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JonBenet Grand Jury Sought Child Abuse Charges

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 26 Oktober 2013 | 00.48

Court documents have revealed that a 1999 grand jury indicted the parents of murdered JonBenet Ramsay for child abuse resulting in death and accessory to a crime, including murder.

The indictment, released for the first time on Friday, did not point to who might have killed John and Patsy's six-year-old daughter.

The grand jury tasked with investigating the girl's death found that her parents "did unlawfully, knowingly, recklessly and feloniously permit a child to be unreasonably placed in a situation which posed a threat of injury ... which resulted in death".

RAMSEY GRAND JURY LEAVES COURTHOUSE FOR DAY. Members of grand jury leave after meeting in 1999

The indictment, which the prosecutor refused to prosecute, said the crimes occurred between December 25 and December 26, 1996.

JonBenet's body was discovered bludgeoned and strangled in her family's home in Boulder, Colorado, on December 26.

The document also alleges both parents intended to delay or prevent the arrest of the alleged killer.

180 JonBenet Ramsey photo beauty queen JonBenet's pageant videos were aired around the world

The couple denied any wrongdoing in their daughter's death.

Patsy Ramsey died of cancer in 2006, still fighting to clear her name.

In 2008, former district attorney Mary Lacy said DNA evidence suggested the girl's killer was a stranger, not a family member, and she announced that she planned to treat the Ramseys as victims of the crime.

BOULDER DISTRICT ATTORNEY ARRIVES FOR ANNOUNCEMENT. Former district attorney Alex Hunter opted not to pursue charges

The grand jury documents - sealed for 14 years - were released after the Daily Camera and the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press filed a lawsuit to seek the records.

The Daily Camera reported in January that members of the grand jury had voted to indict the Ramseys, but then-Boulder district attorney Alex Hunter opted not to pursue the indictment.

Officials have never explained that decision.

John Ramsey's attorney, Hal Haddon, declined to comment on Friday.

180 JonBenet Ramsey photo beauty queen No charges were filed against John Karr

He issued a letter earlier in the week opposing release of the indictment, pointing out that Ms Lacy cleared the Ramseys in 2008.

The case remains one of the most notorious unsolved murders in US history.

At the time, videos of the girl competing in child beauty pageants made headlines around the world, with Boulder police receiving thousands of tips over the case.

The case became the centre of media attention for a second time in 2006 when former primary school teacher John Mark Karr claimed he killed the former Little Miss Colorado "by accident".

No charges were filed against Karr after his DNA failed to match a sample found on JonBenet's clothes.

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Weather: Storm Alerts As UK Set For 'Hurricane'

Severe weather alerts have been issued amid fears Britain could be hit by the most powerful storm in years.

Forecast of the storm over Britain A Met office image shows a forecast for the storm on Monday

A series of wind, rain and flood alerts are now in place as forecasters predict hurricane-speed gusts of more than 80mph.

But in order to be scientifically classed a hurricane, the winds need to be sustained.

The Met Office is warning people to "be prepared for the risk of falling trees as well as damage to buildings and other structures".

The storm is developingForecast for Sunday afternoon Forecasts show how the storm might develop and move towards the UK

The storm is currently brewing over the Atlantic and its full force could hit UK land on Sunday night, into Monday.

Meteorologists are urging people to prepare for the storm, with some comparing its potential to the Great Storm of 1987 and record-breaking gales in South Wales in 1989.

Sky weather presenter Jo Wheeler said: "Late October is notorious for strong storms, with a wind gust of 124mph recorded in the Vale of Glamorgan in 1989.

Map shows the amber and yellow alerts The Met Office website shows amber and yellow alerts for Monday

"Should this storm achieve its potential, it is likely to bring down trees and to cause damage to roads and buildings, possibly causing major transport disruption and power cuts."

Wheeler says the storm is due to develop over the Atlantic in the next 24 hours as a strong jet stream and warm air combine to create a deep low-pressure system.

Its trajectory is still unclear but there are fears it may wreak havoc in England and Wales if it hits land.

If it does make land, it is likely to batter Wales and the South West first before sweeping east and touching most of the country.

Exposed coasts in Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Hampshire, West Sussex, East Sussex and Kent are most likely to feel the brunt of the winds.

There is a chance the storm could miss land completely, sweeping instead through the English Channel.

Met Office senior forecaster Helen Chivers said: "Winds of that strength are damaging winds - there will be a risk of damage to homes and trees and disruption to travel.

"This is not a storm you see every winter. The storm of 1987 is one, and the Burns day storm in January 1990 is another."

Atlantic storms of this type usually develop further west across the ocean, losing strength by the time they reach the UK and Ireland.

But this one is unusual in that it is expected to appear much closer to land, potentially moving across the country while it is in its most powerful phase.

A policeman surveys the damage on a London road in 1987 There are already fears the storm may compare to the Great Storm of 1987

The storm is expected to strike two weeks later than the Great Storm of 1987, which left a trail of destruction on October 15 and 16.

It flattened trees, knocked out power and left 22 people dead in England and France.

Forecasters at the time famously failed to predict the severity of the storm.

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Nigerian Forces Kill 74 Boko Haram Militants

Nigerian armed forces have killed 74 Boko Haram militants in air and ground raids, the military has confirmed.

The troops launched their offensive against Boko Haram camps in remote villages in the northeast state of Borno, where the group has its strongest presence.

The military appears to be stepping up its offensive against the militants, who have killed thousands of people since their uprising began four years ago.

Lieutenant Colonel Mohammed Dole said: "The operation, which involved ground and aerial assault supported by the Nigerian Air Force led to the destruction of the identified terrorist camps, killing 74 terrorists while others fled with serious injuries."

Nigeria Borno The army is stepping up operations in the Boko Haram stronghold of Borno

He said that two soldiers had been wounded in the operation.

It is the second strike against the Islamist sect in a week. Last week, the army said it had killed 37 Boko Haram members in a similar operation in another remote area of Borno.

