his mother Marina Bandres Lopez Belio, 37, originally from Spain.

Her husband Pawel Pracz said he was "devastated".

Mr Pracz said his wife had been in Spain for a funeral and had only bought tickets "at the last moment".

Speaking at the last Prime Minister's Questions before the General Election, David Cameron offered his "deepest condolences" to the families of those who died in the disaster, and said the UK stood ready to offer any assistance it could.

He told the Commons: "It is heart-breaking to hear about the schoolchildren, the babies, the families whose lives have been brought to an end.

"The Foreign Office is working urgently to establish whether any further British nationals were among those on board."

Mr Cameron was speaking as recovery teams resumed their search at the crash site in hazardous terrain.

Overnight rain and snow has made the rocky ravine slippery, increasing problems in reaching the area.

Investigators are also examining the black box cockpit voice recorder of the doomed Germanwings aircraft in the hunt for clues as to what caused the Airbus A320 to come down without issuing a mayday message.


  1. Gallery: Alps Plane Crash: The Victims

    Maria Radner, Oleg Bryjak and Greig and Carol Friday

Martyn Matthews, of Wolverhampton, with his family


Marina Bandres, who came from Jaca in the Spanish Pyrenees and lived in Manchester, was travelling on the plane with her baby


Paul Andrew Bramley, 28, originally from Hull


Eyal Baum, 39, was an Israeli citizen living in Barcelona with his wife. He was among 150 people killed when a Germanwings Airbus A320 crashed in the French Alps

Germanwings Air Crash: Three Britons Killed

We use cookies to give you the best experience. If you do nothing we'll assume that it's ok.

At least three Britons were among the 150 people killed when a passenger jet crashed in the French Alps, the Prime Minister has confirmed.

One of the British victims is 50-year-old Martyn Matthews, a senior quality manager from Wolverhampton.

The father-of-two grown-up children is thought to have been travelling to Germany for a business meeting.

His family have said they are "devastated at the news of this tragic incident".

Paul Andrew Bramley, 28, originally from Hull who was studying hospitality in Lucerne, was also a passenger on the fateful flight.

His mother Carol said: "Paul was a kind, caring and loving son. He was the best son, he was my world."

Seven-month-old baby Julian Pracz-Bandres from Manchester was also killed alongside his mother Marina Bandres Lopez Belio, 37, originally from Spain.

Her husband Pawel Pracz said he was "devastated".

Mr Pracz said his wife had been in Spain for a funeral and had only bought tickets "at the last moment".

Speaking at the last Prime Minister's Questions before the General Election, David Cameron offered his "deepest condolences" to the families of those who died in the disaster, and said the UK stood ready to offer any assistance it could.

He told the Commons: "It is heart-breaking to hear about the schoolchildren, the babies, the families whose lives have been brought to an end.

"The Foreign Office is working urgently to establish whether any further British nationals were among those on board."

Mr Cameron was speaking as recovery teams resumed their search at the crash site in hazardous terrain.

Overnight rain and snow has made the rocky ravine slippery, increasing problems in reaching the area.

Investigators are also examining the black box cockpit voice recorder of the doomed Germanwings aircraft in the hunt for clues as to what caused the Airbus A320 to come down without issuing a mayday message.


  1. Gallery: Alps Plane Crash: The Victims

    Maria Radner, Oleg Bryjak and Greig and Carol Friday

Martyn Matthews, of Wolverhampton, with his family


Marina Bandres, who came from Jaca in the Spanish Pyrenees and lived in Manchester, was travelling on the plane with her baby


Paul Andrew Bramley, 28, originally from Hull


Eyal Baum, 39, was an Israeli citizen living in Barcelona with his wife. He was among 150 people killed when a Germanwings Airbus A320 crashed in the French Alps


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