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New Indian Prime Minister Modi Hails Victory

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 17 Mei 2014 | 00.48

Opposition candidate Narendra Modi says he wants to "fulfil the dreams of 1.2 billion people" after sweeping to power in historic elections in India.

The final results have yet to be declared but the Hindu Bharitya Janata Party (BJP) already has enough seats to become the first majority government India has elected in 30 years.

As the polling data came in Mr Modi tweeted: "India has won. Good days are coming."

He then told crowds: "The heat of the election is over and the people have given their verdict which says that we need to take India forward to fulfil the dreams of India's 1.2 billion people.

"There are no enemies in democracy, there is only opposition. I will take your love and convert it into progress before I return."

The BJP has already surpassed the 272 seats needed to avoid a coalition, ending 10 years of Congress Party rule.

Narendra Modi. Narendra Modi declares victory on Twitter

The result is the worst ever for the Gandhi dynasty and follows what the BJP describe as a "people's revolution".

"This is the beginning of change, a people's revolution and the start of a new era," senior BJP leader Prakash Javadekar told AFP.

David Cameron has already spoken to Mr Modi and an invitation to Britain has been accepted.

And the Prime Minister tweeted: "Congratulations @narendramodi on victory in India's elections. Keen to work together to get the most from UK-India relationship."

Sky's Neville Lazarus is outside the BJP headquarters in New Delhi and described the celebrations as "euphoric".

Chief Minister of western Gujarat state and main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi Narendra Modi is blessed by mother, Hira Ba, on the day of his victory

"They were expecting the number of seats to be high, but not this high," he said. "It's a vindication of Narendra Modi and his campaign.

"There is a mood of change in this country because the Congress Party has been reeling from the economic slowdown and corruption charges."

Mr Modi oversaw a modern campaign which utilised everything from holograms to WhatsApp.

The stock market responded to his win by leaping 6%, sending the rupee to an 11-month high.

Supporters of Narendra Modi celebrate his victory. Celebrations outside a counting centre in Siliguri

Mr Modi has been the top official in Gujarat state for a decade.

The 63-year-old is the son of a tea seller and has played on his humble roots during the election campaign, with references to his mother riding a rickshaw to cast her ballot.

His victory comes despite controversy over links to the paramilitary Hindu nationalist group Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) - which some describe as neo-fascist.

As chief minister of Gujarat, Mr Modi was criticised for failing to apologise for religious riots in 2002 in which at least 1,000 people died - mostly Muslims.

He has denied any role in the violence and the Supreme Court declared he had no case to answer.

However, suspicions prompted the US to deny him a visa in 2005, while Britain maintained a diplomatic boycott on Mr Modi until 2012.

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Hero Cat To Throw Baseball Game's First Pitch

The cat who saved her owner's four-year-old son from a vicious dog attack is to throw the first pitch at a baseball game next week.

The Bakersfield Blaze, a minor league Californian team, tweeted that fearless tabby Tara will be honoured at next Tuesday's game, though it is not clear how the team expect her to throw the ball.

The team's press spokesman, Dan Besbris, told Sky News: "I don't want to go into too much detail, but we do have a trick up our sleeves and the cat will complete a pitch, unless the cat freaks out and runs off the field.

"If the cat is willing to stay stationary, we'll get that ball from pitcher's mound to home plate."

Jeremy Triantafilo Saved By Cat After Dog Attack Jeremy Triantafilo says Tara is his hero

Tara's bravery was captured on a home CCTV system and quickly went viral when the footage was posted on the internet.

Jeremy Triantafilo was riding his bicycle in the driveway of his parents' home in Bakersfield, California, when a neighbour's dog appeared to stalk him.

The animal ran up from behind and attacked him, leaving a deep leg wound, which needed 10 stitches.

Tara the cat that took on a dog to protect her owner Tara has been promised a diet of salmon for life

Out of nowhere, Tara flew at the dog and sent it running off down the road.

While the cat basks in the glory, her vanquished foe languishes in quarantine.

The dog, identified as an eight-month-old Labrador-Chow mix, will ultimately be euthanised, said police.

Cat saves boy from dog Jeremy's mother Erica was watering a tree when the cat raced past

The canine did not like children or bicycles, police said.

The Triantafilos, who are also expected to attend the baseball game, told TMZ their insurance would cover the cost of their son's medical care and that they are still friendly with the neighbours who own the dog.

Every year more than 4.5 million Americans - more than half of them children - are bitten by dogs, according to the American Humane Association.

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Fifa Head: Qatar Summer World Cup A 'Mistake'

FA Boss Warning Over Qatar 2022

Updated: 3:36pm UK, Saturday 10 August 2013

Fifa "probably made a mistake" in awarding the World Cup to Qatar for the summer of 2022, according to the FA's new chairman.

Greg Dyke has said staging the tournament in the Middle East country during some of the hottest weeks of the year, when temperatures can reach 50C (122F), would be "impossible".

But Qatar said in a statement that it was the right decision to award it the Finals, and it was ready to stage the event in either summer or winter.

Speaking to Sky News, Mr Dyke said he had serious concerns for the safety of football players and supporters if the event was not moved to the winter or taken away from Qatar completely.

He said: "I have a lot of sympathy with the Qataris. They bid for it and they got it. I think the Fifa executive probably made a mistake at that time - we have to live with that.

"The question now is, how do we solve this problem?"

It is the first time the FA has taken a formal position on the controversial issue. Mr Dyke believes a winter World Cup is more likely than Qatar losing the tournament completely.

His predecessor David Bernstein said in June that any plans to move the World Cup to the winter were "fundamentally flawed".

The FA's position could lead to some differences with the Premier League, whose chief executive Richard Scudamore strongly opposes any move to change the World Cup to the winter because it would disrupt domestic club competitions.

