Jimmy Savile Inquiry Now Criminal Investigaton

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2012 | 00.48

Judge To Lead BBC's Savile Inquiry

Updated: 6:46am UK, Wednesday 17 October 2012

Former High Court judge Dame Janet Smith will lead the BBC's internal inquiry into sex abuse claims against Jimmy Savile, it has been announced.

The corporation also revealed former head of Sky News Nick Pollard will head a review into Newsnight and its decision to axe an investigative report about the late presenter.

A statement issued by the BBC said the Pollard Review would "seek to establish whether there were any failings in the BBC's management of the Newsnight investigation" into claims against Savile - and in the broadcast of tribute programmes after his death.

Meanwhile, Dame Janet will head up a review into the culture and practices of the BBC during Savile's time there and look into whether the broadcaster's child protection and whistleblowing arrangements are "fit for purpose".

The Smith Review will begin only once police have indicated they are happy for it to proceed. Sky News understands Mr Pollard's investigation could start in the next few days.

Downing Street had previously indicated David Cameron could order a public inquiry into the scandal once the BBC and police investigations are concluded.

Number 10 insisted it was still an option after Labour led calls for the Government to set up an independent inquiry into the sex abuse allegations.

A spokesman said: "Nothing has been ruled out, but our view is it would be premature to prejudge the outcome of the two BBC inquiries and the police investigation."

The comments came after Culture Secretary Maria Miller appeared to rule out an independent inquiry as she expressed confidence that BBC chiefs were taking the claims "very seriously".

Labour leader Ed Miliband is insisting that the BBC's internal investigations are not enough and the victims deserve more.

He told Sky News on Tuesday: "I think we owe it to the victims to say 'look we are not going to have the institutions where the activities took place investigating themselves, we are going to have a separate inquiry across all those institutions'.

"I think they deserve truth and justice - and I think that is the best way of getting to it."

He had earlier told ITV1's The Agenda: "These are horrific allegations. In order to do right by the victims I don't think the BBC can lead their own inquiry.

"We need a broad look at all the public institutions involved - the BBC, parts of the NHS and Broadmoor. This has got to be independent."

Labour wants an independent inquiry that has the power to call for documents and summon witnesses and would look at Savile's activities at the BBC, Stoke Mandeville hospital and Broadmoor.

Deputy Labour leader Harriet Harman also told Sky News on Tuesday that Savile's alleged victims would not be satisfied with the BBC investigating itself and insisted wider action was required.

"There was obviously a culture of silence which fermented a situation where more and more victims were able to be abused by Jimmy Savile," she said.

"Instead of just looking at the BBC, we need to look at those other organisations as well. Instead of a number of different inquiries, we need one inquiry to look at all these horrific allegations."

She added: "Until we have really got to the truth, then we can't ever be complacent that these sorts of things won't happen again."

Before Labour's demand, Ms Miller had rejected calls for an outside inquiry to restore the public's faith, warning it could hamper police investigations.

"In terms of a wider inquiry, we have a police investigation on-going at the moment," she said.

"Everybody would agree that it is really important that those individuals who have been victims know that that investigation can go on unfettered and that that should be our priority at this stage."

She cited the three separate internal investigations already launched by the BBC into the affair.

Police believe the DJ and television presenter's alleged catalogue of child sex abuse could have spanned six decades and included around 60 victims and are also investigating.

But former Met Police chief Sir Ian Blair has questioned the validity of a police investigation, given that Savile is no longer alive.

Appearing on Sky News, he said: "I don't quite know what this police inquiry is going to be into. They need to be taken seriously by the responsible authorities and when a man is dead, the police are not that person.

"It just seems to me that the police might be the right clearing house but this really is a matter for other authorities. Jimmy Savile is standing before a different tribunal now."

BBC director-general George Entwistle is due to appear before the Commons culture, media and sport select committee next week where he will face further questions about the affair.

Leeds North East MP Fabian Hamilton said his constituents, who turned out in their thousands to pay tribute to the broadcaster when he died, felt "betrayed and angry".

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