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Australia To Deport Asylum Seekers To PNG

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 20 Juli 2013 | 00.48

Australia will deport all asylum seekers who arrive on its shores to Papua New Guinea, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has warned.

The "very hard line" move is an attempt to deal with the increasing number of asylum seekers who travel to Australia in rickety fishing boats.

The influx has become a significant political issue for Mr Rudd and his announcement comes just months ahead of an election his Labor Party is widely expected to lose.

Unveiling the policy Mr Rudd, who ousted Julia Gillard last month, said: "From now on, any asylum seeker who arrives in Australia by boat will have no chance of being settled in Australia as refugees."

Mr Rudd and Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Peter O'Neill signed an agreement in Brisbane on Friday that will enable Australia to deport asylum seekers to its developing neighbour.

By Friday, 15,728 asylum seekers had arrived in Australia by boat. The arrivals are on track to exceed last year's total of 17,202.

On Tuesday, a boat carrying 150 asylum seekers capsized off the country's Christmas Islands, leaving four dead.

Map of Australia showing Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea has not set a limit on the number of asylum seekers

The largest number of asylum seekers come from Iran, last year accounting for one in seven arrivals and this year for one in three.

Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Vietnam, Iraq, Bangladesh and Burma are the next largest sources of asylum seekers arriving on Australian shores.

Papua New Guinea's prime minister has put no limit on the number of people it will accept.

Australia is the island nation's former colonial master and is now its largest source of foreign aid.

In return for accepting those bound for Australia, Mr Rudd said Australia would redevelop a hospital in Papua New Guinea's second largest city and reform the country's university sector.

Mr Rudd's policy has been condemned by human rights advocates.

Amnesty International's refugee campaign co-ordinator for Australia, Graeme McGregor, said: "The new plans to resettle all asylum seekers that are found to be refugees in PNG shows not only a complete disregard for asylum seekers but absolute contempt for legal and moral obligations."

David Manne, executive director of Australia's Refugee and Immigration Legal Centre, described it as "a fundamental repudiation of our commitment to protecting refugees".

He described Papua New Guinea as an unsafe country where violence is widespread and serious human rights abuses were a daily occurrence.

However, the deportation policy is likely to be popular with voters and is Mr Rudd's second eye-catching policy announcement in a week.

On Tuesday, he pledged to transform the deeply unpopular carbon tax a year ahead of schedule in a bid to cut household costs.

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Woolwich: Prison Staff Deny Adebolajo Assault

Prison officers "strenuously deny any wrongdoing" after Woolwich murder suspect Michael Adebolajo reportedly lost two teeth while being restrained in jail.

The 28-year-old was injured at high security Belmarsh prison in south east London on Wednesday, where he is being held on suspicion of murdering soldier Lee Rigby.

The Prison Officers Association (POA) said its members would challenge the allegations made by the prisoner.

"We are aware of an incident that took place on Wednesday July 17, which involved a prisoner being subjected to restraint using approved techniques called Control and Restraint," it said in a statement.

SECURITY OFFICERS AROUND BELMARSH HIGH SECURITY COURT AND PRISON INLONDON.Drummer Lee Rigby murder Adebolajo is in Belmarsh Prison awaiting trial for the murder of Lee Rigby

"Our members strenuously deny any wrongdoing and the POA will be supporting them legally and emotionally during this difficult time.

"The use of restraint is only used where necessary when dealing with incidents up and down the country."

It said it will fully co-operate with any police investigation, and expects the officers to be "fully exonerated".

The prison officers' trade union also accused the Ministry of Justice of not doing enough to avoid what they described as "sensationalist reporting" of the alleged assault.

The Prison Service has refused to comment on the detail of what happened, but the Met Police confirmed it was investigating an allegation of assault. prison. An investigation has been started."

Adebolajo is accused together with Michael Adebowale, 22, of hacking Drummer Rigby to death near Woolwich Barracks in south east London on May 22. The pair are due to stand trial at the Old Bailey on November 18.

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Bert Trautmann: Manchester City Goalkeeper Dies

The goalkeeper who famously won the FA Cup after playing the final 17 minutes of the match with a broken neck, Bernd Trautmann, also known as Bert, has died at the age of 89.

Trautmann made a name for himself in England with Manchester City after originally arriving in Britain as a prisoner of war.

He played more than 500 times for City between 1949 and 1964 and was bestowed with an honorary OBE for his work in promoting Anglo-German post-war relations.

But it was his performance in the FA Cup victory over Birmingham in 1956 that made him "a true club legend", as City said after his death.

The team had taken a 3-1 lead with just 17 minutes to go when Trautmann divided at the feet of Birmingham's Peter Murphy. The forward's knee collided with the goalkeeper's head and Trautmann was knocked out.

But with no substitutions allowed an unsteady Trautmann returned to his position between the posts after being revived.

Manchester City's German goalkeeper Bert Trautmann Trautmann makes a save against Tottenham Hotspur

After making two more saves he collided with one of his own defenders and needed to be brought round again.

Only two days later did an X-ray reveal that the goalkeeper had suffered a broken neck.

After his playing days, he moved into management with Stockport before returning to his native Germany in 1967 to coach Preussen Munster.