Fifa's president, Sepp Blatter, has said there is still enough time to switch the tournament to the winter months, when temperatures are significantly cooler but can still reach 30C (86F).

Mr Dyke said: "I don't know how many people have been to Qatar in June. I have. The one thing I can tell you is you can't play a football tournament in Qatar in June.

"Even if all the stadia are air-conditioned - which seems a bit strange in terms of the green policy - it would be impossible for the fans just to go out there, wander around in that sort of heat.

"The FA's position will be you can't play it in summer in Qatar.

"Fifa therefore has two choices; you either move it in time or to another location.

"I suspect that either ends up in some sort of litigation, but then someone should have worked that out in 2010 when it was awarded."

The Qatar 2022 Supreme Committee later released a statement saying: "It was the right decision to award the World Cup to the Middle East for the first time in 2022.

"Football is the most popular sport in the Middle East and the people of our region deserve the opportunity to have history made in their part of the world.

"We are committed to delivering on the promises we made in our successful bid.

"We are ready to host in summer or winter. We have always maintained that this issue requires the agreement of the international football community.

"A decision to alter the dates of the 2022 FIFA World Cup would not affect our infrastructure planning."

The final decision on the fate of Qatar's World Cup rests with Fifa, whose executive committee will discuss the matter at its next meeting, in early October.

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Tiny Baby Born Weighing Just 14 Ounces

A newborn baby is fighting for his life after weighing in at just 14 ounces - and measuring only 10 inches.

James Maize and wife Carrie decided to go through with an emergency C-section at 22 weeks after their son suffered an umbilical cord prolapse.

Named Decklen Maize, he is now being cared for a St Mary Medical Center, in Apple Valley, California.

"If he's a fighter, you know, we want him to fight and make his own decisions," Mr Maize said.

"It's rough…just being able to sit there at his bedside and just pretty much whisper."

It comes after the couple's daughter, Serenity, died last year after being born at the same stage of pregnancy.

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Festival Sorry Over Distressing 'Mum' Text

Organisers of a music festival have apologised to ticket holders who were left upset by a text they received which appeared to be from their "mum".

While some people found the marketing ploy "creepy", others whose mothers have passed away were left distressed.

The message appeared on phones as if it had been sent from a stored 'mum' contact.

With incorrect grammar, it read: "Some of the Parklife after parties have already sold out. If your going, make sure your home for breakfast! xxx"

Some music lovers who took to Twitter after receiving the text found it funny but many others considered the stunt to be in bad taste.

@rebeccamasseyHS wrote: "Deffo just thought there was somet wrong with my mum after that text from Parklife hahaha."

@kimberley_smith said: "Very ill thought out text from Parklife today for those people that no longer have a mum #idiots."

Parklife has apologised for any "unnecessary personal distress" caused, saying the text was meant to be an "irreverent way to engage with festival-goers".

The festival takes place in Heaton Park in Manchester on June 7 and 8. Its headline acts are Snoop Dogg and Foals.

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Stuart Hall Not Guilty Of All But One Charge

Former broadcaster Stuart Hall has been found guilty of indecent assault - but cleared on 19 other child sex charges he faced.

The 84-year-old was cleared of raping two young girls following allegations dating back to the 1970s.

Hall is currently serving a 30-month jail term after he admitted indecently assaulting 13 other young girls, one as young as nine, over a period of nearly 20 years.

He pleaded guilty at the start of his trial last week to indecently assaulting one of two new complainants when she was aged 13.

Hall gave no reaction as a jury at Preston Crown Court cleared him of 15 counts of rape and four of indecent assault, convicting him of just one count of indecent assault.

But the former BBC presenter mouthed "thank you" to the jury as he was led away to the cells to continue serving his sentence for earlier offences.

Detectives and Crown Prosecution Service lawyers looked ashen faced after the innocent verdicts were read out to the court.

Stuart Hall allegations Stuart Hall's OBE was "cancelled and annulled" by the Queen last year

Hall had maintained throughout his trial that the two women who later came forward to claim they were raped had agreed to consensual sex.

A CPS spokesperson said they respected the jury's verdict but defended the decision to prosecute Hall on the extra charges.

"At the beginning of this trial he pleaded guilty to an indecent assault against one of the girls when she was intoxicated and at home in bed and today he has been found guilty by a jury of a further indecent assault in relation to the same victim," they said.

"We take all allegations of rape and sexual assault very seriously and victims should know that we will prosecute such cases where it is right to do so."

A statement issued by Lancashire Police said decision charge Hall was taken "in the belief that there was a realistic prospect of conviction".

It can now be revealed that Hall complained about his "routine" being disrupted when he was moved to a different prison during his trial.

On the first day of the trial, Mr Aylett QC, told the judge: "Since the end of July the defendant has been in Leyland prison where he has something approaching a routine. He has a cell, his library, he has his clothes there.

"Yesterday he was told he may be moved to Preston for the duration of the trial."

The judge, Mr Justice Turner, said he had no power to intervene.

As the trial progressed, Mr Aylett brought up the subject again in open court - not before the jury - as he referred to the "extraordinary amount of dismay" it had caused to his client.

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Actor 'Asks Google To Pull Teen Affair Results'

By Tom Cheshire, Technology Correspondent

An actor has asked Google to remove all search results about his affair with a teenager, according to Sky sources.

The unnamed star has contacted the search giant following a European court ruling earlier this week, which said people had the right to ask for information to be removed.

Sky News understands that more than 1,000 people have asked for details of past misdemeanours and offences to be deleted from Google's indexes.

They include a man convicted of possessing child pornography, a university lecturer who was suspended, someone who tried to kill his family, and a convicted cyberstalker.

A former politician has also contacted Google to ask for links to an article about his time in office is removed, because he wants to stand again.

And it is believed that a celebrity's child has asked for news articles referring to a criminal conviction to be purged from Google search results.