Nigerian forces have intensified attacks against Boko Haram since May, when President Goodluck Jonathan declared a state of emergency in three states in the northeast.

However, the group has retaliated. In late September militants shot dead 40 students as they slept at a college in the region.

UN headquarters attack in Nigeria Boko Haram carried out a bombing at the UN headquarters in Abuja in 2011

Boko Haram is fighting to establish an Islamic state in religiously mixed Nigeria.

The group launched its uprising against the state in 2009, turning itself from a clerical movement opposed to Western culture into an armed militia with links to al Qaeda's West African wing.

The group is seen as the biggest security threat to Nigeria, Africa's top oil producer.

Although their activities are located hundreds of miles away from its southern oil fields, they have bombed the capital Abuja at least three times, including a deadly attack on the United Nations' Nigeria headquarters in 2011.

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Family Guy Spoofs Prince George Christening

The creators of hit US comedy Family Guy have wasted no time in spoofing the official royal christening photos - swapping Prince George for baby Stewie.

In the new image, six members of the Royal Family pose for a portrait but instead of cradling her three-month-old son, the Duchess of Cambridge is holding the psychopathic child Stewie.

He is seen looking into the camera with an evil expression on his face while the Queen looks on.

Stewie's sidekick, the heavy-drinking dog Brian also makes an appearance, holding a pint in one of his paws as he takes an interest in one of the Queen's corgis.

Created by Seth MacFarlane, the Emmy-winning animation follows the adventures of Peter Griffin and his family, including Stewie, in the fictional town of Quahog, Rhode Island.

The portrait has been created to coincide with the DVD release of the twelfth series of the Fox show. 

One of the episodes, entitled Chap of the Manor, sees Peter Griffin's British alter-ego, Neville, discover he is related to the Queen.

The family then take on all things British, swapping their couch for a sofa, tuning in to Wheel Of Politeness on TV and starting to drink in a pub rather than their usual bar, The Drunken Clam.

The episode is the first time the cult comedy has parodied the Royal Family.

The DVD, which features contributions from stars including James Woods and Cate Blanchett, is released on November 4.

It also includes Ricky Gervais' debut on the show where he plays a dolphin in an episode called Be Careful What You Fish For.

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Navy Officer Guilty Over Yacht-Tanker Crash

A Royal Navy officer in charge of a racing yacht which collided with an oil tanker during the Cowes Week regatta has been found guilty of three counts of contravening maritime regulations.

Roland Wilson, a lieutenant in the RN Reserves, was convicted of failing to keep a proper lookout and two counts of impeding the passage of a vessel, following a five-day trial at Southampton Magistrates' Court.

Footage of the incident, in which one crew member suffered minor head injuries and another abandoned ship, was posted on YouTube and has been viewed more than 900,000 times.

The collision The Atalanta of Chester approaching the tanker. Picture: Tim Addison

Wilson was fined £2,000 for failing to keep a proper lookout and £500 for each of the two offences of impeding the passage of a vessel and ordered to pay a £15 surcharge. The maximum penalty was £5,000 on each charge.

He was ordered to pay the full costs of the prosecution - more than £100,000.

Charles Row, prosecuting, said to Judge Callaway in court: "As you made clear in your judgement, by the grace of God, there could have been an absolute catastrophe.

"It was a serious incident and it was carefully considered that it was a proper prosecution."

The court heard that the 32-year-old was in charge of the 33ft (19.8m) yacht Atalanta of Chester, which was in collision with the 869ft (265m) Hanne Knutsen on the first day of the sailing regatta in August 2011.

This was despite the married father-of-one, from Stanley, Perthshire, having seen the tanker from five miles (8km) away.

The collision The two vessels collide. Picture: Tim Addison

During the trial, Mr Row claimed that Wilson, who owned and skippered the yacht, sailed his boat, which had seven other crew members on board, "perilously" into the path of the 138ft-wide (42m) Hanne Knutsen.

Mr Row said Wilson failed to comply with local shipping bylaws which required him to maintain a moving prohibited zone (MPZ) of 1,094 yards (1,000m) in front and 109 yards (100m) either side of a vessel greater than 492ft (150m) long.

Wilson told the court that the tanker had sounded its horn to indicate it was to turn to starboard but then did not carry out the manoeuvre, leaving him in a dangerous position in front of the vessel.

The trial heard that a motor vessel, the Joy C, had lost power and caused the Hanne Knutsen to change its intended course.

District Judge Anthony Callaway said he respected Wilson and his crew, which included highly-ranked former RN officers, but ruled that the skipper had made the wrong decision and placed his yacht and the tanker in danger.

The collision The Atalanta with a torn mast after the crash. Picture: Tim Addison

Wilson, a physics graduate from Durham University, told the court he joined the Royal Navy in 2006 and left in February this year but still remains a reservist.

At the time of the collision it was the fifth time he had raced at Cowes and he had a flat in the town which overlooked The Solent.

He said he had a short-lived position at financial services company Credit Suisse after he left the Navy until the impending court case came to light.

He is now working on new designs for inflatable boats.

Judge Callaway said: "The skipper has the ultimate say and carries responsibility accordingly and that is the position for time immemorial."

He said the accident was not a reason to criticise the Cowes Week event and said any calls to cancel or change it were "unjustified".

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Pavlo Lapshyn: Mosque Bomber Jailed For Life

A white supremacist who murdered a grandfather and bombed three mosques in the Midlands has been jailed for life.

Pavlo Lapshyn, a student from Ukraine, was told he would spend at least 40 years behind bars despite his guilty plea, after a judge described his crimes as "abhorrent".

The family of 82-year-old Mohammed Saleem, who was stabbed to death by Lapshyn in Small Heath, Birmingham, said the sentence could "never be enough", adding: "He took away the life of a beloved person."

Lapshyn, 25, began his racist campaign just five days after arriving in the UK in April this year.

