Police Divers Join Search For Missing Student

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 16 April 2015 | 00.28

Police investigating the disappearance of student Karen Buckley in Glasgow are searching a park where her handbag was found.

Police divers, a helicopter crew and search dogs have been deployed to Dawsholm Park, which is bordered on one side by the River Kelvin.

The 24-year-old vanished in the early hours of Sunday after spending Saturday night with friends at Glasgow's Sanctuary nightclub on Dumbarton Road.

She told them at around 1am she was going to the toilet, but failed to return and left her jacket behind.

CCTV spotted her leaving the club with 21-year-old Alexander Pacteau, who then drove her to his flat.

Mr Pacteau is not a suspect, but communal areas outside his flat in Dorchester Avenue have been taped off while officers look for clues.

He told officers she left at 4am. It is believed she was planning to walk back to her flat four miles away in Hill Street.

The student, who studies occupational therapy and is originally from Cork, has not been seen since.

Her parents, who have flown from Ireland to help with the search, said it was typical for her not to use taxis.

Police have increased patrols in the west end, Kelvindale and Anniesland areas of the city, and say they are "gravely concerned" for Ms Buckley's well-being.

Mr Pacteau told officers he was intimate with her at his flat in the early hours of Sunday.

Detective Superintendent Jim Kerr said: "From what we can see, she does not appear to be under duress, there's no signs of a struggle or reluctance on her part to leave the club."

He said Ms Buckley was widely travelled and was "aware of how to take care of herself".


  1. Gallery: Police Search Park After Handbag Of Missing Student Found

    Police officers continue their search of the ground near the flat in Dorchester Avenue where a missing student Karen Buckley spent several hours on Sunday before leaving around 4am

Police forensic officers search the rear gardens of a block of flats in Dorchester Avenue


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