Sky News understands that half of the takedown requests received in the UK are from people with criminal convictions.

The EU ruling on Tuesday said search engines should remove links to information that is irrelevant or incorrect, and prejudicial to a person.

However, Sky News has spoken to some people who feel they have legitimate reasons to request links be removed.

One person who committed fraud on a technicality - although he says he rightly takes the blame - says the right to be forgotten would help him and his business move on.

Another person spoke of how a negative - and unfounded - review nearly ruined her business, and caused a huge amount of personal distress.

In another instance, a teacher was stalked online by a student and falsely accused of improper behaviour.

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Turkish Police Clash With Mine Protesters

Turkish police have fired tear gas and water cannon at thousands of protesters in Soma near the site of a deadly mining disaster.

A crowd, reported to be up to 10,000 strong, were chanting anti-government slogans as they demonstrated in the town following the deaths of at least 284 coal miners.

The country's worst ever mining accident has lead to protests in several Turkish cities from the capital Ankara to the western city of Izmir.

Protesters march as they demonstrate to blame the ruling AK Party government for the mining disaster in Soma Protesters in Soma blame the AK Party government for the mine tragedy

Anger grew as the extent of Tuesday's fire and explosion became clear.

Protests were partly directed at mine owners accused of prioritising profit over safety, and partly at Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan's government, seen as too close to big business and too lax in enforcing regulations.

Mr Erdogan has also been accused of punching a demonstrator, as fresh images sparked new claims of violence against protesters angry over the government's handling of the disaster.

Miners walk towards a mine to take part in search and rescue operation for their colleagues trapped in a coal mine after a mining disaster in Soma Rescuers are still trying to recover bodies from the coal mine in Soma

In Soma, people scattered into side streets as the police intervened on a commercial street lined with shops and banks, as well as the offices of the local government and labour union.

One hand-written sign among the crowd read: "No coal can warm the children of fathers who died in the mine".

The protesters had been trying to get to a statue honouring miners in the centre of the town when the route was blocked by the police.

Muslim men pray during Friday prayers in Soma Muslim men during Friday prayers in Soma

Fire sent carbon monoxide rushing through the mine within minutes on Tuesday but the exact cause remains unclear, the mine operator said on Friday.

Most of the 787 workers inside had oxygen masks but smoke and gas spread so quickly that many were unable to escape, with 284 confirmed dead and 18 believed still to be trapped.

Amateur video shot during Mr Erdogan's visit to the site of the mining disaster appears to show two of his bodyguards punching an anti-government protester.

Relatives of a miner mourn beside his grave after a mining disaster in Soma Relatives of a miner mourn beside his grave

On Friday a Turkish mining company defended its safety record and senior Turkish officials denied allegations of lax government oversight.

"We have no inspection and supervision problem" at the Soma mine, insisted Huseyin Celik, a deputy leader of the ruling party, who said the mine "was inspected vigorously 11 times since 2009."

Akin Celik, the Soma mining company's operations manager, said there was "no negligence" involved. He said thick smoke from the underground fire cost the lives of miners who had no gas masks.

A protester is kicked by Yusuf Yerkel, advisor to Turkey's Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan, as Special Forces police officers detain him during a protest against Erdogan's visit to Soma An adviser to Turkey's PM was seen kicking a protester in Soma on Thursday

Energy Minister Taner Yildiz said that anyone found to have been negligent about safety at the mine can expect punishment.

Soma resident Ibrahim Ali Hasdan said he was astonished by claims that there was no negligence.

The owner of the mine, Alp Gurkan, said he had spent his own money improving standards at the mine and hoped to continue operations there after correcting any problems found by investigators.

TURKEY-MINING-ACCIDENT The scene of the coal mine accident in Soma, western Turkey

Grieving relatives in Soma laid dozens of their dead to rest in mass burials this week, chanting the names of lost miners and wailing with photos of their loved ones pinned to their chests.

Funeral prayers were being held in mosques throughout Turkey for the victims. Mr Erdogan attended one in Istanbul.

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Leroy Harris: TV Actor Shot In Leg In Dublin

An actor who starred in an Irish crime drama which has also been shown on Channel 5 has been shot in the leg in Dublin city centre.

Leroy Harris, who appeared in Love/Hate, was taken to hospital after the attack in the Rutland Cottages area.

He was walking with a friend through the inner city suburb early on Friday morning when he was approached by a gunman who opened fire.

A police spokesman said the reason for the shooting is unclear.

"Gardai in Mountjoy Garda station are investigating a firearms incident that occurred at Rutland Cottages, Dublin 1, early this morning," he said.

"At approximately 3.40am a lone male approached two men as they walked near Rutland Cottages.

"The lone male discharged a firearm at one of the men, injuring his leg.

"The injured 20-year-old man was taken to the Mater hospital with injuries described as 'not life threatening'."

The spokesman said the second man, whose identity is not known, was not injured.

Harris has now been released from hospital.

The Channel 5 website describes Love/Hate as depicting "the drug addiction, squalor and violence of organised crime that has grown in post-boom Ireland".

Harris was in three episodes of series four of the drama, which has been a hit on its original station RTE.

Channel 5 has only shown series one so far.

Love/Hate sparked anger for a scene involving Harris' character in which a cat was shot.

Before starring in the show, the actor appeared in Irish independent film Happy Ever Afters.

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Kenya Blasts As Britons Warned To Leave

Two bombs have exploded in a busy market in the Kenyan capital as hundreds of British tourists prepare to return to the UK amid warnings of a "high threat" of terrorism.

At least 13 people were killed and more than 70 others wounded in the blasts on a minibus and in Nairobi's Gikomba Market.

Kenya's National Disaster Operation Centre said the explosions, condemned by Foreign Secretary William Hague as "appalling acts of violence", were caused by homemade bombs and that one person had been arrested.

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) has warned Britons of a "high threat" of terrorism.

