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North Korea Executes Leader's 'Traitor' Uncle

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 14 Desember 2013 | 00.48

The Rise Of Jang Song-Thaek

Updated: 10:52am UK, Friday 13 December 2013

While hereditary leader Kim Jong-Un is the unquestioned ruler of North Korea, his uncle Jang Song-Thaek was thought to be the country's second most powerful figure.

The 67-year-old had occupied a privileged and yet precarious spot within the inner circle, and his ties to Mr Kim were more than political.

He was the son-in-law of the founder of North Korea, Kim Il-Sung, and was married to Mr Kim's aunt, Kim Kyong-Hui, the younger sister of the former leader, Kim Jong-Il.

A native of the far northeastern border city of Chongjin who hailed from humble roots but was sharp enough to gain entry to prestigious Kim Il Sung University in Pyongyang, he rose from municipal bureaucrat to vice chairman of the National Defence Commission and member of the Political Bureau.

These posts put him second in power only to Mr Kim.

He started his career as instructor for the Pyongyang City Committee of the Workers' Party, and rose post-by-post reaching the top ranks.

Despite not being a career military man, he was made a four-star general, and helped engineer a campaign to bring the once-powerful military into the party's fold.

He was purged and sent to a labour camp for two years in the mid-2000s, according to Kim Young-soo, a North Korea expert at Sogang University in Seoul, South Korea. That purge was widely seen as a move to clip his wings.

It was after Kim Jong-Il's stroke in 2008 that he was assumed to be serving in a regency role while the young heir Mr Kim, then in his late 20s, was being groomed to succeed his father.

Gen Jang would accompany Mr Kim on guidance trips, often dressed in a trim white general's uniform and standing within arm's length of the young heir on field visits and at state events.

That rise to the inner circle gained speed after Kim Jong Il's death from a heart attack in December 2011.

A well-travelled diplomat with a network that spread to China, Gen Jang was considered the chief architect of economic policy that focused on partnering with the neighbour and ally.

He had recently added a new title to his portfolio - chairman of the State Physical Culture and Sports Guidance Commission - one of Mr Kim's pet projects. Mr Kim is a basketball fan and famously invited US basketball star Dennis Rodman for a rare official visit to the country.

Last seen publicly in early November meeting a sports delegation from Japan, rumours of Gen Jang's dismissal began surfacing in Seoul last week.

On Sunday, he was fired from all posts at a special party meeting and dragged away by the arms by soldiers - his ordeal broadcast on North Korean television.

Four days after his dramatic public arrest, Gen Jang was tried for treason by a special military tribunal.

On Friday, North Korea's official news agency KCNA announced he had been executed. He confessed, according to state media.

He was described as "a traitor to the nation" and "worse than a dog".

The list of crimes against Gen Jang was long, with plotting to overthrow the leadership the most serious of the allegations.

Subsequently, pictures showing both Mr Kim and Gen Jang were doctored to remove the uncle - a technique notoriously used by Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin in the 1930s.

Gen Jang's demise offers an intriguing and revealing glimpse into the murky, feudalistic world of politics in the secretive country.

The fall from grace, accompanied by allegations from corruption to womanising and capped by his arrest at the party meeting on Sunday, has suggested to some analysts that Mr Kim is still trying to consolidate the power he inherited from his father two years ago.

For North Koreans, the shocking public humiliation of a man seen as a father figure to Mr Kim was designed to send a clear message about the intolerance of opposition in a totalitarian state that demands absolute loyalty to the leader.

It was a humiliating end to a complicated career.

:: Watch Sky News live on television, on Sky channel 501, Virgin Media channel 602, Freeview channel 82 and Freesat channel 202.

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Migrants Told 'Speak English Or No Benefits'

Migrants who cannot speak English well enough to get a job face being denied benefits under a new tougher test, the Work and Pensions Secretary has said.

The upgraded test for migrants who want to claim income-related benefits will be rolled out across Jobcentres this week.

Those applying will have to answer more individually tailored questions, provide more detailed answers and submit more evidence before they can claim.

For the first time migrants will be quizzed about whether their English language skills will be a barrier to them finding employment and about what efforts they had made to find work before coming to the UK.

Officials will have 200 questions to choose from when assessing claimants - 100 more than previously.

Iain Duncan Smith said: "It is vitally important that we have strict rules in place to protect the integrity of our benefits system.

"The British public are rightly concerned that migrants should contribute to this country and not be drawn here by the attractiveness of our benefits system.

"And we are taking action to ensure that that is the case.

"The roll-out of the new habitual residence test is the first in a series of measures to ensure that we have a fair system: one which provides support for genuine workers and jobseekers, but does not allow people to come to our country and take advantage.

"It is a crucial part of our long-term plan to secure Britain's economy."

Iain Duncan Smith Iain Duncan Smith says the public is 'rightly concerned' about immigration

Britain is already in a legal battle with the European Commission which says that it unlawful to test immigrants before they can claim benefits.

It comes amid concerns over an influx of Romanians and Bulgarians next month when they will be entitled to come to the UK for work and will be able to claim benefits like other EU citizens.

The Prime Minister was accused of "hysteria" and turning Britain into the "nasty country" last month when he announced new measures that would bar EU migrants from claiming out-of-work benefits, such as jobseeker's allowance, for their first three months in the UK.

Labour's shadow welfare minister Chris Bryant said: "For generations, people have come to this country and worked hard to contribute to Britain, but the principle of contribution is an important one, and the controls on immigration must be fair to those who live here.

"That is why Labour called for stronger restrictions on benefits for new arrivals from the EU, including proposals eight months ago to strengthen the habitual residence test to make it clear that people should not be able to claim benefits when they first arrive.

"At the time, the Government dismissed those proposals, but eight months later they have changed their minds and keep re-announcing their proposals.

"Yet the Government are still doing nothing to tackle the serious problem of low-skilled migrant workers being exploited, undercutting local workers and responsible businesses too.

"That is bad for everyone, yet they are doing nothing about it."

:: Watch Sky News live on television, on Sky channel 501, Virgin Media channel 602, Freeview channel 82 and Freesat channel 202.

