Coalition With Nationalists 'Would Be Treason'

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 09 April 2015 | 00.27

By Joe Tidy, Sky News Reporter

A coalition government with the Scottish National Party, Plaid Cymru or Sinn Féin would be tantamount to "treason", according to the English Democrats.

The party, formed in 2002 to bring about English independence from Britain, made the comments at the launch of their General Election campaign.

In a speech at the Hung, Drawn And Quartered pub in central London, party chairman Robin Tilbrook pointed out that the title of the drinking hole would be the sort of punishment that the likes of SNP and Plaid Cymru supporters could have faced in the past.

Behind the jokes, Mr Tilbrook said there was a serious issue about the English not having a strong enough voice in government.

:: Full Coverage Of General Election 2015

"Look at last week's leaders' debate which had Nicola Sturgeon being the strong voice for Scotland and Leanne Wood for Wales," he said.

"We need a strong voice for England."

The party is hoping to match Plaid Cymru's number of parliamentary candidates and field around 40 in May, but admits that funding and interest is relatively low.

Mr Tilbrook said: "We have around 3,500 members which isn't an insignificant number.

"But we need to get our membership up to about 10,000 to really be fully self-sustained - so I am keen to build the party. This election will be important.

"I don't think we'll win any seats but if we get the kind of government that we think we will have, people in England will start to wake up.

"I believe we will one day have an independence referendum in England."

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