Granddad Mohammed Saleem, who was murdered by racist Pavlo Lapshyn Granddad Mohammed Saleem, who was murdered by racist Lapshyn

After killing Mr Saleem, he then went on to launch three attacks on mosques in the Black Country, bringing terror to Muslim communities.

During their investigation, police found dozens of videos and hundreds of images of chemicals, firearms and bomb parts inside his office.

One clip showed him practising for the attacks by blowing up a tree in a forest in Ukraine.

Passing sentence at the Old Bailey, judge Mr Justice Sweeney told Lapshyn he had been motivated by "religious and racial hatred".

blasts Nails were used in the bomb Lapshyn planted near a mosque in Tipton

"You were clearly planning to plant and detonate more devices in the hope that you would ignite racial conflict and cause Muslims to leave the area where you were living," he said.

"Such views, hatred and motivation are abhorrent to all right thinking people and have no place whatsoever in our multi-faith and multi-cultural society."

Lapshyn had won a work placement contest and was employed at a software firm in Birmingham, but he used the months after his arrival to orchestrate a hate campaign.

He put together a home-made bomb that he hid in a child's lunchbox and left outside Walsall's Aisha mosque on June 21.

Pavlo Lapshyn walks towards a mosque in Walsall carrying a bomb Lapshyn carries a home-made bomb towards a mosque in Walsall

Seven days later he detonated a device close to Wolverhampton Central Mosque.

On July 12 he used a deadly nail bomb next to the Kanzul Iman Masjid mosque in Tipton, near Wolverhampton.

Police said he failed in his attempt to injure worshippers as they arrived for prayers because the service had been put back by an hour.

Assistant Chief Constable Marcus Beale, head of counter-terrorism for the West Midlands, said: "Lapshyn will be spending a very long time in prison and rightly so.

Pavlo Lapshyn buys a bottle of wine after planting a bomb in Walsall After planting the Walsall bomb, Lapshyn stopped to buy a bottle of wine

"He clearly would have continued with his evil bombing campaign had he not been caught."

Lapshyn was caught after he was recognised by a member of the public from CCTV pictures that were distributed in the media.

When he was interviewed by police, Lapshyn said he was acting alone and was not part of any wider group.

During the sentencing, which was delayed after a suspicious package was discovered in the courtroom, Lapshyn showed no emotion, even while the judge read out a harrowing victim impact statement from Mr Saleem's family.

Speaking outside court, the pensioner's son Shaid said: "The sentence Lapshyn received reflects the seriousness of his crimes of terror.

"His crimes were religiously and racially motivated and we hope this case serves as a deterrent to other people plotting such horrific acts of violence for the purpose of creating fear in our communities."

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UK Economy: GDP Growth Accelerates To 0.8%

The Chancellor claims there is now "real momentum" in the UK's economic recovery after GDP growth of 0.8% was measured in the third quarter.

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) said it marked the strongest period of growth in more than three years - with services, construction and manufacturing all expanding.

It was also the third successive period of improving output, in line with the expectations of economists, though some had forecast growth to have reached 1%.

The ONS said construction - a sector bolstered by Government initiatives such as Help to Buy - surged by 2.5%.

George Osborne said: "This shows that Britain's hard work is paying off & the country is on the path to prosperity."


Prime Minister David Cameron tweeted: "Today's encouraging #GDP growth figures are another sign we are turning a corner."

Labour argued the growth was "long overdue".

Overall GDP was 1.5% ahead of the same period last year - a time when the economy was being boosted by the Olympics and Paralympics.

But the economy remains 2.5% off its pre-recession peak at the start of 2008.


During the third quarter, construction was boosted by new work on private housing and private commercial building as well as domestic home repair and maintenance but remained 12.5% off its 2008 high.

Housebuilders have been buoyed by the Government's Help to Buy scheme, which recently launched a new phase offering mortgage guarantees.

Production grew by 0.5%, though this remains 12.8% off its 2008 level, while within this manufacturing improved 0.9% in the third quarter.

The powerhouse services sector, which represents three-quarters of economic output, grew by 0.7% and is now 0.6% above its pre-crisis peak.

The largest contributions here came from business services and finance, followed by distribution, hotels and restaurants.

But the wider statistics highlighted one piece of bad news - in terms of UK growth.

The contribution from utilities - including gas and electricity - tumbled by 6.8% in the period, possibly a result of the warm summer compared to the same period last year which was largely a washout and cool.

The figure was seen as a potential factor behind the decision among energy suppliers to increase household bills - to make up for lower demand.

Chris Williamson, chief economist at Markit, said: "Britain is booming again with the economy showing the most sustainable and robust-looking upturn since the financial crisis."

But Alan Clarke of Scotiabank said the figure was a "tad disappointing" - given survey data indicating growth nearer 1% - and "wasn't a home run".

Shadow chancellor Ed Balls said: "After three damaging years of flatlining, it's both welcome and long overdue that our economy is growing again.


"But for millions of people across the country still seeing prices rising faster than their wages this is no recovery at all."

Dave Prentis, general secretary of the Unison union, said growth figures will "mean nothing to the vast majority of people in this country faced with mounting household bills and stagnant wages."

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Teen Jailed For Six Years Over Acid Attack

A 16-year-old found guilty of throwing acid at a woman on her doorstep will serve six years in prison for the attack.

The teenager, who can now be named as Liam Robert Sibbons, was sentenced to eight years and three months but will serve six, with the remaining time served concurrently with a supervision order.

Sibbons' victim, Tara Quigley, 28, who did not know her attacker, suffered horrific injuries to her face and upper body when she was doused with acid at her home in Romford, Essex, on April 30.

Miss Quigley suffered burns to 7% of her body, including her right arm, forearm, shoulder, chest, neck and face and has been left permanently scarred.

She will need regular treatment over the next four years and is due to undergo another operation shortly.

Miss Quigley had been waiting for someone to deliver cannabis on the evening of the attack when she saw someone approaching the house, the court heard.

She opened the door to Sibbons, who asked to speak to "Michelle" at around 9pm.