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Mandela: Mourners Barge Police To See Body

Hundreds of South Africans pushed their way past a police cordon in a bid to see Nelson Mandela's body, in the final moments of his lying in state.

The group bustled past officers after tens of thousands of mourners were told that time had run out to pay last respects to the country's first black president.

They ran toward the amphitheatre at Union Buildings - the seat of government - where Mr Mandela has been lying in state since Wednesday.

Mr Mandela's body is transported The coffin is transported from Union Buildings in Pretoria

Shortly afterwards, the coffin was moved from Union Buildings. On Saturday it will be flown to the icon's boyhood village of Qunu for burial on Sunday.

Because of the sheer volume of mourners - around 100,000 - many of those who queued for hours, and in some cases days, were left disappointed.

Police officers gave up trying to restrain one group, ordering them in vain to get in line.

Crowd run towards the body Some of the crowd break police lines and run towards the coffin

"Police said we should make a queue, but they (the group) didn't. They then started to push," said Gilbert Setshedi, 27, who queued from 7am.

Meanwhile, the South African government has condemned the posting on Twitter of a hoax photograph appearing to show the body of Mr Mandela.

Nelson Mandela.

The image, in which the anti-apartheid icon is apparently lying in his coffin, has provoked an angry backlash on social media networks.

It is believed to be a digitally manipulated picture taken of Mr Mandela in 1991.

Government spokeswoman Phumla Williams said: "We would urge people to not to view this content and delete it."

:: Watch Sky News live on television, on Sky channel 501, Virgin Media channel 602, Freeview channel 82 and Freesat channel 202.

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Cameron: No To University Segregation

Sexism Row: Can Separate Be Equal?

Updated: 6:18pm UK, Wednesday 11 December 2013

By Tim Marshall, Foreign Affairs Editor

On Tuesday I spent much of the day watching the memorial service for Nelson Mandela, a human being who spent his life fighting against segregation.

It was International Human Rights Day. That evening I was driving through central London, noticed a small demonstration, a few photographers, and the glare of a TV camera light.

So I pulled over and joined perhaps 100 people outside the Universities UK (UUK) building. They also were demonstrating against segregation.

Last month, UUK published guidelines saying that if an external speaker at a university wanted to segregate men and women during a lecture, then that should be acceptable.

The National Union of Students (NUS) agreed that religious rights trumped women's rights to sit where they wish. Both organisations say that the decision is not discriminatory.

The report does not specify that if such a scenario ensued it would be because of a demand from a radical Muslim speaker or student group, but everyone knows that is what lies behind the guidelines and some of the speakers at the demonstration said they had been on the end of streams of abuse.

UUK have tangled themselves in knots trying to balance discriminating on religious grounds against discriminating on gender grounds, and end up arguing that because women would be seated one on side of a room, and not at the back of a room, therefore, they would not be discriminated against.

The strength of this argument could be tested if, instead of demanding that women sit in certain areas, a speaker demanded that gay people had to be removed from the midst of the audience.

It could be argued on religious grounds that homosexuality was so abhorrent to the speaker that they would only speak if gays were separated from the rest. I find it difficult to believe the UUK would issue guidelines saying that was acceptable.

So why is segregating women acceptable? The rationale appears to be to uphold deeply-held religious and cultural beliefs and thus those people's rights.

But as argued, if those deeply-held beliefs required gays or black people to sit to one side, they would be challenged, probably by the UUK, the NUS and a lot more than 100 people.

All this is hypothetical, you might say. But it is not. The Student Rights group has done research suggesting that gender separation has already occurred, or been called for, on about 50 occasions at 21 universities. More will follow.

At the rally the demonstrators were of the view that what they called abhorrent views were being accepted because the universities wanted to ensure they attracted enough fee-paying students from South Asia.

Mosques, synagogues and churches can have their own rules, but Britain's institutions of higher learning are supposed to be places for the free exchange of ideas for all. Ideas based on a fear of women's sexuality could indeed be part of that, but if they are to be discussed, surely it should be on an equal basis without segregation.

That argument accepts that the mixing of the sexes is a positive thing and part of freedoms won over centuries, which are indeed the overwhelming views prevalent in the UK, and a right enshrined in law. But the UUK and the NUS are pushing the other way.

"Separate but equal" was the lie the South African apartheid regime pedalled for decades. Only the stupid and the bigoted ever bought it. Mr Mandela never did.

:: Watch Sky News live on television, on Sky channel 501, Virgin Media channel 602, Freeview channel 82 and Freesat channel 202

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Nigella Lawson's Ex-PA: 'She Lied In Court'

Nigella Lawson and Charles Saatchi have been accused of lying under oath by one of the sisters accused of fraudulently spending £685,000 on the former couple's credit cards.

Giving evidence in court, Elisabetta Grillo, who was one of the TV cook's personal assistants, also claimed other members of her employer's so-called "Team Cupcake" had lied in court.

Last week, Ms Lawson admitted taking cocaine but said she had only used the drug after she found out her late husband John Diamond had terminal cancer, and in July 2010 during her troubled marriage to Mr Saatchi.

However, Grillo told Isleworth Crown Court that although she had never seen Ms Lawson taking drugs, there were signs of regular use.

Jurors heard she found a packet of white powder in the home Ms Lawson shared with Mr Diamond, as well as rolled-up banknotes and credit cards with white powder on them.

Nigella Lawson Court Case Promo

As details of some of her alleged spending were revealed, Grillo claimed Ms Lawson allowed her to buy a bed from Ikea and sign up for a fashion course because she was a "very generous" person.

She was given permission to use a credit card during a weekend in Paris because "it was my birthday" and bought Calvin Klein underwear while shopping for Ms Lawson's daughter "because we are the same size", the court heard.

"Nobody told me I could not take money," she said, adding that Ms Lawson allowed her to withdraw extra cash for herself if she worked beyond her hours.

Grillo, 41, claimed Mr Saatchi gave her £200 to bump up sales of his book.

She denied she was better dressed than any other household staff and said she bought clothes at discount stores and online.

She told jurors she was "not a shoes person" and had just 10 pairs, including some inexpensive ones from H&M, Zara and Primark.

