Hillsborough Survivor Saved By 'Kiss Of Life'

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 02 April 2015 | 00.27

Hillsborough Survivor Saved By 'Kiss Of Life'

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By Nick Martin, North Of England Correspondent

Survivors of the Hillsborough tragedy have given moving accounts of what happened to them that day.

They were called as witnesses to the inquests into the deaths of 96 Liverpool fans who died at the semi-final on 15 April, 1989.

Ian McDermott, who paid £6 for his ticket to attend the match between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest, told the jury that he was one of the fans who entered the stadium through a side gate which had been opened by police to allow fans into the ground.

He told the inquest he went through a tunnel at the Lepping's Lane end and arrived at a crowded pen three.

"I just describe it was a swirl. It was completely rotating all the time, never stayed still," he said.


  1. Gallery: Hillsborough Report: Key Figures

    Sir Norman Bettison was involved in the original internal inquiry for South Yorkshire Police and is now chief constable of the West Yorkshire force. Insists he has "nothing to hide"

David Duckenfield was chief supt of South Yorkshire Police and in charge of policing on the day of the disaster


Former South Yorkshire Police superintendent Bernard Murray was Duckenfield's deputy at the game. Was acquitted of manslaughter charges brought in a private prosecution in 2000. Died in 2006


Former South Yorkshire Police chief constable Peter Wright gave his backing to police version of events blaming fans. Died in 2011


The former Police Federation spokesman Paul Middup was among those who sought to place blame on Liverpool fans and his version of events contributed to the now notorious Sun front page

Hillsborough Survivor Saved By 'Kiss Of Life'

We use cookies to give you the best experience. If you do nothing we'll assume that it's ok.

By Nick Martin, North Of England Correspondent

Survivors of the Hillsborough tragedy have given moving accounts of what happened to them that day.

They were called as witnesses to the inquests into the deaths of 96 Liverpool fans who died at the semi-final on 15 April, 1989.

Ian McDermott, who paid £6 for his ticket to attend the match between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest, told the jury that he was one of the fans who entered the stadium through a side gate which had been opened by police to allow fans into the ground.

He told the inquest he went through a tunnel at the Lepping's Lane end and arrived at a crowded pen three.

"I just describe it was a swirl. It was completely rotating all the time, never stayed still," he said.


  1. Gallery: Hillsborough Report: Key Figures

    Sir Norman Bettison was involved in the original internal inquiry for South Yorkshire Police and is now chief constable of the West Yorkshire force. Insists he has "nothing to hide"

David Duckenfield was chief supt of South Yorkshire Police and in charge of policing on the day of the disaster


Former South Yorkshire Police superintendent Bernard Murray was Duckenfield's deputy at the game. Was acquitted of manslaughter charges brought in a private prosecution in 2000. Died in 2006


Former South Yorkshire Police chief constable Peter Wright gave his backing to police version of events blaming fans. Died in 2011


The former Police Federation spokesman Paul Middup was among those who sought to place blame on Liverpool fans and his version of events contributed to the now notorious Sun front page


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