The teen returned 10 minutes later and squirted an acidic substance into Miss Quigley's face, according to police.

Miss Quigley managed to shut the door after the assault and rinse her face with water while an ambulance was called.

Her pet dog - a long-haired Chihuahua - also required treatment but the animal is not thought to have suffered any long-term injuries.

In a victim impact statement, Miss Quigley, who was in court to see her attacker jailed and wept as details were read out, said: "The attack has left me feeling as though my life has been blown apart.

"I have been left both physically and emotional scarred, and am in constant pain and discomfort owing to burns on my face, chest and arms."

She said her life had been turned upside down and that she did not feel safe returning to her home.

"I have lost confidence in my physical appearance and feel that people will stare at me when they see the scars," she said in her statement, describing the aftermath of the attack as "crushingly stressful".

Sibbons received an acid burn to the left side of his chest in the attack, the court heard.

He has four previous convictions and was on bail at the time of the attack.

Judge David Radford said Sibbons was a drug user who was already known to the police before the events of April 30.

He said a large amount of money had been found after the teenager was arrested, adding: "Another view could be that he was paid to undertake this."

Sibbons, wearing a white shirt and dark tie, remained impassive and stared straight ahead as he was sentenced.

Prosecutor Martin Whitehouse told Snaresbrook Crown Court: "This was an horrific attack, involving a degree of brutality and callousness rarely encountered.

"Almost, one might say, beyond comprehension."

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Grangemouth's Future Saved In Last-Minute Deal

Grangemouth petrochemicals plant has been saved following a last-minute deal.

The 800 workers who were due to lose their jobs at the Falkirk plant - Scotland's largest industrial site and its only refinery - were told the news at 11am on Friday.

It came after the Unite union confirmed it would now "embrace" a survival plan in an effort to reverse a decision by Swiss-based owner Ineos to close the business.

Calum MacLean, chairman of Ineos' petrochemicals division, told a news conference a "great cheer" went up from workers as he told them their jobs were safe.

But he said "very limited redundancies" would have to be made.

Asked by one reporter if he had held a gun to Scotland's head, he replied: "I don't think that's the case."

He pointed out that Ineos had invested £1bn in the business and would invest another £300m to secure its future for at least the next 15 years.

Grangemouth Another £300m will be invested at the site, Ineos says

He said it was "only right" that by making such a "huge investment" the company had to make sure it had a "long-term sustainable base".

The agreement was to see fuel production resume at the company's oil refinery on Friday after a shutdown of more than a week.

The closure would have been a major setback for the Scottish National Party, which is leading the campaign for Scotland's independence from the UK.

Scotland's First Minister Alex Salmond said: "This news is a tremendous fillip for the workforce and the whole Grangemouth community, following what could have been a potential disaster."

Later, in an interview with Sky News, Mr Calum MacLean declined to say how many redundancies would be made. He said the £300m would be spent on building a new gas terminal at the site.

Asked what he thought of union tactics during the negotiations, he said it would have "saved a lot of traumatic effects" if union officials had begun the talks a week ago with the same attitude they had had over the past two days.

Alex Salmond Makes His Keynote Speech At The SNP Autumn Conference The closure would have been a huge blow for Alex Salmond

Jim Ratcliffe, chairman of Ineos Group, said: "This is a victory for common sense. Unite advised employees to reject change and vote for closure. Thank goodness people finally came to their senses. Grangemouth now has a great future."

Ineos said Unite had made a "dramatic U-turn" and had agreed to a three-year pay freeze, no strikes for three years, and moving to a "modern" pension scheme.

Earlier, Unite's general secretary Len McCluskey said shop stewards had decided to accept the company's survival plan "warts and all" in the wake of the closure decision.

Unite's Scottish secretary, Pat Rafferty, said: "Grangemouth is the powerhouse of the Scottish economy - it now has a fighting chance of upholding this crucial role into the future.

"Obviously today's news is tinged with sadness - decent men and women are being asked to make sacrifices to hold on to their jobs, but the clear wish of our members is that we work with the company to implement its proposals."

Ineos caused shockwaves on Wednesday when it announced it could not continue to operate its loss-making petrochemicals division, leaving hundreds of staff at risk and many more contractors facing the axe.

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Maria: Bulgarian Couple Are Roma Girl's Parents

DNA tests have confirmed that a Bulgarian couple are the biological parents of a mystery girl found in a Greek Roma camp.

Samples showed that Sasha Ruseva and Atanas Rusev were the biological parents of Maria, the blonde child who made global headlines after being spotted in Athens.

Ms Ruseva has said she gave birth to a baby girl four years ago in Greece while working as an olive picker.

BULGARIA-GREECE-CRIME-CHILDREN-ROMA A picture of two of Maria's siblings in Bulgaria

She said she gave the child away because she was too poor to care for her but insisted she did not get paid.

However, she has also reportedly told one of her neighbours that she sold the child for the equivalent of around £213.

She recognised Maria when her discovery was reported in the media, she said.

According to reports Mrs Ruseva, who is married and lives in the central Bulgarian town of Nikolaevo, has as many as 10 children.

A poster of Maria is seen in the office of the "Smile of the Child" charity in Athens A hunt was launched for the girl's parents after she was spotted in Greece

Five of those children are blonde, and even closely resemble the girl found at the camp last week.

Maria's case came to light when Greek police noticed the lack of resemblance between the blonde girl and the adults she was staying with in Athens.

Today's confirmation comes after police arrested a childless couple in Greece on suspicion of buying a baby girl and trying to register her as their own.

The couple were arrested in Athens after they allegedly paid a Roma woman 4,000 euros (£3,400) for the baby, a Greek police statement said.

Authorities are looking for the baby's birth parents.

The suspects, aged 53 and 48, were expected to be charged with child abduction.

Under Greek law this includes cases where a minor is voluntarily given away by its parents outside the legal adoption process.

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Grangemouth Job Fears As Chemical Plant Shut

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 24 Oktober 2013 | 00.27

The owner of the Grangemouth petrochemical plant is to close the operation permanently and keep shut, for now, its major oil refinery amid a continuing pay dispute.