"I was allowed to buy clothes for myself ... I worked hard," she said. "I was part of the family for 14 years."

Grillo and her sister Francesca, 35, deny committing fraud by using a company credit card for personal gain.

The trial, now in its third week, continues.

:: Watch Sky News live on television, on Sky channel 501, Virgin Media channel 602, Freeview channel 82 and Freesat channel 202.

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Nelson Mandela Twitter Photo Hoax Backlash

By Emma Hurd, Sky Correspondent

The South African government has condemned the posting on Twitter of a hoax photograph appearing to show the body of Nelson Mandela.

The image, in which the anti-apartheid icon is apparently lying in his coffin, has provoked an angry backlash on social media networks.

It is believed to be a digitally manipulated picture taken of Mr Mandela in 1991.

Government spokeswoman Phumla Williams said: "We would urge people to not to view this content and delete it."

She said the photograph was posted online by a South African woman and has since been removed.

People pay their respects to former South African President Mandela on the last day of Mandela's lying in state in Pretoria People paying their respects have been banned from taking photographs

Since Wednesday, thousands of South Africans have filed past the glass-topped casket as the nation's first black president lies in state in Pretoria.

The public have been banned from taking photographs, and the government says no official images will be released of Mr Mandela's body in accordance with the wishes of his family.

The posting of the hoax photo by the Twitter name INyqobi prompted some users to declare it disgusting, while others wondered how it could have been taken amid the high security surrounding the former statesman's body.

"Wow, how can you take pictures of a corpse, you are sick!" one person tweeted.

Nelson Mandela.

A spokesman for Mr Mandela's family, Lieutenant General Themba Mathamzima, said his relatives were very concerned about the picture.

"We don't know who did this but we want the government to investigate," he said.

The funeral cortege carrying Mr Mandela's coffin passed through the streets of Pretoria early on Friday morning as it was transported to the capital's Union Buildings to lie in state for a third and final day.

Hundreds began queuing in the early hours of the morning to get the chance to view the body and pay their final respects.

On Saturday a military ceremony will be held at the Waterkloof airbase in the city from where his body will be flown to his ancestral home of Qunu in the Eastern Cape ahead of the State Funeral on Sunday.

:: Watch Sky News' live coverage of Nelson Mandela's funeral on Sunday, December 15 - Sky channel 501, Virgin Media channel 602, Freeview channel 82 and Freesat channel 202.

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Crawley Free School To Close As Cash Pulled

A failing free school has had its funding pulled and been told to shut amid "grave concerns" over the standard of education being provided.

Discovery New School (DNS) in Crawley, West Sussex, has been ordered to close its doors on April 4.

It is the first time the drastic decision to permanently close a site has been taken, and will come as a blow to the flagship government policy championed by Education Secretary Michael Gove.

In a damning letter to the school's chairman of governors, Chris Cook, Schools Minister Lord Nash said he was ending its funding agreement.

Discovery New School was declared failing and placed in special measures by the education watchdog Ofsted in May.

A Department for Education (DfE) spokesman said it had been monitoring the school's progress and found it was not making the changes needed to improve standards.

Michael Gove speaks to school head teachers at the National College for School Leadership annual conference in Birmingham Education Secretary Michael Gove has championed free schools

DNS was one of the first 24 free schools to open in 2011.

In his letter to Mr Cook, Lord Nash said he had expressed his "grave concerns" about education standards last month, and asked the school for a statement on the action they were taking to address this.

Lord Nash said this statement had been considered, but Education Secretary Michael Gove was "not satisfied that the action the academy trust proposes to take is sufficient in all the circumstances".

A Department for Education spokesman said: "We are now working with West Sussex County Council to ensure the children affected have suitable alternatives in place and their transition is as smooth as possible."

Lord Nash's letter said that during a visit to Discovery New School last month, Ofsted found that "no progress in the quality of teaching and learning had been made since the original special measures judgement in May".

It added: "None of the school's teachers were delivering good lessons and all were still consistently inadequate or required improvement."

The minister concluded: "I recognise that my decision to terminate the funding agreement is likely to be disappointing for pupils, parents and all those involved with the school, but I will not allow a failing school to continue with no clear, workable plan to improve rapidly. It is not in the best interests of pupils to remain in an inadequate school."

West Sussex County Council said: "Although we have had no control over this situation, every effort will now be made to try and minimise disruption to children's education."

Free schools, set up by parents and other groups, are state-funded but operate outside local authority control.

Responding to the closure, Labour's Shadow Education Secretary Tristram Hunt said: "The closure of this free school is yet another shocking example of why David Cameron's flagship schools policy is failing.

"In his terrible rush to roll out the free school programme, David Cameron has abandoned high standards and basic safeguards - and the pupils at the Discovery Free School have paid the price."

:: Watch Sky News live on television, on Sky channel 501, Virgin Media channel 602, Freeview channel 82 and Freesat channel 202.

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PR Blunder Over Labour MP's 'Pikey' Tweet

By Sophy Ridge, Political Correspondent

Shadow cabinet minister Jack Dromey has become embroiled in a race row after calling a post worker a "pikey" on Twitter.

On a visit to a Royal Mail sorting office, he posted a picture of himself with one employee with the caption: "With Gareth Martin, the Pikey from the Erdington Royal Mail Sorting Office. A great guy!"

Hundreds of Twitter users pulled him up on the use of the word, with some threatening to report him to the police.

Since 2007 it has been possible to be arrested for a racially aggravated offence for using the word "pikey", which is an offensive word used to refer to Irish travellers.

When Sky News approached the Labour party, a press officer said Mr Dromey had fallen victim to autocorrect, which had automatically switched the word "postie" for "pikey".

He pointed to other tweets made by Mr Dromey, referring to the Royal Mail employees he met as "posties".

Jack Dromey tweets Mr Dromey attempted to smooth over the matter with a further tweet

However, minutes later this explanation was undermined by Mr Dromey himself.

He tweeted: "Don't panic, Mr Mainwaring. This morning's meeting was with Gareth, a Postie nicknamed after Corporal Pike from Dad's Army."