German FA (DFB) president Wolfgang Niersbach said: "Bert Trautmann was an amazing sportsman and a true gentleman.

"He went to England as a soldier, and thus a war enemy, and he became a celebrated hero there. He was a legend.

"His extraordinary career will remain forever in the history books."

Bert Trautmann, Manchester City's German goalkeeper Trautmann with his Player Of The Year award. Pic: Allsport Hulton/Archive

Trautmann, a German paratrooper who won the Iron Cross, was captured by the British as the war drew to a close and was moved to a prisoner of war camp in Lancashire.

At the camp he excelled at football, but only tried his hand as a goalkeeper after getting injured during a match, according to Manchester City.

When the war was over he declined to be repatriated and stayed in Britain for the next two decades. He worked as a farmer and with a bomb disposal unit before City signed him from non-league St Helen's Town.

When he joined in 1949 he was met by 20,000 supporters angered by the decision to sign a German so soon after the war.

Trautmann survived two heart attacks this year, but passed away unexpectedly in La Llosa, near Valencia.

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George Zimmerman Must Wait To Get Gun Back

George Zimmerman, who was acquitted of murder by a Florida court last week, will not immediately get back the gun he used to shoot dead 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.

The US Justice Department has requested a hold on evidence from his trial, a law enforcement official confirmed.

The hold is standard procedure and does not reveal whether the Justice Department plans to pursue a new prosecution of the 29-year-old, the official added.

A jury in Sanford in Florida, found Zimmerman not guilty of second-degree murder last Saturday sparking protests in Los Angeles and elsewhere.

Expectations that Mr Zimmerman would get his 9mm pistol back helped to fuel anger among those Americans who thought he had profiled Trayvon Martin and should be punished for the teenager's death last February.

The move came as Democrat leaders in Florida's state legislature called for the controversial Stand Your Ground self-defence law to be repealed or substantially changed.

Mr Zimmerman's lawyers said he acted in self-defence while on neighbourhood watch duty when Trayvon Martin attacked him and one juror cited Stand Your Ground as a factor in her decision to acquit the neighbourhood watch volunteer.

Florida Senate Democratic leader Chris Smith said: "This bill actually encourages people to shoot their way out of situations and that's not how we live in a civilized society.

"It's a mentality that has permeated the state of Florida. It's a mentality of shoot first, and we should not have that in a civilized society."

But Republican Governor Rick Scott has, so far, declined to convene the special legislative session needed to reform the law.

Federal prosecutors said they were pursuing an investigation into whether Mr Zimmerman violated civil rights laws.

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Lia Green's Father Jailed For Daughter's Death

A father who lost his temper and killed his three-year-old daughter with an "immense" blow to the stomach has been jailed for seven years.

Richard Green, 23, lashed out in anger at his child, Lia, as he resented looking after her on his own.

He was also seething with contempt towards his partner, Lia's mother, Natalie Critchley, 21, whom he suspected of having an affair, Preston Crown Court heard.

Sentencing Green, Mr Justice MacDuff said: "You lost all control. You hit, or perhaps kicked, Lia so violently that you caused the perforation of her duodenum.

"The force required to do that is immense."

He added to his "wickedness" by then not calling an ambulance in the hours that followed, said the judge.

Critchley, who was herself jailed for 21 months, also failed to seek help when she realised Lia was hurt and joined Green in covering up the injuries through "mistaken loyalty" to try to protect Green rather than her daughter.

Natalie Critchley Critchley covered up for her boyfriend, rather than protecting her child

The judge told Critchley: "You did play roulette with her life. You did not want to have to explain how she came to suffer her dreadful injuries and you hoped she would recover."

After an ambulance was eventually called, the defendants "jointly concocted a series of breathtaking lies to save your own skins", said the judge.

Following sentencing, Detective Superintendent Andy Murphy said: "The sentences reflect the severity of the crimes committed but no punishment served will ever bring little Lia back.

"Both Richard Green and Natalie Critchley will have time to reflect on their actions, actions that led to the death of their own child.

"This was a complex and difficult case to investigate and we were determined to get to the bottom of what happened."

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Nigeria Kidnapping: British National Taken

A British national has been kidnapped shortly after landing at Lagos International Airport in Nigeria, the British High Commission has revealed.

Gunmen targeted a four-wheel drive car at around 8.30pm on Tuesday after it left the airport's international terminal, seizing the British man who was returning to a residential area of Lagos, according to security sources.

The Nigerian driver of the vehicle was shot but survived.

In a statement, the British High Commission (BHM) said: "The BHM is working closely with others to secure the release of the hostage.

"Because of the nature of this incident, the BHM is not going into further detail about it."

Major companies with British connections operating in Nigeria include oil giant Royal Dutch Shell, British Airways, Unilever and PricewaterhouseCoopers. There was no indication of where the kidnapped man was employed.

Kidnapping of expatriates and Nigerians by armed gangs seeking ransom has been rife in Nigeria's oil producing southeast, but is rarer in Lagos were most foreigners live.

Four Chinese nationals and the three-year-old son of a state legislator have previously been reported kidnapped this month.

Risk analysts Drum Cussac have reported a "noticeable upsurge" in the number of kidnappings in the southwest of the country, including Lagos.