The move threatens up to 800 jobs at the petrochemicals business, which makes products used in everyday items such as packaging and plastic bags, unless it can be sold.

The Grangemouth site's owner Ineos said while it would retain the refinery, which produces 80% of Scotland's petrol and diesel, production would remain shut down until the threat of industrial action was removed.

The Government said there was no current threat of fuel shortages in Scotland because of contingency planning.

Workers were given news of the closure at a meeting with Ineos petrochemicals chairman Calum MacLean following the passing of a deadline on a survival plan which asked all Grangemouth staff to accept changes to pensions and other terms and conditions.

David Cameron The Prime Minister described the closure as "disappointing"

The Unite union said around 680 of the site's total 1,370-strong workforce rejected the proposals, which included a pay freeze for 2014-16, removal of a bonus up to 2016, a reduced shift allowance and ending of the final salary pension scheme.

Following the meeting with staff, one worker who did not want to be named, said: "I feel sick. It's gone."

The worker, who appeared close to tears at points, told Sky News he could only listen to about 10 minutes of the meeting, before he felt he had to leave.

"There's no livelihoods left and we don't even know if we're going to get redundancy out of it. I hope they're happy with themselves," he said.

Grangemouth More than 1,300 people are currently employed at Grangemouth by Ineos

Unite has accused the company's owner Jim Ratcliffe of playing "Russian roulette" with the future of Grangemouth, the biggest industrial site in Scotland, and said it would back any efforts by the Scottish Government to find a new buyer for the petrochemical complex.

In a statement, Ineos blamed the union's opposition to its survival plan for the decision to close the petrochemical plant - saying shareholders could no longer fund it.

Mr MacLean said: "This is a hugely sad day for everyone at Grangemouth. We have tried our hardest to convince employees of the need for change but unsuccessfully.

"There was only ever going to be one outcome to this story if nothing changed and we continued to lose money.

"We still struggle to comprehend what has happened here. The employees were offered a chance to secure substantial new investment in the company, preserve their jobs and keep their salaries. Sadly this will no longer be the case."

The company added: "As a result of this decision, the directors of the petrochemicals business have had no option but to engage the services of a liquidator. It is anticipated that a liquidation process will commence in a week."

Energy Secretary Ed Davey said: "I am saddened to hear of Ineos' plans to place the petrochemicals business into administration, particularly because of the impact it will have on the workforce and local community.

"While respecting Ineos' right to make this decision, it is regrettable that both parties have not managed to negotiate a fair and equitable settlement that delivers a viable business model for the plant.

"Even at this late stage, I urge Ineos to continue dialogue with the workforce and Government will offer help and support with this.

"Ineos have informed us that the refinery will stay open and the management wish to restart full operations as soon as possible.

"We stand ready to help with discussions between the management and the union to ensure this can happen.

"Fuel supplies continue to be delivered as usual and there is no current risk of disruption to supplies."

More follows...

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Raped Girl 'Not Treated As Human' By Couple

By Becky Johnson, North of England Correspondent

A couple have been jailed for a total of 18 years for trafficking a deaf and mute girl into the UK, where she was repeatedly raped and subjected to forced labour.

Ilyas Ashar, 84, and his wife Tallat Ashar, 68, forced the vulnerable youngster to sleep in the cellar of their home in Greater Manchester, where she was beaten and slapped, and led a life of domestic servitude for almost a decade.

The girl was also used to steal more than £30,000 in benefits on her behalf.

She was even taught enough sign language by the family so she could agree to the benefit money being handed over.

Their victim had no family or friends in the UK and had never been to school in Pakistan or Britain.

Ilyas Ashar also routinely raped the girl from the moment he brought her into the UK from Pakistan, aged around 10, in June 2000.

Ashar was convicted of 13 specimen counts of rape by a jury last week, though the court heard the rapes happened "many, many times more".

He had also been convicted at an earlier trial of two counts of trafficking a person into the UK for exploitation, two counts of furnishing false information to obtain a benefit and one of permitting furnishing of false information to obtain a benefit.

He was jailed for 13 years at Minshull Street Crown Court in Manchester.

His wife was jailed for five years for two counts of trafficking a person into the UK for exploitation, and four counts of furnishing false information to obtain a benefit.

Their daughter, Faaiza Ashar, 46, who was found guilty at an earlier trial of two counts of furnishing false information to obtain a benefit, and one count of permitting furnishing of false information to obtain a benefit, was given a 12 month community order with 300 hours of unpaid work.

Passing sentence Judge Peter Lakin said: "You Ilyas Ashar and you Tallat Ashar did not treat this girl as a human being.

"To you she was merely an object to be used, abused and cast aside at will.

"You took full advantage of her extreme vulnerability.

"You exploited her physically, you exploited her mentally and you exploited her economically.

"There was throughout a distasteful undercurrent of violence and intimidation.

"All that she had in her life was the love of her family and her own human dignity. You two took that away from her. You consigned her to a life of misery and degradation.

"Throughout these proceedings not one of you have shown any remorse.

"You are concerned with your own selfish, self-centred interests.

"You Ilyas and Tallat Ashar are deeply unpleasant, highly manipulative and dishonest people."

When police and local trading standards raided the Ashar family home in Cromwell Road, Eccles, in Salford, on June 8, 2009, officers were "shocked" to discover the girl asleep in the cold and dark cellar.

One officer likened her behaviour to that of an "animal" - not allowed to sit on the furniture - and an indication of her status in the house.

She was taken from the house and is now doing well with the help of social services, the court heard.

A proceeds of crime hearing will be held next year to recoup the benefits stolen by the Ashars.

They had fought the case at every turn, mounting a series of legal challenges and appealing but failing to overturn their convictions at the Court of Appeal.

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Pope Suspends Germany's £26m 'Bling Bishop'

Pope Francis has suspended a German Catholic bishop dubbed the "bling bishop", who spent £26m (€31m) on his new residence.