It is not the first time that the shadow minister has got into hot water on the social networking website.

Last month Mr Dromey, who is married to Labour's Deputy Leader Harriet Harman, made a link to a gay porn website one of his "favourites".

Labour sources said he had been trying to block the pages when he accidentally pressed the wrong button.

:: Watch Sky News live on television, on Sky channel 501, Virgin Media channel 602, Freeview channel 82 and Freesat channel 202.

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Teen Drink-Drive Killer's Sentence Slammed

A man whose wife and daughter were killed by a teenage drink-driver has spoken of his anger after the boy's wealthy background was used as a defence and he avoided prison.

Ethan Couch, 16, could have faced up to 20 years behind bars after losing control of his vehicle and killing four pedestrians in Fort Worth, Texas.

Instead, he was given 10 years' probation - plus rehab - after his lawyers argued his reckless behaviour was due to "affluenza".

The condition is said by some psychologists to affect young people who come from rich families.

Defence witness Gary Miller, a psychologist, said Couch should not get the maximum prison sentence that was being sought by prosecutors.

Mr Miller said Couch had grown up in a house where the parents often argued and eventually divorced.

Hollie Boyles and her 21-year-old daughter Shelby killed by drink driver Hollie Boyles and her daughter Shelby, 21, were among those killed

He told State District Judge Jean Boyd the mother had spoiled him, telling the court: "Her mantra was that if it feels good, do it."

Couch, whose blood-alcohol was three times the legal limit at the time of the crash, had admitted he was drinking and driving and confessed to intoxication manslaughter.

Eric Boyles, whose wife Hollie and his 21-year-old daughter Shelby were among those killed in the crash in June, told Fox News: "We knew the maximum sentence was a 20-year sentence which in the juvenile system meant the boy would be eligible for parole in two years.

"And while recognising that that's, you know, kind of the circumstances we were dealing with, I wasn't really happy with those circumstances.

"You look at 180 years of future life taken from the four individuals.

"And so you sit and think that even a two year sentence before he is eligible for parole didn't exactly seem fair under those circumstances."

He added: "Money always seems to keep the boy out of trouble. This was one time I did ask the court, that for justice, for money not to prevail and ultimately today I felt like money did prevail."

Scene of deadly drink drive crash in Fort Worth, Texas The scene of the deadly June crash in Texas

Speaking after the case, another psychologist, Dr Gary Buffone, said "affluenza" was never meant to be used as a defence in court cases.

He said the condition, which was popularised in the 1990s, was attributed to children with a sense of entitlement, and who are irresponsible and sometimes use drugs and alcohol.

"The simple term would be spoiled brat," he said. "The defence is laughable, the disposition is horrifying … not only haven't the parents set any consequences, but it's being reinforced by the judge's actions."

The American Psychiatric Association says it does not recognise the diagnosis of "affluenza".

Judge Boyd said the intensive rehab therapy Couch needs might not be available in the Texas juvenile justice system.

However, he could be treated at a centre in California which was proposed by the defence. The estimated yearly treatment cost of $450,000 (£276,000) is set to be paid by his parents, according to Fort Worth newspaper the Star Telegram.

:: Watch Sky News live on television, on Sky channel 501, Virgin Media channel 602, Freeview channel 82 and Freesat channel 202.

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Missing Jayden: Police Release CCTV Image

Detectives looking for a teenager who went missing 10 days ago have released a CCTV image of the last known sighting of her.

Jayden Parkinson, from Oxford, was last seen leaving Didcot Parkway train station at 4.27pm on December 3 - and did not return home that evening as planned.

A man from Reading, Berkshire, has been arrested on suspicion of murdering the 17-year-old.

The 22-year-old is currently being held in police custody in connection with her disappearance.

Detective Chief Superintendent Andy Murray, of Thames Valley Police, told a news conference the detained man was "part of our enquiries to prove or disprove whether Jayden has come to harm".

He revealed information had come to light to focus the search for the teenager in certain areas, including a wide, rural area between the village of Upton and Didcot.

Jayden Parkinson 17 year old girl missing Appeal: Superintendent Christian Bunt (L) and Det Ch Supt Andy Murray (R)

Mr Murray said teams had been deployed to search a path or track leading from Upton in the general direction of Didcot, partly following a disused railway line.

He said: "We do not know where Jayden is at the moment, but as time progresses it is obvious that we are becoming increasingly concerned about her welfare."

He added officers remained "focused on the hope that she is still out there".

Jayden is described as slim, with shoulder-length dark brown hair and brown eyes.

She was living with her mother in Didcot until November this year, when she found herself homeless.

The teenager relocated to an Oxford service called One Foot Forward, which offers assisted and supported accommodation for young people.

Inspector Chris Simpson, leading the search, said: "She has little access to money and she has not been in phone contact which is out of character for her.

"She could be in Oxford or Reading areas with friends and if this is the case we would urge her or them to get in contact.

"Jayden is not in any trouble but we need to get in touch with her to ensure she is safe and well."

Anyone with information has been urged to contact Thames Valley Police on 101 and quote URN 542 10/12, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

:: Watch Sky News live on television, on Sky channel 501, Virgin Media channel 602, Freeview channel 82 and Freesat channel 202.

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YouTube Most Viewed: The Fox Tops 2013 List

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 12 Desember 2013 | 00.27

YouTube Most Viewed: The Full List

Updated: 1:27pm UK, Wednesday 11 December 2013

YouTube has revealed the videos that have made the biggest impact worldwide and across the UK in 2013.

