Andrew Mitchell Resigns After 'Plebs' Row

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2012 | 00.48

Andrew Mitchell has resigned from his role as the Government's Chief Whip.

The resignation follows claims he described police officers guarding Downing Street as "plebs".

Writing to the Prime Minister, Mr Mitchell said: "It is with enormous regret - not least because of the tremendous support and loyalty you have shown me during recent weeks - that I am writing to resign as your Chief Whip."

"Over the last two days it has become clear to me that whatever the rights and wrongs of the matter I will not be able to fulfil my duties as we would wish. Nor is it fair to continue to put my family and colleagues through this upsetting and damaging publicity."

"I have made clear to you - and I give you my categorical assurance again - that I did not, never have and never would call a police officer a "pleb" or a "moron" or used any of the other pejorative descriptions attributed to me."  

The offending comment and the reason for my apology to the police was my parting remark 'I thought you guys were supposed to f****** help us'.  It was obviously wrong of me to use such bad language and I am very sorry about it and grateful to the police officer for accepting my apology."

In a letter from the Prime Minister, David Cameron said: "I understand why you have reached the conclusion you have, and why you have reached the conclusion you have, and why you have decided to resign from the Government."

"I regret that this has become necessary, and I am very grateful for all you have done, both in Government and in Opposition - as well as for the kind words in your letter."

The Prime Minister later adds: "As you have acknowledged, the incident in Downing Street was not acceptable and you were right to apologise for it."

More to follow.

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