Terrorism Officers Investigate Death Of Preacher

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 09 April 2015 | 00.27

Detectives from the Counter Terrorism Command are investigating the death of a Syrian preacher in north-west London.

Abdul Hadi Arwani, 48, was found in his Volkswagen Passat in Wembley with a gunshot wound to the chest on Tuesday morning.

Mr Arwani, a British national born in Syria, was living in west London and was a preacher at the An-Noor Mosque in Acton.

Officers from the Counter Terrorism Command unit have taken the lead in the investigation because of their "expertise in the management of investigations with international dimensions and an established liaison network abroad", Scotland Yard said in a statement.

The force said: "The investigation remains in its very early stages and officers remain open-minded about the motive."

A post-mortem examination into Mr Arwani's death will take place on Thursday. Formal identification has not yet taken place.

Mr Arwani is said to be a staunch critic of the Bashar al Assad regime in Syria.

An-Noor Mosque has previously hosted the son of radical preacher Abu Hamza, and was the location for the November 2013 escape of terror suspect Mohammed Ahmed Mohamed, who dressed himself in a burka.

Supporters posted messages about the preacher's death on Twitter.

One read: "Just received the news Sheikh Abdul Hadi has been murdered. May Allah grant him jannatul firdous [paradise]."

Another wrote: "Former imam of Masjid an-Noor in Acton, Sheikh Abdul Hadi Arwani has been found shot dead in his car. May Allah have mercy on him and accept him."

:: Anyone with information should contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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