The Vatican said: "The Holy See deems it appropriate to authorise a period of leave from the diocese for Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst."

Bishop of Limburg Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst The suspended Bishop of Limburg Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst

The Most Rev Tebartz-van Elst, Bishop of Limburg, faced calls for his resignation after it was revealed that the cost of his residence was more than six times the planned amount.

His private quarters in a new diocesan building are reported to have cost some £2.47m (€2.9m) and included a 63sq m dining room and a £12,800 (€15,000) bathtub - paid for using the revenue from a religious tax in Germany.

He was investigated by a Vatican envoy after protests in his diocese against lavish spending.

The decision to suspend him was taken after Bishop Tebartz-van Elst met Pope Francis in Rome on Monday.

The Vatican did not say if the bishop would permanently leave the diocese  but it said newly-named vicar general, Monsignor Wolfgang Roesch, would administer the diocese during his "period of time away".

Limburg Bishop Under Pressure To Resign Following Expenditures Scandal Protesters pray and sing in front of the new residence of the bishop

In a statement, the Vatican said the situation in the diocese had become such that Bishop Tebartz-van Elst "could no longer exercise his episcopal ministry".

The 53-year-old bishop has defended the renovation, saying it involved 10 different projects and that there were additional costs because of regulations on buildings under historical protection.

But his alleged extravagance is at odds with Pope Francis's shift of the Church's focus towards simplicity and poverty.

The soaring cost of the stately residence next to Limburg's hilltop cathedral has been strongly criticised by churchgoers and officials after it was made public by the diocese.

Anger that taxes paid to the Church by ordinary Germans are apparently being squandered has led to demonstrations outside the bishop's residence.

The bishop pf Limburg's new home The bishop's new home is part of a complex of buildings

Bishop Stephan Ackermann of Treves, in West Germany, last week told Germany's public television chain ARD that the situation has "escalated to the extent that bishop Franz-Peter can no longer on principle work in Limburg".

When the cost emerged local Catholic Raimund Champert said: "Such prestige projects simply don't fit with Catholicism.

"The Church, like the Pope, has a responsibility to be humble and lead by example. We are not in the Middle Ages any more."

His wife, Roswitha Champert, added: "It's actually shameless what's going on. I may be a Catholic but I don't agree with it."

Christoph Hefter, a lay member of the diocesan council, said: "The cost is shocking, it is beyond belief."

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Boy, 13, Carrying Toy Gun Killed By Police

Police have shot dead a 13-year-old boy who was carrying a replica rifle, authorities have said.

The teenager was spotted walking with the toy gun by two Sonoma County Sheriff's deputies in Santa Rosa, California.

They called for backup and repeatedly ordered him to drop what appeared to be a rifle before firing several rounds, said Lieutenant Dennis O'Leary.

The boy, who has been identified as being called Andy Lopez, then fell to the ground on top of the replica weapon.

Deputies told him to move away from the object and when he did not comply they put handcuffs on him.

They then realised he was unresponsive and began giving him first aid, but he was pronounced dead at the scene.

Mr O'Leary said the deputies also found a plastic handgun in his waistband.

Rodrigo Lopez told the Press Democrat of Santa Rosa that the victim was his son and the toy gun belonged to a friend.

He told the newspaper he last saw his son on Tuesday morning before he left for work.

"I told him what I tell him every day," Mr Lopez said in Spanish. "Behave yourself."

It was unclear whether the fake rifle was capable of firing BBs or other projectiles.

An investigation will be carried out by police from Santa Rosa and Petaluma and the district attorney's office.

The deputies involved have reportedly been placed on administrative leave.

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YouTube Confession Drink Drive Killer Jailed

An Ohio man who confessed in an online video to killing a man while driving under the influence has been sentenced to six and a half years in prison.

Franklin County Judge David Fais sentenced 22-year-old Matthew Cordle to six years for aggravated vehicular homicide and six months for driving under the influence of alcohol.

He also revoked Cordle's driving privileges for life as required by state law.

Cordle had faced up to eight and a half years for killing 61-year-old Vincent Canzani in a June 22 crash.

He apologised to the family of his victim during Wednesday's proceedings.

"It should have been me that night, the guilty party, instead of an innocent man," he said.

Cordle was on his way home after a night of heavy drinking at bars near Columbus when he struck Mr Canzani's vehicle after turning into oncoming traffic.

He confessed to the crime and promised to plead guilty in the nearly four-minute video posted on September 3 that has been viewed more than 2.3 million times.

Ohio Driver YouTube Confession Cordle promised to take responsibility for Vincent Canzani's death

In the video he said: "I'm begging you, please don't drink and drive.

"I can't bring Mr Canzani back ... but you can still be saved. Your victims can still be saved."

Cordle had been in jail since pleading guilty last month.

During Wednesday's hearing, the judge read a letter from Mr Canzini's ex-wife who said she believed he would not have wanted a maximum sentence.

She said she believes Cordle will keep his promises never to drink and drive again.

Mr Canzini's daughter, however, asked for the maximum sentence, saying her father "got a death sentence and did nothing wrong".

Cordle's father told Mr Canzani's family that his heart was filled with sorrow at their loss and he hopes someday they can forgive his son.

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Plebgate: Police 'Did Not Mean To Mislead'

Key Dates Of The Plebgate Scandal

Updated: 8:08am UK, Wednesday 23 October 2013

The row over Andrew Mitchell's argument with a police officer in Downing Street has resurfaced three months on. Here are the key developments.

:: September 4 - Andrew Mitchell is appointed Chief Whip in David Cameron's first Cabinet reshuffle.

:: September 19 - Mr Mitchell tries to cycle out of the Downing Street main gates but is stopped by a police officer who tells him he must use a side exit.

The officer on duty makes a log of the encounter, claiming that the Chief Whip swore and called police "plebs".

:: September 20 - Deputy Chief Whip John Randall is sent an email apparently from a constituent claiming he and his nephew witnessed the altercation.