The consultancy said: "Foreign nationals were targeted in the affluent Lagos areas of Ikoyi, Victoria Island and Epe-Lekki, sparking speculation that organised criminal gangs have renewed their focus on the city's upscale districts given their relatively permissive security environments."

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Boston Bomb Suspect: Police Photos Released

Photos showing the moment the Boston Marathon bomb suspect was captured have been released by a police photographer angry at a magazine for "glamorising" the alleged attacker.

Massachusetts State Police tactical photographer Sergeant Sean Murphy took the pictures of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev as the 19-year-old crawled out from beneath the cover of a boat four days after the blasts.

One of the photos shows him with a bloodied face and hand, with the red dot of a police sniper's rifle laser sight on his forehead.

Sgt Murphy released the image after a portrait of Tsarnaev appeared on the front cover of Rolling Stone magazine.

The photographer claims his pictures, which were published in Boston Magazine, show the "real Boston bomber, not someone fluffed and buffed".

Rolling Stone Dzhokhar Tsarnaev took the photo which appeared on the magazine himself

"The truth is that glamorising the face of terror is not just insulting to the family members of those killed in the line of duty, it also could be an incentive to those who may be unstable to do something to get their face on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine," he told the publication.

A state police spokesman said Sgt Murphy had not been authorised to release the photographs he took of Tsarnaev.

He said the images would not be handed out to other media organisations.

The officer has been "relieved of duty" for one day and has been ordered to attend a hearing next week. Police will conduct an internal investigation into the release of the photos, the spokesman said.

Runners continue to run towards the finish line as an explosion erupts at the finish line of the Boston Marathon The explosions killed three people, including a young boy

Three people died and hundreds more were injured when two pressure cooker bombs exploded close to the finish line of the Boston Marathon in April.

Earlier this month, Tsarnaev pleaded not guilty to 30 charges, including the use of weapons of mass destruction.

His brother Tamerlan, who allegedly helped commit the attack, died during the manhunt for the pair.

Meanwhile, the editors of Rolling Stone added a statement to the online version of their article about Tsarnaev in which they said: "Our hearts go out to the victims of the Boston Marathon bombings and our thoughts are always with them and their families.

"The cover story we are publishing this week falls within the traditions of journalism and Rolling Stone's long-standing commitment to serious and thoughtful coverage of the most important political and cultural issues of our day.

"The fact that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is young, and in the same age group as many of our readers, makes it all the more important for us to examine the complexities of this issue and gain a more complete understanding of how a tragedy like this happens."

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Scores Of Firefighters Battle Wildfires

More than 120 firefighters are struggling to control two grass fires to the east of London.

The fires on Wanstead Flats, which were reported early on Friday afternoon, are being tackled by fire crews from Walthamstow, Ilford, Stratford, Homerton, Leyton, and Chingford. 

Authorities have warned that a prolonged period of hot weather in England will continue to put a strain on the emergency services over the coming days and asked that the public be aware of fire risks. 

London Fire Brigade's Dave Brown said: "A small spark from a cigarette is often all it takes to start a grass fire in these dry conditions.

"It really is important that smokers dispose of their cigarettes properly. Drivers also need to take care not to throw cigarettes out of car windows as they can easily burn grass verges.

"If you see a grass fire, don't attempt to put it out yourself as grass fires can be fast moving and change direction without warning. Call the fire brigade and let us know where the fire is."

As temperatures soar, London's firefighters are dealing with twice as many grass fires compared to last year.

Summer weather July 19th A young child cools down with an ice-cream

In the first half of July last year there were just five grass fires a day and a total of 535 from May 1 to July 15. This year the figures have soared to 21 fires a day and 1,010 respectively.

Britain will continue to bake in temperatures of 30C (86C) right through into next week, forecasters say.

Six days of 30C-plus temperatures have already been recorded, the longest heatwave for seven years.

The hot weather is expected to continue over the weekend and into the early part of next week.

Sky News weather presenter Nazaneen Ghaffar said: "Western areas will still remain very warm into the weekend, in fact it will feel hot for some with temperatures possibly reaching up to 30C locally.

"There will be a brief respite from the heat in the east with cloudier skies during the mornings and perhaps the cloud lingering into the afternoon.

Heatwave A man basks in the summer sunshine in Nottingham

"But into the start of next week there will be plenty of sunshine across the UK and Ireland and feeling hot again, especially across southern counties where we could see temperatures up to 31C, perhaps a little higher locally."

She warned that the heat and humidity are likely to trigger some thunderstorms in the west.

The prolonged hot spell has prompted the Met Office to issue level three heatwave health warnings for northwest and southwest England, and the West Midlands after a similar alert for London and the South East on Wednesday.

Level three warnings are only one notch below the most serious alerts and are put out when high temperatures place the very young, the very old and those with chronic diseases at risk.

Mountain blazes tore across the south Wales' valleys while flames devastated swathes of Tentsmuir Forest in north east Fife, Scotland, on Thursday night. 

Summer weather July 19th A couple and their dog enjoy Roundhay Park, Leeds

There have also been reports of people arriving at hospitals with extreme sunburn, including a four-week-old baby.

