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Max Clifford: 'Nothing To Hide' Over Sex Claims

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 08 Desember 2012 | 00.48

Max Clifford has said he will try to continue to lead a normal life after being arrested over allegations of sexual offences he called "totally untrue".

The publicist was released on bail on Thursday after being detained at his Surrey home by officers from Operation Yewtree, the investigation set up in the wake of the Jimmy Savile abuse scandal.

Clifford, 69, was held on suspicion of historic sex offences and taken to Belgravia police station in central London for questioning.

Speaking to reporters as he left his house today, Clifford said the allegations "are totally without any foundation and are totally untrue".

He said he had "absolutely nothing to hide" over the claims he believed dated from 1977 and a few years afterwards.

He went on: "I'll be working as I normally do - so trying to make things as normal as I possibly can in the circumstances."

Clifford said it had been "a horrible experience but you have to face up to these things".

He continued: "The police have got to look into it (the allegations). That's what they have to do and obviously I have to answer their questions and hopefully show clearly and conclusively to them and everybody else that there's absolutely no truth in it at all."

Max Clifford leaves Belgravia police station Clifford also addressed the media outside a police station

Speaking outside the police station on Thursday night, he said: "Anyone who really knew me all those years ago and those who have known me since will have no doubt that I would never act in the way that I have today been accused."

Officers said he was bailed to appear at a later date but refused to give any further details.

A Scotland Yard spokesman said on Thursday: "The individual (held today) falls under the strand of the investigation we have termed 'others'. We are not prepared to discuss further."

Police working on Operation Yewtree have said they were looking at three categories of offences; those allegedly committed by Savile alone, those allegedly committed by Savile and others, and alleged offences by others.

Clifford is the fifth suspect to be arrested - and the sixth person to be questioned - in connection with the Yewtree operation, which has already cost around £2m and involves a team of 30 officers.

Among those arrested have been former pop star Gary Glitter, comedian Freddie Starr, DJ Dave Lee Travis and a man in his 70s, reported to be former television producer Wilfred De'Ath.

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Japan Earthquake: Tsunami Wave Hits City

A one-metre high tsunami wave has struck the city of Ishinomaki in northeastern Japan after a strong earthquake off the coast.

Buildings shook as far away as Tokyo following the tremor which took place in the Pacific Ocean at a depth of 23 miles, with the epicentre 285 miles from the capital.

Japan's NHK television urged people in coastal areas likely to be affected to head to safety.

"If you are in the tsunami warning area, hurry and escape," the broadcaster warned.

"Escape to a high area as fast as you can. If there is no high area, move to a tall building, or escape as far away from the coast as possible. Do not stop. Do not go back."

Tsunami wave struck Ishinomaki in Japan after earthquake The earthquake was felt in the capital Tokyo, where buildings shook

Ishinomaki resident Chikako Iwai said: "I was in the centre of the city the very moment the earthquake struck.

"I immediately jumped into the car and started running away towards the mountains. I'm still hiding inside the car. I'm planning to stay here for the next couple of hours."

The earthquake had a preliminary magnitude of 7.3, the US Geological Survey said.

The tsunami it triggered hit Ishinomaki in Miyagi Prefecture, which was struck by a devastating earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011.

That quake led to fuel-rod meltdowns at the Fukushima nuclear plant, causing radiation leakage, contamination of food and water and mass evacuations in the world's worst nuclear crisis since Chernobyl in 1986.

A station attendant (C) uses a loudspeaker to explain the train service situations for the Tohoku Shinkansen (bullet train) which connects Tokyo and northern Japan The latest earthquake disrupted public transport in Japan

Workers at the site were moved to safe positions at the plant shortly after Tokyo Electric Power Co, the operator, said there were no irregularities at its nuclear plants after the latest quake.

Trains in Miyagi prefecture were halted and Sendai airport, which was flooded by the tsunami last year, closed its runway.

There were no reports of deaths or serious damage, although five people were reportedly slightly injured.

All tsunami warnings for the area have now been lifted.

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Pregnant Kate: Succession Law Hits Oz Bump

A change in the law that would allow the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's first-born child to one day inherit the throne whatever their sex could be delayed by Queensland.

The problem has been caused because of a standoff between the Australian state and the federal government.

At present, the law states that a son takes precedence over a daughter even if his sister is the eldest born.

Proposals to change the rules to allow the first-born child of the heir to the throne to be first in line for succession were put to Commonwealth heads of state by Prime Minister David Cameron last year.

In order for the proposals to go through, all Commonwealth countries had to agree.

They did, but now internal bickering over procedure in just one of those nations looks like holding up the plans.

Last week, Australia PM Julia Gillard said the best way of dealing with the matter was for the country's states to give up their individual legal powers over the issue and pass legislation allowing the Commonwealth to make the decision for them.

"For that to be a legally effective process, all states have to do it. If one state doesn't do it, then it doesn't work," Ms Gillard was quoted as saying by Channel 9 News.

Julia Gillard. Australian PM Julia Gillard has given her backing to the change

But Queensland premier Campbell Newman wants to do it his own way, with a law that states Queensland's position on the issue.

"Our view is that we will pass legislation in accordance with our position as a separate sovereign state," Mr Newman was quoted as saying.