A policeman inspects a damaged public transport van at the scene of a twin explosion at the Gikomba open-air market for second-hand clothes in Nairobi The scene of one of two explosions in Nairobi

Similar advice has been issued by the governments of France, Australia and the US, prompting travel company Thomson to begin evacuating its 400 customers from the country.

Holidaymakers are being advised to leave unless there is "an essential reason to remain".

A Sky News source said the threat was not specific to British people and no precise plot had been uncovered.

"The advice to consider leaving is due to a general worsening of the security situation over time," the source said.

British tourists leaving Kenya Thomson is said to be flying all of its 400 customers back to the UK

Another source claimed there was "an increased threat to Western nationals since Westgate" - a reference to the attack on the Westgate shopping centre in Nairobi last September by the Somali militant group al Shabaab in which at least 67 people died.

The FCO website has a map of Kenya marking the areas of concern. These include anywhere within 60km of the Kenya-Somali border, the Eastleigh area of Nairobi and Mombasa Island.

The advisory does not cover tourist areas of Diani or Moi international airport which serves the city of Mombasa.

Kenya. The areas of concern, according to the FCO website

Explaining the threat, the advice reads: "There is a high threat from terrorism, including kidnapping. The main threat comes from extremists linked to al Shabaab, a militant group that has carried out attacks in Kenya in response to Kenya's military intervention in Somalia.

"There has been a spate of small-scale grenade, bomb and armed attacks in Nairobi (especially the area of Eastleigh), Mombasa, and North Eastern Province."

The US cited hotels, nightclubs and shopping centres in Mombasa as possible targets.

British tourists leaving Kenya The Foreign Office has warned against all but essential travel

One flight carrying returning holidaymakers arrived in Gatwick airport on Friday morning and another was due in late on Friday. They had been scheduled to fly on May 20 and 27.

Kenyan authorities have pledged to beef up security but insisted visitors were safe.

Karanja Kibicho, principal secretary at Kenya's foreign affairs department, said the advisories were "obviously unfriendly acts".

Plain-clothed policemen check the damage on a passenger bus An attack on a market area in Mombasa on May 4 killed seven people

Interior ministry spokesman Mwenda Njoka added: "The threats are perpetual, we are at war. But we have not received any specific threat on the hotels."

The latest bombings follow explosions in Nairobi and Mombasa on May 3 and 4, which Kenya blames on al Shabaab. Seven people were killed.

Thomson and First Choice have announced they are suspending all flights to Mombasa for six months. 

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Rolf Harris: 'It Takes Two To Tango', Trial Told

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 15 Mei 2014 | 00.27

By Nick Pisa, Sky News Reporter

Entertainer Rolf Harris told the brother of one of his alleged victims: ''It takes two to tango'' when confronted about claims he had sexually abused her, a court has heard.

The man spoke on day four of the trial against 84-year-old Harris, who is facing 12 charges of indecent assault.

He said when his younger sister revealed she had been abused for ''most of her life'' by Harris he ''became angry'' and later called him to confront him.

The man told Southwark Crown Court he wanted ''to tell him not to contact my sister'' and was asked by prosecutor Ms Sasha Wass what the reaction had been.

He said: ''He told me 'It takes two to tango'."

The court has heard how Harris first targeted the man's sister while she was on a family holiday in Hawaii and Australia.

He has admitted having a physical relationship with the woman but only after she was over the age of consent.

Meanwhile, a childhood friend of the woman told the court how Harris was described as a "dirty old man".

The witness said she was "shocked and horrified" when the now 49-year-old alleged victim told her what he had done to her.

Rolf Harris court arrival Rolf Harris was accompanied to court by several friends and family members

The court has heard Harris first abused the woman during a holiday in Hawaii when she was 13 years old in 1978 and continued until she was 29.

At the time, the alleged victim was the best friend of the entertainer's daughter Bindi and he is said to have groped her in a hotel room and on a waterside jetty.

The alleged victim's friend told the court: "Rolf Harris was a well-known and well-loved celebrity, pretty much well-known to all of us."

She added she was a classmate of the alleged victim and told the court she had had a conversation with her friend where she described him as a "dirty old man".

The witness said in 1996, after she had moved to New Zealand, the alleged victim called and spoke to her again about the sexual abuse she had allegedly suffered.

The alleged victim's friend told the court: "He had been abusing her through her teens and beyond ... at the age of 13, 14.

"It went on for many years. I didn't want to go into details at the time because it wasn't the place. It was quite distressing. She told her parents, no one else I don't think knew."

Under cross-examination from Sonia Woodley QC, the witness was asked about her friend's drinking.

She said she never smelt alcohol on her breath at school but did "in a home environment".

When questioned again by Ms Wass to explain further her friend's "anxiety" at school, she said: "She never seemed to have a lot of self-confidence. She was a lovely, lovely girl. She just sometime ... took to drink to give her confidence."

Harris faces 12 charges of indecent assault between 1968 and 1986, which he denies.

He followed proceedings via a hearing loop from the dock. Several family members and friends were also in court. The trial continues.

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Jasmyn Chan Parents Appeal To Find Driver

By Nick Martin, North Of England Correspondent

The parents of a teenager who was knocked down and killed by a hit-and-run driver have said someone knows who was responsible for their daughter's death.

Jasmyn Chan, 14, was killed trying to shield her best friend from the path of an oncoming car in Sheffield last Friday.

In an emotional news conference, her mother Paula McCullie and father Peter Chan said they could not put into words the "loss and devastation" her death has caused.

In a statement Mr Chan said: "Someone knows something.

"I am appealing to all mothers and fathers, please if you know who is responsible do the right thing and contact the police.

"Please just think if this was your daughter, our family are desperate for answers.

Jasmyn Chan. Flowers left at the scene in tribute to the girl

"Try to understand how this has happened to our precious little Jasmyn.