The death toll from swimming accidents as people look to cool off has reached 13.

A man and a teenage boy who drowned while swimming at a beauty spot in Norfolk have been named by police.

Ryan Pettengell, 41, and 16-year-old Umar Balogun, died at Bawsey Pits, a disused quarry near King's Lynn, on Tuesday.

Their bodies were recovered from separate lakes following a major search and rescue operation by emergency services after both had separately been reported getting into difficulties in the water.

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Asiana: Student Killed 'When Hit By Vehicle'

One of the victims of the San Francisco Asiana plane crash was killed when she was hit by a vehicle, a coroner has confirmed.

Ye Mengyuan, a 16-year-old Chinese student, died of multiple blunt injuries that are consistent with being run over by a motor vehicle, the coroner said, releasing the findings of a post-mortem examination.

Authorities confirmed last week that the teenager was hit by a vehicle racing to extinguish flames that broke out on the Boeing 777.

Police said she was on the ground and covered in fire-retardant foam that rescuers had sprayed on the wreckage.

 Asiana Flight 214 collided with a rocky seawall just short of its intended airport runway on July 6.

Wreckage of Asiana Airlines Boeing 777 that crashed while landing at San Francisco International Airport is seen in San Francisco The charred remains of Asiana Airlines Flight 214

Three people died, and another 180 were injured 

Investigators have said the plane came in too low and slow.

The other victims of the crash were 16-year-old Wang Linjia of China, who was already dead when airport staff found her near the runway, and a child, also Chinese, who died in a San Francisco hospital several days later.

More follows...

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Alan Greaves: Church Organist Killers Jailed

By Mike McCarthy, North of England Correspondent

The murderer of a church organist who was on his way to midnight mass has been sentenced to life in prison with a minimum term of 25 years.

Sheffield Crown Court heard that Jonathan Bowling, 22, had written a "letter of remorse" to his victim's widow just hours before his sentencing.

But afterwards Maureen Greaves said she did not intend to read it and that it was inappropriate for the defendant to write to her so long after her husband Alan had been murdered.

Alan Greaves Mr Greaves died after he was found lying in the street yards from his home

Sixty-eight-year-old Alan Greaves was heading to church in High Green, Sheffield when Bowling "chose him at random as a victim" and beat him about the head causing injuries "consistent with a road accident".

Bowling was with his close friend Ashley Foster, 22, at the time.

Judge Mr Justice Nigel Teare described the attack as "gratuitous, reprehensible and horrific".

He told Bowling: "Alan Greaves happened to be in front of you on his way to serve his community as he had always done and you decided to inflict violence on him."

He said that Bowling was "entirely indifferent" to the fact that the injuries might have resulted in death.

Before sentencing Robert Smith QC, prosecuting, said that the murder of Mr Greaves was "a crime without motive".

He said: "He was killed for no reason other than he was identified as a suitable victim."

He told the court that Bowling had several previous convictions for violent crimes going back to the age of 15.

In some he had brandished a hammer and in another he had been convicted of wounding after attacking a jogger.

Bowling had already pleaded guilty to murder but Foster was convicted of manslaughter on Thursday after denying murder.

The pick axe used to batter Alan Greaves The pickaxe handle used to batter Mr Greaves

Adrian Waterman QC, representing Ashley Foster, said that the convicted killer has "intellectual difficulties" and was heavily influenced by his friend Bowling.

He said that Foster may have been present during the murder but used no violence himself.

Foster was jailed for nine years for the manslaughter of Mr Greaves.

Mr Greaves had left his home around 11pm to walk to his local church of St Saviour's.

He had planned to play the organ for midnight Mass as he had done for the past 40 years.

Fifteen minutes later a passing delivery driver found him on the pavement with head injuries. His face was covered in blood and doctors found a piece of wood embedded in a head wound.

He had been attacked with a pick-axe handle and died in hospital three days later.

They went on to have four children. Mr Greaves with wife Maureen on their wedding day

His widow, who sat by his hospital bed on Christmas Day, said she did not hate her husband's killers and spoke of forgiveness.

Mrs Greaves said after the conviction: "Alan was a man who was driven by love and compassion and he would not want any of us to hold on to feelings of hate and unforgiveness.

"So, in honour of Alan and in honour of the God we both love, my prayer is that this story doesn't end today.

"My prayer is that Jonathan Bowling and Ashley Foster will come to understand and experience the love and kindness of the God who made him in his own image and that God's great mercy will inspire him to true repentance."

Mr and Mrs Greaves had been married for 40 years. Both worked for Church Army and devoted a lot of time to charity work. 

Mr Greaves established a new food bank project just weeks before his death.

Following the murder Maureen Greaves told Sky News: "I am so truly thankful to have loved and been loved by Alan. 

"I am so proud of the man he was and of the life that he lived."

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GCHQ 'Did Not Break UK Laws' Over Prism

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 18 Juli 2013 | 00.28

By Alistair Bunkall, Defence Correspondent

GCHQ, Britain's electronic eavesdropping agency, did not circumvent UK law in requesting and obtaining intelligence from its US counterparts gathered from the NSA Prism programme, it has been ruled.