"We're a federation of states. We're going to do it the right way, the proper way and that's our view."

However, Mr Newman does not want to stop a woman from the being Queen if she is the first born.

"It doesn't stymie it. We believe the end objective is achieved by the states passing their own legislation and the Commonwealth," he said.

Despite the bickering, Australia's political leaders all agree that they are delighted with the news that William and Catherine are expecting their first child.

The proposed changes to the succession law will also remove a bar on succession by a royal who marries a Catholic.

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China Flattening 700 Mountains To Build City

By Mark Stone, China Correspondent

The Chinese are planning to move mountains to build a new city - literally.

According to one of the country's biggest construction firms, 700 mountains will be flattened at a cost of £2.2bn to make way for the new city.

Five hundred square miles of land in the Lanzhou New Area, 50 miles from the city of Lanzhou, will be developed into a massive new development zone.

Lanzhou New Area An image from the video shows how the land looks now

Local government officials, quoted by the state-run China Daily newspaper, claim it will increase the Gross Domestic Product in the area to £27bn in the next 17 years.

China has put renewed focus into the development of the country's traditionally poor interior.

"The establishment of the Lanzhou New Area marks the country's latest effort to accelerate development of the western regions," Qin Yucai, a regional director for the National Development and Reform Commission, told a recent news conference in Beijing.

Lanzhou is 600 miles to the southwest of Beijing.

Lying on the Yellow River, it has long been described as the most polluted city in China. It retained that title last year in a World Health Organisation survey.

Lanzhou New Area Mountains will be flattened to make way for skyscrapers

The city is also in an area of China which is particularly short of water, leading many critics to write the project off.

Unfazed by the criticism though, the developers have released a computer-animated video more than five minutes long in which their vision is realised.

The man behind the project is Yan Jiehe, a 52-year-old, who is one of China's top five richest people.

The mountain-moving plan does prompt a certain sense of deja vu.

Fifteen years ago, in November 1997, Sky News visited Lanzhou and reported on identical plans to move hills, fill in valleys and flatten the land for construction.

The scale was smaller but the idea behind it was identical.

The claim back then was that this would improve the environment by allowing the east wind to blow across the newly flattened land.

But it doesn't seem to have worked. The city was the most polluted place in China in 1997 and it still is.

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Snow Alert: Cold Weather 'Beast' To Hit UK

Next Week's Weather In Detail

Updated: 1:44pm UK, Friday 07 December 2012

By Joanna Robinson, weather producer

The first week of December has been a rather chilly one, reminding us that meteorologically speaking we are now in the winter season.

There has been snow in places too, mainly over northern parts of the UK, particularly the Scottish hills and the Pennines.

South-east England has seen a little snow at times too, including this morning.

It's not usual to see snow in December; in fact, on average the UK will see snowfall on around five days through the month. 

Although the weekend looks to be a little milder, computer models have been hinting, for some time now, that next week will be even colder.

High pressure looks to build across northern parts of Europe, called a blocking high. Its exact position will determine how cold it will get and where it will snow.

There's now much more confidence that a north-easterly flow will bring cold air to the UK next week, but snowfall details are much more uncertain at this point.

Initially, North Sea coastal counties will have the greatest risk of wintry showers, even at low levels.

There's a chance of some significant, disruptive snow across parts of eastern Scotland and eastern England.

Many central and western parts of the UK will start the week dry, but there's a chance of something wintry later.  

Temperatures will continue to fall through the week and will struggle to reach 2C by Thursday - and it'll feel even colder in the wind.

Expect severe overnight frosts too, with a continuing risk of ice. Rural areas will see temperatures plummet, particularly where there's any lying snow.

By the middle of December, computer models diverge. Some keep the cold wintry theme going, while others bring in mild and unsettled conditions.

You don't have to look too far back in the records to find a cold December. In 2010, the UK had its coldest December in over 100 years, whereas 2011 saw the mildest December since 2006.

The cold spell expected next week isn't likely to be as severe as that seen in December 2010, when Altnaharra recorded a minimum temperature of -21.3C.

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Tia Sharp's Grandmother Won't Face Charges

By Tom Parmenter, Sky News Correspondent

The grandmother of Tia Sharp, who was questioned over the 12-year-old's murder, will face no further action.

Christine Sharp was arrested in August after her granddaughter's body was discovered in the loft of her home in New Addington, south London.

The 46-year-old was questioned by police on suspicion of murder and bailed while inquiries continued.

Tia Sharp Image Tia Sharp's body was found a week after the youngster was reported missing

The Metropolitan Police has now confirmed that she will face no further action.

The disappearance of schoolgirl Tia sparked a huge search around the Croydon area with family members leading the campaign.

Police officers had previously visited Christine Sharp's home, but it was only days into the search that Tia's body was discovered hidden in the loft.

Stuart Hazell has been charged with Tia's murder and has been remanded in custody ahead of a trial scheduled for early 2013.

Another man, a 39-year-old neighbour, who was arrested on suspicion of assisting an offender, remains on police bail until mid-December.

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Kate Prank Call: Online Backlash At DJs

A fierce online storm has been sparked by the death of a nurse who was the subject of a prank call by two DJs about the Duchess of Cambridge.

