Savile's Aide 'Lost For Words' Over Claims

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012 | 00.27

A woman who worked for the late Jimmy Savile for more than 30 years has said she is "lost for words" at the accusations against him.

Janet Cope, 70, said initially she could not believe what was being said about the former TV presenter - but now believes even she may have been duped.

In an interview with the Daily Mirror, Ms Cope admitted her former employer believed he was "untouchable" and was hugely controlling.

"Never risk being caught out," he explained. "Always ensure that you're in total control of any situation."

Ms Cope, who was Savile's PA for 32 years until she was sacked by him in 2001, described him as "eccentric and manipulative".

"He was always photographed with what he called dolly birds because he was terrified of growing old or being seen as old," the former PA went on.

Jimmy Savile Jimmy Savile at his prime as a Top Of The Pops presenter

"Image was vital to him. He was like Peter Pan, forever surrounding himself with youngsters. It was his elixir.

"On the face of it Jim led a celibate, nomadic and simple life which may have disguised a more sordid double life. I don't know, but he was clever enough to believe he'd get away with it and, if he did, he fooled me and many others.

Ms Cope - who learned she was losing her job when Savile abruptly said publicly at a meeting with Stoke Mandeville doctors "She's out" - still has trouble believing the TV star could have done the things he was accused of.

"He was a very, very clever man and if he could keep something like that covered up, he was even more clever than I gave him credit for.

"And it bothers me now because we rubbed along together for so many years, getting things done together."

Ms Cope did recall his terrible temper, suggesting he had used it to frighten and control everyone from hospital staff to fundraisers. Answering him back, she explained, would have been "more than my life was worth".

"I was frightened to death of him and I wasn't the only one. He loved the power he had over people.

"He didn't care if he upset people. Jim had no feeling, no emotions at all. He was a little distressed when his mother died, but that was the only time I ever saw any emotion. Nothing could hurt him."

A former barrister has been brought in to oversee the investigations into Savile at Stoke Mandeville, Broadmoor and Leeds General Infirmary.

Kate Lampard will provide "independent oversight" of the inquiries, the Prime Minister's official spokesman said on Wednesday.

The former deputy chair of the Financial Ombudsman Service was appointed by the Department of Health to keep a check on the three investigations.

A spokesman for the Department of Health said: "The Health Secretary has appointed Kate Lampard - a former practising barrister and former deputy chair of the Financial Ombudsman Service - to oversee the Department of Health's, and three NHS Trusts' input into the ongoing inquiries relating to Jimmy Savile's involvement with the NHS.

"She will provide oversight of the Stoke Mandeville, Leeds General Infirmary and Broadmoor inquiries as well as the Department of Health's inquiries into the appointment and role Savile held at Broadmoor Hospital.

"All relevant information from these inquiries will be passed to the police."

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