Parliament's Intelligence and Security Committee investigated the allegations made by the NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden and came to the conclusion that the intelligence agency operated within the law.

Edward Snowden leaked information about intelligence programmes.

GCHQ submitted classified material to the committee as evidence and the agency's Director, Sir Iain Lobban, was questioned.

The committee also discussed the allegations with NSA and congressional counterparts on a recent visit to Washington.

"We have reviewed the reports that GCHQ produced on the basis of intelligence sought from the US, and we are satisfied that they conformed with GCHQ's statutory duties," the report states.

William Hague speaks in favour of Scotland staying in the UK at the Merchant Hall in Edinburgh. Edward Snowden (top) and William Hague

"Further, in each case where GCHQ sought information from the US, a warrant for interception, signed by a Minister, was already in place, in accordance with legal safeguards contained in the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000."

At the time William Hague, who as Foreign Secretary is responsible for GCHQ, described the allegations as "nonsense" and "fanciful".

Responding to the committee's findings, he said: "I see daily evidence of the integrity and high standards of the men and women of GCHQ.

"The committee's findings are further testament to their professionalism and values.

"The Intelligence and Security Committee is a vital part of the strong framework of democratic accountability and oversight governing the use of secret intelligence in the UK.

"It will continue to have the full cooperation of the Government and the security and intelligence agencies."

However, the committee does suggest that the laws governing intelligence operations should be considered to ensure they are still relevant and adequate, although it makes no suggestion that this might not be the case.

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India: 22 Children Die After Eating School Meal

Some 22 children, aged between five and 12, have died after eating free meals at a primary school in eastern India.

At least another 35 children remain in hospital in Patna, the Bihar state capital. Ten of the youngsters are in a critical condition. 

They fell ill after eating a lunch of rice and lentils in Masrakh village in the Saran district on Tuesday. Medical teams treating the children say they suspect the food had been contaminated with insecticide.

An Indian family with their son who fell ill after consuming a free school meal A family with their son who fell ill after consuming a free school meal

The children were rushed to hospital in the capital, some 50 miles (80km) south of the village. Some of the other sick children were taken to hospital in nearby Chaapra.

Sky producer Neville Lazarus, in New Delhi, said: "Masrakh is in one of the poorest of the poor states in the country and in a remote place, so there weren't proper medical facilities."

The meal was cooked in the school kitchen, and police have seized all the ingredients used. Lazarus said the cook and her two children had also died.

Bihar's Education Minister P K Shahi said a preliminary investigation suggested the food had traces of phosphorous, which is used to preserve rice and wheat.

A woman cries after her grandson, who consumed spurious meals at a school on Tuesday, died at a hospital in Patna A woman cries after hearing that her grandson was one of the victims

R K Singh, medical superintendent at the children's hospital in Patna, said: "We feel that some kind of insecticide was either accidentally or intentionally mixed in the food, but that will be clear through investigations.

"We prepared antidotes and treated the children for organic phosphorous poisoning."

Authorities have suspended a food inspector and registered a case of criminal negligence against the head teacher.

The father of an ill child, Raja Yadav, told reporters that his son was vomiting after returning from school.

School lunches in India Free lunches are used as a way of increasing school attendance

"As soon as my boy returned from school, we rushed to the hospital with him. His condition was not good," he said.

Bihar state Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, who has also ordered an inquiry, announced that families of the dead children will be offered financial compensation of 200,000 rupees (£2,200).

Twenty of the children who died were buried near the school on Wednesday morning as angry residents armed with poles and sticks took to the streets in the city of Chhapra to protest against the state government over the children's deaths.

"Hundreds of angry people staged a protest in Saran since late Tuesday night, demanding stern action against government officials responsible for this shocking incident," district government official S K Mall said.

India school meal protests Angry parents take to the streets in protest at the tragedy

Lazarus described the situation as "tense", with locals saying there was a delay in getting medical help to the children, contributing to the high death toll.

Free meals are offered to impoverished students in state-run schools as part of government welfare measures in many of India's 29 states

The lunches are hugely popular with poor families and educators see the meals as a way of increasing school attendance and stemming malnourishment.

India map

But children often suffer from food poisoning due to poor hygiene in school kitchens and the sometimes poor quality food.

More than 130 students were taken to hospital in the western city of Pune last year after eating lunch at school, the Times of India reported.

A probe revealed that the food served to them was contaminated with E. coli bacteria, strains of which can cause food poisoning.

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Weather: Heatwave Health Alert As Mercury Rises

Health warnings have been issued as Britain continues to swelter in the country's first heatwave for seven years.

After five consecutive days basking in 30C-plus temperatures, forecasters said Britain was in the midst of its first prolonged heatwave since 2006.

The Met Office responded by issuing a "level three heat health watch" for London and the South East and advised "alertness and readiness" for those in the North West and North East.

Level three warnings are only one notch below the most serious alerts and are put out when high temperatures place the very young, the very old and those with chronic diseases at risk.

Forecasters said Wednesday could break the record for the warmest day of the year, with temperatures expected to creep as high as 32C (89.7F) in parts of England.