It claims passers-by had been shocked and suggests some could have filmed it, as well as repeating the "plebs" allegation.

:: September 21 - The Sun runs a story on the row titled "Cabinet minister: police are plebs".

Mr Mitchell apologises for not "treating the police with the respect they deserve" but denies using the language reported.

David Cameron says he has apologised and allows him to keep his job but the Police Federation insist he has to go.

:: September 24 - Mr Mitchell says sorry on television as the row refuses to die away but his apology is dismissed as lacklustre and calls grow for him to quit.

Labour calls on Cabinet Secretary Sir Jeremy Heywood to launch an investigation but the appeal is rejected.

:: September 25 - The Daily Telegraph publishes the full police log of the row, piling yet more pressure on the senior Tory.

:: October 4 - Mr Mitchell pulls out of the Tory party conference to avoid being a "distraction".

:: October 12 - The Chief Whip meets representatives of the Police Federation at his constituency office in Sutton Coldfield but officers remain dissatisfied.

:: October 17 - Labour leader Ed Miliband declares that Mr Mitchell is "toast" during Prime Minister's Questions and accuses the Tories of "double standards".

:: October 19 - Mr Mitchell meets David Cameron at Chequers and resigns but continues to deny using the word "plebs".

:: December 15 - Officers investigating the leak of the police log arrest a serving police officer with the diplomatic protection squad on suspicion of misconduct in public office.

:: December 18 - Allegations emerge that the officer was behind the email to Mr Randall in September but never actually witnessed the argument.

New CCTV footage which appears to conflict with the official police account is also revealed by Channel 4 News.

Mr Mitchell claims he is the victim of a "stitch-up" and demands a full inquiry. Number 10 calls the allegations "exceptionally serious".

Met Police Chief Bernard Hogan-Howe says nothing he has seen affects the original police account.

:: December 19 - Police widen their probe into the case to include the email allegations and the possibility of a police "conspiracy".

David Cameron calls for the claims that an officer tried to "blacken the name of a Cabinet minister" to be "seriously investigated".

Senior Tory figures brand the latest developments "appalling" and suggestions begin that Mr Mitchell could soon be back on the front bench.

A 23-year-old man is arrested at 8pm by Scotland Yard on suspicion of intentionally encouraging or assisting the commission of an indictable offence in relation to the affair.

:: December 20 - The second arrested man is released on bail, to return in January.


:: January 31 - A police officer from the Diplomatic Protection Group is held on suspicion of misconduct in public office.

:: February 1 - A female police officer tasked with protecting Government officials is arrested over alleged leaks linked to the Mitchell row.

:: June 15 - A 48-year-old diplomatic protection group officer is arrested on suspicion of misconduct in public office and a woman, aged 49, is detained on suspicion of assisting an offender.

:: October 15 - The IPCC questions the "honesty and integrity" of three police officers who gave interviews after Andrew Mitchell's meeting with Police Federation representatives last October.

:: October 21 - The Police Federation release a statement in which the officers say they are sorry for their "poor judgement" in talking to the media but did not plan or intend to mislead anyone.

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Russia 'Drops' Greenpeace Piracy Charges

Russia has dropped piracy charges against Greenpeace activists seized during a protest in the Arctic, local media reports.

The 30 men and women will now face the lesser charge of hooliganism, Itar-Tass quoted Vladimir Markin, the spokesman of the investigative committee, as saying.

The piracy charges could have carried a maximum sentence of 15 years in prison, while a hooliganism conviction usually results in 15 days in jail or a fine.

Twenty-eight activists, a Russian photographer and a British video journalist have been held since armed Russian security services boarded their ship, the Arctic Sunrise, during a protest by a Gazprom-owned oil rig on September 18.

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PM Vows To Roll Back Green Taxes On Energy

The Lib Dems have accused David Cameron of a "panicky U-turn" after he pledged to roll back green taxes blamed for driving up energy bills.

During another bitter row about energy policy with Ed Miliband at Prime Minister's Questions, Mr Cameron said he wanted to "get a grip" on green regulations.

The levies have been criticised by suppliers in recent weeks as they started to unveil a string of price hikes in household bills ahead of the winter.

Mr Cameron also told MPs the Government is to launch an annual audit of competition in the energy industry to see if the market can be improved.

The announcements came as he was mocked by the Labour leader over former Tory prime minister Sir John Major's shock call for a windfall tax on energy firms.

Prime Minister's Questions Upper hand: Ed Miliband and Ed Balls both mocked the PM

But they sparked deep coalition divisions to be laid bare as the Lib Dems, who oppose any change to green taxes, stressed their commitment to the environment.

A party source said: "Everybody knows the Tories are getting cold feet on the environment. The Tories have put no properly worked up policies in front of us.

"But we will not allow a panicky u-turn during PMQs to dictate Government policy. The way to provide stable fuel bills now and in the future is not to make policy up on the hoof."

At PMQs, Mr Miliband claimed Sir John's intervention on Tuesday had exposed the Prime Minister's unwillingness to stand up to energy firms.

"Many people face the choice this winter between heating and eating. These are the ordinary people of this country who this Prime Minister will never meet and whose lives he will never understand," he said.

Mr Cameron replied: "I can tell the House today that we will be having a proper competition test carried out over the next year to get to the bottom of whether this market can be made more competitive.

"I want more companies, I want better regulation, I want better deals for consumers. But yes, we also need to roll back the green charges that he put in place as energy secretary."

Amid heated exchanges, Mr Cameron lashed out at the Labour leader, telling him: "Sir John Major is a good man, you are acting like a conman."

He said: "He left us a market with just six players, we have already seen seven new energy companies come into that market.

"So we need an annual audit of competition to make this market more competitive, something he never did when in office.

"And we need to roll back the costs that have been imposed on people's energy bills, part of which he was responsible for."

Zac Goldsmith Tory Zac Goldsmith called party leaders "muppets"

After coming off worse in the bout with the Labour leader, Mr Cameron was also reprimanded by the Commons Speaker for repeating "conman" later in the session.

