Protester Attacks Draghi At News Conference

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 16 April 2015 | 00.28

Protester Attacks Draghi At News Conference

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The president of the European Central Bank has been interrupted at a news conference by a protester shouting "end ECB dictatorship".

Mario Draghi was outlining the bank's latest monetary policy thinking when a lone woman jumped onto the desk above Mr Draghi and showered him with items including what looked like confetti and sheets of paper.

The bank suspended the video feed of the news conference as security officials grabbed her but she flashed a V for victory sign and smiled as two men in grey suits took her away holding her arms and legs.

Mr Draghi, who had held up his hands as protection, looked shocked but was apparently unhurt and continued his presentation shortly afterwards.

The Reuters news agency reported that activist group Femen was claiming responsibility for the incident on Twitter - although some sources suggested the protester was believed to have left the feminist movement.


  1. Gallery: Protester Disrupts ECB Conference

    A protester jumps on the table in front of the European Central Bank President Mario Draghi during a news conference in Frankfurt, Continue through for more images

Protester Attacks Draghi At News Conference

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The president of the European Central Bank has been interrupted at a news conference by a protester shouting "end ECB dictatorship".

Mario Draghi was outlining the bank's latest monetary policy thinking when a lone woman jumped onto the desk above Mr Draghi and showered him with items including what looked like confetti and sheets of paper.

The bank suspended the video feed of the news conference as security officials grabbed her but she flashed a V for victory sign and smiled as two men in grey suits took her away holding her arms and legs.

Mr Draghi, who had held up his hands as protection, looked shocked but was apparently unhurt and continued his presentation shortly afterwards.

The Reuters news agency reported that activist group Femen was claiming responsibility for the incident on Twitter - although some sources suggested the protester was believed to have left the feminist movement.


  1. Gallery: Protester Disrupts ECB Conference

    A protester jumps on the table in front of the European Central Bank President Mario Draghi during a news conference in Frankfurt, Continue through for more images





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