"Our daughter was beautiful inside and out and I can not put into words the pain and devastation I feel in my heart knowing she has gone.

"As a family we are all heartbroken and I don't know how we will ever get over losing our precious Jasmyn. Please if you know something, come forward now."

Jasmyn Chan. One of the messages left for Jasmyn

The incident happened at Normanton Hill at 9.20pm on Friday night.

Police investigating the collision said they were following "significant developments" in their efforts to track down the driver.

Chief Inspector Stuart Walne from South Yorkshire Police appealed for the driver to come forward.

He said: "Please give Jasmyn's parents some solace and some answers in relation to what's happened."

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Claudia Lawrence: Man To Be Bailed By Police

Missing Claudia: Timeline Of Events

Updated: 4:58pm UK, Tuesday 13 May 2014

Here is Claudia Lawrence's last known movements and the investigation since her disappearance:


March 18

:: 5.57am - Miss Lawrence is seen on CCTV arriving for work at the University of York's Goodricke College.

:: 2.31pm - The chef leaves work to walk the three miles to her home on Heworth Road.

A female colleague sees her as she drives past in her car and gives her a lift, dropping her off outside her house.

A short time later, Miss Lawrence leaves her house and walks past the Nags Head pub. She has a brief conversation with a woman with a pram.

:: 3.05pm - The last sighting of Miss Lawrence as she walks back to her house.

:: 8.10pm - Miss Lawrence has a telephone conversation with her father, Peter, and then another with her mother, Joan.

:: 8.23pm - She sends a text message to a friend.

:: 9.12pm - Miss Lawrence receives a text on her mobile phone but it is not known if she read the message.

March 19

:: 6am - Miss Lawrence fails to arrive for her shift at work.

:: Later in the evening, Miss Lawrence fails to keep an arrangement to meet her friend, Suzy Cooper, at the Nags Head pub.

Ms Cooper discovers her friend did not attend work and rings Mr Lawrence, who contacts North Yorkshire Police.

March 23

:: Mr Lawrence, a solicitor from Slingsby, North Yorkshire, makes an emotional appeal for information about his daughter at a news conference in York. He describes Miss Lawrence's disappearance as a "living nightmare".

:: Police say they cannot rule out the possibility that the chef has been abducted.

March 25

:: Detective Superintendent Ray Galloway, leading the investigation, says he believes Miss Lawrence may have come to harm after meeting someone she knew.

He confirms around 100 police officers are involved in the search and says North Yorks Police are bringing in officers from other forces to help.

CCTV footage of the chef's last known movements is released.

March 30

:: Detective Superintendent Galloway makes an appeal for information on BBC1's Crimewatch programme.

April 7

:: Mr Lawrence holds his first weekly press conference at his home and appeals for anyone protecting his daughter's possible abductor to come forward.

April 16

:: Police say they are investigating "significant" new lines of inquiry, including a couple seen arguing near a car on Miss Lawrence's route to work the day after she was last seen and two men apparently trying the front door to her house in the week before she disappeared.

April 24

:: Detectives say they are treating Miss Lawrence's disappearance as a suspected murder investigation and Crimestoppers offers a £10,000 reward for information leading to the conviction of those responsible.

Detective Superintendent Galloway also reveals new information received from members of the public. He says one witness reported seeing a man and a woman walking near the University of York between 6am and 6.30am on March 17 and March 19.

Another witness saw a man and a woman, possibly matching Miss Lawrence's description, at 5.35am on March 19 on Melrosegate on the chef's route to work.

April 29

:: Mrs Lawrence releases her first statement through police describing her daughter's disappearance as "every parent's worst nightmare"

May 6

:: Police reveal they have received more than 1,000 calls about Miss Lawrence's disappearance since March 22 and have taken 1,096 statements and reports.

Officers involved in the investigation have visually searched around 1,270 properties, including gardens and outbuildings and student halls of residence at the University of York.

May 15

:: Police release CCTV footage of a man seen near Miss Lawrence's home in the early hours of March 19.

Detective Superintendent Galloway says the number of searching officers has been scaled-down and police are now only carrying out intelligence-led searches.

June 2

:: A reconstruction of Miss Lawrence's last known movements and possible witness sightings is screened on BBC1's Crimewatch programme.

Detective Superintendent Galloway tells the show that Miss Lawrence was involved in relationships of "complexity and mystery" and appeals to anyone who had ever been in a relationship with the chef to come forward.

August 19

:: Police say an external review of the investigation by the National Policing Improvement Agency (NPIA) is "extremely positive" and the force are acting upon a list recommendations.

September 18

:: Detectives reveal they have extended their investigation to Cyprus.


March 18

:: Police reveal Ms Lawrence spent the night with a mystery boyfriend just two days before she went missing. It was "critical" they spoke to the man, a detective adds.

March 24

:: Detectives search an area near York University following new information.

May 25

:: Police confirm they have spent two days searching a house about 10 miles from Claudia's home as a result of a "recent development".

July 29

:: Police confirm they are scaling back the number of officers dedicated to the inquiry.

Assistant Chief Constable Tim Madgwick says 100 officers were dedicated to the investigation at its height.

A year after Miss Lawrence disappeared, this figure had dropped to about 20 to 30 and there were now 16 detectives involved. Mr Madgwick says they will be cut cut to seven officers the following month.

August 8

:: A man arrested on suspicion of burglary has been spoken to about the case, North Yorks police say.

But he is described as  "one of many people spoken to during the course of the investigation" and there still have been no formal suspects identified by the inquiry team.

September 20

:: Mr Lawrence speaks of his "devastation" after it is revealed that a cash reward for information was being dropped.

The decision means the North Yorks Police will remove their appeal posters from fleet vehicles because they refer to the reward.