Top 10 Trending Videos (Global)

1. Ylvis - The Fox (What Does the Fox Say?), tvnorge, 265,351,182

2. Harlem Shake (original army edition), kennethaakonsen, 95,074,238

3. How Animals Eat Their Food, MisterEpicMann, 88,314,305

4. Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball (Chatroulette Version), SteveKardynal, 67,761,062

5. baby&me / the new evian film, EvianBabies, 66,802,801

6. Volvo Trucks - The Epic Split ft Van Damme, VolvoTrucks, 57,163,518

7. YOLO (feat. Adam Levine & Kendrick Lamar), thelonelyisland, 53,268,881

8. Telekinetic Coffee Shop Surprise, CarrieNYC, 50,198,668

9. The NFL : A Bad Lip Reading, BadLipReading, 43,945,120

10. Mozart vs Skrillex. Epic Rap Battles of History Season 2, ERB, 41,647,082

Top 10 Music Videos (Global)

1. Psy - GENTLEMAN M/V, officialpsy, 594,477,060

2. Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball, MileyCyrusVEVO, 377,051,906

3. Miley Cyrus - We Can't Stop, MileyCyrusVEVO, 297,786,345

4. Katy Perry - Roar (Official), KatyPerryVEVO, 241,176,391

5. P!nk - Just Give Me A Reason ft Nate Ruess, PinkVEVO, 234,306,316

6. Robin Thicke - Blurred Lines ft T.I., Pharrell, RobinThickeVEVO, 226,958,080

7. Rihanna - Stay ft Mikky Ekko, RihannaVEVO, 215,486,472

8. Naughty Boy - La La La feat. Sam Smith, NaughtyBoyVEVO, 196,665,012

9. Selena Gomez - Come & Get It, SelenaGomezVEVO, 178,005,663

10. Avicii - Wake Me Up (Official Video), AviciiOfficialVEVO, 175,985,946

Top 10 Trending Videos (UK)

1. How Animals Eat Their Food - MisterEpicMann

2. My Wedding Speech - Tom Fletcher from McFly

3. Attraction perform their stunning shadow act - week 1 auditions, Britain's Got Talent 2013

4. Will & Jaden Smith, DJ Jazzy Jeff and Alfonso Ribeiro Rap! - The Graham Norton Show, BBC One

5. Welcome To Standing Up School! asdfmovie6

6. Harlem Shake (original army edition)

7. Tom Daley: Something I want to say

8. Francine Lewis with her many impressions - week 2 auditions, Britain's Got Talent 2013

9. People are awesome 2013 (Hadouken! - Levitate)

10. Learn the Alphabet with Peppa Pig!

Top 10 Music Videos (UK)

1. Naughty Boy - La La La ft. Sam Smith

2. PSY - Gentleman M/V

3. Robin Thicke - Blurred Lines ft T.I., Pharrell

4. Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball

5. Miley Cyrus - We Can't Stop

6. Avicii - Wake Me Up (Lyric Video)

7. Ylvis - The Fox (What Does the Fox Say?) [Official music video HD]

8. Daft Punk - Get Lucky (Official Audio) ft Pharrell Williams

9. Katy Perry - Roar (Official)

10. Rudimental - Waiting All Night feat. Ella Eyre (Official Video)

00.27 | 0 komentar | Read More

Pope Francis Named Time Person Of The Year

Time magazine has named Pope Francis as its Person of the Year.

The US magazine chose the new leader of the Roman Catholic Church as the most influential figure of the year in its annual review.

The 76-year-old Argentinian was picked from a varied shortlist that included Syrian leader Bashar al Assad, NSA leaker Edward Snowden, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos and twerking superstar Miley Cyrus.

Francis became the 266th leader of the world's Roman Catholics in March this year, following the surprise abdication of Benedict XVI.

Time called the Pope a "septuagenarian superstar" and said he had taken "the name of a humble saint and then called for a church of healing".

Edward Snowden leaked information about intelligence programmes. Edward Snowden was runner-up

Managing editor Nancy Gibbs said Pope Francis had changed the tone, the perception and focus of one of the world's largest institutions in an extraordinary way.

She wrote: "For pulling the papacy out of the palace and into the streets, for committing the world's largest church to confronting its deepest needs and for balancing judgement with mercy, Pope Francis is Time's 2013 Person of the Year.

"Rarely has a new player on the world stage captured so much attention so quickly - young and old, faithful and cynical - as Pope Francis.

"In his nine months in office, he has placed himself at the very centre of the central conversations of our time: about wealth and poverty, fairness and justice, transparency, modernity, globalisation, the role of women, the nature of marriage, the temptations of power."

Former NSA contractor Snowden, whose intelligence leaks caused a media sensation worldwide and led to him seeking sanctuary in Russia, was named the runner-up. 

The other names on the shortlist were Texas senator and darling of the Tea Party Ted Cruz; US president Barack Obama, who won last year; Iran's new president Hassan Rouhani; US health secretary Kathleen Sebelius; and gay rights activist Edith Windsor.

Time has been choosing a Person of the Year since 1927, when it nominated pioneering aviator Charles Lindbergh.

The magazine insists it chooses the most influential person "for better or for worse" - previous winners have included dictators like Hitler and Stalin as well as figures usually seen as forces for good, such as Mahatma Gandhi and Lech Walesa.

Previous papal winners include Pope John Paul II in 1994 and John XXIII in 1962.

:: Watch Sky News live on television, on Sky channel 501, Virgin Media channel 602, Freeview channel 82 and Freesat channel 202.

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Dog Attack: Arrest After Leeds Mother Dies

Police have arrested a 33-year-old man after his two American pit bulls mauled a mother-of-four to death.

Emma Bennett died on Tuesday evening after suffering serious bite injuries in an incident at a house in Dawlish Avenue in the Osmondthorpe district of Leeds.

It was reported that the attack, on Monday afternoon, happened while the 27-year-old was suffering an epileptic fit.

The man arrested was held on suspicion of offences under the Dangerous Dogs Act.

Detective Superintendent Simon Beldon, who is leading the investigation, said: "Early indications are that the two dogs seized from the address are American pit bull terriers although tests are still ongoing to establish their exact make up.

"Dogs of this type are subject to restrictions under the Dangerous Dogs Act and our enquiries are focused on this aspect.

"We are continuing to appeal for anyone with information about the incident or the dogs involved in it to contact the investigation team."

Ms Bennett's neighbour, Chris Roebuck, said he was surprised the dogs were vicious enough to carry out the attack.

"I've seen one of them, which I have stroked and it seemed soft, really soft," he said.

"It wanted to lick you at all times - that's the big dog - but I never saw the other dog."

Mr Roebuck said the dogs "seemed calm" and only ever barked occasionally.