Furious calls were made for the presenters, who work for 2Day FM in Australia, to resign and for the recording of the hoax to be removed from the radio station's website.

Jacintha Saldanha was found dead on Friday, days after receiving the call from Mel Greig, who impersonated the Queen, and Michael Christian, who mimicked Prince Charles.

Ms Saldanha put the DJs through to the ward, where another nurse updated them about the condition of Kate, who was being treated for severe morning sickness.

The presenters issued an apology after making the call and expressed their surprise that they were put through.

"We thought we'd be hung up on as soon as they heard our terrible accents. We're very sorry if we've caused any issues and we're glad to hear that Kate is doing well," they said.

But hundreds have hit out against the pair on the radio's website and Twitter after news of the nurse's death emerged.

On the radio's comment section, Gordon Stanley wrote: "You presenters are a disgrace to your country, the media profession and society in general. This is one of the most inappropriate 'pranks' imaginable."

On Twitter, another critic wrote: "Your DJ's tried to get private information for a big joke and now the person who took the call has committed suicide. What is it still doing on the website? Sick."

Martin Duncan wrote: "Absolutely appalled at the death of #JacinthaSaldanha. Michael Christian and Mel Greig hang your heads in shame!"

Cazzy Chic said: "So sad. Let this be a lesson to us all. Your idea of a 'prank', may be the undoing of someone more fragile than you. RIP."

Greig and Christian have both deleted their Twitter accounts because of the backlash.

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EastEnders: Brother Admits Killing Actress

The brother of a former EastEnders actress, whose headless body was found in a London canal, has admitted killing her.

Tony McCluskie pleaded guilty to the manslaughter of his sister Gemma as he appeared at the Old Bailey by videolink from Belmarsh Prison.

The  35-year-old denied murder, saying had he "suffered loss of control".

Miss McCluskie went missing after attending the opening of a hospital earlier this year. Her brother, whom she lived with, joined friends in launching an extensive search to find her.

Former EastEnders co-stars Natalie Cassidy and Brooke Kinsella appealed on Twitter for help.

The 29-year-old's headless and limbless body was found a week after she went missing, floating in Regents Canal in east London.

A trial was due to begin last month, but was delayed because of the discovery of her head in September.

Prosecutors are still waiting for medical reports to establish how the actress, who played Kerry Skinner in the BBC soap in 2001, died.

McCluskie will now face trial for murder on January 14.

Judge Gerald Gordon said the trial must not be delayed any further.

"The family must have closure", he said.

McCluskie's father, who is also called Tony, watched from the back of the court as his son admitted to the killing.

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Cancer Boy's Mum 'Fears Radiation Side-Effects'

By Nick Martin, Sky Correspondent

The mother of a seven-year-old boy suffering from cancer says she does not want him to receive potentially life-saving radiotherapy because she is worried about the side effects.

Neon Roberts underwent surgery on a brain tumour in October and as a follow-up treatment doctors recommended a course of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

But his mother Sally Roberts said the side effects of the radiation could have a "damaging effect on his future".

Her estranged husband Ben Roberts, however, agrees with doctors who say his chances of survival would be increased if he had the treatment.

Giving evidence in the High Court, Mrs Roberts said: "I wish for the best future for my son, the best quality of life.

"I fear radiotherapy could have damaging effects on his future,"

Mrs Roberts described her son as having an "incredible sense of humour" of being "a great artist, vibrant and healthy".

She told the court that she had researched the side effects of radiotherapy and asked experts for advice.

She said she feared his IQ would be affected and that he could have a shorter life with increased chances of suffering a stroke.

Doctors said the boy's chances of surviving would be significantly reduced if he did not receive the radiotherapy. They want to start the treatment next Thursday.

The High Court is expected to rule on the matter later.

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Kate Prank Call Nurse 'Commits Suicide'

A nurse working at the hospital treating the pregnant Duchess of Cambridge, who was duped by a prank phone call, has died in a suspected suicide.

Jacintha Saldanha, who has worked at the hospital for four years, was found dead at an address near King Edward VII's hospital in London on Friday morning.

The hospital confirmed she had been the victim of a hoax phone call in which two Australian DJs, pretending to be the Queen and Prince of Wales, phoned up about Kate.

Ms Saldanha, a mother of two, was the person who first received the call and put it through to the ward where another nurse updated the pair on the Duchess, who was being treated for severe morning sickness.

Sky News crime correspondent Martin Brunt said: "Nurse Jacintha Saldanha was 46 and lived with her partner in Bristol. She has a son and daughter.

"The hospital had not suspended Ms Saldanha, nor disciplined her."

Kate, who is understood to be well under 12 weeks pregnant, was admitted to the hospital on Monday after falling ill over the weekend and released again on Thursday.

Prince William and Kate Middleton leave King edward VII hospital The Duke and Duchess leaving the hospital on Thursday

The Duchess and her husband, William, the Duke of Cambridge, said in a statement that they were "deeply saddened" by the nurse's death.

"Their Royal Highnesses were looked after so wonderfully well at all times by everybody at King Edward VII Hospital, and their thoughts and prayers are with Jacintha Saldanha's family, friends and colleagues at this very sad time," they said.