March 18

:: On the second anniversary of Miss Lawrence's disappearance, Detective Superintendent Galloway reveals that he could have "potentially" spoken to her killer.

December 13

:: Detectives say they are pursuing a new lead which could be "significant".


March 16

:: Peter Lawrence speaks of his daily pain over his daughter's disappearance and makes a plea for anyone who may still harbour a sense of "misguided loyalty" to come forward and help with the police investigation.

July 10

:: Martin Dales, spokesman for Mr Lawrence, says a former private detective has contacted him to say he spotted someone with a striking resemblance to Claudia a week earlier in Amsterdam.


February 27

:: Family and friends of Miss Lawrence make an emotional appeal for help to find her on what would have been her 39th birthday.

October 29

:: Police announce a new forensic search of Miss Lawrence's home is to begin as they launch a fresh review of the case.


March 17

:: Mr Lawrence, speaking ahead of the fifth anniversary of his daughter's disappearance, says not knowing what happened to his daughter five years after she disappeared is like a "cancer" eating away at him.

March 19

:: Police say a new forensic examination of Claudia's house has uncovered the fingerprints of people who still have not come forward five years after she disappeared. They say they are seeking to trace two men and two vehicles seen near her home.

April 17

:: North Yorks Police say 121 people have come forward to help their inquiry since a national appeal was made to coincide with the fifth anniversary of her disappearance. They say taxi drivers may have important information about the case.

May 13

:: A 59-year-old man is arrested on suspicion of murder by detectives investigating the disappearance.

:: A police spokeswoman says Miss Lawrence has not been found and they cannot rule out the possibility of further arrests in the future.

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Six Brothers 'Sexually Abused Girl' For Years

Six brothers have been charged with sexually abusing a girl in North Carolina for more than a decade.

The alleged abuse began when the girl was four and lasted until she was 14, Sheriff Eric Tilley in Hertford said.

The investigation began in late 2012 after one of the brothers, 27-year-old Eric Jackson, went to a pastor at his church and confessed.

Then he reportedly confessed to authorities.

According to the Virginian Pilot newspaper, Jackson told police he needed to "walk in the light and confess his sin".

He and his brothers - Jon, 25, Matthew, 22, Nathaniel, 21, Benjamin, 19, and Aaron, 18 - were arrested on charges including sexual assault and rape.

North Carolina family accused of abuseNorth Carolina family accused of abuse Parents John and Nita Jackson are accused of failing to act

The investigation lasted over a year because initially the girl did not speak to authorities.

Mr Tilley told local TV station WTKR: "I don't think they know the magnitude of what they've done because I don't think they knew it was wrong.

"They haven't been taught any differently. I'm not sure when that's going to sink in exactly what they were doing was wrong."

Authorities also say their parents knew about the abuse but failed to report it or take any action to stop it.

The pair, John Jackson, 65, and Nita, 54, have been charged with felony child abuse and released on bail.

The mother is accused of witnessing at least one case of abuse.

The brothers moved to a house on a quiet rural street in Carolina 12 years ago and lived a reclusive life.

They were home schooled and had little education. Authorities say the girl was home schooled with them.

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Interest Rate To Remain Low For 'Some Time'

Affordability Gap: Figures In Detail

Updated: 11:45pm UK, Tuesday 13 May 2014

The 10 most affordable and least affordable areas to buy a property in England and Wales.

They are listed by their affordability gap - the ratio between average house prices and average earnings of locals in each area.

The first figure is the average house price in that area, the next is the average local earnings, and the third is the affordability gap - calculated by dividing the first figure by the second...

Top Ten    

Kensington and Chelsea £935,000 £42,957  21.8  

Westminster £748,500   £38,355  19.5  

Camden £595,000   £37,372  15.9  

Hammersmith and Fulham £550,000 £34,778  15.8

Islington £450,100 £34,876  12.9 

Elmbridge £444,500 £36,161  12.3 

Wandsworth £450,000   £36,618  12.3 

Richmond upon Thames £475,000   £38,860  12.2 

Hackney £378,500   £31,023  12.2 

Brent £340,000  £27,950  12.2 

Bottom Ten   

Wigan £105,000   £25,589  4.1

Neath Port Talbot £93,750   £23,462  4.0

Stoke-on-Trent £88,000   £22,620  3.9

Merthyr Tydfil £86,000   £22,396  3.8   

Rhondda, Cynon, Taff £93,000   £24,872  3.7

Pendle £85,000   £22,932  3.7

Barrow-in-Furness £92,500   £27,794  3.3

Blaenau Gwent £70,000   £21,034  3.3

Copeland £115,000   £35,105  3.3

Burnley £71,500   £24,612  2.9 

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Hall's Silence In Sex Abuse Trial 'Is Relevant'

By Mike McCarthy, North Of England Correspondent

Jurors in the trial of former broadcaster Stuart Hall have been told the defendant's decision not to go into the witness box is relevant.

Judge Mr Justice Turner QC told them they were entitled to consider whether Hall's silence was because he had no answer to the prosecution.

But he also said that they could not jump to the conclusion that it proved the case against him.

The judge was summing up at the end of a seven-day trial in which the 84-year-old ex-presenter has pleaded not guilty to 15 charges of rape and five of indecent assault.

He has pleaded guilty to one charge of indecent assault.

Hall, 84, is currently serving a 30-month prison sentence after admitting 14 indecent assault charges in a separate case last year.

Mr Justice Turner reminded the jury of Hall's previous convictions and that the prosecution and defence had disagreed about whether they showed he was more likely to have committed the offences in the current case.

Two women have given evidence at Preston Crown Court saying they were abused as children after being plied with alcohol by Hall who was trusted by their families.

They claim they were raped in his BBC dressing room in Manchester and at several other locations including Hall's own home.

Hall claims the sex, which took place between 1976 and 1981, was consensual.

