Islamic State Threatening Iraqi City Of Ramadi

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 16 April 2015 | 00.28

Islamic State has captured three villages near the Iraqi provincial capital of Ramadi and is feared to be closing in on the city.

The militant group took the villages of Sjariyah, Albu-Ghanim and Soufiya, in Anbar province, which had been under government control, residents said.

It represents a setback for government forces, which two weeks ago were able to regain control of Tikrit.

Residents of the villages told the AP news agency fighting was taking place on the eastern edges of Ramadi, about 2km away from a local government building.

In Soufiya, the militants bombed a police station and took over a power plant.

The residents said Iraqi troops battling the militants were being backed up by airstrikes.

At around midday on Wednesday, militants opened another front with government troops at three other villages, to the northeast of Ramadi.

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al Abadi is currently in Washington, where he has met President Barack Obama and appealed for greater support from the US-led coalition carrying out airstrikes against the militants.

At least 43 people have been killed in a spate of militant attacks in the last few days.

Iraqi state TV said troops have started a large-scale operation to recapture areas beyond Tikrit.

Islamic State swept through key areas in the north and west of Iraq last year seizing about a third of the country including Mosul.

The group has also previously captured large areas in neighbouring Syria and threatened the Kurdistani city of Irbil.

After its forces were ejected from Tikrit, Iraqi forensic teams exhumed the remains of up to 1,700 soldiers killed as militants overran the city.

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