A St James's Palace spokesman added: "At no point did the Palace complain to the hospital about the incident.

"On the contrary, we offered our full and heartfelt support to the nurses involved and hospital staff at all times."

The King Edward VII Hospital said: "It is with very deep sadness that we confirm the tragic death of a member of our nursing staff, Jacintha Saldanha.

"Jacintha has worked at the King Edward VII's Hospital for more than four years. She was an excellent nurse and well-respected and popular with all of her colleagues.

"We can confirm that Jacintha was recently the victim of a hoax call to the hospital. The hospital had been supporting her throughout this difficult time."

Hospital chief executive John Lofthouse said: "Our thoughts and deepest sympathies at this time are with her family and friends. Everyone is shocked by the loss of a much-loved and valued colleague."

Michael Chirstian twitter page The DJs bragged of their hoax call on Twitter

Lord Glenarthur, the hospital's chairman, said: "This is a tragic event. Jacintha was a first class nurse who cared diligently for hundreds of patients during her time with us. She will be greatly missed."

Dr Peter Carter, chief executive and general secretary of the Royal College of Nursing, added: "This is tragic news, and the thoughts of all at the Royal College of Nursing go to the family of Jacintha Saldanha.

"It is deeply saddening that a simple human error due to a cruel hoax could lead to the death of a dedicated and caring member of the nursing profession."

Police were called to the address at 9.35am on Friday after a report about a woman found unconscious. Paramedics rushed to the property but she was pronounced dead at the scene.

A Scotland Yard spokesman said: "Inquiries are continuing to establish the circumstances of the incident. The death is not being treated as suspicious at this stage."

Michael Christian and Mel Greig, DJs on the 2DayFM radio station, broadcast their call to the hospital on Wednesday morning.

Miss Greig, impersonating the Queen, asked to speak to her "granddaughter, Catherine" and managed to persuade Miss Saldanha to put her through to the ward where Kate was being treated.

The prank call was deeply embarrassing for the hospital, which is the medical institution of choice for the Royal Family.

Miss Greig and Mr Christian were lambasted on Twitter as news broke of the nurse's death, with people calling for them to resign. Both have now shut down their accounts on the micro-blog site.

In the immediate aftermath of the call, the DJs apologised for the prank but later took to Twitter to brag of their success - calling it the "easiest prank call ever made".

:: Anyone feeling emotionally distressed or suicidal can call Samaritans for help on 08457 90 90 90 or email jo@samaritans.org

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Dewani Murder: 'Trigger Man' Jailed For Life

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 06 Desember 2012 | 00.27

A South African man has been sentenced to life in prison for the murder of Swedish woman Anni Dewani on her honeymoon.

Xolile Mngeni, 25, was convicted by a court in Cape Town of firing the shot that killed the 28-year-old woman in 2010.

Judge Robert Henney called the shooter "a merciless and evil person" who deserved the maximum punishment for his crime.

"He had no regard to her right to freedom, dignity, and totally disregarded and showed no respect to her right to life by brutally killing her with utter disdain," Judge Henney said.

Mngeni, who had surgery to remove a brain tumour while facing trial, maintained his innocence.

Two of the men accused of being his accomplices are already serving lengthy prison sentences after entering into plea bargains.

Zola Tongo and Mziwamadoda Qwabe both implicated Mngeni and said they had been hired by Mrs Dewani's British husband, Shrien, to kill his wife.

Shrien Dewani Shrien Dewani pictured last year

A motive has never been clearly explained for why Dewani, a businessman from Bristol, would want his new bride killed.

He has denied he hired anyone to kill his wife and was allowed by authorities to leave South Africa for the UK, where he was later arrested.

He is currently being treated in a secure mental health hospital for depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.

In March, a High Court ruled that it would be "unjust and oppressive" to extradite Dewani to South Africa, as his mental condition had worsened since his arrest.

Mrs Dewani was shot when a taxi the couple were travelling in was hijacked in Gugulethu township on the outskirts of Cape Town.

Prosecutors said Mngeni, Qwabe and Tongo were paid 15,000 rand (£1,066) for the killing.

Mngeni's left palm print was found on the car in which Mrs Dewani's body was recovered, the court heard during his trial.

Her watch, bracelet and mobile phone were also discovered in Mngeni's friend's shack.

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Dettori Suspended From Racing For Six Months

Frankie Dettori has been suspended from riding for six months after being found guilty of taking a banned substance.

The three-times British champion jockey tested positive following a routine examination at Longchamp racecourse in France on September 16.

French horseracing's governing body France Galop issued the ban following a recent hearing, and the British Horseracing Authority is likely to follow suit.

The 41-year-old's solicitor Christopher Stewart-Moore said the jockey "fully accepts" the ban, which lasts until May 19.

"France Galop have today announced their finding Frankie Dettori has committed a breach of their rules relating to prohibited substances," said Mr Stewart-Moore.

"I have spoken to Frankie since the announcement was made and he has told me he fully accepts France Galop's decision. He also accepts that he has let down the sport he loves and all those associated with it, as well as the wider public.

"But most of all, and this is his greatest regret, he has let down his wife and children."

Mr Stewart-Moore said Dettori was "enormously grateful" for the support of his fans, adding: "Racing has been good to Frankie and he knows that his privileged position brings with it responsibility.