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Kate And William Hacked 190 Times By NOTW

The News Of The World's former royal editor has admitted hacking the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's phones nearly 200 times.

Clive Goodman told the Old Bailey he accessed the voicemail on Prince William's phone 35 times and Kate Middleton's on a total of 155 occasions.

It is the first time Goodman, who was jailed in 2007 for illegally accessing the voicemails on the mobiles of Royal aides, has admitted he hacked the Royal couple while working at the now-defunct tabloid.

But having returned to the witness box after weeks of ill health, he was accused of being more heavily involved in phone hacking with private detective Glenn Mulcaire in 2005 and 2006 than was previously heard.

Jurors were told Kate was even hacked on Christmas Day 2005.

The details emerged as Goodman was being cross examined by ex-NOTW editor Andy Coulson's lawyer Timothy Langdale QC.

Former private detective Glenn Mulcaire Private investigator Glenn Mulcaire

He asked: "I'm going to suggest you had direct contact with Glenn Mulcaire significantly before the time you have told us - that you yourself had been hacking on a much wider scale than you have told this court about."

Goodman said he had not been asked a direct question.

The witness said he had been assured by the Crown Prosecution Service he would not be charged with any more hacking but no-one had asked him.

When presented with a list of hacking victims, he said: "I'm not on trial for hacking," adding: "There has been no intention to deceive you or anybody else in relation to phone hacking."

On his arrest in 2006, Mr Langdale said: "It's the one thing you must have been more worried about than anything else that it would become clear you yourself had been hacking members of the royal family."

Goodman replied: "I was terrified of the whole thing. I was mortified."

Mr Langdale said Kate Middleton, who was to become the Duchess of Cambridge, was first hacked on October 21, 2005.

Former News International chief executive Rebekah Brooks arrives at the Old Bailey courthouse in London Rebekah Brooks and Andy Coulson

Mr Langdale asked the witness why she had been targeted and if he had tasked Mulcaire to do it.

He replied: "She was a figure of increasing importance around the royal family. There were discussions about her and Prince William marrying, moving in, settling down. She started to receive semi royal status and things were moving on."

Mr Langdale said: "You are telling us Glenn Mulcaire hacked her without any instruction from you? Did you task him to do that?"

He replied: "I do not remember tasking him to do that. It's possible but I do not recall.

"I have been as open and honest about hacking as I can be but nobody has asked me any questions about this before."

While giving evidence about extra payments made to Mulcaire for hacking the Royal household, Goodman said: "Let's face it, at this time, Andy Coulson was no stranger to hacking."

He is on trial along with former NOTW editor Coulson, later Prime Minister David Cameron's media chief, of authorising illegal payments to public officials

Coulson and Rebekah Brooks, another former editor and later chief executive of Rupert Murdoch's British newspaper arm, are also on trial accused of phone-hacking offences.

All seven defendants on trial deny the charges.

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Turkey: Oxygen Pumped To Trapped Miners

Rescuers are pumping oxygen into a coal mine in western Turkey as they battle to save more than 100 miners trapped underground following a blast which left at least 238 dead.

Hundreds of frantic relatives have crowded around the surface of the mine, in Soma, some 155 miles (250km) south of Istanbul, anxiously waiting for news, more than 24 hours after the disaster.

Relatives wailed as victims were pulled one by one from the mine on stretchers. Blankets were pulled away from the faces of the dead to give the jostling crowd a chance to identify their loved ones.

Several people had to be restrained as they desperately tried to climb into ambulances with the bodies.

Riot police run away from the flames of a fire bomb thrown by protesters as they demonstrate to blame the ruling AK Party (AKP) government on mining disaster in western Turkey, in Ankara Riot police clash with protesters in Ankara in the wake of the disaster

There are reports that one of the victims was just 15 years old. 

Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has visited the scene, said the latest figures suggest 120 miners are still trapped. 

Those still underground are thought to be some 1.2 miles (2km) below the surface and 2.5 miles (4km) from the mine entrance.

Despite efforts to help any survivors who may be struggling to breathe, the country's energy minister Taner Yildiz said "hopes are diminishing" among rescuers. 

Scores Of Miners Trapped Underground After Fire In Mine Miners have been searching for their co-workers for over 24 hours

The last miner to be rescued alive emerged from the mine in the early hours of the morning.

A fire was said to have been burning inside the mine long into the day and high levels of carbon monoxide have forced rescue teams to halt the operation on a number of occasions.

The poisonous gas is considered responsible for the majority of fatalities.

TV pictures earlier showed survivors coughing and spluttering as they were pulled out alive, their faces coated with black dust.

A man kisses his son after he was rescued from a mine in Soma, western Turkey The father of one of the dozens of rescued miners embraces his son

The disaster struck around 3pm local time on Tuesday during a change of shifts, meaning more than the usual number of workers were underground.

Turkey's energy minister previously said 787 workers were in the mine at the time of the blast, although there is now a degree of uncertainty about that figure.

According to Turkey's Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency just 93 people were pulled out alive, a significantly smaller number than previously reported.

Authorities say the disaster was caused by an electrical fault which triggered an explosion and a fire.

Riot police detain a protester as he and others demonstrate to blame the ruling AK Party (AKP) government on the mining disaster in western Turkey, in Ankara Protesters in Ankara and Istanbul blame the government for the disaster

For many who have lost loved ones fear has now turned into anger as reports suggest poor safety standards could have contributed to the disaster.

Dozens have taken to the streets of Istanbul to protest the deaths. In Ankara police fired tear gas and water cannon at demonstrators shouting anti-government slogans.

According to Turkey's main opposition party Mr Erdogan's government voted down a proposal to launch an inquiry into a number of previous accidents at mines around Soma just two weeks ago.

Foreign Secretary William Hague is due to meet his Turkish counterpart in London tomorrow, and says he will discuss whether to send British aid to Turkey.