Earlier, police said the injured woman had been taken to Leeds General Infirmary for treatment.

Officers responded to reports that a woman was "in distress" at the address in Dawlish Avenue.

The force added: "One dog which got loose from the property was contained by officers in Back Dawlish Road and recovered. Another was safely removed from the address a short time later."

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Lloyds Fined £28m For Sales Incentive Scheme

Lloyds Banking Group has been fined £28m for "serious failings" which rewarded sales staff with 'grand in your hand' bonuses, even when products they sold consumers were deemed unsuitable.

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) said the penalty was the biggest it had imposed against a retail banking operation, which took in behaviour at Lloyds TSB, Bank of Scotland (BoS) and Halifax between 2010 and March 2012 - a period when it became clear that Lloyds was particularly exposed to the separate payment protection insurance mis-selling scandal.

The regulator said the bonus schemes at the heart of its inquiry put pressure on sales staff to hit targets relating to investment products such as stocks and share Isas and insurance protection products.

In one instance, an adviser was found to have sold insurance products to himself, his wife and a colleague to prevent himself being demoted.

The FCA said the bonus schemes had worrying "higher risk" features, which offered the potential of an automatic promotion and pay rise or salary cuts of up to 50% if targets were not met.

Antonio Horta-Osorio Lloyds Lloyds Banking Group is run by Antonio Horta-Osorio

Lloyds TSB also offered a so-called "champagne bonus" that could see an adviser land a windfall worth 35% of their monthly salary, while Halifax and BoS paid one-off monthly prizes, such as a "grand in your hand."

The investigation found that 70% of advisers at Lloyds TSB and 30% at Halifax still received their monthly bonus, even though a high proportion of their sales were found - by the firms themselves - to be unsuitable or potentially unsuitable.

A further 229 advisers at Lloyds TSB received a bonus even when all of their assessed sales were deemed unsuitable or potentially unsuitable; and 30 advisers received a bonus in the same circumstances on more the one occasion.

Tracey McDermott, the FCA's director of enforcement and financial crime, said the fine was increased as Lloyds ignored repeated industry warnings from regulators over incentive schemes.

She added: "The findings do not make pleasant reading.

"Financial incentive schemes are an important indicator of what management values and a key influence on the culture of the organisation, so they must be designed with the customer at the heart.

"The review of incentive schemes that we published last year makes it quite clear that this is something to which we expect all firms to adhere. 

"Customers have a right to expect better from our leading financial institutions and we expect firms to put customers first - but firms will never be able to do this if they incentivise their staff to do the opposite.

"Both Lloyds TSB and Bank of Scotland have made substantial changes, and the reviews of sales and the redress now being made should right many of these wrongs," she concluded.

Lloyds Banking Group - which has since split the TSB operation into a separate brand - responded to the penalty by apologising.

Its statement said: "The Group has already commenced a review to address potential customer impacts that may have occurred as a result of these failings.

"We are already contacting customers, and will continue to contact potentially affected customers over the coming months. Customers do not need to take any action at this stage to be included in the review and they will be contacted in due course.

"The Group recognises that its oversight of these particular schemes during the period in question was inadequate and apologises to its customers for the impact that they may have had.

"We are determined to ensure that any customer impacts are dealt with quickly and fully."

It concluded: "The cost of the enforcement and the review is not expected to have a material impact on the Group."

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World Leaders Pay Final Respects To Mandela

Winnie Mandela, ex-wife of former South African President Nelson Mandela, has viewed his body as it lies in state at the Union Buildings in Pretoria.

Hundreds of other dignitaries including his widow Graca Machel, Jacob Zuma, Robert Mugabe and Naomi Campbell are also lining up to pay their respects to the iconic South African anti-apartheid campaigner.

Winnie Mandela, ex-wife of former South African President Nelson Mandela, looks down while viewing his coffin as he lies in state at the Union Buildings in PretoriaGraca Machel, the widow of former South African President Nelson Mandela, stands at his coffin as he lies in state at the Union Buildings in Pretoria Ms Mandela (L) and Ms Machel say goodbye to the former leader

Thousands of South Africans had lined the streets of Pretoria to pay their respects as Mr Mandela's body was taken to lie in state in a glass-topped coffin.

Members of the public formed a guard of honour as his coffin passed by fronted by a fleet of police outriders, at the start of what will be three days of mourning in the executive capital.

South African President Zuma is followed by Machel, widow of former South African President Nelson Mandela, after paying their respects at his coffin lying in state at the Union Buildings in Pretoria President Zuma is followed by Graca Machel (in black) Mandela's widow

The coffin was draped in the multi-coloured South African flag as it arrived at the grand setting of the Union Buildings, seat of power in the country's capital and the place where the former leader was sworn in as president.

The same procession around Pretoria will take place each morning until Friday, with the coffin being returned to the military hospital each evening.

As the procession passed, mourners sang tributes to the former South African leader, who died last week at the age of 95.

SAFRICA-MANDELA-FAREWELL President of Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe files past to pay his respects

Mandela's grandson Mandla and Defence Minister Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula led mourners into the viewing area. Soldiers set down the coffin and removed the flag.

Members of Mr Mandela's family and VIPs are paying their respects before the public are allowed in to view the body.

SAFRICA-MANDELA-FAREWELL South African apartheid-era president FW de Klerk bids farewell

With worries about crowds, three sites have been set up in Pretoria from where mourners will be shuttled in to the Union Buildings and back.

People making their way to the sites told Sky's Alex Crawford they thanked Mr Mandela for their freedom.

SAFRICA-MANDELA-FAREWELL Model Naomi Campbell (L) after paying her final respects to Mr Mandela

"South Africa is mourning for the greatest icon that ever lived," one mourner said. "We are sad, we are crying; today we are going to witness him, we are going to see him and we are going to pray for him."

People have been told their mobile phones will have to be switched off and be put out of sight before they will be allowed to file past the body. No photos will be allowed.

World Mourns Mandela

A public memorial service was also held at St Martin-in-the-Fields church in London at the request of the South African High Commission.

The two share strong links and were the scene of freedom vigils for Mr Mandela during his incarceration.