John Bercow said he had let it slide once but later told the Prime Minister the word was "frankly unparliamentary".

He said: "The Prime Minister is a man of great versatility in the use of language - it's a bit below the level. We'll leave it there, it's a bit below the level."

Downing Street sources said Mr Cameron had discussed his plans to roll back green levies with the Lib Dems in recent weeks.

More details are expected in the Chancellor's Autumn Statement in December.

According to Number 10, green levies will rise from £112 to £194 - or 14% of the typical household bill - by 2020 if there is no policy change.

The Lib Dems promised any detailed proposals would be examined but added that they would not let the Conservatives "undermine" their green credentials.

Details of the competition review will also be set out next week in the Energy Secretary's annual statement to the Commons.

It will be conducted by watchdog Ofgem, the Office of Fair Trading and the new Competition and Markets Authority.

The first review, which will look at prices, profit levels and any barriers to new suppliers trying to enter the market, is due to start within weeks and report next year.

Sir John's call for an "excess profits tax" on energy firms if there is a severe winter and vulnerable people were suffering has already been dismissed by Downing Street.

Officials say there are "no plans" for such a move, but Labour were delighted by the comments as they claimed the former PM was making their case for them.

Energy has now become central to the row over the cost-of-living and is unlikely to fade for weeks to come as the "Big Six" energy suppliers continue to unveil price hikes.

A Labour source suggested David Cameron's response to the issue was "panicked and totally inadequate".

Tory MP and keen environmentalist Zac Goldsmith also branded the party leaders "muppets" for their approach.

He wrote on Twitter: "In 2010, leaders fought to prove they were the greenest. Three years on, they're desperately blaming their own policies on the other. Muppets."

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Prince George Christened At St James's Palace

Prince George has been christened in a ceremony at St James's Palace that spanned four generations of the royal family.

The baby boy was pink cheeked and chubby as he emerged from the historic Chapel Royal with his parents, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, after the service.

The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh, the Prince of Wales, the Duchess of Cornwall and Prince Harry gathered for the private ceremony of the future king and supreme governor of the Church of England.

Before entering the chapel, William told everyone: "He's all ready. So far, so good."

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge with their song Prince George The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge with Prince George

Prince George was dressed in a Honiton lace christening gown, a replica of the one used by more than 60 members of the Royal Family since 1841.

Kate looked relaxed before the service began and wore a cream Alexander McQueen outfit and a matching hat by milliner Jane Taylor.

Other guests include Kate's family - parents Carole and Michael Middleton and siblings Pippa and James - along with his godparents and their partners.

The historic 45-minute service conducted by the Archbishop of Canterbury saw the four generations of British monarchs photographed by celebrity portrait photographer Jason Bell, together for the first time since 1899.

The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh arrive at Prince George's christening The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh arrive at the service

Harry and Pippa both gave readings and William and Kate chose two hymns, two lessons and two anthems for the service.

The Lily font used by the Archbishop was brought to the Chapel Royal from the Tower of London where it is normally housed as part of the crown jewels.

While the Queen, Prince Charles and Prince William were all christened at Buckingham Palace, the Duke and Duchess have chosen to break with tradition, holding the baptism in the Chapel Royal at St James's Palace.

It is the chapel where Diana, Princess of Wales' coffin rested before her funeral in 1997.

Prince George at his christening in St Jame's Palace Prince George wore a lace christening gown

Earlier, Kensington Palace revealed the names of Prince George's seven godparents.

They are Zara Tindall, Oliver Baker, Emilia Jardine-Paterson, Earl Grosvenor, Julia Samuel, William van Cutsem and Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton.

Mr Lowther-Pinkerton is William and Kate's former private secretary, who continues to serve part-time as their principal private secretary and equerry.

Mr Baker is an old university friend who attended St Andrews with William and Kate, while Earl Grosvenor, whose first name is Hugh, is the son of the Duke of Westminster.

Ms Samuel was a close friend of Diana, Princess of Wales, and is the founder patron of Child Bereavement UK, which has William as its royal patron.

Mr van Cutsem is an old family friend of William and Harry, while Ms Jardine-Paterson is an interior designer and an old Malborough College friend of Kate, who also uses her maiden name d'Erlanger in her working life.

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Stuart Hall Charged With Raping Two Teenagers

Former television presenter Stuart Hall has been charged with 15 offences of rape against two teenage girls.

Hall, probably best known for fronting the comedy game show It's a Knockout in the 1970s and 80s, allegedly sexually assaulted one of the girls between the ages of 14 and 16, from 1976 to 1978.

The second girl was assaulted between the ages of 11 or 12 and 15, from 1976 and 1981, when Hall was at the height of his fame.

Lancashire Police said that Hall, 83, faces 16 charges in all, 15 of rape and one of indecent assault.

Stuart Hall, who was arrested over a rape allegation 051212 Hall at his Wilmslow home

Nazir Afzal, chief crown prosecutor for CPS North West, said: "Following a careful review, we have decided that there is sufficient evidence to prosecute Stuart Hall for 16 alleged sexual offences against two girls and that it is in the public interest to do so.

"It is alleged that Stuart Hall committed offences against one girl, aged between 14 and 16, from 1976 to 1978 and another girl, aged between 11 or 12 and 15, from 1976 to 1981.

"This decision to prosecute has been taken in accordance with the Code for Crown Prosecutors, the CPS legal guidance on rape and sexual offences and the DPP's guidelines on prosecuting cases of child sexual abuse."

Hall, of Wilmslow, Cheshire, who is married with two children and four grandchildren, will appear at Preston Magistrates' Court on November 8.

The offences allegedly took place in Manchester, Sale and Wilmslow.

Hall has been a familiar face and voice in British broadcasting for half a century, most recently with his eccentric and erudite football match summaries on BBC Radio 5 live. He also wrote a weekly sport column for the Radio Times magazine until recently.

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