No swimming sign Two men have died in Norfolk after seemingly ignoring swimming bans

Sky News weather presenter Isobel Lang said: "Wednesday could be the hottest of the current heatwave across the London area with a high of 32C, topping Heathrow's 31.4C on Monday and Kew Gardens' 31.2C yesterday."

Referring to the level three heat-health warning for London and the South East, she added: "The temperature threshold for the region is for daytime highs of 31 or 32C (90F) and night minima of 16 to 18C (64F) over two days and the intervening night."

The alert comes after a series of tragic accidents in which people have died trying to cool off.

Emergency services have reiterated a warning of the dangers of swimming in open water after the bodies of two men were recovered from the water at a beauty spot in Norfolk where swimming is banned. A teenage boy and man in his 40s were found in separate lakes at the Bawsey Pits.

There have been four water-related deaths in Wales over the last week. In the latest accident a man in his twenties was reported dead on Wednesday morning after being pulled from the River Ceiriog at Pont-y-Blew, near Wrexham, the previous evening.

In the Brecon Beacons, a 24-year-old man died while swimming at the Cantref Reservoir and a 52-year-old man did not return from his swim in Pontsticill Reservoir in Merthyr Tydfil.

Only days earlier the body of 14-year-old Hollie McClymont from Glasgow was found in the sea near Fontygary in the Vale of Glamorgan. She was last seen in difficulty in the waters near Barry Island.

Two TA soldiers died of suspected heat exhaustion during an SAS assessment in the Beacons on Saturday.

Doctors at the Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University (ABMU) health board, which covers Swansea, say they have been inundated with people suffering with sunstroke and sunburn.

Hot Weather Continues Throughout The UK Londoners relax in the high temperatures on the Southbank

Other cases have included toes being amputated due to gardening accidents as well as a rise in those hurt in falls.

Emergency departments have become so busy that people not seeking urgent medical attention are being urged to instead contact their GP or pharmacist to avoid long waits.

ABMU emergency medicine consultant Andy MacNab said: "We are very busy, and we would urge people to take great care during this hot weather. They need to stay cool, avoid sun burn and keep well hydrated.

"If they are using a lawnmower or strimmer, then they need to have sturdy footwear and not cut grass in flip-flops.

"If they are taking part in sports, then they should ensure they are using all the necessary safety gear for their activity, like helmets, for example."

Firefighters in London have dealt with with twice as many grass fires this summer compared with last year, with 1,010 so far.

Motorists have been advised to prepare for summer "getaway" traffic as schools start to break up at the end of this week - including basic checks on coolant levels, tyre pressures and cooling fans.

Traffic is expected to peak on the weekend of July 26-28, with the busiest routes expected to be in the South West as people head for beaches.

Some relief from the heat is in sight, with cooler northeasterly winds set to bring cloudier skies across eastern Scotland and eastern and southeast England from Thursday.

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Kate Beckinsale: Plaque Honours Father Richard

A plaque has been unveiled by actress Kate Beckinsale in honour of her actor father Richard.

He was best known for playing Lennie Godber in the BBC sitcom Porridge and Alan Moore in ITV's Rising Damp in the 1970s.

The Nottingham-born actor died aged 31 in 1979 after suffering a heart attack.

Richard Beckinsale plaque unveiled A tearful Kate Beckinsale at the ceremony

His daughter visited his former school, College House Junior School in Chilwell, Nottinghamshire, for a ceremony where the blue plaque was revealed.

Headteacher Mark North said: "It's a real honour for the school to be a part of this special occasion, dedicated to the memory of Richard Beckinsale.

Got You Richard Beckinsale pictured alongside Ronnie Barker on the set of Porridge

"We are also honoured to host Mr Beckinsale's family and friends.

"We place a high priority on the performing arts in school, and hope that pupils will continue to be inspired by Richard's career for many years to come."

The actress, 39, has starred in movies including Underworld, Total Recall and The Last Days of Disco.

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Queen Jokes: 'Please Have Baby Soon, Kate'

The Queen has said she does not mind if the Duchess of Cambridge has a boy or a girl - but hopes the baby arrives before she goes on holiday.

Her Majesty made the quip in reply to a question from a 10-year-old schoolgirl while on a series of engagements in the Lake District.

Fay Batey, a pupil at Wiggonby CofE Primary School, asked: "Do you want Kate's baby to be a boy or girl?"

The Queen replied: "I don't think I mind."

Then laughing, she added: "I'd very much like it to arrive ... I'm going on holiday (soon)."

Fay and fellow pupils waved Union flags and cheered as the royal party arrived at the Brockhole Lake District Visitor Centre.

The Duchess of Cambridge is to give birth at St Mary's Hospital. The Lindo Wing at St Mary's Hospital

The youngster later told reporters it was "really, really exciting" to speak to the Queen.

Her Majesty's response echoed the anticipation felt by many over the pending royal birth.

The world's media has gathered outside the Lindo Wing of St Mary's Hospital in central London.

Kensington Palace has refused to comment on speculation the child was due on July 13.

It would only confirm what everyone already knew - he or she should arrive this month.

Whatever the sex, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's first child will be next in line to the throne after Prince Charles and William.