Scores Of Miners Trapped Underground After Fire In Mine Prime Minister Erdogan has announced three days of mourning

 "I was deeply saddened to hear the news of the mining disaster in Soma, Turkey," he said.

"My thoughts and sympathies are with all those who are missing, their families, and also the rescue workers working tirelessly to search for survivors of this tragedy."

White House spokesman Jay Carney said the US is also ready to offer assistance to Turkey.

"On behalf of the American people, we extend our heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims and our best wishes for the safe exit of the remaining miners," he said.

TURKEY MINE MAP Soma, in Turkey's western Manisa province, is known for its mining industry

"Turkey is a close and long-standing friend and ally of the United States. We are ready to assist the Turkish government if necessary. And we will continue to stand together in this time of tragedy."

Journalist Dorian Jones told Sky News one Soma miner had told him he felt like a "lamb to the slaughter" every time he went to work.

In a statement, mine operator Soma Komur Isletmeleri described the explosion as a "tragic accident" which happened "despite maximum safety measures and inspections".

According to Turkey's ministry of labour, the pit was last inspected on March 17 and was found to be compliant with safety regulations.

Turkey's mines have one of the worst safety records in the developed world. 

The country's worst mining disaster was in 1992, when a gas explosion killed 263 workers near the Black Sea port of Zonguldak.

Turkey has declared three days of national mourning.

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Charity Fundraiser Stephen Sutton Dies

Teenager Stephen Sutton, who raised more than £3m for charity after his bucket list went viral on the internet, has died after losing his cancer battle.

His mother wrote on his Facebook page: "My heart is bursting with pride but breaking with pain for my courageous, selfless, inspirational son who passed away peacefully in his sleep in the early hours of this morning, Wednesday 14th May.

"The ongoing support and outpouring of love for Stephen will help greatly at this difficult time, in the same way as it helped Stephen throughout his journey.

"We all know he will never be forgotten, his spirit will live on, in all that he achieved and shared with so many."

Charity fund-faiser Stephen Sutton dies Stephen raised more than £3m for charity and the total continues to rise

Within 30 minutes of the posting, more than 60,000 messages of condolence had been left on his Facebook page.

Prime Minister David Cameron, who met Stephen, told Sky News: "He was really inspiring. I feel deeply sorry for Stephen's family, for everyone that knew him.

"He was determined not to waste a minute, not to waste an hour, or a day. I can hardly think of anyone I have met with such a zest for life, with such a belief that you can get things done, and who wanted to live every minute.

"He did extraordinary things for charity and meeting him was a huge privilege. A very bright light has gone out."

The Teenage Cancer Trust, who Stephen raised money for, said in a statement: "We are humbled and hugely grateful for what Stephen achieved, and continues to achieve, for young people with cancer."

News of Stephen's death came shortly after his family said the 19-year-old had become too sick to communicate as his condition deteriorated.

Stephen Sutton David Cameron visited the teenager and said he was "an inspiration"

He was readmitted to hospital on Sunday after having previously been discharged when it appeared he had made a "miraculous recovery" by coughing up a tumour.

At the time he revealed that he was suffering from breathlessness and said doctors thought there was something blocking his airway.

He wrote on Facebook: "The doctors think there may be something restricting my airway again, they're not sure exactly what yet though (tumour regrowth, infection, inflammation, are all potential reasons mentioned), but are currently discussing the possibilities and my scan results to decide what to do next."

Stephen, from Burntwood in Staffordshire, was diagnosed with bowel cancer when he was 15.

Despite treatment the tumours spread, with doctors telling him the disease was terminal in 2012.

Hundreds of thousands of people have supported his fundraising efforts for the Teenage Cancer Trust since he posted a picture of himself in hospital in April with a goodbye message as he thought he was nearing death.

The amount collected totals £3.3m and continues to rise by tens of thousands of pounds as donations poured in following news of Stephen's death.

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Oscar Pistorius To Have Psychiatric Tests

Oscar Pistorius must undergo psychiatric tests, the judge in his murder trial has ruled.

The move is likely to lead to significant delays in the case, but Judge Thokozile Masipa said it was about justice, not convenience.

She said Pistorius could be evaluated as an out-patient, indicating he would not have to be admitted to a psychiatric hospital.

Further details about the referral are likely to come out when the order is officially made on Tuesday.

The prosecution made the application for an assessment after defence evidence from a forensic psychiatrist, who said the defendant had generalised anxiety disorder.

Pistorius promo

But the defence argued there was no need for psychiatric observation and the application had "no merit".

The prosecution has already claimed the decision to call Dr Merryl Vorster so late in the trial - after Pistorius himself had given evidence - may be a "fallback option" for the defence in the event of a guilty verdict.

Sending the 27-year-old for mental health tests at this stage could eliminate the possibility of an appeal by the defence on the grounds that Pistorius' mental health had not been fully and adequately assessed.

If Pistorius were found to be suffering from a mental illness, he could be held not criminally responsible for his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp's death and found not guilty by reason of "mental illness or intellectual disability".

Reeva Steenkamp Pistorius denies murdering Reeva Steenkamp in a premeditated attack

Judge Masipa said the court was "ill-equipped" to assess the diagnosis by Dr Vorster, and so ruled Pistorius should be sent for evaluation.

She said: "The accused may not have raised the issue that he was not criminally responsible at the time of the incident in so many words, but evidence led on his behalf clearly raised the issue and cannot be ignored."

In her evidence, Dr Vorster said Pistorius had GAD and was a "distrusting and guarded" person who is "hyper-vigilant" about security.

But she also said he was able to able "to function at a high-level", and did socialise.

Pistorius is accused of killing Ms Steenkamp in a premeditated attack at his home in Pretoria, South Africa, on Valentine's Day last year.

He denies the charge and claims he shot his partner after mistaking her for an intruder.

The trial was adjourned until May 20.

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