"For this reason he is determined to rebuild his reputation when he returns to the saddle. Frankie could make excuses. He has, after all, regularly been tested for prohibited substances throughout his career. He is clear, however, that the responsibility for his current situation lies squarely with him."

The length of the ban means he will be able to return in time for the key Derby and Royal Ascot race meetings.

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Girl, Four, Dies After Level Crossing Crash

A four-year-old girl who was injured when the car she was travelling in collided with a train at a level crossing has died in hospital.

Emma Lifsey had been airlifted to Sheffield Children's Hospital after the incident in Nottinghamshire on Tuesday.

A British Transport Police spokesman said "she was sadly pronounced dead in the early hours Wednesday".

The other person injured in the crash, a 67-year-old woman who was driving the car, remains in hospital and is in stable condition.

The girl's parents, Mark and Zoe Lifsey, said in a statement: "Emma meant the world to us. She was our much-loved daughter and a baby sister to her 11-year-old brother Jack.

"We are still trying to come to terms with the terrible incident on Tuesday afternoon and there are no words that can properly express how utterly distraught we are."

Damage at the scene of the level crossing at Beech Hill The Beech Hill crossing after the crash

The couple said they were thankful for the support received in the aftermath of the incident, but sought privacy at a time of grief.

They added: "This tragic incident has left us shocked and devastated and we would ask that we can be left to grieve in private at this acutely difficult and sad time for us."

The woman travelling in the car, a black Volvo, sustained serious neck injuries and bruising.

Police were investigating the accident, and said they would talk to any witnesses while experts examine evidence from the scene and the car.

Level crossing accident Girl's death has left her parents 'shocked and devastated'

The train, a Lincoln to Doncaster service, was damaged but remained upright and on the tracks. No injuries have been reported among passengers or staff onboard.

Speaking at the scene on Tuesday, Inspector Andy Selby of the British Transport Police declined to comment on whether the barriers and lights at the unmanned crossing were working correctly.

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Weather: Flights Delayed After Snow In London

A dusting of snow across the South East has caused transport chaos, temporarily closing a major airport and delaying road and rail journeys.

Forecasters said the snow had amounted to no more than "one or two centimetres in places", yet thousands of people's journeys were delayed.

Stansted airport in Essex was shut from about 6am to 8.30am, with passengers complaining they had been given incorrect information.

No trains were able to run between Watford Junction in Hertfordshire and Harrow and Wealdstone in North West London, while snow caused delays of up to 90 minutes between London and Reading in Berkshire.

Winter weather December 5th Motorists were stranded on the A169 high up on the North Yorkshire Moors.

Trains were unable to run between Barnes and Hounslow via Brentford in West London, while there were delays between London and Ashford International in Kent.

There were also delays on the London Overground, and the Metropolitan, Central and Bakerloo Tube lines, while a faulty train led to delays on the Victoria line.

The snow also caused significant transport problems elsewhere in the country.

National Rail has reported delays in Nottingham, Doncaster, Crewe, and Congleton in Cheshire, where a person was struck by a train.

Winter weather December 5th Cheetahs at Whipsnade Zoo in Bedfordshire survey the winter scene

The snowy conditions led to a crash involving ten vehicles on the London-bound carriageway of the A299 Thanet Way at Whitstable in Kent. Police say there were no serious injuries.

Essex Police said there were 78 crashes between 6am and 11.30am, injuring 13 people - one seriously.

Buses had to replace trains between Redhill in Surrey and Tonbridge in Kent. The A120 was one of the many roads in Essex to be affected by the weather. The A171 near Scarborough was one of Yorkshire's snow-hit routes.

The AA has attended more than 5,000 breakdowns, with a peak at around 8am of 1,300 an hour.

Stansted Airport Passengers queue to board a delayed flight at Stansted Airport

It said the Home Counties, particularly Essex, had been badly hit.

British Gas said it had put its 10,000 engineers on red alert as it expected to receive almost 250,000 calls for help from customers this week.

That is nearly 70,000 more calls than British Gas receives in an average week.

Meanwhile motorists in Scotland have been warned to prepare for difficult driving conditions on Thursday morning, with more snow forecast for much of the country.

Queues at Stansted The temporary runway closure had a knock-on effect at the airport

The Met Office issued amber warnings of snow in the Highlands, Central, Tayside, Fife, Strathclyde and Grampian regions, and yellow warnings of snow for Orkney, Shetland and Lothian and Borders.

Sleet and snow are expected to spread in the early hours after a cold night with widespread frost.

Forecasters said four to six inches of snow is likely to fall on levels above 1,300ft and two to four inches is expected on areas above 650ft.

Travel networks are likely to be disrupted, especially over the M8 corridor to the east of Glasgow, across Perthshire and over much of inland eastern Scotland.

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AK-47 Shipment: British Man Gary Hyde Jailed

A British arms dealer who helped ship thousands of AK-47 assault rifles and millions of rounds of ammunition from China to Nigeria has been jailed for seven years.

Gary Hyde, 43, looked tearful as he was sentenced at London's Southwark Crown Court following his conviction for two counts of breaching UK trade controls and concealing criminal property.

