Pro-Putin Biker Gang Spark Anger Over Ride

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 16 April 2015 | 00.28

Pro-Putin Biker Gang Spark Anger Over Ride

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A Russian biker gang loyal to President Vladimir Putin is planning to ride through Europe to mark the end of the Second World War, triggering anger in Poland.

Plans by the ultra-nationalistic Night Wolves motorcycle club to retrace the westward route taken by Soviet troops to Berlin have been branded a "provocation" by Warsaw.

The rally comes amid heightened tensions between Russia and the West over the crisis in Ukraine, which have fuelled fears of Moscow's wider territorial ambitions.

The two-week, 3,728 mile ride will pass through Belarus, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria and finish in the German capital on 9 May.

The biker gang's website states "To Berlin" - a reference to the Red Army's famous battle cry.


  1. Gallery: Vladimir Putin: Moscow's Action Man

    In deeping with his image as a manage of action, Russia's PM Vladimir Putin makes an archaelogical 'find' on a dive in the Black Sea

Russian PM Vladimir Putin scales a climbing wall during his visit to a pro-Kremlin summer camp


Mr Putin proved himself a natural climber...


...but he had less success bending a pan


Mr Putin (c) refereed an arm wrestling during his visit...

Pro-Putin Biker Gang Spark Anger Over Ride

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A Russian biker gang loyal to President Vladimir Putin is planning to ride through Europe to mark the end of the Second World War, triggering anger in Poland.

Plans by the ultra-nationalistic Night Wolves motorcycle club to retrace the westward route taken by Soviet troops to Berlin have been branded a "provocation" by Warsaw.

The rally comes amid heightened tensions between Russia and the West over the crisis in Ukraine, which have fuelled fears of Moscow's wider territorial ambitions.

The two-week, 3,728 mile ride will pass through Belarus, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria and finish in the German capital on 9 May.

The biker gang's website states "To Berlin" - a reference to the Red Army's famous battle cry.


  1. Gallery: Vladimir Putin: Moscow's Action Man

    In deeping with his image as a manage of action, Russia's PM Vladimir Putin makes an archaelogical 'find' on a dive in the Black Sea

Russian PM Vladimir Putin scales a climbing wall during his visit to a pro-Kremlin summer camp


Mr Putin proved himself a natural climber...


...but he had less success bending a pan


Mr Putin (c) refereed an arm wrestling during his visit...


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