John Lennon's Former Wife Cynthia Dies

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 02 April 2015 | 00.27

John Lennon's first wife Cynthia has died at her home in Spain, aged 75.

Her son Julian Lennon said in a statement she died "following a short but brave battle with cancer".

He said he had been "at her bedside throughout" and "the family are thankful for your prayers".

Julian also tweeted a picture of his mother inside a heart with the message "In Loving Memory".

Cynthia Lennon met the legendary songwriter at Liverpool Art College in 1957.

They were married just before Beatlemania took the world by storm.

At the height of the Fab Four's success, she was kept so far from the limelight that many female fans did not know Lennon was married.

She stayed at home bringing up their son Julian while The Beatles toured the world.

The pair divorced in 1968 over Lennon's relationship with Japanese artist Yoko Ono.

Cynthia was re-married several times after the divorce and published memoirs of her time with Lennon.

Lennon's former Beatles bandmate Ringo Starr tweeted: "Peace and love to Julian Lennon. God bless Cynthia love Ringo and Barbara xx."

Hunter Davies, who wrote the only official biography of The Beatles in 1968, said Cynthia was "a lovely woman".

"When I was writing the book I spent two years with them, visiting her home and spending time with her," he said.

"She was totally different from John in that she was quiet and reserved and calm. She was not a hippy at all.

"I think it was the attraction of opposites between them.

"When they got together at art school everyone was amazed - she was seen as refined and reserved and nobody thought they would last.

"John treated her appallingly. He slept with Yoko in their marital home and, as we discovered later, he also physically attacked her but she was loyal to him."

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