Couple Scoop £1m Lottery For Second Time

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 02 April 2015 | 00.27

A couple from Scunthorpe have won £1m on the EuroMillions lottery - for a second time.

David and Kathleen Long beat odds of 283-billion-to-one to add to the £1m they picked up in 2013.

"All you've got to do is believe you're going to do it," Mr Long told Sky News.

Explaining why he carried on playing the lottery after his first win, he said: "When I won it the first time, and everything settled down and that, I believed I was going to do it again ... I kept saying to friends and some of the family: 'I tell you I'm going to do it again!'"

The couple said they are going on a cruise to celebrate their second win - because Mr Long is afraid of flying.

Asked what they had bought with their first £1m, Mrs Long said: "He bought a home for his mum and brought her nearer us.

"And we got married, and bought a holiday home. The biggest thing that happened was Dave retired."

Mr Long said he decided to give up his job as a lorry driver to "chill out" - pointing out that he was still young enough to enjoy the windfall.

He said he was passing his local shop on Friday night when he saw there were 10 £1m prizes on EuroMillions and decided to have another go.

"On Saturday morning I sat down in front of our telly and started checking the numbers. On one line I'd matched two numbers and one star to get £7.20 and thought that's all right," he said.

"Then I checked the raffle codes - something I've learnt to do automatically since winning last time. After a few moments I very calmly called Kath in and said 'Have a look at this. It's there. Look. Read that line'."

Mr Long said his wife checked the TV and went online, adding: "Then she went up right close to our television on the wall, put on her glasses and stared really hard at the raffle numbers.

"It seemed ages and then she finally said: 'You said you'd do it again and you have!' Everything has been a blur ever since."

The couple become the first people to win £1m twice to go public. They also won a car in Friday's draw.

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