Safe Sex Warning Over Ebola Virus In Semen

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 16 April 2015 | 00.28

Traces of Ebola have been found in the semen of a man who had been given the all-clear six months earlier, according to the World Health Organisation.

The man, from Liberia, was declared free of the virus last September.

Ebola was previously detected in semen about three months after a patient was declared virus-free.

The Geneva-based UN health agency is urging survivors of the often deadly virus to practise safe sex "until further notice".

WHO spokesman Mr Jasarevic said the organisation would not be able to give more detailed advice until there was more research on the after-effects of the disease.

"We need to understand better if this particular case is an anomaly or if there really are groups of people who might (carry) parts of the Ebola virus longer," he said.

The WHO's Bruce Aylward says studies are being conducted and talks are under way about whether there should be systematic screening after three months of a patient's recovery to see how they are.


  1. Gallery: The Desperate Fight To Contain The Ebola Outbreak

    A man rests outside the clinic.

A woman is comforted after medical officials remove her husband, who is suspected of having the disease.


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