Hyde, of Mask Lane, Newton on Derwent, near York, moved the weapons without a licence and hid more than £620,000 in commission payments.

The deal between the two countries' governments was lawful, but Judge Nicholas Loraine-Smith said middleman Hyde was caught out by his own greed.

He failed to apply for a licence to take part in the deal, fearing it would be refused, but was attracted by the "enormous profits" to be made, the judge said.

Hyde, who was supported in court by his family, legitimately ran and expanded the wholesale business York Guns to the point where it employed 20 staff in 2003.

He helped broker various arms deals including some for the British government.

But in 2006 he got involved in the deal between China and Nigeria which saw up to 40,000 AK-47s, 30,000 rifles and 10,000 9mm pistols go to the African nation along with 32 million rounds of ammunition.

Hyde was convicted after a retrial on two counts of becoming knowingly concerned in the movement of controlled goods between March 2006 and December 2007.

He was also found guilty of one count of concealing criminal property between March 2006 and December 2008 after he hid the profits in a bank in Liechtenstein.

Hyde, who was of previous good character and served as a special constable for seven years, was also reluctant to apply for a licence in case the UK authorities discovered his tax haven account and his "very substantial earnings", the judge said.

He told him: "You got carried away by the enormous profits that could be made elsewhere and, it would seem, in some less responsible company."

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Pregnant Kate: Hospital Admits Falling For Prank

Prank callers have managed to trick hospital staff treating the Duchess of Cambridge into revealing detailed information about her condition.

Australian radio DJs impersonating the Queen and Prince of Wales were given an update about Kate, who was admitted to London's King Edward VII on Monday with severe morning sickness.

Mel Greig and Michael Christian from Sydney's 2Day FM were transferred to a duty nurse who divulged details of how doctors were treating the duchess.

The hospital has said it "deplores" the stunt and will be conducting a review of its phone system.

As Prince William arrived to visit his wife as she spends her third day in hospital, St James's Palace declined to comment on the incident.

A spokesman for the hospital said: "King Edward VII's Hospital Sister Agnes can confirm that an Australian radio station made a hoax call to the hospital in the early hours of Tuesday morning.

Mel Greig and Michael Christian Australian duo Mel Greig and Michael Christian have apologised

"This call was transferred through to a ward and a short conversation was held with one of the nursing staff. King Edward VII's Hospital deeply regrets this incident."

John Lofthouse, chief executive at King Edward VII's Hospital, said: "This was a foolish prank call that we all deplore. We take patient confidentiality extremely seriously and we are now reviewing our telephone protocols."

Michael Christian has been posting congratulatory Tweets and reports of the prank from around the world on his Twitter page.

He tweeted: "Can't believe we got put through!"

The DJs and their radio station have since apologised - saying the hosts had "the best intentions".

Mel Greig and Michael Christian said: "We were very surprised that our call was put through, we thought we'd be hung up on as soon as they heard our terrible accents. 

Prince William arrives at hospital Prince William visits his wife on her third day in hospital

"We're very sorry if we've caused any issues and we're glad to hear that Kate is doing well."

In a statement, 2Day FM said: "2Day FM sincerely apologises for any inconvenience caused by the inquiry to Kate's hospital, the radio segment was done with the best intentions and we wish Kate and her family all the best."

Knowingly or recklessly obtaining personal information without consent is an offence under Section 55 of Data Protection Act 1998, punishable by a fine of up to £5,000.

During the debate over UK press standards, Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg called for those guilty of obtaining personal information by deception - known as "blaggers" - to be jailed.

00.27 | 0 komentar | Read More

Autumn Statement: The Key Points At A Glance

The main measures and forecasts from the Chancellor George Osborne in his Autumn Statement:

:: Most working age benefits, including Jobseeker's Allowance, will rise by 1% in each of the next three years. Changes to welfare "save £3.7bn by 2015/16". Child benefit to rise by 1% for two years from April 2014.

:: ISA limit raised to £11,520 and basic state pension to rise 2.5% from April. Public sector workers to see average 1% rise in earnings.

:: National pay arrangement in NHS and prison service to continue, and no changes to civil service arrangements, but greater freedom for schools to set pay in line with performance.

:: Will collect £7bn more in tax than the last Government to tackle "evasion" and loopholes. More resources (£77m) to ensure multinational firms "pay their fair share" and avoidance is reduced.

:: Fuel duty escalator "scrapped". Planned 3p a litre rise due in January is cancelled.

:: Income tax threshold increased by £235 in 2013. Means no tax paid on earnings under £9,440.

:: "Need to ask more of the better off": No new homes tax. From 2014/15 the pension lifetime pot relief will fall from £1.5m to £1.25m; annual allowance down from £50,000 to £40,000. This affects top 2% of pension pots.

:: Threshold for 40% rate of income tax to rise by 1% in 2014 and 2015 from £41,450 to £41,865 and then £42,285.

:: Corporation Tax rate cut by further 1% from April 2014.

:: The Bank Levy Rate will be increased to 0.130% next year.

:: Capital Gains Tax annual exempt amount to increase by 1% over the same period, reaching £11,100 and Inheritance Tax nil-band rate to rise from £325,000 now to £329,000 in 2015/16.