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Daniel Pelka: Mum 'Told School Not To Feed Boy'

By Adele Robinson, Midlands Correspondent

A mother accused of murdering her son told his school not to give him any more food, a court has heard.

Magdalena Luczak and her boyfriend Mariusz Krezolek deny killing four-year-old Daniel Pelka in March 2012.

He was allegedly starved for months during a campaign of "incomprehensible cruelty" before being beaten to death.

Prosecuting barrister Jonas Hankin QC, who has been questioning Luczak on her third day in the witness box, asked: "It was you who insisted that Daniel not be given more food at school?"

Luczak replied: "Yes, because I knew Mariusz would check his belly."

Luczak said she used to give Daniel breakfast and a packed lunch for school but that he would not eat in the evenings because Krezolek would not let him.

She said: "He didn't eat after school, and he didn't eat at the weekend, that's why he looked like that."

The court also heard how Daniel's mother would "bribe" him with chocolate to stop him telling teachers what was happening to him at home.

The prosecuting barrister asked how Luczak could "bribe him with the most precious thing of all, the food he was not being given?"

"I don't know but I did bribe him," Luczak replied.

During questioning, Luczak admitted "completely failing" Daniel and knowing that her boyfriend posed a "significant risk" to the boy in the three months before his death.

She was asked how she could "cuddle up to a man who has poured salt into your son's throat?"

"I don't know. I chose Mariusz, I should have protected my own child but I didn't," she said.

Luczak broke down in tears in the witness box as she was shown a body map portraying the injuries Daniel suffered, including 23 bruises on his body and nine on his head.

She admitted she "should have protected him" but did not, saying she would "never forgive" herself.

Mr Hankin said: "You had supplements for your nails and hair, but did not give your own child enough food to enable his bones to grow..."

She replied that she "didn't use the supplements".

The trial continues.

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Costa Concordia Captain In Plea Bargain Bid

The captain of a cruise ship that ran aground off the Italian coast, claiming the lives of 32 people, has made a last-ditch attempt for a plea bargain deal at his trial.

Lawyers for Francesco Schettino, who was in charge of the Costa Concordia liner when it crashed into rocks off the island of Giglio last year, said he was ready to plead guilty in exchange for a prison sentence of three years and five months.

But the defence said it held little hope the judge would allow such a deal as the trial resumed in Grosseto, the town closest to where the shipwreck happened, after a week-long suspension because of a lawyers' strike.

The captain, the only defendant, risks up to 20 years in jail if found guilty on charges of manslaughter, abandoning ship and causing the shipwreck.

The plea bargain request was made after an earlier bid for a deal was thrown out by the judge in charge of preliminary investigations into what happened.

Schettino is accused of abandoning ship before all the crew and passengers had been rescued.

Schettino, captain of the Costa Concordia cruise ship, talks with his lawyers during a trial in Grosseto The cruise ship captain speaks with his lawyers

His lawyers argue he prevented an even worse disaster by steering the 290-metre (950ft) vessel into shallow waters after the impact and that he was thrown overboard due to the angle of the leaning ship.

The trial began on July 9 but was immediately suspended because lawyers involved were taking part in a nationwide strike against measures to streamline civil trials.

The hearing, which is expected to last for more than a year, is being held in an improvised courtroom in Grosseto's theatre with the panel of judges seated on the stage.

Before proceedings began on Wednesday Francesco Di Ciollo, who represents two Italian families, said: "We're here today to get justice.

"Survivors have to live with anxiety for the rest of their lives. There was darkness, panic … they were stranded inside without a way out."

Costa Concordia Trial Resumes Grosseto's theatre is serving as a makeshift court to make room for people

The Costa Concordia crashed off Giglio on the night of January 13, 2012 with 4,229 people from 70 countries on board.

Schettino was nicknamed "Captain Coward" for leaving while terrified people were trapped aboard the vessel and then sobbing in the arms of the ship's chaplain.

The 52-year-old has been depicted as a blackguard who was showing off for a blonde female guest when he performed a risky manoeuvre to "salute" the island.

The Concordia crashed as many of the passengers were sitting down to dinner. A delayed and chaotic evacuation saw some desperately throw themselves overboard into the dark sea as lifeboats ran out.

Many of those who jumped into the sea and managed to swim to shore have recalled their shock and amazement that Schettino was already there on shore others were still on the boat.

Costa Concordia Trial Resumes Schettino's lawyer Francesco Pepe speaks to the media outside the theatre

Most of the last survivors had to be lifted to safety from the capsized wreck by helicopters.

Some lawyers have been arguing the captain should not be the sole defendant and Costa Crociere, Europe's biggest cruise operator, should share the blame.

Massimiliano Gabrielli, who represents members of a group called 'Justice for the Concordia', accused Costa of "choosing to save the ship instead of saving people" - a reference to the delay of over an hour between the crash and the order to abandon ship.

Schettino's lawyers, Domenico and Francesco Pepe, have called for 100 witnesses and pledged to show that "no single person was responsible".

They plan to question Costa Crociere management and ask about materials used to build the ship and the apparent malfunction of emergency doors and back-up generators.

Moldovan dancer, Domnica Cemortan, who was on the bridge with him when the collision occurred, is also concerned he is the only person on trial.

