Tories Continue To Chase Down Business Support

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 02 April 2015 | 00.27

A Labour government would threaten jobs, deter investment and put Britain's economic recovery at risk, according to a letter signed by more than 100 leading business figures.

Senior executives from some of Britain's best-known businesses hailed the Government's economic policies, which they claim show that "the UK is open for business".

The move was orchestrated by Conservative Party co-chairman Lord Feldman, who is continuing to email business leaders asking them to "consider adding your name as a signatory to this letter".

The top executives - including BP's CEO Bob Dudley and West Ham United vice-chairman, the Conservative Peer Baroness Brady - argue that keeping the Tories in power is the best way to ensure continued growth.

In an open letter to The Daily Telegraph, the signatories, who had been approached by the party to add their names to the letter, said the Conservatives' economic policies have supported investment and the creation of jobs.

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The letter has been signed by at least five former Labour backers, including the chairman of Dixons Carphone and Talk Talk plc Sir Charles Dunstone, and former Dragons' Den star Duncan Bannatyne.

The business figures write: "We believe this Conservative-led Government has been good for business and has pursued policies which have supported investment and job creation.

"David Cameron and George Osborne's flagship policy of progressively lowering Corporation Tax to 20% has been very important in showing the UK is open for business. It has been a key part of their economic plan.

"The result is that Britain grew faster than any other major economy last year and businesses like ours have created over 1.85m new jobs.

"We believe a change in course will threaten jobs and deter investment. This would send a negative message about Britain and put the recovery at risk."

Mr Cameron was quick to welcome the letter tweeting: "Today's #businessletter in the @Telegraph shows job creators support our long term economic plan. Labour's taxes will cost jobs."

Mr Osborne told Sky News: "This is an unprecedented intervention in a British General Election. A hundred business people, employing over half a million people and leading some of Britain's best-known companies, from Primark to the Prudential and from BP to Britvic and Mothercare, have spoken out.


  1. Gallery: Which Former Labour Supporters Signed The Letter?

    Duncan Bannatyne backed the Labour government under Blair and Brown, stating he would 'hate' to see David Cameron in power. He joined Gordon Brown on part of the campaign trail in 2010

However the founder of the Bannatyne group recently criticised Labour's mansion tax plan, saying he found it 'offensive'


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