:: £1bn more for road improvements - upgrading A1, A30, and M25. Funding guarantee for extension to Northern Line tube.

:: £600m more on scientific research infrastructure.

:: £1bn to expand good schools and build more.

:: The deficit has fallen by a quarter in "just two years". Forecast to fall this year to 6.9% of GDP. Borrowing forecast for 2012/13 is therefore £108bn. It will take one extra year to reach his debt target.

:: Office for Budget Responsibility now forecasts GDP growth -0.1% in 2012, blaming Eurozone crisis. Sees growth of 1.2% in 2013, 2% in 2014 and 2.3% in 2015. OBR expects jobless rate to peak at 8.3% (currently 7.9%).

:: Has delivered £12bn in Whitehall spending cuts. More on the way. Government department resource budgets reduced by 1% next year with schools and hospitals protected.

00.27 | 0 komentar | Read More

Autumn Statement: Fuel Duty Hike Is Scrapped

Autumn Statement's Important Bits

Updated: 3:48pm UK, Wednesday 05 December 2012

By Ed Conway, Economics Editor

The Autumn Statement is what the Treasury likes to call a "fiscal event", the rough translation of which is that although this isn't the kind of tax-and-spend measure-fest we see in the spring Budgets, there are nonetheless plenty of measures to get one's head around.

So here, in roughly descending order of significance, are the key points from today: and their implication for the economy and for families around the UK.

1. The Government will miss its debt target

One of the two fiscal rules George Osborne set himself in 2010 was that by the end of this Parliamentary term (for example, between 2014/15 and 2015/16) total government debt should be falling, as a percentage of gross domestic product. The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) said that he is on course to miss this target - that debt will only start falling the year after that.

However, rather than pledging to take action to meet the rule, the Chancellor has, intriguingly, said he will, instead, stick to his existing plans. While some might quibble that his existing plans involved meeting his targets, what this means in practice is that he will not impose extra austerity in the short term purely to meet this target.

It remains to be seen whether the Chancellor will, ultimately, manage to get the public finances back in such a state that he meets this rule. The OBR is, after all, merely making predictions about what will happen in a few years' time.

Nonetheless, the decision to ignore the target, for the time being, is an important one. It took the previous government ten years to miss their fiscal targets. This Chancellor has missed one of his in barely more than two.

The big question now is whether the markets construe this as a blow to the UK's fiscal credibility. The reaction from gilts markets has been relatively muted, with the interest rates charged on Britain's Government debt remaining close to 1.8%.

2. Slashed forecasts, and the threat of a triple dip

The OBR also cut its forecasts for economic growth sharply for this and the coming years. So whereas in March it expected the economy to expand by 0.8%, it now expects a contraction of 0.1%.

On top of this, it's also predicting that GDP - the broadest measure of the country's economic output - will shrink by 0.1% in the final quarter of the year.

Given that the generally-accepted definition of a recession is two successive quarters of contraction, this would put the UK within a whisker of an unprecedented triple-dip, just when it had bounced back from the double-dip earlier this year.

However, it is worth emphasising that the OBR believes it will only be one quarter of contraction, rather than two.

As far as the OBR is concerned (and this is something others are likely to dispute) the main reason for the lower growth is the impact of the euro crisis on the European economy, and the subsequent effect on Britain's trade with the EU.

That fits in with evidence that one of the main drags on GDP in recent quarters was trade - however some have argued that the Government's austerity policies may have been more of a drag on growth than had been previously anticipated.

3. A decade of crisis fiscal policy

This is the first opportunity the Treasury has had to plot its broad fiscal plans into 2017/18, and the upshot is yet another year of austerity.

Given that the crisis first hit in mid-2007 with the collapse of Northern Rock, followed by the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy the following year, it means, in effect, that the post-crisis mopping-up operation will have lasted for at least a decade.

And the scale of the austerity in 2017/18 is not to be sniffed at: combined tax increases and spending cuts of £4.9bn in that year alone.

4. The giveaways

There were, of course, a few Christmas goodies in the Chancellor's bag, and unlike at the Budget most of them - save for extra capital spending - had been kept secret.

The tax-free personal allowance (the amount of salary every Briton can earn before paying any tax on it) will rise to £9,440 from next April - equivalent to an extra £47 of cash.

The Chancellor cancelled (not deferred) the 3p fuel tax rise due in January. And he also cut the main rate of corporation tax by 1 percentage point to 21% in 2014.

In broad terms, this will be a £2.27bn giveaway over this and the next three fiscal years. But that's then followed by a £5.2bn takeaway the following two years.

However, this excludes the effect of the following point.

5. 4G

The auction of the 4G spectrum, for the next generation of mobile phones, is forecast to bring in a whopping £3.5bn - even though it hasn't actually happened yet(!)

This will mean that money effectively flatters this year's fiscal figures, and allows the Government to claim that the overall deficit is coming down this year (rather than rising, as it would if the 4G proceeds were not included).

Some will consider this a fiddle. Although others will recall how much money Gordon Brown made from the 3G auction.

6. Cuts for the rich and the poor

In order to keep the public finances under at least some semblance of control, and to help the Chancellor meet his other fiscal target (more on which below), there will be further cuts and controls on spending.

