Terror Accused's 'Suicide Bomber Claim'

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 25 Oktober 2012 | 00.27

A man accused with two others of plotting a huge terror attack said they were "suicide bombers driving around ready to take on England", a court has heard.

Irfan Khalid, Irfan Naseer, and Ashik Ali were covertly recorded by police as they drove through Birmingham in September last year.

They pretended to be Formula One commentators covering a race, talking about overtaking drivers including former champions Jensen Button and Nigel Mansell, Woolwich Crown Court heard.

But in the middle of the conversation, as they drove a VW Passat through the city with Ali's brother Bahadar, Khalid said: "It's the four suicide bombers driving around ready to take on England. Oh my God ... take them out", a jury heard.

At the time, the three men on trial are alleged to have been planning and fund-raising for a series of suicide bombs in an attack that could have been bigger than the July 7, 2005 atrocities.

Brian Altman QC, prosecuting, told the jury: "There you have, in the middle of the conversation, Khalid, clearly in his mind, it's 'the four suicide bombers'."

The defendants embarked on "clear terror planning" on September 16 last year, the court heard.

They were allegedly recorded talking at a flat and in the VW about how much explosive could be carried in a rucksack, about the making of bombs and how to use poison as part of a terror attack.

They made a plan to buy a cold pack used to treat sports injuries, with a cover story of a fake injury, because they believed it contained ammonium nitrate, a potential explosive component, the jury was told.

"In the early hours of September 16 the defendants embarked on detailed discussions about how to make an IED, and about sourcing the relevant chemicals to make an explosive mixture," Mr Altman said.

"Naseer can be heard teaching Ashik Ali about bomb making. Their discussion ranged from ammonium nitrate to detonators.

"They discussed chemical formulae, quantities of chemicals, syringes to be used to create a detonator, glue and drinking straws.

"As the bomb-making discussions progressed, the probe (listening device) captured Naseer and Ali in particular talking about items such as nail polish remover, powder from match heads, electrical wiring, the use of batteries, sulphuric acid, hydrogen peroxide, ice packs and alarm clocks."

Items including a syringe and a burnt note covered in formulae and diagrams were later found by police at the flat in Birmingham, the court heard.

They also spoke about fertiliser and compared its ammonium nitrate content with the sports injury cold packs, it was alleged.

Naseer, 31, Khalid and Ali, both 27, and all from Birmingham, are accused of engaging in conduct in preparation of terrorist acts, which they deny.

Naseer and Khalid are also accused of travelling to Pakistan for training in terrorism, and it is alleged that Naseer also helped others to travel to the country for the same purpose.

The trial continues.

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