SAFRICA-MANDELA-FAREWELL Irish band U2's lead singer Bono (2L) and his wife Alison Hewson

Speakers at the service included Sir Sydney Kentridge QC and Lord Joffe of Lidington, who both represented Mr Mandela at his treason trials, and campaigner and African National Congress veteran Mama Thembi Nobhadula.

Chief Mangosuthu Buthelezi, the founder of South Africa's Inkatha party, said there was something "unique" about his friendship with Mr Mandela.

SAFRICA-MANDELA-FAREWELL The Union Building's amphitheatre where Mr Mandela's coffin lies in state

Despite the Inkatha party being at virtual war with Mr Mandela's African National Congress, Chief Buthelezi said he campaigned tirelessly for Mr Mandela's release.

Speaking to Sky's Jeremy Thompson, he said: "That was the mischief of many politicians who separated us. But I thank God they did not succeed because our friendship existed up until this point.

Military outriders escort funeral cortege carrying coffin of former South African President Mandela through street of Pretoria People lined the streets as the hearse made its way through Pretoria

"There was something very unique about our friendship. I campaigned for his release more than anyone else in this country. I challenge anyone to prove to the contrary."

The lying in state will end with Mr Mandela's remains being transported to the Eastern Cape and his ancestral home of Qunu at the weekend ahead of his funeral.

Women chant slogans and dance as the funeral cortege carrying the coffin of Mandela leaves the 1 Military Hospital on the outskirts of Pretoria Women sing tributes to Mr Mandela as the cortege passes by

Buckingham Palace has confirmed that the Queen will be represented by the Prince of Wales at the funeral which will take place on Sunday December 15.

Nelson Mandela left it to the South African people to decide how to celebrate his life and legacy.

Nelson Mandela Mandela: "I would just like a simple stone on which is written, 'Mandela'."

He said once when asked how he wished to be remembered: "It would be very egotistical of me to say how I would like to be remembered.

"I'd leave that entirely to South Africans. I would just like a simple stone on which is written, 'Mandela'."

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Mandela Memorial: Deaf Signer Was 'Fake'

South Africa's deaf federation has claimed that an interpreter using sign language during the Mandela memorial was a "fake".

Concerns over the male interpreter had been raised by deaf people watching the service at Johannesburg's FNB Stadium on Tuesday.

Bruno Druchen, national director of the Deaf Federation of South Africa, said the unidentified man, who was on stage alongside world leaders including US President Barack Obama, "was moving his hands around but there was no meaning in what he used his hands for".

Mandela speech Sign language experts have said there was no meaning to the man's gestures

South African parliament member Wilma Newhoudt, a member of the ruling party, also said the man communicated nothing with his hand and arm movements.

Both Mr Druchen and Ms Newhoudt are deaf.

Mandela speech The revelation also raises concerns over security for world leaders

Three sign language experts said the man was not signing in South African or American sign languages.

South African sign language covers all of the country's 11 official languages, according to the federation.

Nicole Du Toit, an official sign language interpreter who also watched the broadcast, said the man on stage was an "embarrassment".

Mandela speech The man has not been identified

She said: "It was horrible, an absolute circus, really really bad.

"Only he can understand those gestures."

Delphin Hlungwane, an official South African sign language interpreter with DeafSA, said authorities were trying to track the man down.

Mandela speech The man also failed to indicate that the crowd was booing Jacob Zuma

She said: "There was zero percent accuracy. He couldn't even get the basics right. He couldn't even say thank you.

"You're supposed to indicate with your facial expressions, even if it's not an exact sign. He didn't indicate that (booing of Jacob Zuma) at all. It just passed him by.

"Nobody knows who he is. Even at this hour we still don't have his name."

Paul Breckell, chief executive of Action on Hearing Loss, said: "The use of appropriately qualified communication support is crucial to ensure that deaf people can engage with and access the same opportunities as hearing people.

"Sign Language, be it British, International or South African, is a visual and expressive language yet the limited number of signs, the amount of repetition, lack of facial expressions and huge gaps in translation meant that deaf or hard of hearing people across the world were completely excluded from one of the biggest events in recent history."

The memorial was also affected by faulty public transport which prevented some mourners from getting to the event and a faulty audio system that prevented some of the crowd from hearing leaders' speeches.

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Cameron: 11% MPs' Pay Rise Is Unacceptable

David Cameron has said an 11% pay rise for MPs is unacceptable and even hinted he might scrap the parliamentary watchdog if it did not reconsider the proposal.

Speaking at Prime Minister's Questions in the House of Commons, Mr Cameron warned that if Ipsa forged ahead with its plans for the increase he was "ruling nothing out".

His comments suggested that if the parliamentary watchdog, which was brought in following the MPs' expenses scandal and which has responsibility for setting politicians pay, did not "think again", he would be willing to consider abolishing the body.

Ipsa is expected to recommend on Thursday that MPs' pay goes up by £7,600 to £74,000. The rise would come into effect in May 2015. It comes as all other public sector workers have seen their pay capped at 1%.

Mr Cameron said: "First, the idea of an 11% pay rise in one year at a time of pay restraint is simply unacceptable.

"Secondly, Ipsa do need to think again and unless they do so, I don't think anyone will want to rule anything out. No-one wants to go back to MPs voting on their own pay but we have got to have a process and an outcome that can build public confidence.

"Third, in my view, I think this should all be accompanied with a cut in the cost of politics."

David Cameron Cameron warns Ipsa to rethink its suggestion of an 11% pay rise

When pressed on whether the Prime Minister was suggesting scrapping the parliamentary watchdog, Downing Street responded that Mr Cameron was "not ruling anything out". Another option could be to strip Ipsa of its powers to set MPs' pay.

The recommended pay rise will be subject to a statutory review by Ipsa after the 2015 General Election.

But  Downing Street source said: "There's no final decision until 2015. A statutory review is planned after the 2015 election to look at whatever is published tomorrow so probably best to let that process go forward. But I think the PM has been crystal clear what his view is."

However, Ed Miliband called for an urgent meeting with Mr Cameron, Nick Clegg and the chairman of Ipsa, Sir Ian Kennedy, to prevent the pay rise ahead of that.

