US Soldier Killed In Afghan Insider Attack

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 09 April 2015 | 00.27

An Afghan soldier was shot dead after opening fire on American troops - killing one and wounding several other people.

The attack was believed to be an attempt to assassinate a senior US diplomat, sources told Sky News.

The Afghan soldier opened fire after a meeting between Afghan provincial leaders and Donald Yamamoto, a former ambassador to Ethiopia, Eritrea and Djibouti, in the compound of the provincial governor in Jalalabad.

According to sources, a convoy was leaving the compound when the Afghan soldier shot at the last car using a vehicle-mounted machine gun.

Mr Yamamoto, who was recently appointed as special advisor to Afghanistan, had already left the compound by this stage and was unharmed.

The American soldier, who has not been named, was part of a unit training and advising Afghan forces 

General Fazel Ahmad Sherzad, police chief for eastern Nangarhar province, said American troops immediately returned fire, killing the Afghan soldier.

An Afghan interpreter working with the US troops had previously said no American soldiers had died in the incident.

It is the second insider attack in the country this year, after an Afghan soldier killed three American contractors on 29 January.

The Western-backed Afghan government's 13-year war against the insurgents has intensified as both sides seek to strengthen their positions ahead of possible peace talks.

However, the Taliban did not immediately claim responsibility for the latest attack and many such attacks are believed to stem from personal grudges and cultural misunderstandings.

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US Soldier Killed In Afghan Insider Attack

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