Domnica Cemortan of Moldova smiles during a trial in Grosseto Domnica Cemortan was with Schettino at the time of the crash

Ms Cemortan was travelling as a passenger but had worked in the past as a hostess for the Italian cruise operator.

She attended court on Wednesday to formally ask to join hundreds of other survivors in civil actions attached to the criminal trial that could result in hefty compensation payments.

Five other people have been charged over the disaster, including the ship's Indonesian helmsman and the head of Costa Crociere's crisis unit.

The five have negotiated plea bargains which are due to be ruled on at a separate hearing on July 20.

The Costa Concordia still lies beached on its side, its rusting frame dwarfed by blue cranes and a floating hotel for divers and salvage workers.

The vessel is due to be re-floated but technical difficulties have repeatedly hampered the salvage and there have been warnings it may be more damaged than previously thought.

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Liam Gallagher Sues Amid 'Love Child' Claims

Liam Gallagher is suing a US newspaper which reported he was embroiled in a New York court case over allegations he fathered a child during a one-night stand.

A spokesman for the former Oasis singer refused to comment on the story but confirmed Gallagher's lawyers are taking legal action against the paper.

Gallagher, who now fronts Beady Eye after the break-up of Oasis, is married to former All Saints singer Nicole Appleton.

He has three children, including one with former wife Patsy Kensit, and one with Lisa Moorish.

Gallagher has a famously frosty relationship with his brother and former Oasis bandmate Noel and recently revealed that he does not even have his sibling's phone number.

The pair have not spoken since Noel walked out of the group in 2009.

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Bernie Nolan Funeral: Hundreds Pay Respects

By Becky Johnson, North of England Correspondent

More than a thousand people lined the streets of Blackpool to pay their final respects to Bernie Nolan.

The singer and actress died earlier this month at the age of 52 after a long battle with cancer.

Crowds gathered outside Blackpool's Grand Theatre where a ceremony to celebrate her life was held and broadcast over loudspeakers for mourners and fans.

The former lead singer of The Nolans shot to fame with her sisters in the 1970s, and went on to achieve global success with hits including "I'm In The Mood For Dancing".

Bernie's sister Maureen read a letter Bernie had written for the ceremony prior to her death.

Bernie Nolan's cancer returns Bernie during her cancer battle in 2010

"Don't be crying too much for me. Obviously I'd like a bit. I think I'm worth a little crying, but not too much," Bernie wrote in the letter.

"No-one has had a better life than me really. Fifty years of singing, some of the best ever shows ... what an amazing time I've had.

"Do not mourn my passing, please. Celebrate ... my wonderful life."

Mourners listened as Bernie's 14-year-old daughter Erin read a poem, and as Linda Nolan paid a tearful tribute to her sister.

Among the guests from the world of showbiz were EastEnders star Shane Richie, singer Joe Longthorne and comic duo Cannon and Ball.

Bernie Nolan death The Nolan sisters (Bernie: top right)

Bernie was given the all clear for breast cancer in 2010 but last year discovered it had spread to her brain, lungs, liver and bones.

She passed away in July with her husband, Steve Doneathy, and family by her side.

The Nolans sold millions of records around the world and enjoyed success with songs such as "Don't Make Waves", "Attention To Me" and "Gotta Pull Myself Together".

They were huge in Japan, where they are said to have sold more records than the Beatles, and also supported Frank Sinatra.

Bernie quit the group in 1994 and made a name as an actress appearing in Brookside and The Bill.

After the service the family invited her friends to join them at Carleton crematorium.

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Google 'Must Do Better' Over Search Concerns

Google must do more to overcome worries that its search results are unfair to its competitors, the European Commission has said.

The company came up with proposals that it hoped would satisfy a three-year investigation into how it displays and ranks search results.

But Joaquin Almunia, the European Union's competition commissioner, said its ideas were not good enough.

If it does not come back with better ideas, it could face a fine of around $5bn (£3.3bn).

"I concluded that proposals that Google sent to us months ago are not enough to overcome our concerns," said Mr Almunia.

He said a letter had been sent to Google chairman Eric Schmidt asking the firm to "present better proposals".

Google has been accused of unfairly flagging up products or services that are listed via its specialised search tools, such as Google Shopping.

The accusation being that customers are kept within the Google framework and rival search services are discriminated against.

Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt appears at the US Senate. Google Chairman Eric Schmidt has been asked to 'do better'

Competition bosses are concerned that it is also bad for shoppers as products that are potentially better, more relevant or cheaper, may be listed too low in the results.

Other worries centred on how Google manages the ads next to its search results, how it displays content from other websites and how its actions affect advertising on rival networks.

The company had offered to mark out its own promoted links in search results, provide clear links to at least three rival search sites such as Yahoo and Bing, and make it easier for advertisers to move to rival platforms.

But the measures failed to impress the European Commission, with Google's competitors claiming they were "highly unlikely" to boost competition.

Google spokesman Al Verney said its proposal "clearly addresses" the areas of concern. "We continue to work with the commission to settle this case," he said.

If the two sides cannot agree on a solution then the Commission could take formal action against Google, with a potential fine of 10% of revenue.

Mr Almunia said he wants the case resolved by the end of the year.

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