A senior Labour source said: "That meeting should take place as soon as possible. The three party leaders should jointly make clear this package is unacceptable to the public and cannot go ahead."

At the weekend shadow chancellor Ed Balls told Sky News the suggested rise was "preposterous" when there was a cost-of-living crisis.

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Killer Who Strangled Partner And Son Jailed

By David Crabtree, Midlands Correspondent

A killer who strangled his ex-partner and her baby son in their beds has been sentenced to life in prison.

Wesley Williams, 29, pleaded guilty last week to the "shocking and senseless" murders of university graduate Yvonne Walsh and her seven-month-old son Harrison at their home in Billesley, West Midlands.

He will serve a minimum term of 29 years.

Judge Mr Justice MacDuff lifted a reporting restriction to reveal that Williams was the former partner of Rebecca Shuttleworth, 25, who was found guilty in June of murdering her two-year-old son Keanu Williams in a totally separate case.

Yvonne Walsh Yvonne Walsh had split with Williams days before she was found dead

He said: "It is clear that you could not accept being rejected by Yvonne Walsh when you were proposing or intending to propose marriage.

"She wanted no further part in a relationship with you. And you decided to kill her, in fact to execute her.

"It was your decision, casually taken that she had to die. Then you killed Harrison as well."

West Midlands Police said officers were unable to determine which of two was killed first.

Ms Walsh, who had split from Williams two days before she was last seen alive on May 31, was found in her bed. Her baby son was found in his cot with the curtains drawn.

A post-mortem revealed they had both died as a result of pressure to the neck.

Detective Chief Inspector Sarbjit Johal, of West Midlands Police, said: "Wesley Williams has pleaded guilty to the shocking and senseless murders of his partner Yvonne and her baby Harrison who both had their whole lives ahead of them.

"Yvonne's family described her as a warm and loving person who was a dedicated professional and absolutely devoted to her two young children."

Birmingham Crown Court heard that after the killings, Williams changed his Facebook status to single and wrote: "Sometimes you just have to do somethings you shouldn't."

Williams had previously served a jail term for causing actual bodily harm with intent after carrying out an attack involving a hammer and samurai swords.

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Hacking Revealed Prince Harry Calls And Texts

The News of the World found out Prince Harry's then girlfriend Chelsy Davy was bombarding him with calls and texts when he was training at Sandhurst, an Old Bailey jury has heard.

The royal editor of the now-defunct tabloid, Clive Goodman, sent an email to editor Andy Coulson in August 2005 saying she was "blitzing" him with messages.

In the email Goodman wrote: "He's not allowed to use his mobile at Sandhurst until he's off duty but she's blitzing him with dozens of calls and texts when he should be concentrating on his training."

Prince Harry could only listen to the calls when he had finished his training duties at 10pm, the email said.

The court heard the News of the World used phone hacking to get stories about the royals, including a claim that Harry broke rules at Sandhurst by asking an aide for help with an essay.

Jurors were told that a story titled "Harry's aide helps out on Sandhurst exams" came from a voicemail illegally accessed by private investigator Glenn Mulcaire for Goodman.

Harry had left the voicemail for his private secretary, Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton.

PG 1 prince harry with chelsy davy Prince Harry and Chelsy Davy split in 2010

Goodman, 56, from Addlestone, Surrey, and Coulson, 45, from Charing, Kent, face two allegations that they conspired together and with other unknown people to commit misconduct in public office between August 31, 2002 and January 31, 2003, and between January 31, 2005 and June 3, 2005.

Coulson is also accused of conspiring to hack phones between October 3, 2000 and August 9, 2006.

That charge is also faced by former News of the World and Sun editor Rebekah Brooks, 45, of Churchill, Oxfordshire; Ian Edmondson, 44, of Raynes Park, south west London and former managing editor Stuart Kuttner, 73, of Woodford Green, Essex.

Brooks faces a further two counts of conspiring with others to commit misconduct in public office - one between January 1, 2004 and January 31, 2012, and the other between February 9, 2006 and October 16, 2008 - linked to alleged inappropriate payments to public officials.

She is also charged with conspiracy to pervert the course of justice - once with her former personal assistant Cheryl Carter, 49, of Chelmsford, Essex, between July 6 and 9 2011, and with her husband, Charles Brooks, and former News International head of security Mark Hanna and others between July 15 and July 19, 2011.

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Dale Cregan: Police Call-Handler's 'Help'

A police call-handler fed secret information to her boyfriend during the manhunt for his friend Dale Cregan, a court hears.

Kathryn Smith, 25, allegedly accessed files outlining the movement of firearms officers and confidential calls from the public concerning the case.

She is then said to have passed on the sensitive information to her boyfriend Sean Booth, 31, a close friend of Cregan.

At one point her information is said to have enabled Cregan's mother Anita to identify and confront a member of public who had called the police.

Smith was arrested in September 2012 after her mobile phone and computer records were examined by detectives.

Cregan had already murdered father and son Mark and David Short. Days after Smith's arrest he went on to murder Greater Manchester police officers Nicola Hughes and Fiona Bone.

Manchester Crown Court has been told that the call handler frequently sent text messages to her boyfriend with details of police operations.

At the time Greater Manchester Police had mounted their biggest ever manhunt. A £50,000 reward had been offered for information leading to Cregan's arrest.

The court heard that after Smith passed information to her boyfriend, he in turn passed it to Cregan's family.

A microphone hidden by the police at Anita Cregan's house as part of their search for her son picked up conversations in which she discussed the confidential information.

In one she is alleged to have said: "I've just text somebody saying we've got a grass in the street ... it's surprising what fifty grand will solve innit. I can't f*****g believe it."

Booth is then said to have texted his girlfriend saying:  "U can't get in trouble don't worry. I would not put u in a position where u could b."

Smith allegedly replied: "Well I do worry how are u going to explain how u know things to anita? I'm scared, I hate it that you're an associate."

Smith denies a charge of misconduct in a public office. Cregan and Smith deny aiding and abetting the call handler.

The trial is expected to last six days.

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