Army Cadet 'Left Pregnant By Recruiter's Rape'

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 09 April 2015 | 00.27

An Army recruitment sergeant carried out sex attacks on 11 victims as young as 15 while working at an Army careers centre, a jury has heard.

Edwin Mee, from Croydon, south London, left a young cadet pregnant after raping her during his campaign of sex abuse against female recruits, it is claimed.

The 45-year-old established a "pattern of bullying sexual behaviour that was repeated again and again," London's Southwark Crown Court was told.

Prosecutors say the "bullying" Scottish officer, known as Jock, had a preference for vulnerable black women born overseas.

The divorced father-of-five is said to have carried out the attacks on women, aged from 15 to their early 20s, between October 2010 and September 2011.

One of the women, a virgin in her early 20s, became pregnant when Mee raped her in a locked waiting room, the court heard.

Doctors found she had a ruptured ectopic pregnancy and was operated on after collapsing in hospital.

It is alleged when she called Mee to tell him what had happened, he replied "I thought you were safe" and never spoke to her again.

Mee would stay later at the careers centre and hold interviews with applicants out of hours to "deliberately" target his alleged victims, the jury heard.

He disregarded normal Army interview procedures to keep the complainants to himself and "gauge their vulnerability".

Prosecutor Rosina Cottage QC said the attacks had been an "abuse of trust and power by this defendant in order to bully and groom young women".

He would speak to the women about sex, touch them and in the most serious instances rape those he had established control over, she said.

"A number of the complainants in this case were young black women, born outside the United Kingdom," she added.

"Whether the defendant believed that this gave them a vulnerability in relation to their immigration status, or gave him an excuse to pretend that he had some power over them, the inference that the prosecution say can be drawn is that he deliberately targeted these young women."

Alleged victims had been left in no doubt that they should "put up or shut up", Ms Cottage said.

One of the complainants, aged 16 at the time, claimed Mee slapped her bottom and, when she complained, told her: "It's you who needs the Army."

The woman decided not to pursue a career in the Army "because of the defendant's behaviour".

The youngest alleged victim was 15 when she went several times to the recruitment office.

He asked her for a date and tried to kiss her on the lips in a corridor, but she turned away and he "got her on the cheek," the court heard.

Mee denies 17 counts of sexual assault, three rapes and one count of assault by penetration.

The trial continues.

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