Welfare bills will be fixed at 1% for three years on working age benefits and tax thresholds, raising an extra £3.5bn by 2015.

But this will be balanced out by measures targeting wealthier households: in particular the tax relief people can claim on pensions will be reduced. The lifetime pension pot will be reduced from £1.5m to £1.25m, while the annual allowance one can put into a pension scheme tax-free will drop from £50,000 to £40,000.

According to the Treasury this will only affect the top 2% of pension pots - so is aimed squarely at the wealthy. Although it isn't as deep a cut as had been expected: some thought the annual allowance would drop to £30,000.

On top of this, as announced on Tuesday, there will be an extra £5bn spent on capital investment projects, including new schools and, in London, the Northern Line extension of the London Underground. These will be paid for by money saved from government departments' budgets.

7. Deficit target met, with or without controversial QE switch

The Chancellor's second borrowing rule is that he needs to balance out the cyclically-adjusted budget (in other words, once you've taken account of the temporary fiscal impact of booms and busts) over five years.

This is a rolling target, rather than the static one incorporated into the debt rule, so it's marginally easier for the Chancellor to meet, provided he commits to tightening his accounts towards the end of that time horizon. And that is indeed what has happened this time around.

The structural deficit will indeed be eliminated within five years, according to the OBR.

This achievement threatened to be overshadowed by what many saw as a suspicious shift in cash from the Bank of England's accounts to the Treasury. The Bank was sitting on about £35bn of profits from its quantitative easing scheme: that now goes across to the Government's accounts.

However, the Treasury would have met his deficit target with or without this accounting change, the Chancellor said.

00.27 | 0 komentar | Read More

Syria: Tragedy Befalls Country's War-Torn Towns

Driving round town two things are clear. Firstly, that the army has successfully repulsed the full-scale rebel push into the city centre and, secondly, that the rebels will be back.

We heard explosions and saw smoke coming from the districts of Deera, Dirya, Kfar Sousa and Jaramana. All are within three miles of the city centre.

In Jaramana, south Damascus, the explosions were coming every few minutes interspersed with small arms fire.

On a side street 100 yards from the road to the international airport we watched as an army unit in a sandbagged bunker exchanged fire with rebel fighters across a dual carriageway.

The few people still outside so close to the shooting ran down the street to get to their shops and houses, but they could go no further. Neither could we. Attempts to make it to the army unit were thwarted by state security who turned up and politely, but firmly, told us we had to leave.

In Jaramana, locals were also still clearing up the mess from last week's double car bombing which killed 68 people.

Most died as they ran to the scene of the first blast to help the wounded. The secondary explosion tactic is much-used by jihadists and this attack bore their hallmarks.

The Al Nusra front, a jihadist group comprising foreign and local fighters, appears to be increasingly involved in terror tactics.

We travelled around 18 miles out of the city into one of the poor, rundown towns which line the Damascus-to-Homs highway.

Tragedy has befallen Wafideen. On Tuesday a rocket hit a classroom in the town, killing a teacher and 14 children and wounding another 14.

We went to their mass funeral, where a sea of people dissolved into tears shed for the innocent.

The children were aged between 14 and 15, some girls, some boys, all killed by what most people we spoke to said was a missile fired by the rebel FSA forces.

Wafideen is a predominantly pro-government town, which had until this week been spared the worst of the Syria's civil war. With emotions running high, the sight of a foreign media team brought a mixed response.

Some people were pleased that someone had come to record what has to be the worst moment in the town's history. Not a single Syrian reporter was present.

They are being killed on a regular basis, and although this was a town still supporting the President, getting to it meant going through areas which could change hands at any time - leaving them on the wrong side of a horrible death.

But not everyone wanted us in Wafideen. A group of youths, several dozen strong, began to shout at us to get out. Stones were thrown towards us, before pro and anti-government chants broke out as two groups converged.

Fist fights began between the youths and we headed to our car and out of town. We heard later several people had been injured. The war has come to Wafideen and it will never be the same again.

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Broadcaster Stuart Hall Held Over Rape Claim

Veteran sports broadcaster Stuart Hall has been arrested by Lancashire Police over an allegation of rape and indecent assault.

The 82-year-old was detained at his home in Wilmslow, Cheshire, earlier today, the force said.

He was taken to a police station for questioning on the allegations, described as "historic".

A spokesman said: "An 82-year-old man from Wilmslow in Cheshire has this morning been arrested by Lancashire Police at his home address on suspicion of rape and indecent assault.

Police carry evidence bags from Stuart Hall's home in Wilmslow Police carry evidence bags from the home in Wilmslow, Cheshire

"The man will be interviewed at a police station during the course of the day. The allegations are historic.

"We would encourage people with any information about sexual abuse or who has been a victim of sexual abuse to come forward and report their concerns confident in the knowledge it will be investigated appropriately and with sensitivity."

The former It's A Knockout presenter has been a familiar face and voice in British broadcasting for half a century and was awarded an OBE in this year's New Years Honours.

Police officers arrived at his home at around 8am and stayed until 2pm.

Sky's North of England Correspondent, Mike McCarthy, speaking from outside the house said: "Police have taken away a number of evidence bags, including it seems some documents and other items from the house."

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