Scone Way Round! PM In Jam Over Cream Tea

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 11 April 2015 | 00.48

It's been a food-themed week for the Prime Minister - from eating a hot dog with a knife and fork in Poole, to his haggis and square sausage breakfast in Edinburgh, and now Sconegate in Devon.

The age-old question baffling David Cameron today is what comes first - the jam or the cream?

Choosing the 'correct' answer is something that divides the South West into the jam-first Cornish and the cream-first Devonians.

But the PM got it wrong: favouring the Cornwall method in Devon.

Eek, that is a food faux pas that will tickle the local press.

And the South West media will be getting used to seeing Mr Cameron in their patch.

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The Tory election mantra is there are only 23 more seats needed for a majority so the key to this campaign is focus - targeting the most marginal seats.

And just as voters in different parts of the country layer their jam and cream up differently, they also have varying political tastes.

In Plymouth in Devon, there is the traditional Labour v Tory fight.

But earlier in the week when we visited North Cornwall, the Conservatives had their coalition rivals in mind.

In fact, the repeated visits to the South West are, in part, to do with a belief that here Lib Dems could be the softest targets, whose downfall could help push the Tories towards a majority.

The Prime Minister told me that he tends to go jam first when it comes to a tasty scone.

But politically speaking, he will use any technique that might work when it comes to winning seats in the South West.

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